Zone1 This Is For All Of The People Mocking God and Saying That He Doesn't Exist

you are all idiots WE ARE GOD PEOPLE...nobody worships egyptian gods anymore....therefore those gods dont exist anymore....

Ancient Egyptians never really had and "gods." They were idols, demons, and false doctrines.
Your God is a scary guy

I would rather worship a loving God
He's only scary to those who are in rebellion.
Jesus made great promises to those who follow the only true God:
Fear not little flock. It is My Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.

He also said-"the wicked will be ASHES under the feet of the righteous."

Maybe you have good reason to fear my Father
He's only scary to those who are in rebellion.
Jesus made great promises to those who follow the only true God:
Fear not little flock. It is My Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.

He also said-"the wicked will be ASHES under the feet of the righteous."

Maybe you have good reason to fear my Father
Why would you worship a God you have to fear?

I would rather worship a God I could have a beer with
Why would you worship a God you have to fear?

I would rather worship a God I could have a beer with
I don't. And since there are not many gods to choose from, you have no options.

The English translation of "fear God" doesn't mean what you imply. It means STAND IN AWE.
After this life ends for you, you will certainly "fear God". He is not your beer drinking buddy.

This life is His test to see where your heart lies. There are no do overs. Good luck with your beer god
I don't. And since there are not many gods to choose from, you have no options.

This life is His test to see where your heart lies. There are no do overs. Good luck with your beer god
There are many Gods to choose from
What makes you think you chose the right one?

You know how angry God can be if you choose wrong
There might be some kind of power behind the universe (we're too simple to figure it out, like a dog can't do math)......

I also have a feeling that that "power" might like a bit of nastiness, suffering and bloodshed. Might be entertainment for whatever "it" is.
look around and convince me otherwise.
There might be some kind of power behind the universe.... I also have a feeling that that "power" might like a bit of nastiness, suffering and bloodshed. Might be entertainment for whatever "it" is.
Look around and convince me otherwise.
God gave us free will. God desires someone to love Him by choice, not by coercion. Just as man would desire a wife who chooses to love him, over one who is forced to marry him. No different than a parent feeling greater love for a child who strives and suffers to become something greater in life --- as opposed to all pleasures and trophies being handed to him. Jesus suffered on the cross for all of our sins and betrayals. He asks his faithful to pick up their own cross and suffer in pain and sorrow in gratitude for how Jesus suffered for our redemption.

Jesus said “If you will not believe the words I give you, then believe in the works I perform.” It was Jesus’ miracles that convinced his contemporaries --- and so many miracles since that should convince you of the truth.
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Don't say that we (us Christians) didn't warn you when Satan the snake bites you.

Alright. We can divide this up in two ways.

Certain behaviors that are referenced as sin can have negative consequences. Drunkenness, gluttony, multiple sexual partners, male homosexuality, stealing, adultery, murdering and bearing false witness can get you killed or have negative health consequences. Yes. You can warn people about the dangers of these things but God never has to be mentioned. You can just share experiences or the experiences of others to warn someone of the dangers.

To warn me about an imaginary being is not the same thing. This is not for those who have genuinely spoke to God or have actually been to hell. This is for the people that are full of prunes and have absolutely zero awareness of such fantastic tales existing in reality but pretend they know. This is not warning people. This is called intentionally spewing lies. I don’t know what motivates people to deliberately tell lies.

So warning me about dangerous behaviors mentioned in the Bible is kind and loving. Warning me about something of which you have no knowledge is down right dishonest. The snake in the yard is a tangible example. Hell is not. Neither is the devil. Few if any have verification of this nonsense. I sure don’t. So why would I warn anybody and look like a full blown liar? I won’t.

I don't believe in Joe Biden but I mock him about every day

For you see, I got....I got................I got hairy legs that have blond hairs the flair up high in the sun, and children like to come by and stroke those hairs and watch them bounce back up again...........

But I digress.

You honestly don’t believe Joe Biden exists? That’s fair I guess. The only US President I know that actually exists is Bill Clinton. That’s only because I seen him with my own two eyes. However, I do believe the others exist including Joe Biden. I don’t believe in God because there are so few eye witnesses and those eye witnesses are untrustworthy in my opinion. Even Moses was only allowed to see the hind parts of God and Moses was a super special son of a gun.

20 And he said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.

21 And the Lord said, Behold, there is a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon a rock:

22 And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a clift of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by:

23 And I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not be seen.

Exodus 33:20-23
That Snake story has to be one of the DUMBEST explanations for the existence of God I have ever heard

All it proves is that she understands the concept of analogy. She made no argument for the existence of God or an argument why she warns people about God. I bet she has never even seen Him. She certainly hasn’t seen the God of the Bible. That is easy to prove. She is still alive. Anybody who sees God’s face shall die. It’s in the scripture.
There might be some kind of power behind the universe (we're too simple to figure it out, like a dog can't do math)......

I also have a feeling that that "power" might like a bit of nastiness, suffering and bloodshed. Might be entertainment for whatever "it" is.
look around and convince me otherwise.

There are clues in scripture. When a sin was committed God became furious. Someone had to pay. So God had them punish innocent animals and burn their flesh. This made God very happy. It was a sweet savour unto Lord. It was the smell of vengeance. Somebody had to pay for wronging God. He didn’t care who. The burning flesh was satisfying that God had been avenged. If that god exists, does He enjoy violence? I think that argument could be made very easily with a bulk of scripture references as evidence. Didn’t this God have His only son murdered?

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