This is 1938. First They Came for the Unvaccinated.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

This is 1938. First They Came for the Unvaccinated.​

8 Aug 2021 ~~ By Wayne Allen Root
It’s time for alarm bells. It’s time for me to play the part of Paul Revere. “The communist tyrants and dictators are coming. The communist tyrants and dictators are coming.” They’re coming first for unvaccinated Americans.
This is 1938. I’m a Jew. I now understand just a little of what it felt like to be a Jew in 1938. No, it’s not the Holocaust. Nothing can be compared to the Holocaust. Ever.
But 1938 was not the Holocaust. It was the pre-Holocaust. It was the days before the nightmare, when the foundation was being laid to destroy the freedom, free speech, businesses and lives of millions of Jews.
Everything happening today to the American people…to the US Constitution…to freedom…and in particular to unvaccinated Americans reminds me of 1938. This is only the beginning. It gets much worse from here.
First, “the papers.” Vaccine mandates and vaccine passports are just like 1938 when the Gestapo demanded papers from every German.
Republicans asked for “papers” from illegal aliens who had broken into our country. Criminals. Democrats said “no, that’s racism.” Republicans asked for “papers” once every two years for federal elections, to prove you have a right to vote. Democrats said “no, that’s racism.”
Now Democrats want American citizens, not illegal aliens, not criminals, but patriots born in this country, to produce papers 24/7. We’ll need papers to enter restaurants, bars, nightclubs, concerts, casinos, conventions, hotels, to board a train, plane, bus. We’ll need papers to enter a supermarket, or we’ll starve to death. All for the crime of being unvaccinated against…wait for it…
The Flu
All for the crime of being unwilling to inject an untested, rushed to production, experimental, “for emergency use only, shot into our bodies.
What happened to the war cry of Democrats, “My body, my choice”? It only applies to murdering babies, but it doesn’t apply to dangerous experimental shots that we don’t want injected into our bodies?
Only days ago, a former Obama Homeland Security official said the unvaccinated should go on “NO FLY LISTS.” That’s exactly how Nazis attacked the Jews and others who disagreed with their agenda. It was always lists. Lists to be disappeared in the middle of the night, lists of those to be sent to re-education camps, lists of those to be sent to concentration camps, lists of enemies of the state. It’s happening again. Maybe this time you’ll only lose your job, or free speech. This is again 1938.
It’s all disgusting and disgraceful. But I’m warning you, this is just the start. It’s all going downhill from here- fast. This is the end of America. This is 1938.
Unless we stop it now. Unless we take a stand now. Unless we draw a line in the sand now.
First, they came for the unvaccinated. Trust me, next they’re coming for you.

Of course the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies will try to tell us that the "My Body, My Choice" mantra is reserved only for the unborn child murderers of Planned Parenthood participating in the eugenics of population control.
It is by design. Covid-19 has seen the biggest one-year wealth transfer in history.. That doesn't happen by accident.
For starters:
  • Workers lost $3.7 Trillion around the world last year.
  • Billionaires won $3.9 Trillion. See link.
  • There's a parallel with the USSR where small/medium businesses were destroyed, bringing more people under control of the state, just like the kulaks (wealthy peasants) were destroyed by the Bolsheviks.
  • Another parallel is that the Democrats are over 50% funded by the same minority which led the Bolshevik revolution.
  • Biden's key handlers belong to this minority as well.
  • The media which flogs the Covid-19 PsyOp is run by this minority too.
  • And he definitely won't tell you that the CEOs of Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca all belong to this minority too.
  • Are vaccinations the modern form of culling of the peasants?
This is just the beginning, by adding you to a "No No" database list, you'll also be added to lists of those who can't purchase or own a gun, can't fly or board a plane, can't attend, can't start an account, etc., without the "Jab", take a mere click of a mouse, or flick of a switch to do this in our digital age.
We should not lose sight of who has conspired and worked against the American people to force this war, here's a reminder:
  • The elite,
  • PMS/DSA Dem politicians,
  • Big Pharma,
  • mega banks,
  • mega corporations,
  • Big Tech Corporations and
  • Quisling media, their Leftist JournOlists,
We should reserve our energy and resources as they should be at the top of everyone's list when thinking about restoring our country and dealing with those guilty.
2016 to 2020 was the start of the restoration only to be snatched away by a fraudulent election
Above all stand together and stand strong, share what you can and teach your skills to all who oppose this and are willing to learn new skills to help each other survive.

This fucking guy.

Obviously you know little of Twentieth Century history.
The over use of the word commie is making it a boring word and it has no emotive impact in yer statement.

By not using the word hides the motives of Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats operating within our gov't.

Read the history on who originally

This is 1938. First They Came for the Unvaccinated.​

8 Aug 2021 ~~ By Wayne Allen Root
It’s time for alarm bells. It’s time for me to play the part of Paul Revere. “The communist tyrants and dictators are coming. The communist tyrants and dictators are coming.” They’re coming first for unvaccinated Americans.
This is 1938. I’m a Jew. I now understand just a little of what it felt like to be a Jew in 1938. No, it’s not the Holocaust. Nothing can be compared to the Holocaust. Ever.
But 1938 was not the Holocaust. It was the pre-Holocaust. It was the days before the nightmare, when the foundation was being laid to destroy the freedom, free speech, businesses and lives of millions of Jews.
Everything happening today to the American people…to the US Constitution…to freedom…and in particular to unvaccinated Americans reminds me of 1938. This is only the beginning. It gets much worse from here.
First, “the papers.” Vaccine mandates and vaccine passports are just like 1938 when the Gestapo demanded papers from every German.
Republicans asked for “papers” from illegal aliens who had broken into our country. Criminals. Democrats said “no, that’s racism.” Republicans asked for “papers” once every two years for federal elections, to prove you have a right to vote. Democrats said “no, that’s racism.”
Now Democrats want American citizens, not illegal aliens, not criminals, but patriots born in this country, to produce papers 24/7. We’ll need papers to enter restaurants, bars, nightclubs, concerts, casinos, conventions, hotels, to board a train, plane, bus. We’ll need papers to enter a supermarket, or we’ll starve to death. All for the crime of being unvaccinated against…wait for it…
The Flu
All for the crime of being unwilling to inject an untested, rushed to production, experimental, “for emergency use only, shot into our bodies.
What happened to the war cry of Democrats, “My body, my choice”? It only applies to murdering babies, but it doesn’t apply to dangerous experimental shots that we don’t want injected into our bodies?
Only days ago, a former Obama Homeland Security official said the unvaccinated should go on “NO FLY LISTS.” That’s exactly how Nazis attacked the Jews and others who disagreed with their agenda. It was always lists. Lists to be disappeared in the middle of the night, lists of those to be sent to re-education camps, lists of those to be sent to concentration camps, lists of enemies of the state. It’s happening again. Maybe this time you’ll only lose your job, or free speech. This is again 1938.
It’s all disgusting and disgraceful. But I’m warning you, this is just the start. It’s all going downhill from here- fast. This is the end of America. This is 1938.
Unless we stop it now. Unless we take a stand now. Unless we draw a line in the sand now.
First, they came for the unvaccinated. Trust me, next they’re coming for you.

Of course the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies will try to tell us that the "My Body, My Choice" mantra is reserved only for the unborn child murderers of Planned Parenthood participating in the eugenics of population control.
It is by design. Covid-19 has seen the biggest one-year wealth transfer in history.. That doesn't happen by accident.
For starters:
  • Workers lost $3.7 Trillion around the world last year.
  • Billionaires won $3.9 Trillion. See link.
  • There's a parallel with the USSR where small/medium businesses were destroyed, bringing more people under control of the state, just like the kulaks (wealthy peasants) were destroyed by the Bolsheviks.
  • Another parallel is that the Democrats are over 50% funded by the same minority which led the Bolshevik revolution.
  • Biden's key handlers belong to this minority as well.
  • The media which flogs the Covid-19 PsyOp is run by this minority too.
  • And he definitely won't tell you that the CEOs of Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca all belong to this minority too.
  • Are vaccinations the modern form of culling of the peasants?
This is just the beginning, by adding you to a "No No" database list, you'll also be added to lists of those who can't purchase or own a gun, can't fly or board a plane, can't attend, can't start an account, etc., without the "Jab", take a mere click of a mouse, or flick of a switch to do this in our digital age.
We should not lose sight of who has conspired and worked against the American people to force this war, here's a reminder:
  • The elite,
  • PMS/DSA Dem politicians,
  • Big Pharma,
  • mega banks,
  • mega corporations,
  • Big Tech Corporations and
  • Quisling media, their Leftist JournOlists,
We should reserve our energy and resources as they should be at the top of everyone's list when thinking about restoring our country and dealing with those guilty.
2016 to 2020 was the start of the restoration only to be snatched away by a fraudulent election
Above all stand together and stand strong, share what you can and teach your skills to all who oppose this and are willing to learn new skills to help each other survive.

What BS.. This is an epidemic like Yellow Fever or Smallpox or Polio.
Hmm...., I know I'm hitting a raw nerve with Progressive Marxist Socialist//DSA/CPUSA Democrats when all the roaches begin scurrying to negate disrupt the post....
Let’s not compare this to the mass murder of 6 million Jews !!

The genocide/mass murders didn't begin until after 1939....with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
In fact the Russians kicked it off with the massacre of Polish officers in the Katyn Forest.
Then the Nazi's came up with the "Final Solution" of genocide.
Meanwhile Stalinist Communists had the own Pogroms of genocide like the Holodomor of 1932...
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Hmm...., I know I'm hitting a raw nerve with Progressive Marxist Socialist//DSA/CPUSA Democrats when all the roaches begin scurrying to negate disrupt the post....
Yeah...but you know what? If the full on Holodomor does happen in the US...these shitlibs with their blue hair, BLM, and homo flags are gonna be the first ones getting some lead in their diet.'s kind of a win IMO.
What BS.. This is an epidemic like Yellow Fever or Smallpox or Polio.


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