This Interview Was a Disaster for Biden


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Immediately deflects to Trump to avoid his guilt.
Come on ma’aaan ! What about the Trump kids?

Uh … they’ve been negotiating Peace in the Middle East … negotiating the USMCA … to mention a couple things. You know … actual Public SERVICE! Not Public GRAFT!

Yes, all will be lost on the low information voter. Orange Man’s kid’s BAD!

Joe said everything the average low information voter wanted to hear.

The interview was great. The best part was him not repeating multiple continuous lies, falsehoods, and misinformation.
Crackheads need a lot of money. If the opportunity arises, Hunter and Joe will return to the extortion well again. What these two did in Russian, Ukraine and China is real collusion. Corrupt bastards that they are. MAGA
Immediately deflects to Trump to avoid his guilt.
Come on ma’aaan ! What about the Trump kids?

Uh … they’ve been negotiating Peace in the Middle East … negotiating the USMCA … to mention a couple things. You know … actual Public SERVICE! Not Public GRAFT!

Yes, all will be lost on the low information voter. Orange Man’s kid’s BAD!

Joe said everything the average low information voter wanted to hear.


He's lying. It's obvious.
What did he lie about?

He did say that there is zero evidence of wrong doing.

When the fact is that Hunter, the drug addict, got paid millions while having zero expertise for the task.

It is obvious rampant corruption.
Connected kids and relatives make money from their ability to make connections for their clients or employers. Always been that way. If you need or want a phone call or meeting with a big shot CEO, corporate executive, or politician, you have your highly paid connection make arrangements. Otherwise, wait in line like everyone else.
He threatened to withhold a billion dollars unless the Ukraine fired the prosecutor that was investigating his son. Ukraine fired the prosecutor and the Bidens were no longer being investigated. That's textbook extortion. It's also a blatant abuse of power for using his elected office to shake down Ukraine for his families enrichment. Freakin crook. MAGA, for honest government.
He's lying. It's obvious.
What did he lie about?
You think Joe had no clue what his son was doing in a nation Joe was directly involving himself with?
That's the biggest lie he was telling. Every father would know. If not, you're a piece of shit father. Every "VP" of the US would know what his son was doing. it's painfully obvious. There would be lots of discussion on the topic between the two. No way around it.
Joe Biden didn't know his son who he routinely met with was raking in millions from the very foreign countries Biden was dealing with as VP...riiiiiiiight. :eusa_hand:
Immediately deflects to Trump to avoid his guilt.
Come on ma’aaan ! What about the Trump kids?

Uh … they’ve been negotiating Peace in the Middle East … negotiating the USMCA … to mention a couple things. You know … actual Public SERVICE! Not Public GRAFT!

Yes, all will be lost on the low information voter. Orange Man’s kid’s BAD!

Joe said everything the average low information voter wanted to hear.



That's Joe's tell. Every time he says "come on man" he is lying about something. Every..... fucking...... time.
Another example of the MSM not challenging Biden. Journalist should have brought up why people within the Obama administration had spoke out at the time of the conflict of interest surrounding Hunter's business dealings, and also should have asked if Obama ever mentioned the issue with Biden. And when TRUMP's kids were mentioned journalist should have come back with TRUMP's kids willingly gave testimony to congress, and asked for Hunters commitment to do the same.
Tucker Carlson' s program last night shows that the axeis about to fall on Biden. I still don't know how to link stuff, so I hope you will go to and look up his show from last night, Sept 23 2020. I'm so totally happy he finally got the big scoop that will put Joe Biden behind bsrs for using his Vice Presidential credential to extort billions of dollars for personal wealth. Extortion and Presidential misconduct by Oba.a were also revealed in Carlson's program.
Immediately deflects to Trump to avoid his guilt.
Come on ma’aaan ! What about the Trump kids?

Uh … they’ve been negotiating Peace in the Middle East … negotiating the USMCA … to mention a couple things. You know … actual Public SERVICE! Not Public GRAFT!

Yes, all will be lost on the low information voter. Orange Man’s kid’s BAD!

Joe said everything the average low information voter wanted to hear.

Omg his creepy laugh about why are you
Asking about Trump , like he works for him wow

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