They keep releasing gun criminals, they even release school shooters.....this is insane.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
We don't have a gun problem in the U.S.

We have a problem with, in particular, the democrat party releasing violent gun offenders over and over again.

In this case, however, I can't say it was a democrat or democrats responsible......what it does show, is that we can't even keep school shooters in prison.......and then asshat, anti-gun extremists will blame normal people who own guns for self defense, sport, hunting and competition........while they keep releasing the actual, violent gun offenders...

This is Illinois, however, so the likelihood that the people releasing him were democrats is really good...

this guy brought a gun to school with the intent to commit murder......he fired at people and hit at least one student.....and they let him out of jail in a year.....


It was there, inside the large room, that McQueen and the resource officer saw the male student spraying gunfire.
A young man, she would learn that day, had brought a pistol to school intent on killing a girl and who knows how many others who he felt had wronged him. McQueen got word that someone might have a gun only moments before things went sideways.

The would-be mass murderer? Illinois let him out of juvenile prison less than a year later. Unbelievably, when the state wanted to return him to the community, locals objected and he has since been placed elsewhere.

It makes perfect sense if you are trying to ruin a nation by turning it into a Marxist socialist society.

To have any chance of creating a Marist society that will last, civilian ownership of firearms must be extremely limited.

The democrats are hoping that the rising gun violence rate will finally get the voters to approve draconian gun regulations. Hopefully the voters are smarter than the democrats think they are so the Second Amendment will not be scrapped.
The would-be mass murderer? Illinois let him out of juvenile prison less than a year later. Unbelievably, when the state wanted to return him to the community, locals objected and he has since been placed elsewhere.


He didn't kill anyone. He spent a year in a juvenile facility, where he obviously got counselling.

I mean, let's be blunt, we have 100 million Americans with a police record... I don't think we can lock them all up for life.
This issue is 100% about two things.

Lawyer profits

Democrats and some republicans practicing preferential treatment

Urban areas release career criminals while keeping first timers in for the full sentence. This is all about scum In government and the legal profession stealing our money while creating "crisis" to scare us into giving up rights.

My late paternal grandfather was murdered by a 40 something with 15 felony convictions.

5 felonies and that should be life (either in prison or ending it now)
We don't have a gun problem in the U.S.

We have a problem with, in particular, the democrat party releasing violent gun offenders over and over again.

In this case, however, I can't say it was a democrat or democrats responsible......what it does show, is that we can't even keep school shooters in prison.......and then asshat, anti-gun extremists will blame normal people who own guns for self defense, sport, hunting and competition........while they keep releasing the actual, violent gun offenders...

This is Illinois, however, so the likelihood that the people releasing him were democrats is really good...

this guy brought a gun to school with the intent to commit murder......he fired at people and hit at least one student.....and they let him out of jail in a year.....


It was there, inside the large room, that McQueen and the resource officer saw the male student spraying gunfire.
A young man, she would learn that day, had brought a pistol to school intent on killing a girl and who knows how many others who he felt had wronged him. McQueen got word that someone might have a gun only moments before things went sideways.

The would-be mass murderer? Illinois let him out of juvenile prison less than a year later. Unbelievably, when the state wanted to return him to the community, locals objected and he has since been placed elsewhere.

What's the law? The judge is given freedom to judge with no restrictions, or congress or legislators write parameters and restrictions under the when bail can be had and when it can not for any certain crime.

The problem can be corrected, through legislation. ( providing it is constitutional)
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He didn't kill anyone. He spent a year in a juvenile facility, where he obviously got counselling.

I mean, let's be blunt, we have 100 million Americans with a police record... I don't think we can lock them all up for life.
People can be given a life sentence if the activity that they are guilty of is severe enough. People who lose their loved ones to murder are without a doubt given a life sentence.

He didn't kill anyone. He spent a year in a juvenile facility, where he obviously got counselling.

I mean, let's be blunt, we have 100 million Americans with a police record... I don't think we can lock them all up for life.

How about we just lock up the guys who tried to murder lots of freaking moron...
Urban areas release career criminals while keeping first timers in for the full sentence. This is all about scum In government and the legal profession stealing our money while creating "crisis" to scare us into giving up rights.

My late paternal grandfather was murdered by a 40 something with 15 felony convictions.

5 felonies and that should be life (either in prison or ending it now)

Um, yeah, they tried that... and you ended up having guys facing live in prison for stealing slices of pizza and tube socks.

How about we just lock up the guys who tried to murder lots of freaking moron...

How about we just make it impossible for someone like that to get a gun? This kid was obviously disturbed, probably the subject of bullying this school did nothing about. He didn't hurt anyone and he won't do it again.

The thing is, most people who get into trouble learn their lesson... that's why we have 100 million with police records but most never got into trouble a second time.

People can be given a life sentence if the activity that they are guilty of is severe enough. People who lose their loved ones to murder are without a doubt given a life sentence.

Except most murderers don't get life sentences. And the majority of people in prison aren't in there for murder.
Translation - just let them out or we will call you racist.
Except most murderers don't get life sentences. And the majority of people in prison aren't in there for murder.
I know of one murderer who was given life without parole and I could be wrong, but I am guessing what saved him from execution, unlike his shooting buddy, was his being under age when the shootings happened. Their names are John Mohammad and John Lee Malvo and their activity took place in the Washington DC area in 2002.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. John Mohammad was executed on November 10, 2009. Why so many years on death row? I have no idea. Any help answering that question will be appreciated.
Meanwhile the top law-enforcement agency in the U.S., the FBI, is charged with tracking down and incarcerating mom and pop alleged criminal trespassers.

Uh, guy, you all gave up any right to bitch about school shooters when after Sandy Hook, you said, "Naw, it'll be fine" and didn't pass any gun control.

Learn to live with school shootings, kids. the Founding Slave Rapists said so.
People can change entirely somewhere between 15 and 20 years of age.
These sorts of suicidal mass shootings are not normal.
They are not rational, based on a thought out cause and effect.
They are an aberration.
They show a sort of insanity, dislocation from reality.
Too much stress.
Social pressure.
They are not an indicator of what the person will grow up to be.
People can change entirely somewhere between 15 and 20 years of age.
These sorts of suicidal mass shootings are not normal.
They are not rational, based on a thought out cause and effect.
They are an aberration.
They show a sort of insanity, dislocation from reality.
Too much stress.
Social pressure.
They are not an indicator of what the person will grow up to be.

And even then, we have 330 million 2019 we had a total of 12 mass public shootings......

12 people out of 330,000,000.............
Uh, guy, you all gave up any right to bitch about school shooters when after Sandy Hook, you said, "Naw, it'll be fine" and didn't pass any gun control.

Learn to live with school shootings, kids. the Founding Slave Rapists said so. vote for the actual political party of slave rapists, the democrats.......are you really this stupid?

330 million people in the U.S.....12 mass public shootings in 2019....

12, out of over 330 million people in the United States.

Total number of people killed in those 12 mass public shootings?


Compared to?

Deer kill 200 people a year.

Bathtubs kill 350 people a year.

Ladders kill 200 people a year.

Bees and wasps kill about 62 people every year, more than almost every mass public shooting.

Lawn mowers kill between 90-100 people a year.

In Japan, bathtubs actually kill between 14,000 and 19,000 people a year.
Last edited: vote for the actual political party of slave rapists, the democrats.......are you really this stupid?

330 million people in the U.S.....12 mass public shootings in 2019....

12, out of over 330 million people in the United States.

Total number of people killed in those 12 mass public shootings?


Compared to?

Deer kill 200 people a year.

Bathtubs kill 350 people a year.

Ladders kill 200 people a year.

Lawn mowers kill between 90-100 people a year.

In Japan, bathtubs actually kill between 14,000 and 19,000 people a year.
You vote for a party that allows crazy people to own firearms.

President Donald Trump responded to the El Paso and Dayton mass shootings by insisting Monday that “mental illness pulls the trigger not the gun,” but shortly after taking office he quietly rolled back an Obama-era regulation that would have made it harder for people with mental illness to buy guns.

Trump did so without any fanfare. In fact, the news that Trump had signed the bill was at the bottom of a White House email that alerted the media to other legislation signed by the president.

In a statement, the National Rifle Association said it "welcomes the President's call to address the root causes of the horrific acts of violence that have occurred in our country."

"It has been the NRA’s long-standing position that those who have been adjudicated as a danger to themselves or others should not have access to firearms and should be admitted for treatment," it said.

But two years ago, the NRA insisted the Obama rule infringed on Second Amendment rights to buy guns, even though the regulation specifically targeted people who were diagnosed with mental illness.

The NRA “applauded” Trump’s action at the time and then-executive director Chris Cox said the move “marks a new era for law-abiding gun owners, as we now have a president who respects and supports our arms.”

The Obama rule that Trump nullified had added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their financial affairs to the national background check database.

I guess they had to, Trumpaciles couldn't own a firearm.

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