They didn't vote for Trump and now wish they would have


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
The behavior of the left since the election has bound to have been a real turn off for many Americans.
Centrists I especially hope have took notice.

The contrarians: They didn’t vote for Trump, but they would now

David Kord Murray, the owner of a small business-finance company in California, admits he likes to be different — “to take the contrary position.” Yet even he is surprised to have reached his latest conclusion — that while he strongly supported Hillary Clinton during the campaign, and voted for her without reservation, he now wishes he had cast that vote for Donald Trump.

“I like what he’s doing, and I wish I had voted for him,” he says. Not having supported Trump sooner, he says, makes him “feel like a coward.”

A lot has been written since Election Day about people who didn’t vote at all and wish they had because they were unhappy with the results. And a lot more has been written about those who cast their vote for the winner and came to regret it. (There is even a popular Twitter account called @Trump_Regrets with more than a quarter of a million followers.) And there is talk of hushed Trump support, people who voted for him but don’t admit that to pollsters or their social circles.

But what of those who might be called “Donny-Come-Latelys”? People who did not support the candidate on Nov. 8, but now, 100 days in, find that they do?

There are probably not a lot of them. No national polls count them in particular, but Trump’s historically low approval rating indicates there has not been a surge of conversions. They are hard to find for interviews. When Yahoo put out an invitation on social media there were far more jokes about unicorns than there were people raising their hands. “I don’t believe such a person could possibly exist” was one typical response.

They do. And their reasons for changing their minds provide a glimpse at how the messages of this young administration are being heard by one slice of the population.

The contrarians: They didn’t vote for Trump, but they would now
From the original quote:
'There are probably not a lot of them. No national polls count them in particular, but Trump’s historically low approval rating indicates there has not been a surge of conversions. They are hard to find for interviews. '
I did not vote for Hillary or Trump. Not likely to vote for Trump in the future. I am disgusted with the Democrats. I am over their lying and I am done watching people cover for them. I am disgusted with the Republicans. I am disgusted with the media conglomerates. I am disgusted with people defending media conglomerates. I am disgusted with the fact that people don't give two shits about policy are jumping up and down yelling and screaming because they can. There are massive changes taking place in the US but the focus is on a team rather than the changes.
From the original quote:
'There are probably not a lot of them. No national polls count them in particular, but Trump’s historically low approval rating indicates there has not been a surge of conversions. They are hard to find for interviews. '
gotta wonder how many who voted for the trump moron would never vote for him again His first 100 days have been a disaster for all but the stock markets
Which is fun when you think about the number of Republicans that backed Hillary because the IMF was in the background fomenting disaster scenarios.
From the original quote:
'There are probably not a lot of them. No national polls count them in particular, but Trump’s historically low approval rating indicates there has not been a surge of conversions. They are hard to find for interviews. '
gotta wonder how many who voted for the trump moron would never vote for him again His first 100 days have been a disaster for all but the stock markets

And how has it been a disaster?
The Donald has been excellent so far in spite of the massive conspiracy to undermine him via democrats, their MSM, their academia, their Hollywood, etc. Wowsa, so many retarded responses being retarded. Folks, it is like where do you start and should you bother? That is why I always ask where someone attended high school before direct one on one debates. There are seriously retarded retards posting online. The fact is most rational, intelligent folks would vote for The Donald again. The democrats are sick, anti-white racist qu33rs basically.
Which is fun when you think about the number of Republicans that backed Hillary because the IMF was in the background fomenting disaster scenarios.
IMHO republicans are a different breed , they'll cut off an arm before voting for a dem
From the original quote:
'There are probably not a lot of them. No national polls count them in particular, but Trump’s historically low approval rating indicates there has not been a surge of conversions. They are hard to find for interviews. '
gotta wonder how many who voted for the trump moron would never vote for him again His first 100 days have been a disaster for all but the stock markets

And how has it been a disaster?

If you compare the list of things Trump said he would have done by the 100 day mark to what has actually been done, then you will have your answer
From the original quote:
'There are probably not a lot of them. No national polls count them in particular, but Trump’s historically low approval rating indicates there has not been a surge of conversions. They are hard to find for interviews. '
gotta wonder how many who voted for the trump moron would never vote for him again His first 100 days have been a disaster for all but the stock markets

And how has it been a disaster?
for starters making enemies of our 2 friends Mexico and Canada,,,,and changing or going back on most everything that got him elected
From the original quote:
'There are probably not a lot of them. No national polls count them in particular, but Trump’s historically low approval rating indicates there has not been a surge of conversions. They are hard to find for interviews. '
gotta wonder how many who voted for the trump moron would never vote for him again His first 100 days have been a disaster for all but the stock markets

And how has it been a disaster?

If you compare the list of things Trump said he would have done by the 100 day mark to what has actually been done, then you will have your answer

Is it written someplace that all the goals must be achieved by the 100 day mark?
From the original quote:
'There are probably not a lot of them. No national polls count them in particular, but Trump’s historically low approval rating indicates there has not been a surge of conversions. They are hard to find for interviews. '
gotta wonder how many who voted for the trump moron would never vote for him again His first 100 days have been a disaster for all but the stock markets

And how has it been a disaster?
for starters making enemies of our 2 friends Mexico and Canada,,,,and changing or going back on most everything that got him elected

There's plenty of time for his main goals to be achieved.
From the original quote:
'There are probably not a lot of them. No national polls count them in particular, but Trump’s historically low approval rating indicates there has not been a surge of conversions. They are hard to find for interviews. '
gotta wonder how many who voted for the trump moron would never vote for him again His first 100 days have been a disaster for all but the stock markets

And how has it been a disaster?

If you compare the list of things Trump said he would have done by the 100 day mark to what has actually been done, then you will have your answer

Is it written someplace that all the goals must be achieved by the 100 day mark?
not at all but his big 4 tax reform ,the wall HC, immigration seem to have gone nowhere,,There is a divided congress among the majority
From the original quote:
'There are probably not a lot of them. No national polls count them in particular, but Trump’s historically low approval rating indicates there has not been a surge of conversions. They are hard to find for interviews. '
gotta wonder how many who voted for the trump moron would never vote for him again His first 100 days have been a disaster for all but the stock markets

And how has it been a disaster?
for starters making enemies of our 2 friends Mexico and Canada,,,,and changing or going back on most everything that got him elected

There's plenty of time for his main goals to be achieved.
not without bi partisan help imo
It's Dems turn now
On Trump’s taxes, it’s the Democrats’ turn for a political stunt

Tax Day came and went this week without Donald Trump acknowledging that Americans should get to see their president’s tax returns. An overwhelming majority of citizens – including both Democrats and Republicans – think Trump should release those returns. So do we.

But how far should Democrats go to persuade the president?

A group of lawmakers have pledged this month not to pursue tax reform – which Trump badly wants to address – until they have a better idea how such reform would benefit the president and his family. The best way to learn that, of course, is through Trump’s tax returns.

“If he doesn’t release his tax returns, it is going to make it much more difficult to get tax reform done,” said Sen. Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader.

Schumer and others see the pledge as both leverage against Trump and a way to protect Americans from a president who wants to profit off his office. To that end, Democratic lawmakers are employing procedural maneuvers in an attempt not only to nudge Trump, but to get Republican lawmakers to join the arm-twisting, the New York Times reported Tuesday.

As far as political stunts go, it’s not a bad one. Democrats already have most Americans on their side regarding Trump’s tax returns, and tying those returns to tax reform seems logical. After all, no one wants their elected officials to pass legislation with their own bottom line in mind.

There’s also a case to be made for Democrats putting their foot down about the president’s larger lack of transparency. From the tax returns to a not-so-blind trust that allows Trump undisclosed business profits to last week’s news that the White House will no longer release visitors’ logs, Trump has been alarmingly secretive. Lawmakers, and Americans, should demand better.

Still, we’re not big fans of political stunts, and we’re especially wary of political hostage taking. We didn’t approve of it when Republicans shut down the government in 2013 because they wanted Obamacare gone. We don’t think Democrats should block significant policy discussion over something that’s just tangentially connected.

Yes, Trump could be the beneficiary of tax reform that includes, say, a repeal of the estate tax. But policy shouldn’t be crafted or scuttled based on how it affects any one person, even if that person is the president.

Plus, it won’t work. Democrats know that the last thing Trump will do is bow to this shake-down. The no-returns, no-reform pledge isn’t so much about changing the president’s mind as it is about rallying the base. It’s a tactic Republicans know well; they were quite successful these past eight years using obstructionism as a political tool.

Call us old-fashioned, but our elected officials should judge tax reform – or any policy – on its merits. We sent them to Washington to work on critical issues, not their re-election.


Read more here: On Trump’s taxes, it’s the Democrats’ turn for a political stunt
From the original quote:
'There are probably not a lot of them. No national polls count them in particular, but Trump’s historically low approval rating indicates there has not been a surge of conversions. They are hard to find for interviews. '
gotta wonder how many who voted for the trump moron would never vote for him again His first 100 days have been a disaster for all but the stock markets

And how has it been a disaster?

If you compare the list of things Trump said he would have done by the 100 day mark to what has actually been done, then you will have your answer

Is it written someplace that all the goals must be achieved by the 100 day mark?

Trump is the one that gave a long list of things that would be done by day 100. He was the one that put the 100 day limit on them

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