These are the people you folks want to kick out.

It's fucking incredible that people want to turn their backs on these kids.

Even moreso since it was this country that created the hellholes they live in.
I've been reading these Illegal Alien sob stories for at least 10 years. Some real, some fake, all embellished. The best ones seem to come out of the Wall Street Journal.

Actually, it was NAFTA that created those Hell Holes. So blame everyone who voted for it.

If their country is so bad then why don't they stay there and change it for the good? Or we can help THEM change it for good.
Saw this today.

It's hard to watch.

I feel nothing but empathy for this poor kid.

She watched her brother get shot and was told she was about to become property..or die.

Cable News Finally Asks A Real Migrant Teenager About The Immigration Crisis | ThinkProgress

Maria, a 17-year-old, paid a coyote to bring her into the United States after her brother was killed by a gang and she was threatened with death if she did not join it. Fighting tears, she described to Díaz-Balart the process of crossing the border as “horrible” and explained that she decided to enter the country “just to save my own life so that I could live my dreams, so I could help my family.” Deportation “would be a tragedy, it would be a certain death for me,” she added. “Everything that’s happened to me in my life, I would just know that that would be the last day.” Watch it:

It's fucking incredible that people want to turn their backs on these kids.

Even moreso since it was this country that created the hellholes they live in.

This is a difficult and complex issue, there are no quick and easy answers.

Indeed, finding a resolution is impossible with Congressional republicans refusing to consider immigration reform.

And that many on the right are seeking to exploit these tragic events for some perceived political gain is both reprehensible and unsurprising.
Saw this today.

It's hard to watch.

I feel nothing but empathy for this poor kid.

She watched her brother get shot and was told she was about to become property..or die.

Cable News Finally Asks A Real Migrant Teenager About The Immigration Crisis | ThinkProgress

Maria, a 17-year-old, paid a coyote to bring her into the United States after her brother was killed by a gang and she was threatened with death if she did not join it. Fighting tears, she described to Díaz-Balart the process of crossing the border as “horrible” and explained that she decided to enter the country “just to save my own life so that I could live my dreams, so I could help my family.” Deportation “would be a tragedy, it would be a certain death for me,” she added. “Everything that’s happened to me in my life, I would just know that that would be the last day.” Watch it:

It's fucking incredible that people want to turn their backs on these kids.

Even moreso since it was this country that created the hellholes they live in.

This is a difficult and complex issue, there are no quick and easy answers.

Indeed, finding a resolution is impossible with Congressional republicans refusing to consider immigration reform.

And that many on the right are seeking to exploit these tragic events for some perceived political gain is both reprehensible and unsurprising.

Whereas those on the Left have motives pure as driven snow, right?
The GOP rightly fears that whatever they pass Obama will simply do what he wants. That's kind of the downside of a president who doesnt care about laws--no one believes a word he says.
Saw this today.

It's hard to watch.

I feel nothing but empathy for this poor kid.

She watched her brother get shot and was told she was about to become property..or die.

Cable News Finally Asks A Real Migrant Teenager About The Immigration Crisis | ThinkProgress

Maria, a 17-year-old, paid a coyote to bring her into the United States after her brother was killed by a gang and she was threatened with death if she did not join it. Fighting tears, she described to Díaz-Balart the process of crossing the border as “horrible” and explained that she decided to enter the country “just to save my own life so that I could live my dreams, so I could help my family.” Deportation “would be a tragedy, it would be a certain death for me,” she added. “Everything that’s happened to me in my life, I would just know that that would be the last day.” Watch it:

It's fucking incredible that people want to turn their backs on these kids.

Even moreso since it was this country that created the hellholes they live in.

This is a difficult and complex issue, there are no quick and easy answers.

Indeed, finding a resolution is impossible with Congressional republicans refusing to consider immigration reform.

And that many on the right are seeking to exploit these tragic events for some perceived political gain is both reprehensible and unsurprising.

Sorry jonesy, many on the left seem to be doing so great exploiting on there own.

You were right it is a difficult and complex issue, however blaming one party, while excusing the other is more partisan BS, which tells me, you don't care about a solution, just your party's agenda. You lose more credibility.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
What those on the right fail to understand is that no one is advocating for an 'open border' policy – nothing could be further from the truth.

What is needed is immigration reform: to provide for adequate funding and staffing to address the increasing volume of immigrants, to streamline the laws and policies allowing for the efficient processing of immigrants to determine who indeed are legitimate refugees and asylees, and to develop a strategy designed to remove undocumented immigrants from the country in an timely and humane manner.
What those on the right fail to understand is that no one is advocating for an 'open border' policy – nothing could be further from the truth.

What is needed is immigration reform: to provide for adequate funding and staffing to address the increasing volume of immigrants, to streamline the laws and policies allowing for the efficient processing of immigrants to determine who indeed are legitimate refugees and asylees, and to develop a strategy designed to remove undocumented immigrants from the country in an timely and humane manner.

So what is the administration's proposal? And why should we take it seriously, given that every other policy of their has failed?
What those on the right fail to understand is that no one is advocating for an 'open border' policy – nothing could be further from the truth.

What is needed is immigration reform: to provide for adequate funding and staffing to address the increasing volume of immigrants, to streamline the laws and policies allowing for the efficient processing of immigrants to determine who indeed are legitimate refugees and asylees, and to develop a strategy designed to remove undocumented immigrants from the country in an timely and humane manner.

These refugees need to be fed, clothed, nursed to health and sent home and reunited with their parents.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Sallow has the capability to volunteer his own home. Is he doing it???? His messiah caused this.. he supports any and everything his boy king does which makes SALLOW himself responsible for that poor kid.. GO ADOPT HIM.. Send your money.. Show us the pictures when you visit Obama's Concentration Camps.

Yep. All those who are boo hooing about these kids sure as shit don't want the diseased in their homes.

These kids are not the responsibility of the taxpayers of America. Just because they come from some shithole and have it bad doesn't mean we America taxpayers need to bankroll their lives.

Those of you who want to cry all over these kids need to open up your homes and assume the finacial responsibility for these "poor" kids. Put YOUR fucking money where your big fat mouths are.
Saw this today.

It's hard to watch.

I feel nothing but empathy for this poor kid.

She watched her brother get shot and was told she was about to become property..or die.

Cable News Finally Asks A Real Migrant Teenager About The Immigration Crisis | ThinkProgress

Maria, a 17-year-old, paid a coyote to bring her into the United States after her brother was killed by a gang and she was threatened with death if she did not join it. Fighting tears, she described to Díaz-Balart the process of crossing the border as “horrible” and explained that she decided to enter the country “just to save my own life so that I could live my dreams, so I could help my family.” Deportation “would be a tragedy, it would be a certain death for me,” she added. “Everything that’s happened to me in my life, I would just know that that would be the last day.” Watch it:

It's fucking incredible that people want to turn their backs on these kids.

Even more so since it was this country that created the hellholes they live in.

Cry me a freaking river you bleeding heart. You know what? Fuck em... I'm in a foul mood this morning so I think I'll take the gloves off.

Return to sender.

The problem is these fake bleeding hearts such as yourself. The extreme left sits on their high horses complaining that little Johnny deserves a trophy. No MVP's here, we are only as strong as our weakest link. Give me a fucking break..... Oh, and don't even think of putting a blue stocking hat on newborn boys down at County..... You know... They want the infant to determine their own sex. No outside influence.

Oh, but lets worry about these political pawns of Obama. Nope... Send them home immediately.

The left care about nothing but themselves. As long as they 'get' theirs, piss on what it does to America. Sounds kind of Republican like no? At least when the pubs are done there is something left standing that still resembles America.

Obama will not rest indeed. He will not rest until he completely fucks the white man and destroys the very foundation of America

When the bell gets rung, lace them tight


ADD- I want a redux to 2008. We were better off.. Chew on that tidbit.. Yep- That's how bad things have become
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Of course the situation with a lot of these folks is dire, no doubt about it. But who created most of this situation? Obama and the democrats. And what I find disengenous is that the left gives the country lessons in morality to which they have no right to do. The left is more then happy to kill children before they are even born, I question their concern in these situations.

The real problem is that this is a self defeating problem. It is not like there is a finite number that are asking to come live off of America there is almost an endless supply of low educated and low skilled, people. So as we let a few across the many come as we are seeing. By not having a border that stops anyone, no one stops as we are seeing now. So it feeds on itself, the more we try and help the worse we make the situation. The more we try and feed "the children" in Africa the more we have to feed.

Which doesn't mean we don't do what is right by these people. We do what we economically can do. But, in my opinion, letting Central America empty its unemployment lines, mental hospitals, orphanages(if they have those) and prisons into America isn't good for us or them.

But the democrats will continue their fight to supply cheap labor to their corporate overloads. Then as can be seen on this board they will then accuse those who oppose open borders of doing exactly what they are doing. If it were not such a humanitarian man made disaster it would be funny.

But go ahead libs keep it up, I know you have pools to be cleaned, lawns to be mowed, grapes to he harvested and are in need of cheap nannies. Your new minority to be repressed is flooding the border. That is those who are not gang members and will kill you.

And as your President lets these low educated and low skilled people across into America don't next week start lecturing us on the income inequality between your rich corporate overlords and these people. It is shameful what you are doing.
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Enough of this LibProg Guilt-Trip Happy Horseshit.

Yes, it's terrible that children get abused.

No, it's not our job to fix the world's child-care problems, beyond our border.

And, no, they can't stay here.

Every one of these hard-luck cases that we allow into the country sends a very clear message back to the places where they come from.

If you can get your kids across the border to The Promised Land, the dumb-ass simpering bleeding-heart Gringo Americano Liberals will see that they're taken care of.

Thus opening the floodgates even further.

Not to mention setting the stage for future Family Reunification on American Soil horseshit to follow later, as surely as the sun rises in the east.

Most unwise.

And they're not fooling anybody.

I vote 'No'.

This does not make me a cold, heartless person, and I do not appreciate LibProg attempts to portray folks that way, who take-up a common-sense , pragmatic, negative position, on the question of allowing them to stay.

This merely makes me someone - one citizen amongst many millions - who insist that we take care of our own, and let others take care of their own.

We can certainly pitch-in a help a little here-and-there with various kinds of assistance, but, in all likelihood, not enough to make all that much of a difference.

Also, the pro-Illegals faction has tried so many indirect ways to allow Illegal Aliens to come here and to stay here that many folks outside their camp perceive that they (their motives, their tactics, and their propoganda) are no longer to be believed or trusted.

With that in mind, this strikes me as merely one more in a never-ending series of disingenuous Guilt Trip tactics to try to let more Illegals into the country.

Enough already.

'No' means 'No'.

Saw this today.

It's hard to watch.

I feel nothing but empathy for this poor kid.

She watched her brother get shot and was told she was about to become property..or die.

Cable News Finally Asks A Real Migrant Teenager About The Immigration Crisis | ThinkProgress

Maria, a 17-year-old, paid a coyote to bring her into the United States after her brother was killed by a gang and she was threatened with death if she did not join it. Fighting tears, she described to Díaz-Balart the process of crossing the border as “horrible” and explained that she decided to enter the country “just to save my own life so that I could live my dreams, so I could help my family.” Deportation “would be a tragedy, it would be a certain death for me,” she added. “Everything that’s happened to me in my life, I would just know that that would be the last day.” Watch it:

It's fucking incredible that people want to turn their backs on these kids.

Even moreso since it was this country that created the hellholes they live in.
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It's fucking incredible that people want to turn their backs on these kids.

Even moreso since it was this country that created the hellholes they live in.
I've been reading these Illegal Alien sob stories for at least 10 years. Some real, some fake, all embellished. The best ones seem to come out of the Wall Street Journal.

Actually, it was NAFTA that created those Hell Holes. So blame everyone who voted for it.

If their country is so bad then why don't they stay there and change it for the good? Or we can help THEM change it for good.



Supporting right wing dictators..created them.

Not a trade agreement.
The parents don't give a damn enough to fight for a better home country. WTf??

Here's the deal.

Many of them are dead.

And when they did try to "fight for a better country"..

And Managed to change it?

The US invades.
The parents don't give a damn enough to fight for a better home country. WTf??

Here's the deal.

Many of them are dead.

And when they did try to "fight for a better country"..

And Managed to change it?

The US invades.

Why do they want to come here when we, because of them, are becoming more like the shit-hole they left?

The way Obama is steering the country is straight for the finale....

Saw this today.

It's hard to watch.

I feel nothing but empathy for this poor kid.

She watched her brother get shot and was told she was about to become property..or die.

Cable News Finally Asks A Real Migrant Teenager About The Immigration Crisis | ThinkProgress

Maria, a 17-year-old, paid a coyote to bring her into the United States after her brother was killed by a gang and she was threatened with death if she did not join it. Fighting tears, she described to Díaz-Balart the process of crossing the border as “horrible” and explained that she decided to enter the country “just to save my own life so that I could live my dreams, so I could help my family.” Deportation “would be a tragedy, it would be a certain death for me,” she added. “Everything that’s happened to me in my life, I would just know that that would be the last day.” Watch it:

It's fucking incredible that people want to turn their backs on these kids.

Even moreso since it was this country that created the hellholes they live in.

there are kids in OUR Country who face the same shit everyday in the shit Ghettos they live in....what has our Govt done to help them?....were do you draw the line Sallow?....there are more coming you do realize that right?......

I'd draw the line on respecting boarders.

Ours and theirs.

But it's a little late for that, no?

I mean..Bush did try to knock over Chavez, right?

But that didn't take and he didn't have the resources to make it work. So Chavez, the choice of the Venezuelan people, came back.

Guess where we are not seeing many people fleeing their country?
Explain something to me, Sallow:

Would you like it if your government suddenly forced you to house, feed, clothe, and practically accommodate complete strangers in your own home? Would you let me live in your home for free? No? Then why are we letting all of these illegals stream across the border? Why are we dumping them on unsuspecting municipalities under the guise of compassion?

I think not.

Because all of Sallow's "compassion" comes from someone else's pocketbook. When he's footing the bill himself, he's a stingy piece of shit. I don't even have to meet him to know that. He and his ilk just LOVE to prattle on about, "Don't like abortion? Tell me how many unwanted children you've adopted", but I don't hear a fucking word from him about all the illegals he's taken into his home to personally support, do you? I don't hear anything about the money he's donated to charities to help defray the costs of his "compassion" on the dimes of every other taxpayer. I don't even hear him decrying the Obama Administration refusing to allow churches and other charitable organizations to have access to these children he professes to care so much about.

What are the leftists hear doing about all their outraged compassion, hmm? Sitting around screaming about how other people ought to sacrifice? Telling us all about how much more they care because they want to vote money out of pockets that don't belong to them, and make changes to the law that will affect other people's lives?

Where do I begin?

First off, I paid more in taxes then you probably make in a decade. So much so, last year they gave me BACK 10 grand.

Second? I contribute both time and money to charities.

Third? My money is used to produce exotic weapon systems that cost billions, that will never be used, or if they are? Will create another refugee nightmare that you folks will blame on the victims.

Its unfortunate places like Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador havent embraced socialist/marxist ideologies...their kiddies would be living the progressive utopian dream.... Lol
Call to emotion.. all the liberals have when they know their actual argument would be blown out of the water...

Just like the gun control Nazi movement. Emotion, emotion, emotion...

We don's care. Emotion is for women... Uh oh


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