These are the people you folks want to kick out.

Too bad they never feel the pain over 55MILLION babies/american citizens that we wiped out with their support of ABORTION
This thread is definite proof that the far left should be in charge of anything, especially government..

no kidding, they have no principle, pride honor. they see them being bleeding hearts make them more caring no matter it hurts us and our country
all they are Emotions..
Saw this today.

It's hard to watch.

I feel nothing but empathy for this poor kid.

She watched her brother get shot and was told she was about to become property..or die.

Cable News Finally Asks A Real Migrant Teenager About The Immigration Crisis | ThinkProgress

Maria, a 17-year-old, paid a coyote to bring her into the United States after her brother was killed by a gang and she was threatened with death if she did not join it. Fighting tears, she described to Díaz-Balart the process of crossing the border as “horrible” and explained that she decided to enter the country “just to save my own life so that I could live my dreams, so I could help my family.” Deportation “would be a tragedy, it would be a certain death for me,” she added. “Everything that’s happened to me in my life, I would just know that that would be the last day.” Watch it:

It's fucking incredible that people want to turn their backs on these kids.

Even moreso since it was this country that created the hellholes they live in.

I want them fed, clothed, treated for their maladies and sent home to reunite with their parents.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Saw this today.

It's hard to watch.

I feel nothing but empathy for this poor kid.

She watched her brother get shot and was told she was about to become property..or die.

Cable News Finally Asks A Real Migrant Teenager About The Immigration Crisis | ThinkProgress

Maria, a 17-year-old, paid a coyote to bring her into the United States after her brother was killed by a gang and she was threatened with death if she did not join it. Fighting tears, she described to Díaz-Balart the process of crossing the border as “horrible” and explained that she decided to enter the country “just to save my own life so that I could live my dreams, so I could help my family.” Deportation “would be a tragedy, it would be a certain death for me,” she added. “Everything that’s happened to me in my life, I would just know that that would be the last day.” Watch it:

It's fucking incredible that people want to turn their backs on these kids.

Even moreso since it was this country that created the hellholes they live in.

*snore* I do not need morality preached to me by someone who demonstrates compassion with other people's money at the point of a gun, or who is so piss-stupid he thinks destroying this country so that EVERYONE is miserable is a productive way of "helping", just so long as he can feel warm and fuzzy and good about himself, because hey, the country probably won't collapse from the damage he and his gland-thinking compatriots do until after he's dead and gone.

You want to advise me? Stop thinking with your hormones and start doing it with that big useless sponge that's currently doing nothing but separating your ears. Otherwise, you have neither moral NOR intellectual superiority to me.
Explain something to me, Sallow:

Would you like it if your government suddenly forced you to house, feed, clothe, and practically accommodate complete strangers in your own home? Would you let me live in your home for free? No? Then why are we letting all of these illegals stream across the border? Why are we dumping them on unsuspecting municipalities under the guise of compassion?

I think not.

Because all of Sallow's "compassion" comes from someone else's pocketbook. When he's footing the bill himself, he's a stingy piece of shit. I don't even have to meet him to know that. He and his ilk just LOVE to prattle on about, "Don't like abortion? Tell me how many unwanted children you've adopted", but I don't hear a fucking word from him about all the illegals he's taken into his home to personally support, do you? I don't hear anything about the money he's donated to charities to help defray the costs of his "compassion" on the dimes of every other taxpayer. I don't even hear him decrying the Obama Administration refusing to allow churches and other charitable organizations to have access to these children he professes to care so much about.

What are the leftists here doing about all their outraged compassion, hmm? Sitting around screaming about how other people ought to sacrifice? Telling us all about how much more they care because they want to vote money out of pockets that don't belong to them, and make changes to the law that will affect other people's lives?
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Saw this today.

It's hard to watch.

I feel nothing but empathy for this poor kid.

She watched her brother get shot and was told she was about to become property..or die.

It's fucking incredible that people want to turn their backs on these kids.

Even moreso since it was this country that created the hellholes they live in.

Nothing has changed in those pathetic countries -- where have you liberals been all this time? You did nothing for them in their own countries and now you want to bring the whole pathetic mess to the USA and gouge the taxpayers for their free everything.
Saw this today.

It's hard to watch.

I feel nothing but empathy for this poor kid.

She watched her brother get shot and was told she was about to become property..or die.

It's fucking incredible that people want to turn their backs on these kids.

Even moreso since it was this country that created the hellholes they live in.

Nothing has changed in those pathetic countries -- where have you liberals been all this time? You did nothing for them in their own countries and now you want to bring the whole pathetic mess to the USA and gouge the taxpayers for their free everything.[/QUOTE]

yep, they just don't care they are BEING USED AND PLAYED
it's sad and dangerous to us and our country
but what can you do
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Saw this today.

It's hard to watch.

I feel nothing but empathy for this poor kid.

She watched her brother get shot and was told she was about to become property..or die.

Cable News Finally Asks A Real Migrant Teenager About The Immigration Crisis | ThinkProgress

Maria, a 17-year-old, paid a coyote to bring her into the United States after her brother was killed by a gang and she was threatened with death if she did not join it. Fighting tears, she described to Díaz-Balart the process of crossing the border as “horrible” and explained that she decided to enter the country “just to save my own life so that I could live my dreams, so I could help my family.” Deportation “would be a tragedy, it would be a certain death for me,” she added. “Everything that’s happened to me in my life, I would just know that that would be the last day.” Watch it:

It's fucking incredible that people want to turn their backs on these kids.

Even moreso since it was this country that created the hellholes they live in.

there are kids in OUR Country who face the same shit everyday in the shit Ghettos they live in....what has our Govt done to help them?....were do you draw the line Sallow?....there are more coming you do realize that right?......
Classic liberal guilt trip bullshit. Go help her and stop blaming America.

Wait, what?

Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador have ALL had their democratically elected government overthrown at one time or another by America.

Seriously dude.

Pick up a history book.

Why are they coming to this country then if we're so bad that we destroyed their countries? You'd think they would be demanding their asylum and welfare handouts from some "better" country like Cuba or Mexico if that were the case.

Most of their problem comes from starting to have children at very young ages and with no education, no jobs or job skills. They're very irresponsible.

You can't have a welfare state and open borders.
Saw this today.

It's hard to watch.

I feel nothing but empathy for this poor kid.

She watched her brother get shot and was told she was about to become property..or die.

Cable News Finally Asks A Real Migrant Teenager About The Immigration Crisis | ThinkProgress

Maria, a 17-year-old, paid a coyote to bring her into the United States after her brother was killed by a gang and she was threatened with death if she did not join it. Fighting tears, she described to Díaz-Balart the process of crossing the border as “horrible” and explained that she decided to enter the country “just to save my own life so that I could live my dreams, so I could help my family.” Deportation “would be a tragedy, it would be a certain death for me,” she added. “Everything that’s happened to me in my life, I would just know that that would be the last day.” Watch it:

It's fucking incredible that people want to turn their backs on these kids.

Even moreso since it was this country that created the hellholes they live in.
I suppose jackasses like you shed a tear over the fact that the Menendez brothers don't have their mother anymore.
What smells are the threats to join the gang or else. Her daddy was in the gang as well as her uncles and cousins. Hispanic gangs are generational there and here. Being in the gang is money and status, there and here.

She came here with her rehersed story so she could later petition to bring her whole family here. At 17 she will get pregnant as soon as possible. We won't deport the mother of an American citizen. If she's not entirely stupid she's already been fucking everyone in her detention center.

all those "Brownies" are the same....right Katz? are the reason that "righties" are just so appealing to people everywhere......then i see other "righties" here saying they do not act this way.....what a joke....
Classic liberal guilt trip bullshit. Go help her and stop blaming America.

Wait, what?

Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador have ALL had their democratically elected government overthrown at one time or another by America.

Seriously dude.

Pick up a history book.

talk to those who actually lived there at that time might get a different opinion Sallow....
I cannot believe you brainless dickheads are arguing over political asylum for minors.

Right now I would love to see each and every one of you in identical circumstances, that's right, let the kids in and send each of you south in their place.

I wish that I could get a genealogy report from each one of you. Odds are that you have at least one ancestor that came here to escape problems in the Old Country.

We've had refugees from every country for every year this country's been here. And there's always some group of fuckwit losers that call them names and make up outrageous negative claims against them.


No reason, actually. The immigrants aren't hurting the asstards. They aren't taking the asstards' jobs, either, except in cases where the asstards simply aren't qualified and are too lazy to better themselves. They aren't taking the asstards' property or food.

No, the asstards just want something to bitch about.

Simple as that.

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