These Are The Kinds Of People That Make Me Sick

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Five Years old!! Seriously!!! At five I was just thinking about entering kindergarten, not changing my gender. 😠

This is what happens when liberal compassion allowed mentally ill people from being put in a place where they cant harm themselves or others. Now we have deal with the problem...
This is probably a Captain Obvious statement, but this world is getting more and more evil and insane as time goes on. Which is basically what the bible said would happen. :dunno: We know who wins in the end, though.
"Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.8All these are the beginning of birth pains."

This means that once it begins, it will only increase in frequency and severity - as all moms know.
This is probably a Captain Obvious statement, but this world is getting more and more evil and insane as time goes on. Which is basically what the bible said would happen. :dunno: We know who wins in the end, though.

Is the world getting more evil? I'd say it's always been evil. In the past this kid would have been killed in some kind of raid.
There are messed up parents, lots of them, and the mentality in the US is to not help them at all.
Well, are there crazy people in the world? Yes. Is trying to transition a five year old crazy? Yes. Is this prevalent? No. Yall worry about 1 in q hundred million crap. Parties that worry about 1 in a hundred million crap gave nothing real to offer. That is why they focus their followers on crazy crap. It is like producing legislation on lighting strikes. A big waste of time. Worry about things that have a snow balls chance in hell of actually effecting you.

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