"These Are The Biracial People They Are Creating" by Cynthia G


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015
"These Are The Biracial People They Are Creating" by Cynthia G

Hello. With all due respect, regarding the emotional well-being and physical health of American children, teens, men and women of African descent, I have two questions for race focused/obsessed Cynthia G, as well as her friends, fans and listeners.

1) When considering the fact more than 70% of AA children and teens are raised, nurtured and socialized by single mothers...

...Specifically, who is the HATE-giving "U" Tupac is referring to in his much ignored, often misinterpreted "THUGLIFE" Child Abuse AWARENESS PREVENTION PSA?

*"The Hate U Give Little Infants Fvvks Everybody"*

"Black Children Have The Highest Abuse Rates,"
by Jazelle Hunt

2) Why for near forty years have countless numbers of American recording artists of African descent been composing music INFORMING OUR ENTIRE WORLD that American girls and women of African descent should be viewed as "HOES and THOTS", as well as inhuman creatures undeserving of being treated with basic human respect?

During the 60s and 70s Mr. Stevie Wonder and virtually all of his musically gifted peers were making beautiful, family friendly music adoring, adulating, praising, honoring, lamenting, loving and respecting women.

Yet in the 1980s and beyond Childhood Trauma (ACEs) victims like Jay-Z, Nas, Fifty Cent, Lil Wayne and Kendrick Lamar began making popular music HATEfully denigrating American girls and women.

I look forward to reading thoughtful, intelligent replies, as well as possible SOLUTIONS for ending this disturbing health and social related phenomena that for decades has been affecting the Quality Of Life for far too many American citizens.

Early Brain Child Development (EBCD) Scientist Dr. Bruce D. Perry, MD, PhD educates a billionaire Childhood Trauma survivor about an easily preventable medical condition affecting children, teens & ADULTS emotional well-being, as well as physical HEALTH:

'SOULutions' oriented Child Abuse Awareness, Prevention, Education Advocate California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, MPH, FAAP, explains the effects of Childhood Trauma, Child Neglect & Maltreatment:

Fatherless Child Sharing His PAIN:

THUGLIFE = "The Hate U Give Little Infants Fvvks Everybody" ~Tupac Shakur, Childhood Trauma (ACEs) Victim

"I would have never been able to do this work if I had come into this world with a mother who stayed, who nurtured me in a healthy way." ~Dr. Stacey Patton, Ph.D., Professor, Author, Child Abuse & Violence Researcher

SingleParenting ChildNeglectMaltreatment
MentalHealth *SOLUTIONS*

Peace ♥

I was unaware that Eminem was black.

Hello, Moonglow. Do you have a theory explaining why Eminem, who began rapping at age 14, makes music denigrating women as hoes, and less than human creatures undeserving of being treated with basic human respect?

Moonglow, I look forward to reading your thoughtful, intelligent reply.


I was unaware that Eminem was black.

Hello, Moonglow. Do you have a theory explaining why Eminem, who began rapping at age 14, makes music denigrating women as hoes, and less than human creatures undeserving of being treated with basic human respect?

Moonglow, I look forward to reading your thoughtful, intelligent reply.

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I have a theory. I theorize it was to make a butt load of money.
I was unaware that Eminem was black.

Hello, Moonglow. Do you have a theory explaining why Eminem, who began rapping at age 14, makes music denigrating women as hoes, and less than human creatures undeserving of being treated with basic human respect?

Moonglow, I look forward to reading your thoughtful, intelligent reply.

View attachment 400414View attachment 400416View attachment 400417


I have a theory. I theorize it was to make a butt load of money.

Hello bulldog. WADR, your reply suggests a definite need to sharpen your critical thinking skills...

...or, you have absolutely no interest in improving the Quality Of Life for untold numbers of American children, WHO THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, suffer a traumatic childhood upbringing impeding them from enjoying a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy childhood upbringing Medical Doctors declare all kids have an ABSOLUTE NEED to experience during a critical period of childhood development.

Child Brain Development Scientist, MD, PhD reveals how CHILDHOOD TRAUMA affects children's & ADULT'S Mental Health:

Cali Surgeon General Dr. Harris explains the effects of Childhood Trauma, Child Neglect & Maltreatment:

Peace ♥️
Many will view this anecdote as virtue signaling. I am not worried. Earlier tonight, while walking our dog in the pouring rain, I noticed two of our neighbors struggling to push a sofa to the curb in our development for big trash day. I returned home, put our dog inside, put on some work gloves and headed back outside. Both of the women are black. One is mother to the other one, who has two young children herself. No father or other man is in their picture. I offered some muscle, took over the job and then pushed the sofa out to the curb—about fifty feet. I then waved goodnight to them and went home.

I'm not gonna lie. My perceptions lately of certain black folk are not good. Maybe I am racist, maybe not. Frankly, I don't care. I am mixed white. My wife is mixed Indian. Together . . . I don't know what we are. That said, helping those two black neighbors reminded me of something I had nearly forgotten; reminded me that the times I have felt the absolute best in my life were the times I helped people, whether I was helping them in Baghdad or Baltimore. It also reminded me skin color means nothing when good people decide to help each other expecting nothing in return.

Now, on to your topic. Sorry for the paragraphs of diversion. Put bluntly, and in my opinion, whoring, gangbanging, escaping paternal responsibility and the glamor of the thug life all appeal to some core conditioning inculcated into generations of young black men. Appeals to them in some insidious way so as to appeal even more than raising their own legacy (children) and supporting and protecting their would be wives, the mothers of their offspring.

The media, Hollywood, the music industry; sports cults, clothing and shoe manufacturers and social media giants all encourage young black men to go thug, go rogue and defy the white man and society in general. As do both political parties, really . . . in the end. I'd call that overwhelming odds stacked against ever bucking the trend on any future generational level.

As for the solution(s). Whatever the solution might be it begins with personal responsibility and accountability; with self-control and deep empathy. How you inject those traits into coming generations I have no idea.
reminded me that the times I have felt the absolute best in my life were the times I helped people, whether I was helping them in Baghdad or Baltimore.

Hey, NS. Being a caring person often leads to the best of all human experiences, "A Natural High."
Now, on to your topic. Sorry for the paragraphs of diversion. Put bluntly, and in my opinion, whoring, gangbanging, escaping paternal responsibility and the glamor of the thug life all appeal to some core conditioning inculcated into generations of young black men. Appeals to them in some insidious way so as to appeal even more than raising their own legacy (children) and supporting and protecting their would be wives, the mothers of their offspring.
Hello, NS. With all due respect, in the 21st century who makes the FINAL decision on whether or not to create a new life?

At 5m21s do you believe Ms. Jazzyslim is being honest and fair when offering her opinion about reproductive behaviors many American women of African descent chose:

'Lamenting MULTIPLE Baby Daddies' ~Jazzyslim2005

Keep in mind, the female-dominated Black Lives Matter movement wishes disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement, as well as dismantle the patriarchy.

To the best of my knowledge the BLM website, that I read when it was published more than 5 years ago, makes no mention of fathers.

Frankly, I believe most men would walk, if not run away from a woman choosing to make babies and build families with multiple fathers.... And I wouldn't blame these men for walking away from a woman choosing that lifestyle... or for viewing these type of women as Hoes and inhuman B!t©hes...

...much like many hip-hop artists have been characterizing women for near 40 years.

Sadly, in today's world there is a growing population of apparent emotionally troubled, duplicitous women becoming pregnant by men who had no intention of building a family or getting a woman pregnant in the first place.

"Motherhood by theft? We investigate the disturbing rise of 'spurgling' - or 'sperm burgling'"

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I was unaware that Eminem was black.

Hello, Moonglow. Do you have a theory explaining why Eminem, who began rapping at age 14, makes music denigrating women as hoes, and less than human creatures undeserving of being treated with basic human respect?

Moonglow, I look forward to reading your thoughtful, intelligent reply.

View attachment 400414View attachment 400416View attachment 400417


I have a theory. I theorize it was to make a butt load of money.

Hello bulldog. WADR, your reply suggests a definite need to sharpen your critical thinking skills...

...or, you have absolutely no interest in improving the Quality Of Life for untold numbers of American children, WHO THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, suffer a traumatic childhood upbringing impeding them from enjoying a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy childhood upbringing Medical Doctors declare all kids have an ABSOLUTE NEED to experience during a critical period of childhood development.

Child Brain Development Scientist, MD, PhD reveals how CHILDHOOD TRAUMA affects children's & ADULT'S Mental Health:

Cali Surgeon General Dr. Harris explains the effects of Childhood Trauma, Child Neglect & Maltreatment:

Peace ♥

All that is true, and I agree with all of it 100%, but the question wasn't about that. It asked why he decided to do what he did. Obviously the money was more important in his decision than any moral obligation he might have had.
Many will view this anecdote as virtue signaling. I am not worried. Earlier tonight, while walking our dog in the pouring rain, I noticed two of our neighbors struggling to push a sofa to the curb in our development for big trash day. I returned home, put our dog inside, put on some work gloves and headed back outside. Both of the women are black. One is mother to the other one, who has two young children herself. No father or other man is in their picture. I offered some muscle, took over the job and then pushed the sofa out to the curb—about fifty feet. I then waved goodnight to them and went home.

I'm not gonna lie. My perceptions lately of certain black folk are not good. Maybe I am racist, maybe not. Frankly, I don't care. I am mixed white. My wife is mixed Indian. Together . . . I don't know what we are. That said, helping those two black neighbors reminded me of something I had nearly forgotten; reminded me that the times I have felt the absolute best in my life were the times I helped people, whether I was helping them in Baghdad or Baltimore. It also reminded me skin color means nothing when good people decide to help each other expecting nothing in return.

Now, on to your topic. Sorry for the paragraphs of diversion. Put bluntly, and in my opinion, whoring, gangbanging, escaping paternal responsibility and the glamor of the thug life all appeal to some core conditioning inculcated into generations of young black men. Appeals to them in some insidious way so as to appeal even more than raising their own legacy (children) and supporting and protecting their would be wives, the mothers of their offspring.

The media, Hollywood, the music industry; sports cults, clothing and shoe manufacturers and social media giants all encourage young black men to go thug, go rogue and defy the white man and society in general. As do both political parties, really . . . in the end. I'd call that overwhelming odds stacked against ever bucking the trend on any future generational level.

As for the solution(s). Whatever the solution might be it begins with personal responsibility and accountability; with self-control and deep empathy. How you inject those traits into coming generations I have no idea.


What a thoughtful and brutally honest commentary.

Of course, if it were written by a Euro American, it would be immediately called "racist."

I think that many people (of EVERY ethnicity) are terrified of being a victim of robbery, sucker punching, looting, rape, or murder by young gentlemen of the ethnicity under discussion.

Without excusing such horrific behavior, there is probably a lot of truth that most of those perps come from absolutely terrible families (usually only a mother). No doubt some of those mothers ARE good people but they cannot compete with their sons' bad companions on the street.

What is really sad, IMHO, is that reportedly most of that rap "music" is bought and listened to by Euro American youth! What the blank is wrong with them?
I was unaware that Eminem was black.

Hello, Moonglow. Do you have a theory explaining why Eminem, who began rapping at age 14, makes music denigrating women as hoes, and less than human creatures undeserving of being treated with basic human respect?

Moonglow, I look forward to reading your thoughtful, intelligent reply.

View attachment 400414View attachment 400416View attachment 400417

I'll tell yous when you stop spamming the board.
I was unaware that Eminem was black.

Hello, Moonglow. Do you have a theory explaining why Eminem, who began rapping at age 14, makes music denigrating women as hoes, and less than human creatures undeserving of being treated with basic human respect?

Moonglow, I look forward to reading your thoughtful, intelligent reply.

View attachment 400414View attachment 400416View attachment 400417

I have a theory. I theorize it was to make a butt load of money.
So there is no affect from it?
I was unaware that Eminem was black.

Hello, Moonglow. Do you have a theory explaining why Eminem, who began rapping at age 14, makes music denigrating women as hoes, and less than human creatures undeserving of being treated with basic human respect?

Moonglow, I look forward to reading your thoughtful, intelligent reply.

View attachment 400414View attachment 400416View attachment 400417

I have a theory. I theorize it was to make a butt load of money.
So there is no affect from it?

He got paid. I'm sure he saw that as the main effect.
I think that many people (of EVERY ethnicity) are terrified of being a victim of robbery, sucker punching, looting, rape, or murder by young gentlemen of the ethnicity under discussion.

View attachment 400504View attachment 400506
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