There's a Problem in the Upper Reaches of Our Military


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
Of course that is only part of what is wrong with America but it is a huge,huge part of it.

Can it be fixed? Not any time soon of course.

If we can manage to get through a couple of more years and the Republicans can get control of Congress that will give us more time.

Unless some foreign power decides to take advantage of us before the mid-terms and I think that very likely--in fact I have predicted it.

From now to midterms will be a very, very dangerous period for America.

Of course that is only part of what is wrong with America but it is a huge,huge part of it.

Can it be fixed? Not any time soon of course.

If we can manage to get through a couple of more years and the Republicans can get control of Congress that will give us more time.

Unless some foreign power decides to take advantage of us before the mid-terms and I think that very likely--in fact I have predicted it.

From now to midterms will be a very, very dangerous period for America.

The Republicans won't help us. You should know that.
I am all for another march on Washington D.C. ! Reform Now! Make a list of grievances, march into D.C. Like was done on Jan.6th. Keep it peaceful sitdown and refuse to move!
It is interesting that the most pressing issues seem to be ignored of late whereas Trump was always putting them in the spotlight (as he liked the big splash), or, his adversaries were trying to harm him by pointing out any failed promises.

For instance, Liz Cheney is the representative for the GOP investigating the Jan 6th events. Huh?

THIS is her big portfolio? All in an effort to hurt Trump supporters and America First?

Clueless if you ask me.
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The Republicans won't help us. You should know that.
Not until more of them have been dragged into the America First Camp. If we simply give up on political solutions then the future is guaranteed to be very dark. There's time for chaos and bloodletting and no one should be in a hurry to instigate it. Unfortunately, the Left in DC seem dedicated to that path already. Eventually, unless political solutions can be forced onto them, the killing WILL COME. I prefer Secession, myself.
Not until more of them have been dragged into the America First Camp. If we simply give up on political solutions then the future is guaranteed to be very dark. There's time for chaos and bloodletting and no one should be in a hurry to instigate it. Unfortunately, the Left in DC seem dedicated to that path already. Eventually, unless political solutions can be forced onto them, the killing WILL COME. I prefer Secession, myself.
You should probably understand that removing people in office is a monumental task and that it is very unlikely.
Of course there is a problem in the upper reaches of the military.

Everything woke turns to shit.... and to communism.

For instance, Liz Cheney is the representative for the GOP investigating the Jan 6th events. Huh?
Right? We have a President that has sold out to China and just insured that the new Terrorist Army will be in Afghanistan with Taliban, Al Qaeda and Isis joined as one. But Daddy's girl Liz Cheney has her panties in a wad over that stupid January 6th debacle with Capitol Security opening the gates and inviting in a bunch of agitators. FFS is there any doubt we are living in Bizarro World?
Of course that is only part of what is wrong with America but it is a huge,huge part of it.

Can it be fixed? Not any time soon of course.

If we can manage to get through a couple of more years and the Republicans can get control of Congress that will give us more time.

Unless some foreign power decides to take advantage of us before the mid-terms and I think that very likely--in fact I have predicted it.

From now to midterms will be a very, very dangerous period for America.

Unfortunately, the republicans have no balls.
Of course that is only part of what is wrong with America but it is a huge,huge part of it.

Can it be fixed? Not any time soon of course.

If we can manage to get through a couple of more years and the Republicans can get control of Congress that will give us more time.

Unless some foreign power decides to take advantage of us before the mid-terms and I think that very likely--in fact I have predicted it.

From now to midterms will be a very, very dangerous period for America.

No it's not a dangerous time for Republicans to start another war.
There has been a problem with the U.S. military for years. At least since Dubya was in the White House, the fundie cults have been trying to get into military bases, force troops to attend fundie events, etc. There where several lawsuits. This boykin and some clown who was a chaplain who sued to be able to proselytize troops who he was supposed to be counseling. There were problems at the U.S. Air Force Academy, and at least two Army bases. Jewish service members have been bothered, people tried to prevent non-Christian groups from putting their religious symbols on headstones in military cemeteries, people opposed the construction on base of an out-door worship site for Wiccans.

If the republicans get control of the armed services, there will be more of this crap. You forget that it has been the republicans who have continually sucked up to the fundies at the expense of all of us.

The military must be maintained as an inclusive organization for all Americans without this sort of favoritism. No, this is not a matter of "hating Christians" or "persecution." It's a matter of making sure that our service-members remain free to choose their own religious practices without interference.
Of course that is only part of what is wrong with America but it is a huge,huge part of it.

Can it be fixed? Not any time soon of course.

If we can manage to get through a couple of more years and the Republicans can get control of Congress that will give us more time.

Unless some foreign power decides to take advantage of us before the mid-terms and I think that very likely--in fact I have predicted it.

From now to midterms will be a very, very dangerous period for America.

The military did exactly what it was supposed to do. The problem was that we tried to put in a screw with a hammer.

Smashing the Taliban wasn't the issue, it was winning "Hearts and Minds", and that was something we were never, ever going to accomplish.

We didn't learn this lesson 50 years ago in Vietnam, we didn't learn this lesson 100 years ago in the Philippines.

Darkwind When it comes right down to it, you are right. There's a lot of muster and bluster and then, oh well moving on.

Or we just realized how ridiculous the situation was.

The ironic thing is, we didn't want to be there and the Afghans didn't want us there, but there was no way we were going to leave where the whole thing wasn't going to be awkward.
The military did exactly what it was supposed to do. The problem was that we tried to put in a screw with a hammer.

Smashing the Taliban wasn't the issue, it was winning "Hearts and Minds", and that was something we were never, ever going to accomplish.

We didn't learn this lesson 50 years ago in Vietnam, we didn't learn this lesson 100 years ago in the Philippines.

Or we just realized how ridiculous the situation was.

The ironic thing is, we didn't want to be there and the Afghans didn't want us there, but there was no way we were going to leave where the whole thing wasn't going to be awkward.
There is a world of difference between awkward and a fukin cluster fuck.

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