There Is Nothing To Protest About


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
There are more than 800,000 sworn law enforcement officers now serving in the United States. Out of those 800,000 ONE has engaged in what appears to be an excessive use of force, that resulted in a man's death. So while 799,999 cops did not use excessive force, and kill somebody, nobody seems to be noticing THAT.

They also don't seem to be noticing that while those 799,999 cops did not use excessive force, did their jobs properly, at huge risk to their lives (one was killed on the same day as George Floyd), they protected all of us (including the protestors).

Being interviewed by new reporters, I listened to what some of the protestors were saying. I didn't hear a single one really say anything that came close to why all these protests and riots should be going on. I really got the feeling that most of them are just young people engaging in what, for them, is some type of crude entertainment.

At least when I when out in the streets 50 years ago, and protested against the Vietnam War, there really was a good reason. This whole thing is just ridiculous, and protesters/rioters ought to feel ashamed of themselves. When they get a bit older, and look back, they probably will.
There are more than 800,000 sworn law enforcement officers now serving in the United States. Out of those 800,000 ONE has engaged in what appears to be an excessive use of force, that resulted in a man's death. So while 799,999 cops did not use excessive force, and kill somebody, nobody seems to be noticing THAT.

They also don't seem to be noticing that while those 799,999 cops did not use excessive force, did their jobs properly, at huge risk to their lives (one was killed on the same day as George Floyd), they protected all of us (including the protestors).

Being interviewed by new reporters, I listened to what some of the protestors were saying. I didn't hear a single one really say anything that came close to why all these protests and riots should be going on. I really got the feeling that most of them are just young people engaging in what, for them, is some type of crude entertainment.

At least when I when out in the streets 50 years ago, and protested against the Vietnam War, there really was a good reason. This whole thing is just ridiculous, and protesters/rioters ought to feel ashamed of themselves. When they get a bit older, and look back, they probably will.
Most of those protestors probably wont make it past 50 years as they will be killed by their own kind...
There are more than 800,000 sworn law enforcement officers now serving in the United States. Out of those 800,000 ONE has engaged in what appears to be an excessive use of force, that resulted in a man's death. So while 799,999 cops did not use excessive force, and kill somebody, nobody seems to be noticing THAT.

They also don't seem to be noticing that while those 799,999 cops did not use excessive force, did their jobs properly, at huge risk to their lives (one was killed on the same day as George Floyd), they protected all of us (including the protestors).

Being interviewed by new reporters, I listened to what some of the protestors were saying. I didn't hear a single one really say anything that came close to why all these protests and riots should be going on. I really got the feeling that most of them are just young people engaging in what, for them, is some type of crude entertainment.

At least when I when out in the streets 50 years ago, and protested against the Vietnam War, there really was a good reason. This whole thing is just ridiculous, and protesters/rioters ought to feel ashamed of themselves. When they get a bit older, and look back, they probably will.
While I agree with most of what you said I have to take exception to one thing you and a lot of people say. There is a difference between protest and destructive looting. Neither on is interchangeable with protesting. Trying to give them even a bit of legitimacy by pretending that it is protesting is at best subverting the idea and the word.
There are more than 800,000 sworn law enforcement officers now serving in the United States. Out of those 800,000 ONE has engaged in what appears to be an excessive use of force, that resulted in a man's death. So while 799,999 cops did not use excessive force, and kill somebody, nobody seems to be noticing THAT.

They also don't seem to be noticing that while those 799,999 cops did not use excessive force, did their jobs properly, at huge risk to their lives (one was killed on the same day as George Floyd), they protected all of us (including the protestors).

Being interviewed by new reporters, I listened to what some of the protestors were saying. I didn't hear a single one really say anything that came close to why all these protests and riots should be going on. I really got the feeling that most of them are just young people engaging in what, for them, is some type of crude entertainment.

At least when I when out in the streets 50 years ago, and protested against the Vietnam War, there really was a good reason. This whole thing is just ridiculous, and protesters/rioters ought to feel ashamed of themselves. When they get a bit older, and look back, they probably will.

These riots are an attempt to transition the America you and I know and love from a capitalist democracy to a communist dictatorship of the proletariat. Antifa is serving the role as the communists' vanguard party—inciting crowds of black Americans to loot, pillage, target police and otherwise attempt to bring America to Her knees. In other words, these riots are the spearhead of a communist revolution going down right now, live on national TV, before our very eyes. Fear not. For it is also one of the fucking sloppiest, least organized revolution attempts in history. Kids these days.
There are more than 800,000 sworn law enforcement officers now serving in the United States. Out of those 800,000 ONE has engaged in what appears to be an excessive use of force, that resulted in a man's death. So while 799,999 cops did not use excessive force, and kill somebody, nobody seems to be noticing THAT.

They also don't seem to be noticing that while those 799,999 cops did not use excessive force, did their jobs properly, at huge risk to their lives (one was killed on the same day as George Floyd), they protected all of us (including the protestors).

Being interviewed by new reporters, I listened to what some of the protestors were saying. I didn't hear a single one really say anything that came close to why all these protests and riots should be going on. I really got the feeling that most of them are just young people engaging in what, for them, is some type of crude entertainment.

At least when I when out in the streets 50 years ago, and protested against the Vietnam War, there really was a good reason. This whole thing is just ridiculous, and protesters/rioters ought to feel ashamed of themselves. When they get a bit older, and look back, they probably will.
While I agree with most of what you said I have to take exception to one thing you and a lot of people say. There is a difference between protest and destructive looting. Neither on is interchangeable with protesting. Trying to give them even a bit of legitimacy by pretending that it is protesting is at best subverting the idea and the word.
I wonder at the CNN reporters when they say , "It was mostly peaceful protests", which means that out of the 4 hours of protests about 30 minutes of it was burning a target to the ground, breaking in and taking merchandise that didnt belong to them. So if people start shooting other people, and more blacks die, because of it, will it still be "Mostly peaceful protests" or does it go full on violence when weapons are present?
There are more than 800,000 sworn law enforcement officers now serving in the United States. Out of those 800,000 ONE has engaged in what appears to be an excessive use of force, that resulted in a man's death. So while 799,999 cops did not use excessive force, and kill somebody, nobody seems to be noticing THAT.

They also don't seem to be noticing that while those 799,999 cops did not use excessive force, did their jobs properly, at huge risk to their lives (one was killed on the same day as George Floyd), they protected all of us (including the protestors).

Being interviewed by new reporters, I listened to what some of the protestors were saying. I didn't hear a single one really say anything that came close to why all these protests and riots should be going on. I really got the feeling that most of them are just young people engaging in what, for them, is some type of crude entertainment.

At least when I when out in the streets 50 years ago, and protested against the Vietnam War, there really was a good reason. This whole thing is just ridiculous, and protesters/rioters ought to feel ashamed of themselves. When they get a bit older, and look back, they probably will.

These riots are an attempt to transition the America you and I know and love from a capitalist democracy to a communist dictatorship of the proletariat. Antifa is serving the role as the communists' vanguard party—inciting crowds of black Americans to loot, pillage, target police and otherwise attempt to bring America to Her knees. In other words, these riots are the spearhead of a communist revolution going down right now, live on national TV, before our very eyes. Fear not. For it is also one of the fucking sloppiest, least organized revolution attempts in history. Kids these days.
I swore and oath to defend this country and constitution from Communists overseas, and to keep the US free. If i see Communist ANTIFA in my neighborhood i will once again live by my oath and remove the Commies from existence. Is that a little extreme, YES IT IS, but it is extreme what these fucking retards are trying to do to my country.

Che Guevara
While I agree with most of what you said I have to take exception to one thing you and a lot of people say. There is a difference between protest and destructive looting. Neither on is interchangeable with protesting. Trying to give them even a bit of legitimacy by pretending that it is protesting is at best subverting the idea and the word.
As I said >> "There is nothing to protest about. We agree.

They're just sowing their young, wild oats. They need to find better things to do. Use their stimulus checks and buy a guitar, and take lessons, Time better spent.
So if you don’t see a video of a cop doing something wrong, they must all be doing something right. But if you don’t see a video of a “Savage” criminal committing a crime, you believe it wholeheartedly and use it as a cudgel against the entire group. Interesting choices.


Despite the fact that the Governor’s orders on the Curfew allowed people outside their homes as long as they were on their own property. Ah who cares. The cops were doing a great job.

How many were involved in that? Was the cop who shouted light them up a good cop or a bad cop?

Some cops think it is bullshit. They’re willing to take a knee. Let’s see if they are willing to testify.

One of your many problems is that you set two different standards. If the cops are involved, they must be doing good. I wait and see what happens before I make that judgement. Did the cops follow the rules? Did they plant the evidence? Do they have body camera footage backing up what they say?

Even when you see the video, you still think that the cops are great. Especially when they are beating someone down.

Now before you accuse me of wanting cops dead or whatever. Let me tell you the truth about what I want. I want the cops held responsible when they go off the rails. I want cops who lie under oath to be terminated at a minimum. I’d really like to see the payments to victims of police brutality paid from the Police Pension Fund. I can’t imagine a faster way to bring it to an end.

I’d like to see an end to Qualified Immunity. If the cop is doing the job properly, according to policy and the law, then yes, he should have immunity. If he is not, then that immunity should be so far out of reach that the Voyager Probes won’t reach it for a million years.
These riots are an attempt to transition the America you and I know and love from a capitalist democracy to a communist dictatorship of the proletariat. Antifa is serving the role as the communists' vanguard party—inciting crowds of black Americans to loot, pillage, target police and otherwise attempt to bring America to Her knees. In other words, these riots are the spearhead of a communist revolution going down right now, live on national TV, before our very eyes. Fear not. For it is also one of the fucking sloppiest, least organized revolution attempts in history. Kids these days.
Not a bad analysis. Whenever there is a riot to co-opt, leftist running dogs will be there.
Most of those protestors probably wont make it past 50 years as they will be killed by their own kind...

I was going to say the same thing, but then again many of those vacuous turds are simply going to wander into traffic. They are fugitives of natural selection as it is.

There are more than 800,000 sworn law enforcement officers now serving in the United States. Out of those 800,000 ONE has engaged in what appears to be an excessive use of force, that resulted in a man's death. So while 799,999 cops did not use excessive force, and kill somebody, nobody seems to be noticing THAT.

They also don't seem to be noticing that while those 799,999 cops did not use excessive force, did their jobs properly, at huge risk to their lives (one was killed on the same day as George Floyd), they protected all of us (including the protestors).

Being interviewed by new reporters, I listened to what some of the protestors were saying. I didn't hear a single one really say anything that came close to why all these protests and riots should be going on. I really got the feeling that most of them are just young people engaging in what, for them, is some type of crude entertainment.

At least when I when out in the streets 50 years ago, and protested against the Vietnam War, there really was a good reason. This whole thing is just ridiculous, and protesters/rioters ought to feel ashamed of themselves. When they get a bit older, and look back, they probably will.
While I agree with most of what you said I have to take exception to one thing you and a lot of people say. There is a difference between protest and destructive looting. Neither on is interchangeable with protesting. Trying to give them even a bit of legitimacy by pretending that it is protesting is at best subverting the idea and the word.
I wonder at the CNN reporters when they say , "It was mostly peaceful protests", which means that out of the 4 hours of protests about 30 minutes of it was burning a target to the ground, breaking in and taking merchandise that didnt belong to them. So if people start shooting other people, and more blacks die, because of it, will it still be "Mostly peaceful protests" or does it go full on violence when weapons are present?
I actually expect more violence as someone grabs the 50" flatscreen that someone else has their eye on. A fight breaking out over who gets to set that car on fire.
There are more than 800,000 sworn law enforcement officers now serving in the United States. Out of those 800,000 ONE has engaged in what appears to be an excessive use of force, that resulted in a man's death. So while 799,999 cops did not use excessive force, and kill somebody, nobody seems to be noticing THAT.

They also don't seem to be noticing that while those 799,999 cops did not use excessive force, did their jobs properly, at huge risk to their lives (one was killed on the same day as George Floyd), they protected all of us (including the protestors).

Being interviewed by new reporters, I listened to what some of the protestors were saying. I didn't hear a single one really say anything that came close to why all these protests and riots should be going on. I really got the feeling that most of them are just young people engaging in what, for them, is some type of crude entertainment.

At least when I when out in the streets 50 years ago, and protested against the Vietnam War, there really was a good reason. This whole thing is just ridiculous, and protesters/rioters ought to feel ashamed of themselves. When they get a bit older, and look back, they probably will.
While I agree with most of what you said I have to take exception to one thing you and a lot of people say. There is a difference between protest and destructive looting. Neither on is interchangeable with protesting. Trying to give them even a bit of legitimacy by pretending that it is protesting is at best subverting the idea and the word.
Yep, these assholes aren't "protesting". They're rioting, looting, and destroying private property and businesses. A HUGE difference.
So if you don’t see a video of a cop doing something wrong, they must all be doing something right. But if you don’t see a video of a “Savage” criminal committing a crime, you believe it wholeheartedly and use it as a cudgel against the entire group. Interesting choices.


Despite the fact that the Governor’s orders on the Curfew allowed people outside their homes as long as they were on their own property. Ah who cares. The cops were doing a great job.

How many were involved in that? Was the cop who shouted light them up a good cop or a bad cop?

Some cops think it is bullshit. They’re willing to take a knee. Let’s see if they are willing to testify.

One of your many problems is that you set two different standards. If the cops are involved, they must be doing good. I wait and see what happens before I make that judgement. Did the cops follow the rules? Did they plant the evidence? Do they have body camera footage backing up what they say?

Even when you see the video, you still think that the cops are great. Especially when they are beating someone down.

Now before you accuse me of wanting cops dead or whatever. Let me tell you the truth about what I want. I want the cops held responsible when they go off the rails. I want cops who lie under oath to be terminated at a minimum. I’d really like to see the payments to victims of police brutality paid from the Police Pension Fund. I can’t imagine a faster way to bring it to an end.

I’d like to see an end to Qualified Immunity. If the cop is doing the job properly, according to policy and the law, then yes, he should have immunity. If he is not, then that immunity should be so far out of reach that the Voyager Probes won’t reach it for a million years.

To say I think a cop is great who is beating someone down (I'll be generous and guess you mean excessively), does nothing more than demonstrate your capability to post fantasy. Rest of it hardly deserves dignity of response. :rolleyes:
There are more than 800,000 sworn law enforcement officers now serving in the United States. Out of those 800,000 ONE has engaged in what appears to be an excessive use of force, that resulted in a man's death. So while 799,999 cops did not use excessive force, and kill somebody, nobody seems to be noticing THAT.

They also don't seem to be noticing that while those 799,999 cops did not use excessive force, did their jobs properly, at huge risk to their lives (one was killed on the same day as George Floyd), they protected all of us (including the protestors).

Being interviewed by new reporters, I listened to what some of the protestors were saying. I didn't hear a single one really say anything that came close to why all these protests and riots should be going on. I really got the feeling that most of them are just young people engaging in what, for them, is some type of crude entertainment.

At least when I when out in the streets 50 years ago, and protested against the Vietnam War, there really was a good reason. This whole thing is just ridiculous, and protesters/rioters ought to feel ashamed of themselves. When they get a bit older, and look back, they probably will.

The difference there is back then actual things were protested. Bad laws in the South during the Civil Rights Protest, Involvement in Vietnam during those protests. Here the protest isn't against a single action, but an idea that the police are racists bye nature, a more abstract concept that doesn't really have a viable end game.

The big advantage the civil rights protesters had is they has bad laws to protests against. They had tangible actions to perform, sit at the front of the bus, sit at the "wrong" lunch counter, use the "wrong"water fountain. They also had the advantage of a opposition force that would actually use violence against people just marching down a road or street, or even just on the sidewalk.

Here you have people resorting to violence, or making a nuisance of themselves for far more abstract concepts, and there are people here just along for the ride, either anti-fa types or just angry people looking for free shit.
Yep, these assholes aren't "protesting". They're rioting, looting, and destroying private property and businesses. A HUGE difference.
There are SOME who are protesting, and not rioting. Problem is, they have no idea what they're protesting about. Some are even babbling about oppression to blacks (55 years after the enactment of Affirmative Action, mind you)

Yep, these assholes aren't "protesting". They're rioting, looting, and destroying private property and businesses. A HUGE difference.
There are SOME who are protesting, and not rioting. Problem is, they have no idea what they're protesting about. Some are even babbling about oppression to blacks (55 years after the enactment of Affirmative Action, mind you)

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It seems there are VERY few actually "protesting". Very few and very far between.
I’d like to see an end to Qualified Immunity. If the cop is doing the job properly, according to policy and the law, then yes, he should have immunity. If he is not, then that immunity should be so far out of reach that the Voyager Probes won’t reach it for a million years.
QI is only given IF the officer was acting in good faith and within the law. The law already exists.
The difference there is back then actual things were protested. Bad laws in the South during the Civil Rights Protest, Involvement in Vietnam during those protests. Here the protest isn't against a single action, but an idea that the police are racists bye nature, a more abstract concept that doesn't really have a viable end game.

The big advantage the civil rights protesters had is they has bad laws to protests against. They had tangible actions to perform, sit at the front of the bus, sit at the "wrong" lunch counter, use the "wrong"water fountain. They also had the advantage of a opposition force that would actually use violence against people just marching down a road or street, or even just on the sidewalk.

Here you have people resorting to violence, or making a nuisance of themselves for far more abstract concepts, and there are people here just along for the ride, either anti-fa types or just angry people looking for free shit.
And didn't they just get $1200 stimulus checks, that they didn't have to work for ? It would be nice if cops would use the videos of the looters, to identify and arrest them, but this stuff, OF COURSE, is only happening in Democrat cities, so legal accountability will be minimal, at best.
It seems there are VERY few actually "protesting". Very few and very far between.
Depends on which city you look at. Here in Tampa, there was some looting, but only by about 10% of them. I also saw some videos of other places where it was like that. Some places were not too bad. Others very bad.
The difference there is back then actual things were protested. Bad laws in the South during the Civil Rights Protest, Involvement in Vietnam during those protests. Here the protest isn't against a single action, but an idea that the police are racists bye nature, a more abstract concept that doesn't really have a viable end game.

The big advantage the civil rights protesters had is they has bad laws to protests against. They had tangible actions to perform, sit at the front of the bus, sit at the "wrong" lunch counter, use the "wrong"water fountain. They also had the advantage of a opposition force that would actually use violence against people just marching down a road or street, or even just on the sidewalk.

Here you have people resorting to violence, or making a nuisance of themselves for far more abstract concepts, and there are people here just along for the ride, either anti-fa types or just angry people looking for free shit.
And didn't they just get $1200 stimulus checks, that they didn't have to work for ? It would be nice if cops would use the videos of the looters, to identify and arrest them, but this stuff, OF COURSE, is only happening in Democrat cities, so legal accountability will be minimal, at best.

The other thing is the whole idea of the civil rights protests was TO BE ARRESTED. You did the "illegal" thing, you got arrested, made bail, and then went out and did it again.

I have to assume the same thing happened with the more peaceful Vietnam protests, you were declared an unlawful assembly, got arrested, made bail, and then went right back out.

If you are protesting the injustice of the system, the idea is to make the system perpetuate the injustice.

What injustice did Target do? What injustice is a person just driving by a mob doing?

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