‘There are a lot of bitter people here, I’m one of them’: rust belt voters on why they backed Trump again despite his broken promises

/—-/ Please post photos of your electric truck and sales numbers. TIA

Yeah.....Tesla is the only company with any kind of electric truck sales to speak of. The other manufacturers have backed off because they have backlogs that they cannot move.
Looks like a truck I designed in the fourth grade

I read and article written by the designer.
Seems to be a fairly mild fellow. Musk picked him because he had a long career in the design field for automotive. Not sure what it was they were trying to accomplish with this particular design.

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LOL....According to the dems they voted for Harris....They seem pretty darn easy to fool.
I did not like her because she criticized Biden for opposing forced school bussing in 1973. I still voted for her because she was the not Trump.

Joe Biden is more responsible than anyone else for Trump's victory. Early in his term he should have announced that he would not run for reelection. That would have opened the 2024 Democrat nomination to a more appealing candidate than Harris.
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/—-/ Since Twilight Zone is a work of fiction, it’s only natural for the meme to mischaracterize Trump’s legacy.
He’s actually the opposite.
Only 6 days till the Biden nightmare is over.
The Trump nightmare is going to begin. Trump's tariffs will cause greater inflation than we experienced under President Biden. Elon Musk's efforts to cut nearly one third of the federal budget will cut or eliminate domestic spending programs most Americans, and many Republicans will want to keep.

Joe Biden and Dimocrats made it abundantly clear that they wanted to flood the country with the third-world.

Voters rejected it so profoundly, that they are willing to elect a convicted felon if that's what it takes to put an end to it.
Joe Biden and Dimocrats made it abundantly clear that they wanted to flood the country with the third-world.

Voters rejected it so profoundly, that they are willing to elect a convicted felon if that's what it takes to put an end to it.
I sort of agree with Trump on immigration, Nevertheless, I like immigrants, and I appreciate the cultural diversity they contribute. I like ethnic restaurants, ethnic shops, ethnic festivals, and so on.
Pew Research Center, September 9, 2024

Motto of Diploma Dumbos: "It's Not a Job; It's a Position"

Replace this unmotivating system with highly paid professional training. Until then, college education is a fraud and should not be rewarded. No-talent Bizz Skule Gradchewits can't make a profit without cheap labor. Inferior people in superior positions are the real cause of outsourcing and union-busting.
/----/ So what? That accounts for 41% of the voters, and Trump gets 43% of those with a degree. That 12% advantage isn't much to crow about.

Why education level has become the best predictor for how …

Oct 14, 2024 · In 2020, according to CNN’s exit polls, voters with a college degree accounted for 41% of the electorate and they supported President Joe Biden 55% to Trump’s 43%. Trump …
Degrees of Separation from Reality

Such data only prove that college graduates are incompetent and snobbish job-thieves who aren't entitled to judge the economy they've run into the ground.

Who came up with this educational system? It is only fit for richkids living off an adult allowance and having Daddy pay their tuition. We'd never accept it if we hadn't been brainwashed by the totalitarian 1% who benefit from it. Even those who don't go to college never dare say that it work without pay.
And democrats continue to lose their minds due to excessive butt hurt. :lol:
Well educated people are better able to see through Trump's unachievable promises. They are more likely to be offended by Trump's low class personality and his fourth grade vocabulary.
A Clear Indication of Their Mental Inferiority

You accept college graduates' ignorant, unstructured, and dysfunctional grammar because you've been led to believe that it is how educated people speak and should be parroted if you want to sound smart. (Those frauds, like you, don't know when to use hyphens)

Only stupid people think Eweniversity graduates are "smart in school."
A Clear Indication of Their Mental Inferiority

You accept college graduates' ignorant, unstructured, and dysfunctional grammar because you've been led to believe that it is how educated people speak and should be parroted if you want to sound smart. (Those frauds, like you, don't know when to use hyphens)

Only stupid people think Eweniversity graduates are "smart in school."
Donald Trump claims to have a college degree, but he talks and writes like someone who never graduated from high school.

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