The Western World needs to Halt Immigration (legal and illegal) from Africa


Platinum Member
Aug 3, 2020
Las Vegas and Chicago

From 2020 to 2100 all countries, other then African countries, are projected to see sharp declines or trending towards lower populations. This includes, Latin America, Asia, Europe, and NA.

ALL OF Europe, China, Middle East, Canada, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, and Russia will see significant population decreases! Large populations like the US, Indonesia, and India will still grow, but at slower rates that will lead to decrease in populations between 2100 to 2200!

But there is one continent that keeps producing babies like rabbits. It is non-Arab Africa. The most violent, poverty stricken part of the world. Most live in horrible conditions and ma eventually try to immigrate (mostly illegally) to the west.

We need to stop rewarding this reckless reproduction expansion. If the west fights it then maybe Africans will think more closely about birth control and family planning.

The consequences could be a lot worse.

From 2020 to 2100 all countries, other then African countries, are projected to see sharp declines or trending towards lower populations. This includes, Latin America, Asia, Europe, and NA.

ALL OF Europe, China, Middle East, Canada, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, and Russia will see significant population decreases! Large populations like the US, Indonesia, and India will still grow, but at slower rates that will lead to decrease in populations between 2100 to 2200!

But there is one continent that keeps producing babies like rabbits. It is non-Arab Africa. The most violent, poverty stricken part of the world. Most live in horrible conditions and ma eventually try to immigrate (mostly illegally) to the west.

We need to stop rewarding this reckless reproduction expansion. If the west fights it then maybe Africans will think more closely about birth control and family planning.

The consequences could be a lot worse.
Feel free to move back to Europe.
GHook20 I'm on board. You've hit the nail on the head. It's nice to have more people like you on this message board who have common sense.

The issue you bring up is one more reason we need to finish the border wall. These African slime balls dream of traveling to Mexico and then crossing our southern border into America. This is how America goes down hill, by letting in people from shit hole countries.

From 2020 to 2100 all countries, other then African countries, are projected to see sharp declines or trending towards lower populations. This includes, Latin America, Asia, Europe, and NA.

ALL OF Europe, China, Middle East, Canada, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, and Russia will see significant population decreases! Large populations like the US, Indonesia, and India will still grow, but at slower rates that will lead to decrease in populations between 2100 to 2200!

But there is one continent that keeps producing babies like rabbits. It is non-Arab Africa. The most violent, poverty stricken part of the world. Most live in horrible conditions and ma eventually try to immigrate (mostly illegally) to the west.

We need to stop rewarding this reckless reproduction expansion. If the west fights it then maybe Africans will think more closely about birth control and family planning.

The consequences could be a lot worse.
The gumball problem -


From 2020 to 2100 all countries, other then African countries, are projected to see sharp declines or trending towards lower populations. This includes, Latin America, Asia, Europe, and NA.

ALL OF Europe, China, Middle East, Canada, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, and Russia will see significant population decreases! Large populations like the US, Indonesia, and India will still grow, but at slower rates that will lead to decrease in populations between 2100 to 2200!

But there is one continent that keeps producing babies like rabbits. It is non-Arab Africa. The most violent, poverty stricken part of the world. Most live in horrible conditions and ma eventually try to immigrate (mostly illegally) to the west.

We need to stop rewarding this reckless reproduction expansion. If the west fights it then maybe Africans will think more closely about birth control and family planning.

The consequences could be a lot worse.
For our economy to continue to grow, our population needs to continue to grow. Our birth rate is declining, and so the difference has to be made up for with immigrants.

Those Africans who come here bust their asses to produce. They are contributors to our economy.

I have a friend who came here from Africa and is working his ass off and saving every penny he can so he can return to his village and build a school.

Your racist stereotyping is disgusting.
GHook20 I'm on board. You've hit the nail on the head. It's nice to have more people like you on this message board who have common sense.

The issue you bring up is one more reason we need to finish the border wall. These African slime balls dream of traveling to Mexico and then crossing our southern border into America. This is how America goes down hill, by letting in people from shit hole countries.
And Republicans wonder why negroes don't vote Republican. Huh!
How many trumpers tell black people to go back to Africa?
None… and I don’t think black person are less intelligent or inferior. Many many ways they are superior… you would have to be blind to not recognize that black people in generally more athletic and faster… it is not a surprise they dominate most sports.

This has nothing to do with race… it has to do with Africans immigrants. Black Americans are Americans not Africans. That is an important distinction.

rather you had the rest of the planet realizing that growing by billions every 10 years is a receipt for disaster… all areas of the world seem to get this but Africa,,, which by and large is the most chaotic in the world.

So why do we in the west bail them out with allowing so many of them to come to the west when westerners are practicing better family planning.

If they needed to care for their own, they might put a emphasis on better family planning and birth control.
How many trumpers tell black people to go back to Africa?
It has nothing do with race… the Black Americans (or African Americans) are not Africans any more then white Americans are Europeans, and their population is decreasing at a similar rate to other Americans.

Rather it has to deal with one part of the globe producing at a rate that they can provide for,,, so many leave for the West. Why should we support this activity? Maybe if we cut it off they would get in line with the rest and of the world and start to take family planning and birth control more seriously. Maybe they would provide for themselves instead of producing chaotic countries.
GHook20 I'm on board. You've hit the nail on the head. It's nice to have more people like you on this message board who have common sense.

The issue you bring up is one more reason we need to finish the border wall. These African slime balls dream of traveling to Mexico and then crossing our southern border into America. This is how America goes down hill, by letting in people from shit hole countries.
You miss the point… many African immigrants do great things for this country and contribute greatly to our success…

But most of the world is seeing that if we continue to add billions to the world population every 10 years then we are set for disaster.

Every segment of the world knows this but Africa!
For our economy to continue to grow, our population needs to continue to grow. Our birth rate is declining, and so the difference has to be made up for with immigrants.

Those Africans who come here bust their asses to produce. They are contributors to our economy.

I have a friend who came here from Africa and is working his ass off and saving every penny he can so he can return to his village and build a school.Your racist stereotyping is disgusting.
I have never stereotyped anyone. It has to do with only one real part of the world reproduce at a unsustainable rate. They are able to do this because the west bails then out.
I’ll bring it to your attention next time I see some asshat telling one of our black members to go back to Africa.
I have heard Democrats tell blacks the same things. I have heard Blacks tell Hispanics that to go back to were they came from. I have heard Hispanics tells blacks to go back to Africa. I have heard all groups say that to one another. So what is your point?
I have heard Democrats tell blacks the same things. I have heard Blacks tell Hispanics that to go back to were they came from. I have heard Hispanics tells blacks to go back to Africa. I have heard all groups say that to one another. So what is your point?
You said republicans didn’t
say that. That was a lie.

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