The Vatican full of dead Popes kept for display, why?

No week is complete around here without the 'whack a Catholic with a stick' thread.
Catholicism is a cult. The Illuminati and the Jesuits are very much connected and it has to do with the catholic church's counter-reformation. I utterly despise the despicable Vatican and their jesuit pope. Many millions of people were killed because they were considered "heretics". They practice black masses in the catacombs of the Vatican doing unspeakable things. These are very sick and demented people.
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Probably same reason Lenin is on display. Its rather a sick practice .


The church was literally built on the tombs of the dead and where they held their circus.
Very telling.
IT was and is a death cult.
Just look at what they taught:

Death worship:
Colossians 2:12] and you were
buried with him in baptism Romans 6:4 We
were buried therefore with him by baptism
into death in John 18:33-37 :his kingdom is
not of the earth..
The mystery is you've been worshiping death and the gate keeper of death.
John 10 :9 {Jesus speaking} I am the
gate; whoever enters through me will be
saved. But his kingdom was not of this earth
it was in death so he claims to be the gate
keeper of Hades. Thus the whole world is
Rev 9:1 the fallen star was given
the key to the shaft of the Abyss. remember
Jesus is the one admitting to having this
Key to the abyss in Revelation 1:18 He’s
also always saying salvation is in death and
we see his proud proclaimation of being the
gate keeper of death: -Apocryphon of
James- "become seekers for death, like the
dead who seek for life; for that which they
seek is revealed to them. And what is there
to trouble them? As for you, when you
examine death it will teach you election.
Verily I say unto you, none of those who fear
death will be saved; for the kingdom of
death belongs to those who put themselves
to death!" Rev 9:2 When he opened the
Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke
from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky
were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss.
Luke 23:44-45 and there was a darkness
over all the earth until the ninth hour. And
the sun was darkened.Act’s 2:27 and 1 peter
3:19 he descended to hell means he opened
the abyss. this is when it darkened at his
opening of the abyss. G0D darkens the
heavens as he snuffs out his enemy,like in
Ezekiel 32:7-8.
Revelations 6:7 When the Lamb opened the
fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth
living creature say, "Come!" 8I looked, and
there before me was a pale horse! Its rider
was named Death, and Hades was following
close behind him. They were given power
over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword,
famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of
the earth.
He knew in dying he would draw people to
himself rather then to G-d the dying god
mythology was thus imitated where the son
(the morning star) surpasses his father Baal.
He wanted to raise himself high into the
heavens above the throne of G-d: Isaiah
14:12 the Morning Star Heb Helel; i.e.
shining one Is 34:4; Luke 10:18; Rev 8:10;
9:1 2 Pet 1:19; Rev 2:28; 22:16 . [See here
etymology of "Lucifer": "[ the morning star, a
fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr.
Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-
bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at
LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677) I Jesus am the
bright morning star (Lucifer) Rev 22:16
Isaiah 14:13-15 You said in your heart, "I
will ascend to heaven, above the stars of
God, and will set my throne on High... I will
ascend above the heights of the Clouds, I
will be as the Most High." Yet you will be
brought down to the grave, to the sides of
the pit! We noted that Jesus was indeed
brought down to the pit (the grave) by the
hands of his enemies for declaring himself
God as per Ezekiel 28:6 prophecy as per
accounts in Acts 2:27 and 1 Peter 3:19, he
claimed to be the most high, and holy king
(John 8:57, 10:25-36, Psalm 82:1-8). *Note
stars means angels, clouds means temple
priests (hosts in gethering were called
In John 6:66 they stoped following Jesus
when he claimed himself most high like in
Isaiah 14.
Romans 6:4 We were buried therefore with
him by baptism into death, so that as Christ
was raised from the dead by the glory of the
Father, we too might walk in newness of life.
: Colossians 2:11-12 [11] In him also you
were circumcised with a circumcision made
without hands, by putting off the body of
flesh in the circumcision of Christ; :
[Colossians 2:12] and you were buried with
him in baptism Romans 6:4 We were buried
therefore with him by baptism into death
There is no man(that includes Hades /Osiris/
Jesus all deemed kings of the underworld)
over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither
hath he that hath power in the day of death;
and there is no discharge in that war; neither
shall the wicked deliver those that are given
to it. They had as king over them the angel
of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is
Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon. *Abaddon
and Apollyon mean Destroyer.
(Luke 9:27): "But I tell you truly, there are
some standing here who shall not taste
death till they see the Kingdom of God." Two
ways of seeing this; 1)either he was a false
prophet because they never saw the kingdom
before they died. 2)it proves his god was
"devil"=death=opposite of having "lived".
Because they will not taste death until they
see his god=of death Interesting eh?
Apocryphon of James".... become seekers for
death, like the dead who seek for life; for
that which they seek is revealed to them.
And what is there to trouble them? As for
you, when you examine death it will teach
you election. Verily I say unto you, none of
those who fear death will be saved; for the
kingdom of death belongs to those who put
themselves to death!"
Thus Jesus is the curse in chosing Death according to:
Deuteronomy\Devarim: 30:19 I call heaven
and earth to witness against you this
day,That I have set before you life and
death, the blessing and the curse;Therefore
choose life, that you may live, you and your
children. The Church teaches the curse when
they say:"solution for mankind's dilemma
lies in suffering, and through the portals of
death" "Suffering Is Also God's
Gift” - Pope John Paul II Angelus, October
13, 1996, Gemelli Hospital.
So once again why do people chose the Curse?
Galatians even says cursed is anyman
placed upon the tree. And states cursed
were the followers with him.

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