God never sanctioned religion.


Silver Member
May 19, 2016
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All this talk about religion, in my studies, God never endorsed , nowhere that I have seen. God never choose a religion. One time in scripture he choose a people; Israel. But he did not choose their religion. Jesus never endorsed a religion, none that I know of. In fact, from what I see, God uses religion moreso to confuse people, not to lead them to him. Religion does not represent God; I mean they think they do; they try to, but its not the will of God for religion to speak for him.

God never sanctioned religion.

Religion has been used by satan to deceive a whole world, Rev. 12:9. What better way to deceive people is it? If the people think God has something to do with it, they will follow blindly, like sheep. Religion is the great Trojan horse that was implanted in humanity, and has imploded.

You think satan can deceive a whole world, and the great God not be aware of it? Or have nothing to do with it? Nothing can happen, that God does not want to happen. If something happened that God did not want to happen, then that something would be stronger than God. Religion is what it is and has been and will be; man's best effort to reach God. Religion proves what men will do when THEY are in power.

Religion is a very powerful seduction, it can seduce a human's mind in all kinds of various ways; and the human can mean well, but religion can lead them away from the real truth of God. Because religion " Mask's itself as God." satan is the god of this world, largely through his masterful use of religion. The seduction of the religious mind has been stunning in history. Science used to be a part of religion, but science grew tired of " Church regulated science", they rebelled and that started the great scientific revolution. Religion wanted to dictate the terms of the very stars themselves, and science saw things differently. But that started a great war, religion was seen as the savior of the people, and science wanted that title. I think God most certainly had a hand in this great battle; still does.

God is really using religion as a bad example, mixed with some good; and what does that define? Well it perfectly describes the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; both differing fruit, different dynamics, growing in the same tree, occurring in the same society.

So I want to take a real look at God and religion.
Matthew 16:18 pretty much destroys that
In Gen. 2:9, we see the actual birth of religion. Notice closely; "And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food. the tree of life also in the middle of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." That tree of the knowledge of good and evil, created the thought of religion in man. Two opposing powers of being, originating from the same source, - God. It was God who " Planted", or created this dynamic. He established it on earth. And it is confusion.

What God was really doing, was creating " The Need for Christ to come to earth." Because God knew religion would screw things up.
Matthew 16:18 pretty much destroys that

Jesus spoke of building his church, he never spoke of endorsing a religion. Christianity did not exist when Jesus said this. His followers called themselves " The Way', that following got perverted soon after Jesus left the earth. They " Became Christianity", and Jesus never endorsed Christianity; never! Neither did God; show me where they did.
All this talk about religion, in my studies, God never endorsed , nowhere that I have seen. God never choose a religion. One time in scripture he choose a people; Israel. But he did not choose their religion. Jesus never endorsed a religion, none that I know of. In fact, from what I see, God uses religion moreso to confuse people, not to lead them to him. Religion does not represent God; I mean they think they do; they try to, but its not the will of God for religion to speak for him.

God never sanctioned religion.

Religion has been used by satan to deceive a whole world, Rev. 12:9. What better way to deceive people is it? If the people think God has something to do with it, they will follow blindly, like sheep. Religion is the great Trojan horse that was implanted in humanity, and has imploded.

You think satan can deceive a whole world, and the great God not be aware of it? Or have nothing to do with it? Nothing can happen, that God does not want to happen. If something happened that God did not want to happen, then that something would be stronger than God. Religion is what it is and has been and will be; man's best effort to reach God. Religion proves what men will do when THEY are in power.

Religion is a very powerful seduction, it can seduce a human's mind in all kinds of various ways; and the human can mean well, but religion can lead them away from the real truth of God. Because religion " Mask's itself as God." satan is the god of this world, largely through his masterful use of religion. The seduction of the religious mind has been stunning in history. Science used to be a part of religion, but science grew tired of " Church regulated science", they rebelled and that started the great scientific revolution. Religion wanted to dictate the terms of the very stars themselves, and science saw things differently. But that started a great war, religion was seen as the savior of the people, and science wanted that title. I think God most certainly had a hand in this great battle; still does.

God is really using religion as a bad example, mixed with some good; and what does that define? Well it perfectly describes the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; both differing fruit, different dynamics, growing in the same tree, occurring in the same society.

So I want to take a real look at God and religion.

One time in scripture he choose a people

really you can't really believe that, do you?
Not only did he sanction it, He set the ground rules, twice. Read Leviticus. Then John.
What he didn't sanction is dogma, of which the religious community is rife.

The books were wrote by men, non of which were God.
Matthew 16:18 pretty much destroys that

Jesus spoke of building his church, he never spoke of endorsing a religion. Christianity did not exist when Jesus said this. His followers called themselves " The Way', that following got perverted soon after Jesus left the earth. They " Became Christianity", and Jesus never endorsed Christianity; never! Neither did God; show me where they did.

Who was the first Pope? Then read Matthew 16:18 again
Matthew 16:18 pretty much destroys that

Jesus spoke of building his church, he never spoke of endorsing a religion. Christianity did not exist when Jesus said this. His followers called themselves " The Way', that following got perverted soon after Jesus left the earth. They " Became Christianity", and Jesus never endorsed Christianity; never! Neither did God; show me where they did.

Well Rome did. They invented it.
Matthew 16:18 pretty much destroys that

Jesus spoke of building his church, he never spoke of endorsing a religion. Christianity did not exist when Jesus said this. His followers called themselves " The Way', that following got perverted soon after Jesus left the earth. They " Became Christianity", and Jesus never endorsed Christianity; never! Neither did God; show me where they did.

Well Rome did. They invented it.

Meh....go away
Matthew 16:18 pretty much destroys that

Jesus spoke of building his church, he never spoke of endorsing a religion. Christianity did not exist when Jesus said this. His followers called themselves " The Way', that following got perverted soon after Jesus left the earth. They " Became Christianity", and Jesus never endorsed Christianity; never! Neither did God; show me where they did.

Well Rome did. They invented it.

Meh....go away

Are you saying Rome didn't invent Christianity??
Matthew 16:18 pretty much destroys that

Jesus spoke of building his church, he never spoke of endorsing a religion. Christianity did not exist when Jesus said this. His followers called themselves " The Way', that following got perverted soon after Jesus left the earth. They " Became Christianity", and Jesus never endorsed Christianity; never! Neither did God; show me where they did.

Well Rome did. They invented it.

Meh....go away

Are you saying Rome didn't invent Christianity??

I think I said go away...let me check....yup that's what I said
Matthew 16:18 pretty much destroys that

Jesus spoke of building his church, he never spoke of endorsing a religion. Christianity did not exist when Jesus said this. His followers called themselves " The Way', that following got perverted soon after Jesus left the earth. They " Became Christianity", and Jesus never endorsed Christianity; never! Neither did God; show me where they did.

Well Rome did. They invented it.

Meh....go away

Are you saying Rome didn't invent Christianity??

Oh I think Rome had a whole lot to do with forming and shaping Christianity. They were first called Christians in Antioch, and Christianity grew in Rome and eventually accepted many new converts who had prior experience and beliefs in Paganism. That was the root of " Pagan Christianity", and paganism has grew in Christianity ever since. That is where Easter , Christmas , wedding ceremonies, funerals, statues and a whole host of paganism originated from.
Matthew 16:18 pretty much destroys that

Jesus spoke of building his church, he never spoke of endorsing a religion. Christianity did not exist when Jesus said this. His followers called themselves " The Way', that following got perverted soon after Jesus left the earth. They " Became Christianity", and Jesus never endorsed Christianity; never! Neither did God; show me where they did.

Well Rome did. They invented it.

Meh....go away

Are you saying Rome didn't invent Christianity??

Oh I think Rome had a whole lot to do with forming and shaping Christianity. They were first called Christians in Antioch, and Christianity grew in Rome and eventually accepted many new converts who had prior experience and beliefs in Paganism. That was the root of " Pagan Christianity", and paganism has grew in Christianity ever since. That is where Easter , Christmas , wedding ceremonies, funerals, statues and a whole host of paganism originated from.

Rome hung Christians on crosses as far as the eye could see. Fed them to lions, stuck poles up near the spine, poured oil on them and then lit them to illuminate the gardens, and on and on. Rome burned anything remotely connected to Christianity for hundreds of years to rid the world of Christianity, not promote it. And still couldn't erase Christ.
Constantine was responsible for the rest of what you refer to. He built the Church of Rome, which used christian ceremonies to replace pagan ones, in a effort to over shadow the pagan ones.
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Matthew 16:18 pretty much destroys that
And I tell you that you are Peter, "and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not overcome it".

- and the gates of hell will not overcome it"

- if the above were true there would not have been a need to be crucified ...

the religion of the Almighty is the parable of Noah, The Triumph of Good vs Evil - to its conclusion.

Matthew 16:18 pretty much destroys that
And I tell you that you are Peter, "and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not overcome it".

- and the gates of hell will not overcome it"

- if the above were true there would not have been a need to be crucified ...

the religion of the Almighty is the parable of Noah, The Triumph of Good vs Evil - to its conclusion.


Jesus spoke of building his church, he never spoke of endorsing a religion. Christianity did not exist when Jesus said this. His followers called themselves " The Way', that following got perverted soon after Jesus left the earth. They " Became Christianity", and Jesus never endorsed Christianity; never! Neither did God; show me where they did.

Well Rome did. They invented it.

Meh....go away

Are you saying Rome didn't invent Christianity??

Oh I think Rome had a whole lot to do with forming and shaping Christianity.Pagan symbols adopted by Christianity They were first called Christians in Antioch, and Christianity grew in Rome and eventually accepted many new converts who had prior experience and beliefs in Paganism. That was the root of " Pagan Christianity", and paganism has grew in Christianity ever since. That is where Easter , Christmas , wedding ceremonies, funerals, statues and a whole host of paganism originated from.

Rome hung Christians on crosses as far as the eye could see. Fed them to lions, stuck poles up near the spine, poured oil on them and then lit them to illuminate the gardens, and on and on. Rome burned anything remotely connected to Christianity for hundreds of years to rid the world of Christianity, not promote it. And still couldn't erase Christ.
Constantine was responsible for the rest of what you refer to. He built the Church of Rome, which used christian ceremonies to replace pagan ones, in a effort to over shadow the pagan ones.

Christians did the same atrocities to people during the inquisition. The first Christians evolved into the Roman Catholic church, history proves that to be true. Paganism all in it. And still in Christianity;

Pagan symbols adopted by Christianity
Jesus spoke of building his church, he never spoke of endorsing a religion. Christianity did not exist when Jesus said this. His followers called themselves " The Way', that following got perverted soon after Jesus left the earth. They " Became Christianity", and Jesus never endorsed Christianity; never! Neither did God; show me where they did.

Well Rome did. They invented it.

Meh....go away

Are you saying Rome didn't invent Christianity??

Oh I think Rome had a whole lot to do with forming and shaping Christianity. They were first called Christians in Antioch, and Christianity grew in Rome and eventually accepted many new converts who had prior experience and beliefs in Paganism. That was the root of " Pagan Christianity", and paganism has grew in Christianity ever since. That is where Easter , Christmas , wedding ceremonies, funerals, statues and a whole host of paganism originated from.

Rome hung Christians on crosses as far as the eye could see. Fed them to lions, stuck poles up near the spine, poured oil on them and then lit them to illuminate the gardens, and on and on. Rome burned anything remotely connected to Christianity for hundreds of years to rid the world of Christianity, not promote it. And still couldn't erase Christ.
Constantine was responsible for the rest of what you refer to. He built the Church of Rome, which used christian ceremonies to replace pagan ones, in a effort to over shadow the pagan ones.

You really don't believe all that propaganda do you, I would also like to know your souces for this propaganda.
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