The USA divided into 3 distinct groups

What I have noticed is with Trump people’s issues for the most part is about his style and personality not the substance of his polices where with Sanders people like his style and personality but have major issues with his policies.
I do not like Sanders style, grumpy old man. I do not like the majority of his issues. Sanders tone is the government should be focused on the lower 20% of the population without consideration for everyone else. We do need to help those in need but we have to help all.
Trump's style is it is all about me. I do not like more than half of his issues. Trump's tone is to do everything he can to increase his power and wealth. He increases his power by doing everything he can to maximize the economy now at the cost of tomorrow. He does not have long term monetary policy, increasing the debt worse than Democrats, to hell with the environment. Trump focuses on "now", too much, without consideration of the future. He focuses on himself over the needs of the country.

Both Sanders and Trump are out of balance.
Wrong. Sander's plan is to focus on the bottom 90% of the population.

No it's not. Communists focus only on themselves.
What I have noticed is with Trump people’s issues for the most part is about his style and personality not the substance of his polices where with Sanders people like his style and personality but have major issues with his policies.
I do not like Sanders style, grumpy old man. I do not like the majority of his issues. Sanders tone is the government should be focused on the lower 20% of the population without consideration for everyone else. We do need to help those in need but we have to help all.
Trump's style is it is all about me. I do not like more than half of his issues. Trump's tone is to do everything he can to increase his power and wealth. He increases his power by doing everything he can to maximize the economy now at the cost of tomorrow. He does not have long term monetary policy, increasing the debt worse than Democrats, to hell with the environment. Trump focuses on "now", too much, without consideration of the future. He focuses on himself over the needs of the country.

Both Sanders and Trump are out of balance.
Wrong. Sander's plan is to focus on the bottom 90% of the population.
By making them wards of the state

it took the russians 70 brutal years to escape from that kind of charity
The USA divided into 3 distinct groups

1 - The Bernie Sanders whacked out socialists

2 - The Donald Trump whacked out cult of reactionaries

3 - Normal people

The majority of the US population are normal but the whackos are winning in politics.
3 - Normal people


what you mean is people with a fence post up their ass cause they cant make a decision

Lol. :auiqs.jpg: Yeah, well, you're not doing anything to sway me to your tribe. So, keep up the great work!
I wish I knew how to reach the Tweeners

but they are too smug and too convinced that they are better than everyone else

Tweeners certainly think they are better than slobs like me who may not have all the answers but at least unlike you I am try to do something

I have no idea what the hell you're attempting to say, for one. What make you believe I'm not 'try to do something'? Maybe your sheer arrogance turns me off.
I think you think you are doing something by sitting on the fence

But you cant actually DO ANYTHING because you detest both of the major parties who are going to rule

so what is your plan?

to remain pure till Mr Wonderful comes along and takes you to the political alter?

I have news for you

It aint gonna happen

you will stay on the fence without ever being a player unless you pick a side

Independents are the largest block of voters in the country. They make and break every candidate's chances to win in every election. There is no such thing as a 'Mr. or Ms. Wonderful', because many of us think that such a concept is absurd. If you can't understand that, you'll never understand moderates. I'm cool with that. Keep talking shit.
I have no idea what the hell you're attempting to say, for one. What make you believe I'm not 'try to do something'? Maybe your sheer arrogance turns me off.
I think you think you are doing something by sitting on the fence

But you cant actually DO ANYTHING because you detest both of the major parties who are going to rule

so what is your plan?

to remain pure till Mr Wonderful comes along and takes you to the political alter?

I have news for you

It aint gonna happen

you will stay on the fence without ever being a player unless you pick a side
We HAVE picked a side. We're against the fundamentalists on both ends of the spectrum who are wrecking this country as we speak.

As a result, we're happy to take incoming from both ends. We don't need to hide in an ideological Safe Space and fling poo like a coward.

You folks, both ends, lack the BALLS to hold your own end accountable for ANYTHING. Okay, then WE'LL do it. At least we'll TRY.
The problem is that your side is all talk

for better or worse republican voters elected a president

and the dems are doing everything in their power to elect one of their socialist slugs to replace him

but you are neither fish nor fowl

which makes you meaningless
Could be. Right now you folks, on the ends, are getting all the attention and have all the influence.

We'll stick to our principles and refuse to be obedient sheep. It's worth trying.
Right now?

its been this way since the founding

but I guess some people would rather just complain

You're complaining right now.
Right now?

its been this way since the founding

but I guess some people would rather just complain
Btw, just out of curiosity what are your principles that are so unique and better than everyone else?
There's more of me than there are of you. So I would ask YOU that.

Why do you think you and your tribe have all the answers? What ego that must take.
I asked you first

dont dodge the question

just answer if you can
Boy, I do try to keep this stuff simple.

I don't think my views are unique, and I'm certainly not better than everyone else. And this is proven by the fact that there are far more of me than there are of you.

You and your tribe think that you have the answers, that you know what's best for the rest of us.

What makes you so special, to think something like that?
I don't think my views are unique, and I'm certainly not better than everyone else.

you act as if you think you are better

you cant soil your hands a join a party that will run the country because repubs or even dems are not good enough for you

Yet another complaint. How boring.
Btw, just out of curiosity what are your principles that are so unique and better than everyone else?
There's more of me than there are of you. So I would ask YOU that.

Why do you think you and your tribe have all the answers? What ego that must take.
I asked you first

dont dodge the question

just answer if you can
Boy, I do try to keep this stuff simple.

I don't think my views are unique, and I'm certainly not better than everyone else. And this is proven by the fact that there are far more of me than there are of you.

You and your tribe think that you have the answers, that you know what's best for the rest of us.

What makes you so special, to think something like that?
I don't think my views are unique, and I'm certainly not better than everyone else.

you act as if you think you are better

you cant soil your hands a join a party that will run the country because repubs or even dems are not good enough for you

Yet another complaint. How boring.
You'll notice we never have to name names.

They just jump out of the woodwork for us, all defensive and pissy.
3 - Normal people


what you mean is people with a fence post up their ass cause they cant make a decision

Lol. :auiqs.jpg: Yeah, well, you're not doing anything to sway me to your tribe. So, keep up the great work!
I wish I knew how to reach the Tweeners

but they are too smug and too convinced that they are better than everyone else

Tweeners certainly think they are better than slobs like me who may not have all the answers but at least unlike you I am try to do something

I have no idea what the hell you're attempting to say, for one. What make you believe I'm not 'try to do something'? Maybe your sheer arrogance turns me off.
I think you think you are doing something by sitting on the fence

But you cant actually DO ANYTHING because you detest both of the major parties who are going to rule

so what is your plan?

to remain pure till Mr Wonderful comes along and takes you to the political alter?

I have news for you

It aint gonna happen

you will stay on the fence without ever being a player unless you pick a side

Independents are the largest block of voters in the country. They make and break every candidate's chances to win in every election. There is no such thing as a 'Mr. or Ms. Wonderful', because many of us think that such a concept is absurd. If you can't understand that, you'll never understand moderates. I'm cool with that. Keep talking shit.
Its true that Tweeners do sometimes slum in one of the major parties on election day

But between elections they return to their holier-than-thou persona and just bitch like hell
Trump was elected because Washington was broken...the federal government was absolutely war after economy that worked only for the well if voting for Trump means I'm not normal then so be it....I'll be abnormal again in November....
View attachment 308120
Yeah, yeah

everyone hates the other side these days

The other side?
Aka anyone who does not agree with you
I think you think you are doing something by sitting on the fence

But you cant actually DO ANYTHING because you detest both of the major parties who are going to rule

so what is your plan?

to remain pure till Mr Wonderful comes along and takes you to the political alter?

I have news for you

It aint gonna happen

you will stay on the fence without ever being a player unless you pick a side
We HAVE picked a side. We're against the fundamentalists on both ends of the spectrum who are wrecking this country as we speak.

As a result, we're happy to take incoming from both ends. We don't need to hide in an ideological Safe Space and fling poo like a coward.

You folks, both ends, lack the BALLS to hold your own end accountable for ANYTHING. Okay, then WE'LL do it. At least we'll TRY.
The problem is that your side is all talk

for better or worse republican voters elected a president

and the dems are doing everything in their power to elect one of their socialist slugs to replace him

but you are neither fish nor fowl

which makes you meaningless
Could be. Right now you folks, on the ends, are getting all the attention and have all the influence.

We'll stick to our principles and refuse to be obedient sheep. It's worth trying.
Right now?

its been this way since the founding

but I guess some people would rather just complain

You're complaining right now.
I am answering the nose in the crowd who think they are so special
Trump was elected because Washington was broken...the federal government was absolutely war after economy that worked only for the well if voting for Trump means I'm not normal then so be it....I'll be abnormal again in November....
View attachment 308120
Yeah, yeah

everyone hates the other side these days

The other side?
Aka anyone who does not agree with you

Oh... ok.

So you think the blob is going to “fix” the system that made him rich?
Lol. :auiqs.jpg: Yeah, well, you're not doing anything to sway me to your tribe. So, keep up the great work!
I wish I knew how to reach the Tweeners

but they are too smug and too convinced that they are better than everyone else

Tweeners certainly think they are better than slobs like me who may not have all the answers but at least unlike you I am try to do something

I have no idea what the hell you're attempting to say, for one. What make you believe I'm not 'try to do something'? Maybe your sheer arrogance turns me off.
I think you think you are doing something by sitting on the fence

But you cant actually DO ANYTHING because you detest both of the major parties who are going to rule

so what is your plan?

to remain pure till Mr Wonderful comes along and takes you to the political alter?

I have news for you

It aint gonna happen

you will stay on the fence without ever being a player unless you pick a side

Independents are the largest block of voters in the country. They make and break every candidate's chances to win in every election. There is no such thing as a 'Mr. or Ms. Wonderful', because many of us think that such a concept is absurd. If you can't understand that, you'll never understand moderates. I'm cool with that. Keep talking shit.
Its true that Tweeners do sometimes slum in one of the major parties on election day

But between elections they return to their holier-than-thou persona and just bitch like hell

All I've seen from you in this thread is bitching. I don't require any approval from wingers, and it drives them nuts. Keep it up, snowflake, I'm not going to stop you.
Btw, just out of curiosity what are your principles that are so unique and better than everyone else?
There's more of me than there are of you. So I would ask YOU that.

Why do you think you and your tribe have all the answers? What ego that must take.
I asked you first

dont dodge the question

just answer if you can
Boy, I do try to keep this stuff simple.

I don't think my views are unique, and I'm certainly not better than everyone else. And this is proven by the fact that there are far more of me than there are of you.

You and your tribe think that you have the answers, that you know what's best for the rest of us.

What makes you so special, to think something like that?
I don't think my views are unique, and I'm certainly not better than everyone else.

you act as if you think you are better

you cant soil your hands a join a party that will run the country because repubs or even dems are not good enough for you

Yet another complaint. How boring.
Ok since you know everything did trump collude with russia to steal the election from hillary?
There's more of me than there are of you. So I would ask YOU that.

Why do you think you and your tribe have all the answers? What ego that must take.
I asked you first

dont dodge the question

just answer if you can
Boy, I do try to keep this stuff simple.

I don't think my views are unique, and I'm certainly not better than everyone else. And this is proven by the fact that there are far more of me than there are of you.

You and your tribe think that you have the answers, that you know what's best for the rest of us.

What makes you so special, to think something like that?
I don't think my views are unique, and I'm certainly not better than everyone else.

you act as if you think you are better

you cant soil your hands a join a party that will run the country because repubs or even dems are not good enough for you

Yet another complaint. How boring.
You'll notice we never have to name names.

They just jump out of the woodwork for us, all defensive and pissy.

It's so nice how they self identify. :04:
There's more of me than there are of you. So I would ask YOU that.

Why do you think you and your tribe have all the answers? What ego that must take.
I asked you first

dont dodge the question

just answer if you can
Boy, I do try to keep this stuff simple.

I don't think my views are unique, and I'm certainly not better than everyone else. And this is proven by the fact that there are far more of me than there are of you.

You and your tribe think that you have the answers, that you know what's best for the rest of us.

What makes you so special, to think something like that?
I don't think my views are unique, and I'm certainly not better than everyone else.

you act as if you think you are better

you cant soil your hands a join a party that will run the country because repubs or even dems are not good enough for you

Yet another complaint. How boring.
Ok since you know everything did trump collude with russia to steal the election from hillary?

Are you asking my opinion on the matter?
We HAVE picked a side. We're against the fundamentalists on both ends of the spectrum who are wrecking this country as we speak.

As a result, we're happy to take incoming from both ends. We don't need to hide in an ideological Safe Space and fling poo like a coward.

You folks, both ends, lack the BALLS to hold your own end accountable for ANYTHING. Okay, then WE'LL do it. At least we'll TRY.
The problem is that your side is all talk

for better or worse republican voters elected a president

and the dems are doing everything in their power to elect one of their socialist slugs to replace him

but you are neither fish nor fowl

which makes you meaningless
Could be. Right now you folks, on the ends, are getting all the attention and have all the influence.

We'll stick to our principles and refuse to be obedient sheep. It's worth trying.
Right now?

its been this way since the founding

but I guess some people would rather just complain

You're complaining right now.
I am answering the nose in the crowd who think they are so special

Answering=complaining. Po-tay-to, Po-ta-to. You want a medal because you belong to a tribe?
The USA divided into 3 distinct groups

1 - The Bernie Sanders whacked out socialists

2 - The Donald Trump whacked out cult of reactionaries

3 - Normal people

The majority of the US population are normal but the whackos are winning in politics.

The USA divided into 3 distinct groups

1 - The Bernie Sanders whacked out socialists

2 - The Donald Trump whacked out cult of reactionaries

3 - Normal people

The majority of the US population are normal but the whackos are winning in politics.
and why do you think that is Elmer?...just curious......i think its because there to many die hard party people on both sides....the far lefts motto..."if you dont like what i like,if you dont think like i think....fuck you".......the far rights motto......"if you dont like what i like,if you dont think like i think....fuck you"....2 sides that seems to hate each other,but yet are so alike its uncanny....

The USA divided into 3 distinct groups
1 - The Bernie Sanders whacked out socialists
2 - The Donald Trump whacked out cult of reactionaries
3 - Normal people
The majority of the US population are normal but the whackos are winning in politics.
And, bingo.

The nutters are just LOUDER, so they get the attention and therefore command the influence.



There is nothing complex about the division....This is way simpler than you fellas think...The push to take Whitey's country from Whitey has finally occurred to Whitey....Multiculturalism doesn't fucking work...PERIOD!
The statement of a white supremacist who supports Trump.
All supporters of Trump are not white supremacists but all white supremacists support Trump. you’ve dubbed me a white supremacist...therefore what I’ve asserted has no value. Haha.
What exactly is a “white supremacist”?
Is that someone with brains and big enough balls to acknowledge data as it relates to the behavioral traits of different ethnic groups?
I ask this one super terrifying question that I guarantee you will not have the nuts to respond to with an answer....Ready, here goes....
If this nation were all white would it be a safer more productive, more unified nation?
Scary shit...huh?
Trump was elected because Washington was broken...the federal government was absolutely war after economy that worked only for the well if voting for Trump means I'm not normal then so be it....I'll be abnormal again in November....
View attachment 308120
Yeah, yeah

everyone hates the other side these days

The other side?
Aka anyone who does not agree with you

Oh... ok.

So you think the blob is going to “fix” the system that made him rich?
I dont think being rich is a condition that needs to be fixed