Interesting Harris Poll of 1660 REGISTERED voters


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
Lots to review in the poll, but here are some highlights:

  • Only one-in-three think the country Is moving in the right direction
  • A majority approve of the job Trump did as president
  • GOP approval is at 50% and Democrat approval is at 46%
  • Inflation and immigration are the top two issues
  • Trump leads Biden in both a 2-way race and a 3-way race (with RFK Jr)
  • Only 37% think Biden is fit to be president
  • Most voters think the Dems are using the legal system in a biased way to unfairly take out their opponent
  • 79% of voters support Israel over HAMAS
  • 67% of all voters believe Israel is trying to limit civilian casualties, including 75% of voters 25-34 and 73% of voters 35-44
  • A strong majority support Israel’s move into Rafah and a majority say Biden should not withhold weapons from Israel
  • 7 in 10 say there is a great deal of antisemitism on campus; just over half say the same about Islamophobia
Lots of other poll results:

Lots to review in the poll, but here are some highlights:

  • Only one-in-three think the country Is moving in the right direction
  • A majority approve of the job Trump did as president
  • GOP approval is at 50% and Democrat approval is at 46%
  • Inflation and immigration are the top two issues
  • Trump leads Biden in both a 2-way race and a 3-way race (with RFK Jr)
  • Only 37% think Biden is fit to be president
  • Most voters think the Dems are using the legal system in a biased way to unfairly take out their opponent
  • 79% of voters support Israel over HAMAS
  • 67% of all voters believe Israel is trying to limit civilian casualties, including 75% of voters 25-34 and 73% of voters 35-44
  • A strong majority support Israel’s move into Rafah and a majority say Biden should not withhold weapons from Israel
  • 7 in 10 say there is a great deal of antisemitism on campus; just over half say the same about Islamophobia
Lots of other poll results:

Really interesting. Today on their front page, I believe for the first time this year, Real Clear Politics has Trump and the GOP leading in ALL battleground states and on the generic ballots. And like the Harvard/Harris poll, RCP averages and Rasmussen give high marks to Trump on almost all policy. Biden not so much.

It's way to early for the polls to be much of a reliable indicator yet, but they certainly do seem to reflect that the DOJ's war on Trump and all their efforts to take him out aren't working very well. :)

It's not too early at all, Virginia starts voting 45 days prior to Nov 5.

166 days to go so you are looking at only four months and some change till votes are cast.

It's not your grandpappy's election season anymore.
I know but a whole bunch of stuff can happen in five months so who knows what anybody will be thinking by October or November? All I am saying is we cannot depend on polling now to tell us how people will vote then.
Lots to review in the poll, but here are some highlights:

  • Only one-in-three think the country Is moving in the right direction
  • A majority approve of the job Trump did as president
  • GOP approval is at 50% and Democrat approval is at 46%
  • Inflation and immigration are the top two issues
  • Trump leads Biden in both a 2-way race and a 3-way race (with RFK Jr)
  • Only 37% think Biden is fit to be president
  • Most voters think the Dems are using the legal system in a biased way to unfairly take out their opponent
  • 79% of voters support Israel over HAMAS
  • 67% of all voters believe Israel is trying to limit civilian casualties, including 75% of voters 25-34 and 73% of voters 35-44
  • A strong majority support Israel’s move into Rafah and a majority say Biden should not withhold weapons from Israel
  • 7 in 10 say there is a great deal of antisemitism on campus; just over half say the same about Islamophobia
Lots of other poll results:

I have the following comments on your bullet points:

The election is actually at least a 5 - way race. While people can argue about who RFK hurts more, Cornell West and Jill Stein definitely hurt Biden more.

I find it funny that with 79% of voters backing Israel, Biden wants to alienate them in favor of the hard left. These people want to burn the candle at so many ends in winds up ticking everyone off.

The so called "peaceful" innocent civilian Palestinians could put an end to this whole thing by simply inviting Israel in to destroy Hamas, showing them tunnels and other infrastructure so that Israel wouldn't have to go in their bombing all over the place. The Palestinians need to be friends with Israel, not Hamas. Then we can actually have a two state solution. The reason none of that happens is because Palestinians aren't the innocent civilians they and others claim them to be.
Not to worry, Briben still has a chance. As he's busy buying votes by paying off student loans, how about he sends everyone, let's see, maybe $50,000 each? All in an effort to combat inflation of course. That may work.

The father and son Hamas rapists - Terrorists describe going house to house carrying out sex attacks and murder: 'One screamed and cried... father raped her then I did then my cousin did then father killed her'​

There are no 'innocents' in Gaza. Kill every motherfucking one of them. slowly
Not to worry, Briben still has a chance. As he's busy buying votes by paying off student loans, how about he sends everyone, let's see, maybe $50,000 each? All in an effort to combat inflation of course. That may work.
Never underestimate the criminality and the depravity of dimocrap scum. Never.

Never underestimate their ability to lie, cheat and steal.

This is not time for 'Sunshine Patriots'. We're either in it to win it or just wasting time.

Those punk-ass bitch "Ballot Harvesters"? They might need some advanced education when you catch them.
Never underestimate the criminality and the depravity of dimocrap scum. Never.

Never underestimate their ability to lie, cheat and steal.

This is not time for 'Sunshine Patriots'. We're either in it to win it or just wasting time.

Those punk-ass bitch "Ballot Harvesters"? They might need some advanced education when you catch them.
You're an absolute lunatic.
Lots to review in the poll, but here are some highlights:

  • Only one-in-three think the country Is moving in the right direction
  • A majority approve of the job Trump did as president
  • GOP approval is at 50% and Democrat approval is at 46%
  • Inflation and immigration are the top two issues
  • Trump leads Biden in both a 2-way race and a 3-way race (with RFK Jr)
  • Only 37% think Biden is fit to be president
  • Most voters think the Dems are using the legal system in a biased way to unfairly take out their opponent
  • 79% of voters support Israel over HAMAS
  • 67% of all voters believe Israel is trying to limit civilian casualties, including 75% of voters 25-34 and 73% of voters 35-44
  • A strong majority support Israel’s move into Rafah and a majority say Biden should not withhold weapons from Israel
  • 7 in 10 say there is a great deal of antisemitism on campus; just over half say the same about Islamophobia
Lots of other poll results:

So what you're saying is that the majority of America are uninformed and not paying attention.

You keep whistling past the graveyard Lisa. Keep voting against the Jewish people, women, and the USA. Keep voting for the KKK and the NAZI's Lisa. Keep voting for hate and violence.
That's not very many people to poll on this kind of stuff.

1660 people? That's like 1/3 of the people at a monster truck show I went to a couple months ago. I mean there are over 300,000,000 Americans.

While the results don't surprise me for the most part I'd be more curious on a larger sampling of people.

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