The U.S. Economy Is Now Dangerously Detached From Reality

Fed James Bullard said just this morning that the government & Fed are still subsidizing big banks.

a typical liberal lie from an illiterate

Are you calling James Bullard a liar??????

James Bullard is president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis & serves on the Federal Open Market Committee. If anyone knows the big banks are still being subsidized, he sure as hell would.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) also says the government is subsidizing the Big Banks. "The top 18 banks in America are receiving what, in practical terms, amounts to a welfare check in the amount of $76 billion dollars each and every year."
The reward is for employees who got to:
Keep their bonuses from the fat years

too stupid most big employees owned big stock and most lost everything!! Ever heard of Bear Lehman Merryl WaMu and 1000 others??

Is the libturd Marxist worried about punishing those in government
who tried to subvert the free market to get people into homes the free market said they could not afford?? Does the libturd know that Democrats still love Fanny Freddie???

The government owns 50% of Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae and what they got from the housing crisis was a boatload of new real estate property and this has tremendous value.
Are you calling James Bullard a liar??????

no, calling you, a typical libturd, a liar.

Show us where he said the the Fed is still subsidizing the banks or admit to being a typical libturd liar.

You are an idiot!

Show us where he said the the Fed is still subsidizing the banks or admit to being a typical libturd liar.

IF you're not smart enough to be here why are you here? This is where liberals come to die and you show up as a unarmed man!
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The government has three options to deal with the debt:

1. Deflate the currency
2. Default (not the bogus default cried up during the Debt Ceiling fracas) - but real default where bonds are not honored
3. Seize wealth of private citizens

I'm going with #3 as the preferred alternative. We're already in a currency war, so 1 is in process. The Feds are not going to default on the nationalizing 401Ks and IRAs in the name of Retirement Security is the best bet. It will fail, ultimately, but the capital will enable the Feds to kick the can down the road a bit more while funneling all that funding to their cronies (and themselves).

There is little choice after that socialist bailout of the rich banks in 2008 gave all this nations wealth to the top 1%. These assholes caused the problem & turned around & took the wealth of the country in return. There should have been a collapse of all the investment banks. The commercial banks holding the average Joe's money was not going under & was guaranteed to $100k per account. The communist seized these accounts & merged them with the corrupt insolvent investment banks & got $2.5 trillion from the fed that they will never pay back.


All of the 1% would be broke or knocked down to the $100k range had it not been for that bailout. They made bad investments & hedged them with insurance from an insolvent company. The free market would have leveled them. The stolen wealth must be redistributed back to the people to repair this economy.

Blah blah blah. Blaming the 1% is blaming middle managers married to nurses. The mega mega wealthy are the top .01-.001%.

And you are ignorant as to the role that government played in staging this mess.

Can anyone possibly be this stupid?

The primary moral problems are that 95% of the top 20% are too self-absorbed to care about the United States as a nationand the top 5% are borderline criminals based on the effects of their work on the United States. Has nothing to do with political party; both are selling out the United States for family wealth and sating the bourgeois with toys.

And frankly, it is funny as hell watching BOTH nutballs and human potential enthusiasts - the worst elements of each party - celebrate their own destruction at the hands of economic traitors posing as Republican or Democrat (it doesn't really matter any more) best described as "corporatists".
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