The u.s. Border will never be secured.

The laws we have in place already, would handle the current problems fine. We just aren't enforcing them.

We don't need new laws. Just new people doing the enforcing - people who actually want the laws OBEYED.
There are things about immigration and border protection that need to be reformed

The process is outdated and in need of streamlining.. it is also in need to securing up.. those going thru legal immigration are in the system forever, the background checks are not efficient, and it is overly complex in nature (government for ya)

The border needs to be sealed and more enforcement needs to be taking place at the border..

Those caught illegally need to be more efficiently deported
Back in 1986 when Ronald Reagan signed an immigration and amnesty act, a big part of that bill was border security and enforcement.
We all know the amnesty part happened, guess which part the congress failed to act on and enforce? If you said "border security and enforcement", move to the head of the class.
Back then it was about 3 million people, today it is well over 10 million.
If you keep doing the same thing, you will keep getting the same results. Our immigration laws aren't broken, they are ignored by our lawmakers.
it makes me puke every time i hear rubios lie commercial about immigration being broken. its broken because of people like him.
it makes me puke every time i hear rubios lie commercial about immigration being broken. its broken because of people like him.

I'm pretty sure Rubio wasn't in congress in 1986 when the first "immigration reform" bill (AKA amnesty) was passed. John McCain, Dick Durbin and Chuck Schumer were though. 3 that fucked it up the first time are leading the charge today. I don't have confidence in them.
An internet site recently ran a poll implying that our system was "broken", and asking, "Who has the best solution to the illegal-alien problem?" The choice of answers they offered was (a) Arizona with its new law, (b) Obama with his "comprehensive immigration reform" mantra, or (c) Not Sure.

But they left out the CORRECT answer. Actually, the people who wrote our existing Federal laws on immigration, had the best solution.

1.) No one gets in without a visa.
2.) We do whatever it takes to keep out people without visas (which includes building a fence/wall where needed and hiring enough Border Patrol to patrol it adequately).
3.) Aliens found here without a visa, through unrelated contact with law enforcement, get deported.
4.) Employers who knowingly employ illegal aliens go to jail, up to and including the CEOs if they knew or suspected it too.
5.) People who apply for visas for various reasons (marriage, relatives, political asylum, needed skills, routine-I-want-to-live-there, etc.) get screened for criminal backgrounds and/or diseases, then get visas according to set quotas. Those quotas get expanded as population or capacity to absorb immigrants expands.

Why is this so difficult?

The system isn't "broken". A perfectly good system has been in place for decades. We're just not using it! And haven't been, for many administrations now.

We don't need to change the laws (so-called "comprehensive immigration reform")

And we certainly don't need to grant amnesty to people who already broke our laws and came here illegally (so-called "path to citizenship").

We need to change the people whose job it was to enforce existing laws, who haven't been doing it... starting at the top. And replace them with people who WILL do the job they're assigned by the voters.

Why wasn't this offered in your poll of "Who has the best solution?" Because it IS the best solution. And has been for a long time.

The only thing that's been missing, is the will to actually carry out this "tough love" program for our country.

BTW, if the administration(s) haven't wanted to obey the existing immigration laws, what makes you think they will obey a new set of laws?

The problem isn't with the existing laws. It's with the people we elected to carry them out.

No one’s advocating ‘amnesty.’

And how do you know someone broke the law if he hasn’t been found guilty of a crime?

Or do you believe one is to be presumed guilty and must prove his innocence?

It’s well-known that conservative opposition to immigration reform has nothing to do with the ‘law’ and everything to do with the fear of a more diverse and inclusive America.

Our immigration system is not broken.
Our immigration enforcement laws are broken.
Our southern border is broken.
Our government is broken.
Our visa system is broken.
Our farm workers program is broken.
Our automatic birthright citizenship law is broken.
Our president is broken.
There are 11 million people in the country illegal because our those reason and not because our immigration system is broken. That is just an pathetic lame excuse used by Advocates for Amnesty and amnesty will not fix what is broken.

Amnesty will bring some of the 11 million out of the shadows but not those family members with criminal backgrounds. And they will not be searched out and rounded up and arrested, detained and deported as the bill promises. And if they were families will be broken up. Enforcement with deportation will keep families together. And that is the compassionate and humane thing to do.

Those that do not have jobs should be deported so they will not be a drain on the system. Immigrants of old that came though Ellis Island had to have means of support and carrying no contagious diseases. How will those of the 11 million be screened is they will not. Promises that were made in 1986 and not kept is the same promises made today that will not be kept. Reason? Cost too much. But it will cost us more if they are not screened and the promises not kept. Comp. Immig. Reform bill is a bill for destruction for Americans and for illegal aliens.

How much will family re-unification (chain migration) cost tax payers? It opens the border instead of securing the border. It will bring family member into this country who are elderly and disabled who have never contributed to the system who will receive benefits they will be paid for by tax payers who are already paying through the noses with blood. Too many unanswered question and too many questions that cannot be answered in this immigration bill.

Where is the humanity and compassion for Americans that this bill will negative affect?

Illegal aliens are holding power hungry greedy and corrupt democrats hostage for votes and the payoff is amnesty and government freebies and entitlements. And democrats are willing to throw American’s dream under the bus to give illegal aliens whatever they want. The biggest sacrifice being Obama’s black brother, sisters and their families Then they have a few power hungry greedy and corrupt republicans to tag along with them.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform we will never recover from economically. The price this country is willing to pay and the sacrifices the are willing to make to stay in power. Democrats want to keep the White House and the republicans want to keep the House.

Obama’s children don’t look like mine. My children and grand children are struggling everyday for education and jobs. My children are American children.
Lilolady, sometime you are all over the map, but this is one I agree with you on..

how does it feel for you Democrat voters to know your party is willing to SELL YOU OUT for power?

make you fweel all warm and fuzzy I hope
Doesn't matter. The Hispanics are at war with the blacks and we've got a black president who refuses to condemn the Black Mob Violence on Latinos and Whites.

The truth is Obama is a racist and despises the Hispanic population every bit as much as he despises the white population. If he were truly serious about his promises of Immigration he would have done it the 1st term. He not only didn't do it the first term, he didn't do it before he was elected the second time either. He won't do it in his last two years either. He is full of empty promises.

He never had any intention of helping the Mexican people become citizens here. It was all a lie.
Hi Little:

What makes you think we need immigration 'reform'?

Please allow me to offer a few comments on your topic. We agree that the provisions of the Immigration and Reform Act of 1986 contains excellent immigration and employment laws. There is no need whatsoever for any kind of reform in these areas. Your point is that these laws are not being carried out. Again, we agree. However, the notion that these perfectly-good laws are being arbitrarily ignored is a bit naive. After all, we have an illegal alien squatting right now in the White House and those in power could not care less. In fact, they need Barry in the White House, as a CIA operative, to keep running the ongoing 911 Inside Job cover-up operation among other American atrocities.

The point is that everyone from Barry to the local Sheriff refuses to enforce perfectly-good immigration and employment laws already on the books. For example, anyone helping an illegal alien gain the appearance of legal working status is guilty of a 5-year felony, according to current immigration/employment laws. The reality is that the refusal of your congressional leadership to see these laws enforced is part of a much larger agenda that begins with "Worker Displacement" here in the USA. Jobs are being shipped overseas and south of the border through NAFTA-like trade treaties that force Americans to compete with people working for less than 2 dollars per day.

Outsourcing of jobs overseas by the corporations is another problem that reduces the number of jobs here in the USA. Then we have about 25 guest worker programs that bring 1.5 million foreign nationals into the USA every year, even if the unemployment rate goes to 100 percent; and 40-50 percent of those people overstay their visas to become illegal aliens. Then the 20-30 million illegal aliens displace Americans from jobs, which causes those Americans to go out and displace other Americans from jobs finding employers turning over their workers in a race to the bottom in the way of pay and benefits.

Fewer Americans with high-paying jobs removes citizens from the home-buying market, because these foreigners want your money to take back to their home countries. The house prices must continue going down, because citizens are forced to compete with illegal aliens living 10-20 in one house sharing expenses willing to work for less than half the price. The value of your goods and services must go down, because the wages of citizens must go down; which destroys the consumer and tax bases. A shrinking tax base means fewer Govt services, hospital/school closings, roads in disrepair, so on and so forth. Therefore, the fact that our perfectly-good employment/immigration laws are not being enforced is really not the problem. That is the symptom. The real problem is that our government officials are corrupt to the core serving a corporate/elitist agenda that includes the destruction of the USA as we know it.

Any American that allows their corrupt politicians to take us through another round of amnesty/immigration reform is a fool. The corrupt politicians have already proven beyond all doubt that they refuse to enforce perfectly good laws. They will wheel and deal for corporate/illegal alien benefits that Americans cannot afford to kick the door wide open for more illegal activity. Think about it: Right now there are hundreds and even thousands of illegal aliens using the same Social Security Numbers with addresses to their current locations on employment applications and 1099 applications and W2 employment applications that can be tracked down and traced electronically.

There is a large contingent of forgers working every day providing illegal documents for illegal aliens that are easily traceable and nobody in our bought-and-paid for government is doing one thing about it. The cops are pulling over citizens to check for seat belt violations rather than doing one thing to protect our jobs from illegal aliens. This is one reason I have zero regard for those calling themselves 'law enforcement.' America is not America any more. Corruption has destroyed us and we have nobody to blame but ourselves. We should bend over and take our medicine for being so utterly stupid.

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Is the law at fault, or the people that chose to break them? I blame the people that immigrate illegally, they know blamed full well what they are doing is wrong. Slam dunk. I live with and among all these supposed "immigrants", and it isn't a bed of roses. Speaking of which, I found a spent shotgun shell in my bed of roses. Thirty years ago, this was a quite nice place and you could meditate in peace without fear . Now it's about loud mariachi music and murders. Rap and violence. Is this the values and standards we aspire to as a free country?
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Immigration reform isn't supposed to be good for tthe country. No one says it is. It's supposed to be good for immigrants.

If you found a spent shell someone had a birthday party.
What makes you think we need immigration "reform"?

We do not need immigration reform. We need to enforce the laws we already have on the books and run the illegal aliens out of the country.
Doesn't matter. The Hispanics are at war with the blacks and we've got a black president who refuses to condemn the Black Mob Violence on Latinos and Whites.

The truth is Obama is a racist and despises the Hispanic population every bit as much as he despises the white population. If he were truly serious about his promises of Immigration he would have done it the 1st term. He not only didn't do it the first term, he didn't do it before he was elected the second time either. He won't do it in his last two years either. He is full of empty promises.

He never had any intention of helping the Mexican people become citizens here. It was all a lie.

Who is he racist against? He sure as hell don't give a damn about the blacks killing blacks in our inner cities or the high unemployment rate and the rate of blacks not going to college or he would drop amnesty. Not a lie, just politics as usual. Obama is a politician first. No different than the others.

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