The Truth About Mail-in Vote Fraud


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Mail in voting is so unsecure and vulnerable to voter fraud it is incredulous that anyone denies it.

Here is Nadler in a rare moment of honesty,

More than 800 mail-in votes in one of New Jersey's largest cities have already been set aside, according to a county spokesperson, as an election is marred by allegations of voter fraud.
Those hundreds of votes represent about six percent of all ballots that have been sent in thus far in Paterson's election Tuesday, the county spokesman said, which couldn't be held through traditional in-person methods due to the coronavirus pandemic. There are claims that mass batches of ballots are being sent in after images showed bundles of mail-in votes.
A town over, in Haledon, a post office spokesman confirms a bundle of 300 Paterson city ballots bundled in a mailbox there. A statement from postal inspectors said that their findings were sent to the attorney general's office and the Board of Elections. The mayor of Paterson says the voting problems could be criminal.
"If they are finding bundles of ballots in mailboxes, then the appropriate authorities mist take the appropriate action," Mayor Andre Sayegh said.
There have been reports of postal workers leaving stacks of ballots in building lobbies because voting rolls have outdated addresses listed. Two candidates from one ward have been pointing fingers as to who is to blame, while a third said mail-vote fraud is a major problem this election.

The 3rd Ward happened to have the highest number of disqualified ballots – roughly 1,150 votes, or about one out of every four that was submitted, according to various reports released by election officials.
The 2nd Ward has the highest number of disqualifications, with more than 900, followed by the 5th Ward with 480 and the 1st Ward with 350.
County officials say they will notify each voter whose ballot was disqualified. But that had not happened as of Friday, when the names were first made public. Among those on the list were former school board members Eddie Gonzalez and Danilo Inoa, the son of former 1st Ward Councilman James Staton, the brother of 6th Ward councilman Al Abdelaziz and the wife of Passaic County Freeholder Theodore “TJ” Best.
“I’m very disturbed with this system,” said Staton. “Everybody whose vote didn’t count should contest it.”
Also among those whose votes were disqualified was 91-year-old Tom Fuscaldo, the former president of the Paterson Taxpayers Association and a regular attendee of City Council meetings.

In the City Council election, 16,747 vote-by-mail ballots were received, but only 13,557 votes were counted. More than 3,190 votes, 19% of the total ballots cast, were disqualified by the board of elections. Due to the pandemic, Paterson’s election was done through vote-by-mail. Community organizations, such as the city’s NAACP chapter, are calling for the entire election to be invalidated.
Mail-in ballots have long been acknowledged by voting experts to be more susceptible to fraud and irregularities than in-person voting. This has raised concerns from President Trump and other Republicans about the integrity of national elections in November, which are expected to include a dramatic increase in mail-in ballots. If Paterson is any guide, it ought to concern Democrats as well.
You mean because it had to be abandoned because states were refusing to produce any information? Or perhaps it was because it had to be abandoned because states were refusing to produce any information. Some even threatened legal action.
and the voting rolls are all public information anyway, lol.

Two Paterson, New Jersey councilmen and two men linked to a councilmen’s campaign have been charged with election fraud, mail-in voting fraud, and illegal possession of mail-in ballots.

Late last week, New Jersey’s Attorney General Gurbir Grewal announced election fraud charges against Paterson City Councilman Michael Jackson (D), Councilman-elect Alex Mendez (D), Shelim Khalique, and Abu Razyen.
BATTLESPACE PREPARATION FOR MASSIVE VOTE FRAUD: Exclusive: Dem group warns of apparent Trump Election Day landslide.

“A top Democratic data and analytics firm told ‘Axios on HBO’ it’s highly likely that President Trump will appear to have won — potentially in a landslide — on election night, even if he ultimately loses when all the votes are counted.”

Stalin said it doesn’t matter who votes, but who counts the votes. But people know that now, and the months of (Democrat-incited) civil unrest have moved the Overton Window on political violence. If this blows back on them, it’s their own fault.
As Trump has demonstrated as First Guinea Pig, we have successful treatments now.

There is no more need for lockdowns or mail-in voting.
Mail in voting is so unsecure and vulnerable to voter fraud it is incredulous that anyone denies it.

Here is Nadler in a rare moment of honesty,

More than 800 mail-in votes in one of New Jersey's largest cities have already been set aside, according to a county spokesperson, as an election is marred by allegations of voter fraud.
Those hundreds of votes represent about six percent of all ballots that have been sent in thus far in Paterson's election Tuesday, the county spokesman said, which couldn't be held through traditional in-person methods due to the coronavirus pandemic. There are claims that mass batches of ballots are being sent in after images showed bundles of mail-in votes.
A town over, in Haledon, a post office spokesman confirms a bundle of 300 Paterson city ballots bundled in a mailbox there. A statement from postal inspectors said that their findings were sent to the attorney general's office and the Board of Elections. The mayor of Paterson says the voting problems could be criminal.
"If they are finding bundles of ballots in mailboxes, then the appropriate authorities mist take the appropriate action," Mayor Andre Sayegh said.
There have been reports of postal workers leaving stacks of ballots in building lobbies because voting rolls have outdated addresses listed. Two candidates from one ward have been pointing fingers as to who is to blame, while a third said mail-vote fraud is a major problem this election.

The 3rd Ward happened to have the highest number of disqualified ballots – roughly 1,150 votes, or about one out of every four that was submitted, according to various reports released by election officials.
The 2nd Ward has the highest number of disqualifications, with more than 900, followed by the 5th Ward with 480 and the 1st Ward with 350.
County officials say they will notify each voter whose ballot was disqualified. But that had not happened as of Friday, when the names were first made public. Among those on the list were former school board members Eddie Gonzalez and Danilo Inoa, the son of former 1st Ward Councilman James Staton, the brother of 6th Ward councilman Al Abdelaziz and the wife of Passaic County Freeholder Theodore “TJ” Best.
“I’m very disturbed with this system,” said Staton. “Everybody whose vote didn’t count should contest it.”
Also among those whose votes were disqualified was 91-year-old Tom Fuscaldo, the former president of the Paterson Taxpayers Association and a regular attendee of City Council meetings.

When dems run out of republicans to cheat they start screwing each other...thier no right winger or libertarian on the ballot

But isn't that how it always goes with the commie rats


Smart sophisticated democrat ....fighting for the people :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

As Trump has demonstrated as First Guinea Pig, we have successful treatments now.

There is no more need for lockdowns or mail-in voting.
Dems want to steal the election with stolen mail ballots.

TRUST, BUT VERIFY: SCOTUS reinstates South Carolina witness requirement for absentee ballots.


SCOTUS stopping lower courts from rewriting election rules so close to the election.​

There have been a series of district court and appeals court decisions (plus a Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision), where the judiciary overrides the state legislatures on voting requirements for absentee and mail-in ballots, even though the constitution charges the State Legislature, not the Court with, writing these rules. Arrogant Courts have been extending ballot deadlines and waiving procedural safeguards as Democrats push to alter the rules by judicial fiat.

Those cases are working their way to the Supreme Court.

The Court just issued an Order in Andino v. Middleton, with no dissents, staying a district court order barring South Carolina from enforcing its witness requirement for absentee ballots pending an appeal to the 4th Circuit. So the case may be back in front of SCOTUS again before the election.

Justice Kavanaugh’s concurring opinion offers an explanation of the case background and the legal roadmap opponents of other lower court rulings can follow:

The application for stay presented to THE CHIEF JUSTICE and by him referred to the Court is granted in part, and the district court’s September 18, 2020 order granting a preliminary injunction is stayed pending disposition of the appeal in the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit and disposition of the petition for a writ of certiorari, if such writ is timely sought. Should the petition for a writ of certiorari be denied, this stay shall terminate automatically. In the event the petition for a writ of certiorari is granted, the stay shall terminate upon the sending down of the judgment of this Court. The order is stayed except to the extent that any ballots cast before this stay issues and received within two days of this order may not be rejected for failing to comply with the witness requirement.

JUSTICE THOMAS, JUSTICE ALITO, and JUSTICE GORSUCH would grant the application in full.

The application for stay presented to THE CHIEF JUSTICE and by him referred to the Court is granted in part, and the district court’s September 18, 2020 order granting a preliminary injunction is stayed pending disposition of the appeal in the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit and disposition of the petition for a writ of certiorari, if such writ is timely sought. Should the petition for a writ of certiorari be denied, this stay shall terminate automatically. In the event the petition for a writ of certiorari is granted, the stay shall terminate upon the sending down of the judgment of this Court. The order is stayed except to the extent that any ballots cast before this stay issues and received within two days of this order may not be rejected for failing to comply with the witness requirement.​

JUSTICE THOMAS, JUSTICE ALITO, and JUSTICE GORSUCH would grant the application in full.​
JUSTICE KAVANAUGH, concurring in grant of application for stay.​

The District Court enjoined South Carolina’s witness requirement for absentee ballots because the court disagreed with the State’s decision to retain that requirement during the COVID–19 pandemic. For two alternative and independent reasons, I agree with this Court’s order staying in part the District Court’s injunction.​

First, the Constitution “principally entrusts the safety and the health of the people to the politically accountable officials of the States.” South Bay United Pentecostal Church v. Newsom, 590 U. S. ___, ___ (2020) (ROBERTS, C. J., concurring in denial of application for injunctive relief). “When those officials ‘undertake to act in areas fraught with medical and scientific uncertainties,’ their latitude ‘must be especially broad.’” Ibid. (quoting Marshall v. United States, 414 U. S. 417, 427 (1974). It follows that a State legislature’s decision either to keep or to make changes to election rules to address COVID–19 ordinarily “should not be subject to second guessing by an ‘unelected federal judiciary,’ which lacks the background, competence, and expertise to assess public health and is not accountable to the people.” South Bay, 590 U. S., (citing Garcia v. San Antonio Metropolitan Transit Authority, 469 U. S. 528, 545 (1985)). The District Court’s injunction contravened that principle.​

Second, for many years, this Court has repeatedly emphasized that federal courts ordinarily should not alter state election rules in the period close to an election. See Purcell v. Gonzalez, 549 U. S. 1 (2006) (per curiam). By enjoining South Carolina’s witness requirement shortly before the election, the District Court defied that principle and this Court’s precedents. See ___ F. 3d ___, ___–___ (CA4 2020) (Wilkinson and Agee, JJ., dissenting from denial of stay).​

For those two alternative and independent reasons, I agree with this Court’s order staying in part the District Court’s injunction.​
SCOTUS will stop lower courts, at Democrats’ behest, from rewriting election rules so close to the election.

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