COVID-19 is about far more than death counts


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
As one end of our political spectrum and their leader do everything they can to downplay COVID-19, one of their primary tactics is to focus solely on the deaths caused by the virus. Because the death rates are only X%, this whole thing has been overblown by the lame stream media, the deep state, fake news and all that.

Unfortunately, they're either ignorant of, or avoiding (who knows), the facts that the long term effects of the virus are proving to be significantly worse than, say, the flu.

I know this won't matter to them, but just for the record:

From the article:

Besides the respiratory issues that leave patients gasping for breath, the virus that causes COVID-19 attacks many organ systems, in some cases causing catastrophic damage.

“We thought this was only a respiratory virus. Turns out, it goes after the pancreas. It goes after the heart. It goes after the liver, the brain, the kidney and other organs. We didn’t appreciate that in the beginning,” said Dr. Eric Topol, a cardiologist and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in La Jolla, California.

In addition to respiratory distress, patients with COVID-19 can experience blood clotting disorders that can lead to strokes, and extreme inflammation that attacks multiple organ systems. The virus can also cause neurological complications that range from headache, dizziness and loss of taste or smell to seizures and confusion.

And recovery can be slow, incomplete and costly, with a huge impact on quality of life.
Pneumonia leaves permanent tissue scarring and other health related does TB....what's your fucking point?
The flu doesn’t. That is what you guys keep comparing it to. Pneumonia isn’t contagious like Covid. TB is serious, and I believe people can still be forceably quantified for it.
Pneumonia leaves permanent tissue scarring and other health related does TB....what's your fucking point?
The flu doesn’t.
Sometimes it does.
That was an off the cuff sparked my curiosity.

I found this article:

And the other end of the political spectrum does everything they can to overhype the effects of covid-19. They go above and beyond to act like keeping people locked away in their homes and business shut down with no end in sight have no negative effects and it's just an extended vacation.


The true significance of the #CoronaHoax2020 virus is not in any harm that the virus itself is capable of causing, but in the manner in which corrupt politicians have overhyped it, and exploited it to generate fear and confusion, to maliciously sabotage the economy, to seize and abuse unprecedented powers over us,and to manipulate large parts of the population into living in fear and submission.
As one end of our political spectrum and their leader do everything they can to downplay COVID-19, one of their primary tactics is to focus solely on the deaths caused by the virus. Because the death rates are only X%, this whole thing has been overblown by the lame stream media, the deep state, fake news and all that.

Unfortunately, they're either ignorant of, or avoiding (who knows), the facts that the long term effects of the virus are proving to be significantly worse than, say, the flu.

I know this won't matter to them, but just for the record:

From the article:

Besides the respiratory issues that leave patients gasping for breath, the virus that causes COVID-19 attacks many organ systems, in some cases causing catastrophic damage.

“We thought this was only a respiratory virus. Turns out, it goes after the pancreas. It goes after the heart. It goes after the liver, the brain, the kidney and other organs. We didn’t appreciate that in the beginning,” said Dr. Eric Topol, a cardiologist and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in La Jolla, California.

In addition to respiratory distress, patients with COVID-19 can experience blood clotting disorders that can lead to strokes, and extreme inflammation that attacks multiple organ systems. The virus can also cause neurological complications that range from headache, dizziness and loss of taste or smell to seizures and confusion.

And recovery can be slow, incomplete and costly, with a huge impact on quality of life.
So who do you expect anyone to listen to? We hear masks, no masks, masks. Testing is the answer. Social distancing is the answer. No transmission from human to human. Can be transmitted human to human. A rally will kill people. Rioting and looting won't hurt anyone. The virus is mutating and becoming more dangerous. The virus is mutating and becoming less dangerous. Numbers dying from the virus have been underreported. The numbers have been inflated.
We hear almost conflicting reports almost daily.

Those pushing the FEAR have done more harm to this Nation than the virus ever will..........and you just don't care how much more damage you will cause.
So who do you expect anyone to listen to? We hear masks, no masks, masks. Testing is the answer. Social distancing is the answer. No transmission from human to human. Can be transmitted human to human. A rally will kill people. Rioting and looting won't hurt anyone. The virus is mutating and becoming more dangerous. The virus is mutating and becoming less dangerous. Numbers dying from the virus have been underreported. The numbers have been inflated.
We hear almost conflicting reports almost daily.

If not for the political abuses and skulduggery, the #CornoaHoax2020 would certainly have turned out to be just another seasonal flu outbreak like we get almost every year. Maybe a little worse than some, not as bad as some others. With all the false data that have been generated and inserted into the whole matter, I do not think that it will ever be possible to credibly evaluate how bad this virus really would have been, if not for the political scams built around it.

The one thing that I can say with considerable certainly is that by itself, this virus would never have been able to cause nearly as much harm, as has been deliberately and maliciously caused in its name by criminals infesting our various levels of government.
What we have learnt from this is that some countries have fared better than others and that the quality of their leadership is the major difference.

Johnson,Trump and Bolsonaro = total shit.

We have also learnt that a large section of society are entitled wankers who cant stand any disruption to their way of life.

Lessons that should inform our reaction to the next one.
As one end of our political spectrum and their leader do everything they can to downplay COVID-19, one of their primary tactics is to focus solely on the deaths caused by the virus. Because the death rates are only X%, this whole thing has been overblown by the lame stream media, the deep state, fake news and all that.

Unfortunately, they're either ignorant of, or avoiding (who knows), the facts that the long term effects of the virus are proving to be significantly worse than, say, the flu.

I know this won't matter to them, but just for the record:

From the article:

Besides the respiratory issues that leave patients gasping for breath, the virus that causes COVID-19 attacks many organ systems, in some cases causing catastrophic damage.

“We thought this was only a respiratory virus. Turns out, it goes after the pancreas. It goes after the heart. It goes after the liver, the brain, the kidney and other organs. We didn’t appreciate that in the beginning,” said Dr. Eric Topol, a cardiologist and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in La Jolla, California.

In addition to respiratory distress, patients with COVID-19 can experience blood clotting disorders that can lead to strokes, and extreme inflammation that attacks multiple organ systems. The virus can also cause neurological complications that range from headache, dizziness and loss of taste or smell to seizures and confusion.

And recovery can be slow, incomplete and costly, with a huge impact on quality of life.
So who do you expect anyone to listen to? We hear masks, no masks, masks. Testing is the answer. Social distancing is the answer. No transmission from human to human. Can be transmitted human to human. A rally will kill people. Rioting and looting won't hurt anyone. The virus is mutating and becoming more dangerous. The virus is mutating and becoming less dangerous. Numbers dying from the virus have been underreported. The numbers have been inflated.
We hear almost conflicting reports almost daily.
I no longer believe ANYTHING they have to say.................They have been wrong so many times already.............and the damage economically is EPIC.............the Fed funds have delayed what is coming.
What we have learnt from this is that some countries have fared better than others and that the quality of their leadership is the major difference.

Johnson,Trump and Bolsonaro = total shit.

We have also learnt that a large section of society are entitled wankers who cant stand any disruption to their way of life.

Lessons that should inform our reaction to the next one.
The reaction to the current one is something more then it coming from nature. The riots are from nature. Both of these agendas were pushed by corrupted, power hungry people. And we the peons are the experimental pawns.
yes it is, might be good for you to go talk to all the small business people you told were non-essential and destroyed.........
So who do you expect anyone to listen to? We hear masks, no masks, masks. Testing is the answer. Social distancing is the answer. No transmission from human to human. Can be transmitted human to human. A rally will kill people. Rioting and looting won't hurt anyone. The virus is mutating and becoming more dangerous. The virus is mutating and becoming less dangerous. Numbers dying from the virus have been underreported. The numbers have been inflated. We hear almost conflicting reports almost daily.
Of course, because this is a terribly complicated situation. It's a vicious, novel virus that we're still learning about every day. That's why just simplistically brushing things off is such a lousy idea. That's why using it as another excuse to attack science (of all things) is such a lousy idea. That's why mocking the concern over it is such a lousy idea.

Like pretty much everything else, this virus has become politicized, which is ANOTHER lousy idea.
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