The things you learn over the Xmas Dinner Table.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
This Christmas, as I've done in the past, I went to my sister's house for dinner. It's a nice little trip from Brooklyn to Mahopac and she lives in a comfortable little house that's on top of a small hill. We sat down to dinner and my brother in law, who is full blooded Irish, unlike me and my sister, who are one quarter Irish related a story about their trip to Ireland. They visited a town where St. Nicholas (Father Christmas/Santa Claus) is said to be buried. I didn't even know that's where his final resting place was..

Checked it out today.

Father Christmas 'buried in Ireland' - Telegraph

Well what do you know..

This Christmas, as I've done in the past, I went to my sister's house for dinner. It's a nice little trip from Brooklyn to Mahopac and she lives in a comfortable little house that's on top of a small hill. We sat down to dinner and my brother in law, who is full blooded Irish, unlike me and my sister, who are one quarter Irish related a story about their trip to Ireland. They visited a town where St. Nicholas (Father Christmas/Santa Claus) is said to be buried. I didn't even know that's where his final resting place was..

Checked it out today.

Father Christmas 'buried in Ireland' - Telegraph

Well what do you know..


All the best Saints either are Irish or wanted to be.


How many Saints does America celebrate?


St. Nick
St. Valentine
say it with me
St. Patrick

2 Irish and 1 ginny

Not bad, not bad.
Santa is an anagram for SATAN!!!!!

This Christmas, as I've done in the past, I went to my sister's house for dinner. It's a nice little trip from Brooklyn to Mahopac and she lives in a comfortable little house that's on top of a small hill. We sat down to dinner and my brother in law, who is full blooded Irish, unlike me and my sister, who are one quarter Irish related a story about their trip to Ireland. They visited a town where St. Nicholas (Father Christmas/Santa Claus) is said to be buried. I didn't even know that's where his final resting place was..

Checked it out today.

Father Christmas 'buried in Ireland' - Telegraph

Well what do you know..


All the best Saints either are Irish or wanted to be.


How many Saints does America celebrate?


St. Nick
St. Valentine
say it with me
St. Patrick

2 Irish and 1 ginny

Not bad, not bad.

My sister loved Ireland.

She wants to retire there.
This Christmas, as I've done in the past, I went to my sister's house for dinner. It's a nice little trip from Brooklyn to Mahopac and she lives in a comfortable little house that's on top of a small hill. We sat down to dinner and my brother in law, who is full blooded Irish, unlike me and my sister, who are one quarter Irish related a story about their trip to Ireland. They visited a town where St. Nicholas (Father Christmas/Santa Claus) is said to be buried. I didn't even know that's where his final resting place was..

Checked it out today.

Father Christmas 'buried in Ireland' - Telegraph

Well what do you know..


Except St. Nicholas is buried in Bari, Italy and partially in Venice :)

the researcher might believe whatever he wishes, but this is yet one more example of the revisionism in history based just on desire without any proof.

as for me - I don't care. Bari is a s far from where I live as is Ireland :D
But the burial in Bari is confirmed both from the Catholic and Orthodox side and the issue was hot in 1087 when the remains were seized :D
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This Christmas, as I've done in the past, I went to my sister's house for dinner. It's a nice little trip from Brooklyn to Mahopac and she lives in a comfortable little house that's on top of a small hill. We sat down to dinner and my brother in law, who is full blooded Irish, unlike me and my sister, who are one quarter Irish related a story about their trip to Ireland. They visited a town where St. Nicholas (Father Christmas/Santa Claus) is said to be buried. I didn't even know that's where his final resting place was..

Checked it out today.

Father Christmas 'buried in Ireland' - Telegraph

Well what do you know..


All the best Saints either are Irish or wanted to be.


How many Saints does America celebrate?


St. Nick
St. Valentine
say it with me
St. Patrick

2 Irish and 1 ginny

Not bad, not bad.

St Nick is Greek, not Irish :D
This Christmas, as I've done in the past, I went to my sister's house for dinner. It's a nice little trip from Brooklyn to Mahopac and she lives in a comfortable little house that's on top of a small hill. We sat down to dinner and my brother in law, who is full blooded Irish, unlike me and my sister, who are one quarter Irish related a story about their trip to Ireland. They visited a town where St. Nicholas (Father Christmas/Santa Claus) is said to be buried. I didn't even know that's where his final resting place was..

Checked it out today.

Father Christmas 'buried in Ireland' - Telegraph

Well what do you know..


I know the Irish I grew up around liked to head-butt guys....just walk up and BAM outta nowhere. :booze:

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