The Theory Of Evolution Is Completely Useless.


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2015
In fact, I challenge anyone to point out a single scientific discovery that couldn't have been made without evolution. Go ahead. I'll wait.............
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When you're absolutely committed to an ideology, everything else is always going to be bogus.
Could you elaborate on that? I have no idea what you're referring to.
In fact, I challenge anyone to point out a single scientific discovery that couldn't have been made without evolution. Go ahead. I'll wait.............
It is perfectly understandable that a governing philosophy that has morphed from one that embraced Lincoln to Eisenhower to Palin to one that embraces Don cannot believe in evolution, how could one?
In fact, I challenge anyone to point out a single scientific discovery that couldn't have been made without evolution. Go ahead. I'll wait.............
The reason we have goosebumps.
What does that have to do with anything?
When you figure that out you will not have to ask silly questions. Hint
What a load of BS. For one thing, they are simply assuming that we inherited this from an animal ancestor. There is no evidence for this. And how was the theory of evolution responsible for this discovery? Be specific.
In fact, I challenge anyone to point out a single scientific discovery that couldn't have been made without evolution. Go ahead. I'll wait.............
Besides every vaccine, ever?

Without evolution no scientific discoveries would be possible.
Name one scientific discovery that required the theory of evolution.
But what's the point of this little exercise? You know less than nothing about evolution. If someone tried to explain that it is the foundation of all of biology, you would not understand. If we pointed to all of the vaccines and antibiotics completely reliant on evolutionary theory, you would not understand. If we explained to you that evolution led to the discovery of DNA, and therefore all the knowledge we have gained in medicine and biology from that discovery, you would not understand.

If we tried to explain calculus to a dog, and the dog thought it was bullshit....should anyone care? Nope.
Hmmm, not only racist - but anti-science

Awesome! :rolleyes:

1. •Bioinformatics, a multi-billion-dollar industry, consists largely of the comparison of genetic sequences. Descent with modification is one of its most basic assumptions.
2. •Diseases and pests evolve resistance to the drugs and pesticides we use against them. Evolutionary theory is used in the field of resistance management in both medicine and agriculture (Bull and Wichman 2001).
3. •Evolutionary theory is used to manage fisheries for greater yields (Conover and Munch 2002).
4. •Artificial selection has been used since prehistory, but it has become much more efficient with the addition of quantitative trait locus mapping.
5. •Knowledge of the evolution of parasite virulence in human populations can help guide public health policy (Galvani 2003).
6. •Sex allocation theory, based on evolution theory, was used to predict conditions under which the highly endangered kakapo bird would produce more female offspring, which retrieved it from the brink of extinction (Sutherland 2002).
7. •Tracing genes of known function and comparing how they are related to unknown genes helps one to predict unknown gene function, which is foundational for drug discovery (Branca 2002; Eisen and Wu 2002; Searls 2003).
8. •Phylogenetic analysis is a standard part of epidemiology, since it allows the identification of disease reservoirs and sometimes the tracking of step-by-step transmission of disease. For example, phylogenetic analysis confirmed that a Florida dentist was infecting his patients with HIV, that HIV-1 and HIV-2 were transmitted to humans from chimpanzees and mangabey monkeys in the twentieth century, and, when polio was being eradicated from the Americas, that new cases were not coming from hidden reservoirs (Bull and Wichman 2001). It was used in 2002 to help convict a man of intentionally infecting someone with HIV (Vogel 1998). The same principle can be used to trace the source of bioweapons (Cummings and Relman 2002).
9. •Phylogenetic analysis to track the diversity of a pathogen can be used to select an appropriate vaccine for a particular region (Gaschen et al. 2002).
10. •Ribotyping is a technique for identifying an organism or at least finding its closest known relative by mapping its ribosomal RNA onto the tree of life. It can be used even when the organisms cannot be cultured or recognized by other methods. Ribotyping and other genotyping methods have been used to find previously unknown infectious agents of human disease (Bull and Wichman 2001; Relman 1999).
11. •Phylogenetic analysis helps in determining protein folds, since proteins diverging from a common ancestor tend to conserve their folds (Benner 2001).​

Advances to society because of the Theory of Evolution : Evolution & Natural Selection • Rational Skepticism Forum

Pepe Trump asked me to say hello

In fact, I challenge anyone to point out a single scientific discovery that couldn't have been made without evolution. Go ahead. I'll wait.............
The reason we have goosebumps.
What does that have to do with anything?
When you figure that out you will not have to ask silly questions. Hint
What a load of BS. For one thing, they are simply assuming that we inherited this from an animal ancestor. There is no evidence for this. And how was the theory of evolution responsible for this discovery? Be specific.
Of what use are goosebumps to us since we have no hair? If our ancestors were covered by hair the goosebumps would have provided a value function. We are no longer covered by a dense coat of hair but the functionality remains.

What other explanation for goosebumps could there be?
Without evolution no scientific discoveries would be possible.

Really? So before the theory of evolution there were no scientific theories?

Well then, to hell with Copernicus, Galileo, Isaac Newton,............................................

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