The Tea Party Will Lose Big Tonight

The tea party tonight

And they're VERY afraid as are the Establishment Republicans (Repubicans).

Not anymore. You all have shot your bolt, and all you have to show for it is sequestration and Ted Cruz.

Oh, my.

^ Paid spokesperson from "Obama For America"

Volunteer for mainstream GOP; I always have been and always will be.

And I have always been a dedicated hunter of Birchers, McCarthyites, and TPMs.

The millenials will finish them off forever.
Doesnt matter, alrdy have another Sen heading to DC. Guy who special election in FL will be going back and hopefully joined by Mia Love.
Doesnt matter, alrdy have another Sen heading to DC. Guy who special election in FL will be going back and hopefully joined by Mia Love.

Doesn't matter. Mia is a House candidate who will be replacing a Dem who consistently voted against ACA. Your GOP 'senator' from FL is a guy who beat a dem in a especial election for the 13th House district.
Not anymore. You all have shot your bolt, and all you have to show for it is sequestration and Ted Cruz.

Oh, my.

^ Paid spokesperson from "Obama For America"

Volunteer for mainstream GOP; I always have been and always will be.

And I have always been a dedicated hunter of Birchers, McCarthyites, and TPMs.

The millenials will finish them off forever.

We won 70 seats in 2010, Jake. Why does that burn you so?
^ Paid spokesperson from "Obama For America"

Volunteer for mainstream GOP; I always have been and always will be.

And I have always been a dedicated hunter of Birchers, McCarthyites, and TPMs.

The millenials will finish them off forever.

We won 70 seats in 2010, Jake. Why does that burn you so?

You lost 30 of those in 2012. Why does that burn you so?

You will lose 20 to 25 of the remainder in the primaries. That's the mainstream GOP telling you that it doesn't want you, except for your vote.
Doesnt matter, alrdy have another Sen heading to DC. Guy who special election in FL will be going back and hopefully joined by Mia Love.

Doesn't matter. Mia is a House candidate who will be replacing a Dem who consistently voted against ACA. Your GOP 'senator' from FL is a guy who beat a dem in a especial election for the 13th House district.
No its Sasse....NE
What do you do as a common citizen to make your chosen party more responsive to your political ideology? If you are a pot head you join the libertarian party and forget about it. If you are a democrat you support former domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers and crazy corporate hatred from OWS and subscribe to Huffington. If you are a republican you join the Tea Party and send a message to establishment republicans that they aren't going to coast into reelection every year without recognizing the conservative element in the party. It's politics at it's best and that's why the radical left hates and fears Tea Party people.
The Tea Party might lose some republican primaries but the question remains why the radical left hates and fears a pressure group within the republican party so much. The hatred doesn't match the situation. There must be something else going on. Libertarians are always whining about a 3rd party but they also ridicule the Tea Party which seems to have the same agenda except for legalizing drugs. If you want to turn the democrat party further to the left join Van Jones' OWS socialist rabble. If you want to throw up your hands and forget the system in a haze of pot smoke join the libertarians. If you want to make the republican party better from either side join the mainstream republican party or the conservative Tea Party. Either way it beats the criminal enterprise run by Barry Hussein.

It does not make sense at first but you must realize that there is absolutely no increase in hate - just a slight shift in target. The left hates the right - simple as that. Right now, the hot stories all center around the tea party and voila - you have the reason that the left hates them so. Not really a surprise.

I do find it rather interesting that you claim that the libertarians ridicule the tea party. I find that a complete misconception of libertarians in general. Though this should not be surprising considering you have to use ad-homonyms to describe them (haze of pot smoke really? you are loosing credibility).
Wall St water-carriers (Establ Repubs) against the nativist/xenophobe conservatives (tea partiers)


It might seem simple to union educated lefties who depend on the comedy channel and Huffington for political analysis but in case you havent looked at the DOW recently Wall Street ain't your enemy, it's the only thing that is keeping the Hussein administration from going under. Think about it rationally. Establishment republicans didn't worry about what conservatives thought before the Tea Party and they drifted closer and closer to democrat party policy. Now they are going to think twice about their votes and agenda and that's a positive thing no matter how you spin it on the left.
Wall St water-carriers (Establ Repubs) against the nativist/xenophobe conservatives (tea partiers)


It might seem simple to union educated lefties who depend on the comedy channel and Huffington for political analysis but in case you havent looked at the DOW recently Wall Street ain't your enemy, it's the only thing that is keeping the Hussein administration from going under. Think about it rationally. Establishment republicans didn't worry about what conservatives thought before the Tea Party and they drifted closer and closer to democrat party policy. Now they are going to think twice about their votes and agenda and that's a positive thing no matter how you spin it on the left.

I forget who's administration has been pumping millions of dollars into Wall Street for almost five and a half years now?

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