The Tea Party has become the Article V movement

pretty much all of it

According to one of my referenced links, the media acknowledges that liberals and Tea Party backed James Sensenbrenner. So, you are telling me it is not true?

Maybe we're talking about different groups. I get regular e mails from a Jenny Beth Martin - and that group is backing the U.S. Congressman in my district, Jody Hice:

Tea Party Patriots | Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund Supports Rep. Jody Hice and the House Freedom Caucus

Hice IS a supporter of the phony Republican known as Donald Trump. Ask him.

If you're saying that I could denounce the idiotic wall idea and all the peripheral issues surrounding it and be welcome in the Tea Party, I'd join it today. You can have border security without a silly wall and we don't need for people to become citizens in order to engage in free enterprise.

jenny beths a fraud,,,

the TP is not a group but a movement so there is no roll call or member list, and as we see it was co opted by back stabbing lying republicans
so just because some endorsed liars does not mean we all did

I'm glad that you could clear that up. Wouldn't it be easier if you had an organization with one unified voice?

would be nice,,,just to many democrats and republicans to do that,,

they would all have to be killed first

and that unifying voice would be the constitution

We say we want to be guided by the Constitution, but it's almost impossible to return back to that document without an internal war in the United States.
or by the voters getting their morals back,,the same people that are needed for that war are the ones voting them into office, so I dont see them attacking their meal ticket
There is no swamp.

There will be no Article V convention. Once the hood is open on the Constitution anything can happen to the entire document. Nobody wants to risk that.

Good to see the TEA party going the way of the USFL. Trump killed them both.

Yes there is corruption in D.C. and they are in both parties.
Frosty Wooldridge -- Ten most corrupt politicians in Washington DC

Well if Frosty Wooldridge says so. LOL

Not just him millions say so.
There are plenty of reports about them.
The progressives in both parties are corrupt.

Not so, candycorn thinks the Dims will save us.

Yes there is corruption in D.C. and they are in both parties.
Frosty Wooldridge -- Ten most corrupt politicians in Washington DC

Well if Frosty Wooldridge says so. LOL

Not just him millions say so.
There are plenty of reports about them.
The progressives in both parties are corrupt.

The President is the most corrupt of all.

First thing is they have to prove it.
So far is just assumptions and innuendos.

Prove what? It’s been proven; re: Sending another $12B to the already subsidized farmers
; largest portion of pork this year; to buy votes of people suffering from a trade war he started.

And Kansas still elected a Girl Democrat as Governor.

Let me guess. You have no problem with the $12B giveaway….do you?

He said Mexico would be paying for the wall that many Republicans are hoping the Congress will fund. So he lied about that too.

Let me guess. You have no problem with the lies…do you?

Both of what I write above are proven facts. You know them. We all know them. The only thing is that you are willing to look the other way in the case of the blob…aren’t you?

A simple yes or no will suffice.
Yes there is corruption in D.C. and they are in both parties.
Frosty Wooldridge -- Ten most corrupt politicians in Washington DC

Well if Frosty Wooldridge says so. LOL

Not just him millions say so.
There are plenty of reports about them.
The progressives in both parties are corrupt.

The President is the most corrupt of all.

First thing is they have to prove it.
So far is just assumptions and innuendos.

Prove what? It’s been proven; re: Sending another $12B to the already subsidized farmers
; largest portion of pork this year; to buy votes of people suffering from a trade war he started.

And Kansas still elected a Girl Democrat as Governor.

Let me guess. You have no problem with the $12B giveaway….do you?

He said Mexico would be paying for the wall that many Republicans are hoping the Congress will fund. So he lied about that too.

Let me guess. You have no problem with the lies…do you?

Both of what I write above are proven facts. You know them. We all know them. The only thing is that you are willing to look the other way in the case of the blob…aren’t you?

A simple yes or no will suffice.

So what to do? The Article V movement is the only way to reign in the power of the out of control Federal government. Getting 2/3 of the states may seem unattainable, and well may be, but what else is there other than watching the Republic circle the drain?

At the bare minimum, states need to impose a balanced budget amendment on the US Congress with term limits on that same Congress.

The tea party created by the Koch bros is being mislead. Or, the original party people bailed out and you are repeating buzz promoted by Astro turfers.

ALEC and COS are colluding to mislead the people . Mark levin exposes the scam as he contradicts himself, December 2014 at a conference sponsored by ALEC. Levin was invited by COS. See the video.

The threat of hijacking to Article V - ALEC

There is only one way to go into Article 5 that is safe.

The very first Amendments must be preparatory Amendment, to change the environment the people must work in.

The people have a retained right to prepare because;

Article 5 stipulates that all Amendments must have constitutional intent. but, the people are the only entity that can define constitutional intent. Congress, the court, state legislation can only interpret. Lately that has not been working well.

The people must be involved in every state and it is likely congress will never call a convention at 2/3 IF the people are involved. The people will have to see their state legislations, 38 of them, holding their own conventions proposing amendments to the other states.

The time has come.

Congress are waiting for ALEC to move wherein corporations can optimize profits at the expense of unalienable, retained rights. If this isn’t true, why does the REINS act exist?
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It will be HYJACKED by the establishment ........just as they HYJACKED the Tea Party movement............they supported the movement and moved into it...........They were never really a part of it.

Impossible also because America no longer consist of majority Americans.
It will be HYJACKED by the establishment ........just as they HYJACKED the Tea Party movement............they supported the movement and moved into it...........They were never really a part of it.

Impossible also because America no longer consist of majority Americans.

White supremacist sighting...lock up the farm animals and the PBR....
It will be HYJACKED by the establishment ........just as they HYJACKED the Tea Party movement............they supported the movement and moved into it...........They were never really a part of it.

Impossible also because America no longer consist of majority Americans.

White supremacist sighting...lock up the farm animals and the PBR....

Liberal Supremacist lib Nazis your true colors are showing more everyday. So shut up hater.
It will be HYJACKED by the establishment ........just as they HYJACKED the Tea Party movement............they supported the movement and moved into it...........They were never really a part of it.

Impossible also because America no longer consist of majority Americans.

White supremacist sighting...lock up the farm animals and the PBR....

Liberal Supremacist lib Nazis your true colors are showing more everyday. So shut up hater.
Oh no, the wittle nat-see is mad. Then again, you nat-sees are always mad.
It will be HYJACKED by the establishment ........just as they HYJACKED the Tea Party movement............they supported the movement and moved into it...........They were never really a part of it.

Impossible also because America no longer consist of majority Americans.

Hmm, not sure that "majority Americans" is a complete term. But I think I know what you mean.

Fortunately, the part of the constitution which serves the people relies on natural law and that is consistently recognized by human beings. The important part is understanding. If they understand the natural law and how it sees them, they will join the majority.

There are these two definitions of the most prime constitutional intent, natural law that should be acceptable to any sincere American.

1) We have the right to alter or abolish government destructive to unalienable rights.

2) If the framers intended for Americans to alter or abolish then they intended that the ultimate PURPOSE of free speech be to enable Americans to unify under law in order to alter or abolish government destructive to unalienable rights.
For the present, Americans only need to share the above definitions and create a majority in their state. Then things can really happen across the states using this legal process which PREPARES for Article 5.

The American Lawful and Peaceful Revolution
It will be HYJACKED by the establishment ........just as they HYJACKED the Tea Party movement............they supported the movement and moved into it...........They were never really a part of it.

This is why American state Citizens must use their retained right to prepare for Article 5 and assure all Amendments have constitutional intent exactly as Article 5 states.

The 9th Amendment states in indirect terms that the people can define constitutional rights and intent. That is an exclusive right which is why the people are the rightful masters of the congress and the court.

The American Lawful and Peaceful Revolution
The Constitution became a joke a long time ago, finally put to rest by the election of Abraham Lincoln. Why do people think it's still actually a legal reality? It's all determined by politically appointed 'Judges', has been for a long time. Americans like corruption, they in fact insist on it, and you think 'Article V' means something to these voters?

And 'Natural Law'??? lol that meme never had a chance; it's as fictional as Popeye. 'Social Darwinism' is the ideology one tries to avoid by rambling on about 'Natural Law'.

Your only chance is to fall back on that minority of Christians; the traditionalists are your only hope, not your fellow sociopaths. Start with culture first; get that back, then worry about regaining a genuine legal system.
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The Constitution became a joke a long time ago, finally put to rest by the election of Abraham Lincoln. Why do people think it's still actually a legal reality? It's all determined by politically appointed 'Judges', has been for a long time. Americans like corruption, they in fact insist on it, and you think 'Article V' means something to these voters?

And 'Natural Law'??? lol that meme never had a chance; it's as fictional as Popeye. 'Social Darwinism' is the ideology one tries to avoid by rambling on about 'Natural Law'.

Your only chance is to fall back on that minority of Christians; the traditionalists are your only hope, not your fellow sociopaths. Start with culture first; get that back, then worry about regaining a genuine legal system.

It's the activists judges who think that they can make the laws that needs correction. This was stared in the 1970's with the social Dem's of the party.
As for President Lincoln on the suspension habeas corpus, it was because there was violence and
Mob attacks of Confederate sympathizers.
Lincoln had to travel in disguise.
Lincoln had the right under Article I Section 9 to do what he did.
The Constitution became a joke a long time ago, finally put to rest by the election of Abraham Lincoln. Why do people think it's still actually a legal reality? It's all determined by politically appointed 'Judges', has been for a long time. Americans like corruption, they in fact insist on it, and you think 'Article V' means something to these voters?

And 'Natural Law'??? lol that meme never had a chance; it's as fictional as Popeye. 'Social Darwinism' is the ideology one tries to avoid by rambling on about 'Natural Law'.

Your only chance is to fall back on that minority of Christians; the traditionalists are your only hope, not your fellow sociopaths. Start with culture first; get that back, then worry about regaining a genuine legal system.

It's the activists judges who think that they can make the laws that needs correction. This was stared in the 1970's with the social Dem's of the party.
As for President Lincoln on the suspension habeas corpus, it was because there was violence and
Mob attacks of Confederate sympathizers.
Lincoln had to travel in disguise.
Lincoln had the right under Article I Section 9 to do what he did.

Actually, everything Lincoln did was illegal and unconstitutional; he ran a military dictatorship complete with a private army controlling the ballot boxes in several border states, but you and the Article V fantasists have a much bigger problem, as pointed out in these two links. Yes, it Wikipedia, but it is a good long 'starting point' for why it can't succeed.

List of state applications for an Article V Convention - Wikipedia

List of rescissions of Article V Convention applications - Wikipedia

...not to mention you zero support in any state house, and your own corporate elites don't support you or even consider you humans to begin with, they like the Red Chinese and assorted colonies like Viet Nam over you Deplorables and your inane beliefs in your 'rights'. You have a better chance of just gutting the whole thing and starting over with another Constitutional Convention, and you will need Christians to do it. The later means you will never get it done or go anywhere, since sociopaths and psychopaths will dominate your 'Convention' and reduce it to a farce.
The Constitution became a joke a long time ago, finally put to rest by the election of Abraham Lincoln. Why do people think it's still actually a legal reality? It's all determined by politically appointed 'Judges', has been for a long time. Americans like corruption, they in fact insist on it, and you think 'Article V' means something to these voters?

And 'Natural Law'??? lol that meme never had a chance; it's as fictional as Popeye. 'Social Darwinism' is the ideology one tries to avoid by rambling on about 'Natural Law'.

Your only chance is to fall back on that minority of Christians; the traditionalists are your only hope, not your fellow sociopaths. Start with culture first; get that back, then worry about regaining a genuine legal system.

It's the activists judges who think that they can make the laws that needs correction. This was stared in the 1970's with the social Dem's of the party.

Actually that started right after the Civil War, with Republicans gradually dominating the Courts via corporations like railroads taking control of state houses and by extension the U.S. Senate, and getting themselves such wonderful laws making corporations 'persons' and then from there distorting the 5th Amendment no end via activist judges. It was called 'The Gilded Age', the Libertarians' dream decades, and they ended for good reasons.
It will be HYJACKED by the establishment ........just as they HYJACKED the Tea Party movement............they supported the movement and moved into it...........They were never really a part of it.

Impossible also because America no longer consist of majority Americans.

Yes, pretty much. That's why Founders like Jefferson preferred deportation as a method of getting rid of radicals and traitors. It is a necessary tool needed again.
The Constitution became a joke a long time ago, finally put to rest by the election of Abraham Lincoln. Why do people think it's still actually a legal reality? It's all determined by politically appointed 'Judges', has been for a long time. Americans like corruption, they in fact insist on it, and you think 'Article V' means something to these voters?

And 'Natural Law'??? lol that meme never had a chance; it's as fictional as Popeye. 'Social Darwinism' is the ideology one tries to avoid by rambling on about 'Natural Law'.

Your only chance is to fall back on that minority of Christians; the traditionalists are your only hope, not your fellow sociopaths. Start with culture first; get that back, then worry about regaining a genuine legal system.

It's the activists judges who think that they can make the laws that needs correction. This was stared in the 1970's with the social Dem's of the party.

Actually that started right after the Civil War, with Republicans gradually dominating the Courts via corporations like railroads taking control of state houses and by extension the U.S. Senate, and getting themselves such wonderful laws making corporations 'persons' and then from there distorting the 5th Amendment no end via activist judges. It was called 'The Gilded Age', the Libertarians' dream decades, and they ended for good reasons.

I'm talking about the last 30 years where judges allow their personal views about public policy, among other factors, to guide their decisions.
The Constitution became a joke a long time ago, finally put to rest by the election of Abraham Lincoln. Why do people think it's still actually a legal reality? It's all determined by politically appointed 'Judges', has been for a long time. Americans like corruption, they in fact insist on it, and you think 'Article V' means something to these voters?

And 'Natural Law'??? lol that meme never had a chance; it's as fictional as Popeye. 'Social Darwinism' is the ideology one tries to avoid by rambling on about 'Natural Law'.

Your only chance is to fall back on that minority of Christians; the traditionalists are your only hope, not your fellow sociopaths. Start with culture first; get that back, then worry about regaining a genuine legal system.

The joke came from a fraud, so its not funny (act of 1871). History is too misrepresented to use from the perspective of the average citizen. If this was not true you could explain exactly what Lincoln meant when he said, 'The people are the rightful masters of the congress and the court." But you can't, it is not taught in schools.

Natural law is your instincts.

Seeing as your post is so deficient and erroneous, the rest is not worth commenting on.
The Constitution became a joke a long time ago, finally put to rest by the election of Abraham Lincoln. Why do people think it's still actually a legal reality? It's all determined by politically appointed 'Judges', has been for a long time. Americans like corruption, they in fact insist on it, and you think 'Article V' means something to these voters?

And 'Natural Law'??? lol that meme never had a chance; it's as fictional as Popeye. 'Social Darwinism' is the ideology one tries to avoid by rambling on about 'Natural Law'.

Your only chance is to fall back on that minority of Christians; the traditionalists are your only hope, not your fellow sociopaths. Start with culture first; get that back, then worry about regaining a genuine legal system.

If I could have hit the button ten times for that post I would have. The ONLY reason I have God given, unalienable, natural, absolute, irreversible, and inherent Rights is due to the simple fact I was born with them and choose not to allow the government to take them.

When enough of those who feel the same way stand shoulder to shoulder will we able to enforce that gift promised to us... when we do OUR part.
The Constitution became a joke a long time ago, finally put to rest by the election of Abraham Lincoln. Why do people think it's still actually a legal reality? It's all determined by politically appointed 'Judges', has been for a long time. Americans like corruption, they in fact insist on it, and you think 'Article V' means something to these voters?

And 'Natural Law'??? lol that meme never had a chance; it's as fictional as Popeye. 'Social Darwinism' is the ideology one tries to avoid by rambling on about 'Natural Law'.

Your only chance is to fall back on that minority of Christians; the traditionalists are your only hope, not your fellow sociopaths. Start with culture first; get that back, then worry about regaining a genuine legal system.

The joke came from a fraud, so its not funny (act of 1871). History is too misrepresented to use from the perspective of the average citizen. If this was not true you could explain exactly what Lincoln meant when he said, 'The people are the rightful masters of the congress and the court." But you can't, it is not taught in schools.

Natural law is your instincts.

Seeing as your post is so deficient and erroneous, the rest is not worth commenting on.

I'm aware it's over your head. Most ideologues prefer fantasies for a reason, but those of us who can discuss those issues don't have to include you in the conversations.

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