The Supreme Court nomination mess

When I was in high school, a boy that I liked who didn't even know I existed, heard that I liked him. day he asked me if he could walk me home from school. I said yes because I really liked him. From afar. School girl crush sort of thing. I was also very shy.
Anyway..he walked me home and we chit chatted along the way until I got there. He asked if he could use our bathroom, and I said sure. Mom and Dad were at work. When he came out of the bathroom, I was standing nearby so I could escort him back out of the house. He immediately was on the attack, shoving me against the wall, knocking over doo dads and knick knacks...and I fought him off. He was angry that I fought him..and left.

Next day at school everyone snickered when I passed by. Boys would do the jackoff sign and blow job sign, girls would laugh and point. Finally, someone told me that he had told everyone he "scored". That was a flat out lie and he knew it..and so did I. But everyone believed his bullshit claim.

Point is...anyone can say anything about "hearing about it" in school, but that does not make it a true statement. This schoolmate may have heard bullshit and ran with it..just like all the others did. Meanwhile, the one that is the victim of the lie has to deal with the repercussions of that lie.
i don't understand IGNORE , seems to me that the boneheads i want to talk to and mess with are those that put me on ignore if that ever happens . Guess that my point is that i'd never put anyone on IGNORE . Just a comment .
Brett Kavanaugh Accuser's Classmate Retracts Claim 'Incident Did Happen'
Christine Blasey Ford’s former classmate has retracted her claim that the sexual misconduct Brett Kavanaugh is accused of “did happen.”

O you don't say. Clasical lying bitch democrat...... and O.L eat those word cyka!! You all know the pos was going to lie.

Now lets see if the twat gets prosectued for slander etc.

Your all falling apart LOSERS
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What happens to all the people who are calling the accuser "sister" and vilifying Kavanaugh? Egg on their face? They certainly jumped on the guilty ship with very little to no evidence. It actually makes it worse for women who have been abused and have concrete proof.

What happens to all the people who are calling the accuser "sister" and vilifying Kavanaugh? Egg on their face? They certainly jumped on the guilty ship with very little to no evidence. It actually makes it worse for women who have been abused and have concrete proof.

The accusations are obviously slander. Everybody gets that.
What happens to all the people who are calling the accuser "sister" and vilifying Kavanaugh? Egg on their face? They certainly jumped on the guilty ship with very little to no evidence. It actually makes it worse for women who have been abused and have concrete proof.

Nothing will happen. They will continue as always lying and screaming and then still calling Kav a rapist.
Can't say I'm surprised.

If Ford appears in front of Congress they will be calling witnesses. I sure wouldn't want to say something was true when I had no idea if it was or not.
Sounds like you don’t give a shit. We are talking about children and traumatized people here mostly women. Of course we should encourage any victim to come forward right after it happens. But saying tough shit and calling the ones who come out later in life liars isn’t the best way to promote an open environment now is it?

Do you want to hazard a guess as to how many woman and children, rape victims I’ve worked with, some severely beaten to within minutes of death? And in EACH AND EVERY CASE, these folks later find out that their rapist had done it MANY TIMES, most of which went unreported.

They would have (and I have first hand knowledge if this) MUCH STRONGER WORDS THAN I USE.

So yes, tough shit!
Ok good tough shit. It a shame that with so
Much experience you are still so clueless


Dems thrive on victims, so much so that they have to create them. And what better way then not reporting rapists.

That indeed seems to be your perverted political motive.
Ok I’m done with you now. Thanks for playing. Let me know when you get back from Douchebagville

Good, put me on ignore. Then you can go back to riding unicorns
I dont ignore but I do stop engaging with people when they hide from the substance and turn into douchebags
Can't say I'm surprised.

If Ford appears in front of Congress they will be calling witnesses. I sure wouldn't want to say something was true when I had no idea if it was or not.
Ford doesn't want to testify under oath because she would be subjecting herself to being charged with perjury.

But she would only get perjury had she already been in a court situation ., since the coward has been in the court room yet I don't think she can get a perjury charge.

Slander maybe or one other thingy I can't think of right now.
The Republicans should show a little courage and tell the the Moon Bat TDS bitch that she needs to show up on Monday or else forget it.

That is plenty of time for her to tell her story if in fact she does have a story to tell, which I doubt.

The Democrats have a history of dishonesty like this and they should not be allowed to get away with it.

That piece of shit Obama got his two Supreme Court nominees and they were the worst partisan dingbats that you could imagine. Trump needs to get his. That is the way the system works. Elections have consequences.
Do you want to hazard a guess as to how many woman and children, rape victims I’ve worked with, some severely beaten to within minutes of death? And in EACH AND EVERY CASE, these folks later find out that their rapist had done it MANY TIMES, most of which went unreported.

They would have (and I have first hand knowledge if this) MUCH STRONGER WORDS THAN I USE.

So yes, tough shit!
Ok good tough shit. It a shame that with so
Much experience you are still so clueless


Dems thrive on victims, so much so that they have to create them. And what better way then not reporting rapists.

That indeed seems to be your perverted political motive.
Ok I’m done with you now. Thanks for playing. Let me know when you get back from Douchebagville

Good, put me on ignore. Then you can go back to riding unicorns
I dont ignore but I do stop engaging with people when they hide from the substance and turn into douchebags

Put a bag over your face then. That will make it easier to not engage yourself. And it will make this a more beautiful world.

A twofer
There have been many people ruined by accusations since me too... but how many innocent people have been ruined? Can you name a few?

Oh I see the dumbass limits it to “since me too”. Well dumbass, sometimes we don’t know that answer for DECADES.

Like this:

'Every district attorney’s nightmare': Two men exonerated in 1991 rape claim

My God you have become pathetic.

I was trying to avoid y’all cherry picking examples from nearly 30 years ago. But you wouldn’t do that would you? ;)

There have been a flood of accusations since me too and many people getting taken down. If the “he said she said” thing was ruining innocent people like some are claiming then I think it’s fair to ask for a few recent examples of that happening. Since the only answers I’ve gotten are “maybe Kavanaugh” and “back in 1991” then it’s looking like you don’t have a very strong point.
------------------------- doesn't matter if it has happened or is happening or hasn't happened but i don't like giving the power to destroy a mans life or his sons or fathers life with 36 year old unproved accusations Slade ,
No shit pismoe. The only thing that is going to ruin his life is if it is proven that he is lying about it. It would be the lie that takes him down.
-------------------------------- accusations are 36 year old accusations and the Statue of Limitations are gone a long time ago Slade . And the Rules , the LAW as written , the limitations on Government are the only important things to me Slade .

The statute of limitations may or may not be up. It depends on the state it happened in.

In my state, Louisiana, a "child" may press charges for any sexual abuse that occurred to them prior to the age of 18 for up to 30 years past their 18th birthday. In fact for rape, there is no SOL.
Hey, nothing like she recalls hearing, BUT has no first hand info or even KNEW BALSY to speak to her....Desperation is an awesome thing to watch!

A former schoolmate of Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser wrote a Facebook post saying she recalls hearing about the alleged assault involving Kavanaugh, though she says she has no first-hand information to corroborate the accuser’s claims.

"Christine Blasey Ford was a year or so behind me," wrote the woman, Cristina Miranda King, who now works as a performing arts curator in Mexico City. "I did not know her personally but I remember her. This incident did happen."

She added, "Many of us heard a buzz about it indirectly with few specific details. However Christine's vivid recollection should be more than enough for us to truly, deeply know that the accusation is true."

The assertion that other people heard about and discussed an incident between Ford and Kavanaugh at the time it is alleged to have happened could loom as an important factor in any investigation of the claim.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Some salient thoughts....

She already pulled the post down.

Seem she said it was all the buzz at school when the supposed incident happened during the summertime.

Oh gosh, all of the sudden out of the clear blue - another “corroborating” story. I just knew that someone out there (a leftist bimbo) would suddenly “remember” what Christine Ford said years ago.

So predictable. And it was predicted. More will be coming.
Somebody is looking for a Soros payday

How much does he pay?

Disqualifying assertion: “However Christine’s vivid recollection should be more than enough for us to truly, deeply know that the accusation is true.”


Cristina King Miranda.....where is her PINK PUSSY HAT???
I heard that Elvis is alive and living in Miss, that is the way I heard it. How about you? I think it was Miss, might have been Mass.
Oh I see the dumbass limits it to “since me too”. Well dumbass, sometimes we don’t know that answer for DECADES.

Like this:

'Every district attorney’s nightmare': Two men exonerated in 1991 rape claim

My God you have become pathetic.

I was trying to avoid y’all cherry picking examples from nearly 30 years ago. But you wouldn’t do that would you? ;)

There have been a flood of accusations since me too and many people getting taken down. If the “he said she said” thing was ruining innocent people like some are claiming then I think it’s fair to ask for a few recent examples of that happening. Since the only answers I’ve gotten are “maybe Kavanaugh” and “back in 1991” then it’s looking like you don’t have a very strong point.
------------------------- doesn't matter if it has happened or is happening or hasn't happened but i don't like giving the power to destroy a mans life or his sons or fathers life with 36 year old unproved accusations Slade ,
No shit pismoe. The only thing that is going to ruin his life is if it is proven that he is lying about it. It would be the lie that takes him down.
-------------------------------- accusations are 36 year old accusations and the Statue of Limitations are gone a long time ago Slade . And the Rules , the LAW as written , the limitations on Government are the only important things to me Slade .

The statute of limitations may or may not be up. It depends on the state it happened in.

In my state, Louisiana, a "child" may press charges for any sexual abuse that occurred to them prior to the age of 18 for up to 30 years past their 18th birthday. In fact for rape, there is no SOL.
That not my fault the progressives have screwed up you legal system.
Ok good tough shit. It a shame that with so
Much experience you are still so clueless


Dems thrive on victims, so much so that they have to create them. And what better way then not reporting rapists.

That indeed seems to be your perverted political motive.
Ok I’m done with you now. Thanks for playing. Let me know when you get back from Douchebagville

Good, put me on ignore. Then you can go back to riding unicorns
I dont ignore but I do stop engaging with people when they hide from the substance and turn into douchebags

Put a bag over your face then. That will make it easier to not engage yourself. And it will make this a more beautiful world.

A twofer
It’s amazing how grown adults regress to acting like children when they feel threatened or can’t rationalize their thoughts

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