More dire predictions down the drain. Was it that long ago that AlGore told us major coastal cities would be forced to shut down as the inhabitants fled the rising seas?
Despite the accelerated melting of glaciers and ice sheets, sea levels aren�t rising quite as quickly as scientists anticipated. The reason: Continents are absorbing more of the water before it flows into the seas, according to a new study.
Read the story with links @ Climate Models Botch Another Prediction: Sea Levels Aren't Rising as Predicted; "Thirsty Continents" Which Suck Up More Excess Water Than Imagined are to Blame
Despite the accelerated melting of glaciers and ice sheets, sea levels aren�t rising quite as quickly as scientists anticipated. The reason: Continents are absorbing more of the water before it flows into the seas, according to a new study.
Read the story with links @ Climate Models Botch Another Prediction: Sea Levels Aren't Rising as Predicted; "Thirsty Continents" Which Suck Up More Excess Water Than Imagined are to Blame