The Sad state this country has become...

Just how many troll threads of anti-Hillary crap are you going to make? She's standing on something so the crowd can see her better? Yeah, we call that a stage. Common to politicians and rock bands.
The page is acting weird, but I glimpsed at the picture and it seemed to be a crowed with their backs turned on Hillary Clinton.

Possibly Rustic is referencing how the presidential elections are a popularity contest? I cannot read his mind, but presidential elections have ALWAYS been a popularity contest.
Jesus, they are all taking selfies. Some of you should not be voting. Seriously.

Sorry that I did not have superb perception in the 5 second my computer allowed me to glimpse the picture.

Maybe next year I will meet your voting qualifications.
Just how many troll threads of anti-Hillary crap are you going to make? She's standing on something so the crowd can see her better? Yeah, we call that a stage. Common to politicians and rock bands.
The silly fucks are taking selfies with the hildabeast...
The page is acting weird, but I glimpsed at the picture and it seemed to be a crowed with their backs turned on Hillary Clinton.

Possibly Rustic is referencing how the presidential elections are a popularity contest? I cannot read his mind, but presidential elections have ALWAYS been a popularity contest.

You not only can not read Rustic's mind but you also can not read a fucking post.




smh again

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