The Rittenhouse Verdict

I am a very weird individual. I’ve never denied that.

The note is very polite. No profanity. A short description of who we are and where we come from. We noted that we are very private people who rarely interact with the community at large. We mentioned several other updates we plan to make to the exterior of the house and the property beyond the dense.
Wow, you'd hate my neighborhood! I have to ask my neighbors' permission to do things like build fences and sheds.

It's an okay tradeoff. My town is quiet and there is no crime or homelessness here. They keep this town well. I decided to choose my battles and so I decided not to get too bent out of shape when the 90-something lady across the street dropped in unannounced and uninvited about a week after I moved in, to bring me a plate of delicious cookies, and the guy next door, out on his very fancy riding mower, mows my lawn as well as his.
To each his own but I have to ask, “Why announce the fence? HOH rules against it is my only guess so you are preparing for a small battle? This makes little sense. Otherwise, why does it matter that you gave them advance notice?
We announced the fence as part of several exterior/landscaping changes we are making. We figured it was easier to let them know what was happening ahead of time than to get questions in the spring.
Perhaps, the law enforcement needs to act like actual law enforcement.
No more of the defund the police. Maybe then there wouldn't be a need
for what happened.
That’s why the leadership in Wisconsin is getting ripped now. The National Guard on standby now, when if they had stopped the violence and riots in the first place, this whole thing never occurs.
Speculation: If Rittenhouse killed a black he'd be serving life.
We announced the fence as part of several exterior/landscaping changes we are making. We figured it was easier to let them know what was happening ahead of time than to get questions in the spring. I don’t disagree about the enjoyment to be had within one’s property and privacy. What I don’t get is choosing to move in a neighborhood when so many areas have nice homes that come without close neighbors.
I also consider myself a private person once I come home. I don’t like unexpected visitors popping up either, but sometimes a neighborhood contains families who enjoy spending time with other neighbors. Good neighbors imo are relatively quiet, don’t push any ideas on anyone, and relate in a friendly manner with a wave and maybe short conversation on occasion. I have one neighbor who will talk my ear off, but she is such a sweet, unassuming person that I would never just walk off from a conversation.

Well, you’ve given them a heads-up. Just don’t smile. That’s my problem.. I tend to smile at people. A smile could be misinterpreted as a “Let’s talk later”. Lol I only halfway joke here because it is true that one’s body language can be very strong, and I have a good feeling you won’t have to adjust your mannerisms for your desired outcome.
I've been saying all along the trial was just a sham designed to acquit him. This is no surprise.
No. I’m one of those people who believe it is the job of local, state, and federal law enforcement to deal with mobs and protesters on the streets; not children who should have been at home working on their school projects.

He doesn’t understand how to mind his own business and keep his nose out if other people’s business. That is a MAJOR Moral failing in my mind.

If not minding his own business is a moral failing in Rittenhouse’s case then it is also a moral failing on the part of all three men who were shot.

Not a one of them had any business being there. It is also a moral failing on their part to destroy property.

If we’re going to talk about moral failings then in the interest of fairness, we need to talk about moral failings in the greater context of the Kenosha riots in general.
Try this topic again, keep it civil, and within the board rules, and guidelines, and it can remain upstairs.
The first one didn't go so well.

The Rittenhouse verdict is in and "Not Guilty" on all charges.

KENOSHA, Wis., Nov 19 (Reuters) - A jury acquitted teenager Kyle Rittenhouse on Friday of murder in the fatal shooting of two men during racial justice protests in a decision thatignited fierce debate about gun rights and the boundaries of self defense in the United States.

The jury found Rittenhouse, 18, not guilty on all charges: two counts of homicide, one count of attempted homicide for wounding a third man, and two counts of recklessly endangering safety in protests marred by arson, rioting and looting on Aug. 25, 2020 in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Rittenhouse broke down sobbing after the verdict and collapsed to the floor before being helped back into his chair.

Amid a heavy law enforcement presence, several dozen protesters lined the steps outside the courthouse after the verdict was read, some carrying placards in support of Rittenhouse and others expressing disappointment.

All evidence proved it was self defense.

When the last victim testified Kyle did not shoot him when his hands were up - meaning Kyle spared his life - until, he admitted, he drew his gun and pointed it at Kyle's head and THEN Kyle shot him...that was when the trial was over..

The prosecutor did everything he could to get a mis-trial, but the Jury made the right call.

The Fake News Media were disgusting, and Biden was an asshole,but what do you expect?!
If not minding his own business is a moral failing in Rittenhouse’s case then it is also a moral failing on the part of all three men who were shot.

Not a one of them had any business being there. It is also a moral failing on their part to destroy property.

If we’re going to talk about moral failings then in the interest of fairness, we need to talk about moral failings in the greater context of the Kenosha riots in general.

All 3 men were candidates were Darwin Award candidates, but only two of them won.

When you are armed with only a clear plastic bag or only a skateboard & you make the conscious decision to chase and attack someone armed with an AR-15 you pretty much deserve the Darwin Award you win.
Let's play a quick game. Let's imagine white folks were out politically demonstrating about something, and some of them were tearing shit up.

Then let's imagine a 17 year old black guy from the neighboring state were to come to the scene of the protest worried (rightly or wrongly) about the possibility of property destruction, and carrying a gun he wasn't supposed to have

And let's imagine some right-wing white guys were to taunt him and chase him. (putting aside the fact that he'd already have been shot dead by cops or one of those white guys) imagine he then shot several of those protesters

Does anyone really think a self defense claim would have worked in that case ? Do you think the white guys defending Shittenhouse would have rallied to that Black guy's defense, even after it was HE who came with the gun and inserted himself in the situation ?
The Rittenhouse case has nothing to do with race.

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