The Rittenhouse Verdict

Try this topic again, keep it civil, and within the board rules, and guidelines, and it can remain upstairs.
The first one didn't go so well.

The Rittenhouse verdict is in and "Not Guilty" on all charges.

KENOSHA, Wis., Nov 19 (Reuters) - A jury acquitted teenager Kyle Rittenhouse on Friday of murder in the fatal shooting of two men during racial justice protests in a decision thatignited fierce debate about gun rights and the boundaries of self defense in the United States.

The jury found Rittenhouse, 18, not guilty on all charges: two counts of homicide, one count of attempted homicide for wounding a third man, and two counts of recklessly endangering safety in protests marred by arson, rioting and looting on Aug. 25, 2020 in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Rittenhouse broke down sobbing after the verdict and collapsed to the floor before being helped back into his chair.

Amid a heavy law enforcement presence, several dozen protesters lined the steps outside the courthouse after the verdict was read, some carrying placards in support of Rittenhouse and others expressing disappointment.
A new precedent. The bad guy with a gun got away Scott free. Rittenhouse is still a murderer. Vigilantes have been given free reign if their politics align with the prosecution.

Bad news. More violence will ensue.
A new precedent. The bad guy with a gun got away Scott free. Rittenhouse is still a murderer. Vigilantes have been given free reign if their politics align with the prosecution.

Bad news. More violence will ensue.
They don't seem to understand they've opened the floodgates to even more needless bloodshed. But now it will engulf more and more innocent people all the two extremist groups fight it out to the death.

They don't seem to understand they've opened the floodgates to even more needless bloodshed. But now it will engulf more and more innocent people all the two extremist groups fight it out to the death.
You don't seem to understand that you DON'T convict somebody that's innocent because of the threat
of violence from actual perpetrators. You're a fucking anarchist, dude, where that badge proud.
The thinking that caused the crisis was letting the rioters run wild, instead of enforcing the laws.
LEO enforced the laws the best way they could, so go fuck yourself. This is what you deal with when trying to face off with a thousands strong mob of pissed off people. Regardless the reasons or political alliance. Capitol LEO made mistakes during the 'shitty insurrection of magaturds'. It paralleled the shit they saw in Seattle. We can use even more false equivalence if you like.
LEO enforced the laws the best way they could, so go fuck yourself. This is what you deal with when trying to face off with a thousands strong mob of pissed off people. Regardless the reasons or political alliance. Capitol LEO made mistakes during the 'shitty insurrection of magaturds'. It paralleled the shit they saw in Seattle. We can use even more false equivalence if you like.

LEO enforced the laws the best way they could, so go fuck yourself.

By letting it burn. Brilliant!!!

This is what you deal with when trying to face off with a thousands strong mob of pissed off people.

Shoot the first few arsonists and the rest will figure out it's a bad idea.
They don't seem to understand they've opened the floodgates to even more needless bloodshed. But now it will engulf more and more innocent people all the two extremist groups fight it out to the death.
you don't seem to understand, calling RIOTS and LOOTINGS valid protests brought these now opened the flood gates you're bitching about now back to you.

stop the violence when it starts and none of the rest of this shit happens.

floodgate boy.
If not minding his own business is a moral failing in Rittenhouse’s case then it is also a moral failing on the part of all three men who were shot.

Not a one of them had any business being there. It is also a moral failing on their part to destroy property.
We are completely in agreement on all of your points in this post. None of them should have been there. The police should have dispersed the protesters the moment they started to congregate.
This whole situation came out of a racist situation. Duh !

1.) The shootings between Rittenhouse and the other three were not racially motivated. and all four are/were white.

2.) Rittenhouse was not there to protest or counterprotest in relation to the Blake shooting. He was there to deter destruction of private property by rioters.
It’s irrelevant because all four individuals involved were white. It also needlessly complicates the issue more than it already is.

Contrary to what many people think, not everything that happens in this country is connected to race or racism.

It has nothing to do with the victims.

It has to do with someone who went out and killed some people, who went looking for trouble.

Had he been black, had he been black and killed black people, or while people, or anyone else, he'd have been put away for a long, long time.

No, not everything is connected with race. But most things have something to do with IMAGE. And certain people have a good image and others a bad image

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