The Republican ignorance on abortion

Not for those at the South Pole.

There was a law in ancient Rome that said if someone exposed a baby (leaving outside to die of exposure) it was illegal for someone to save it.
Not for those at the South Pole.

There was a law in ancient Rome that said if someone exposed a baby (leaving outside to die of exposure) it was illegal for someone to save it.
Again you are proving my point.Lawful doesn't equate morally right.
Are you hard of reading?

You’re defending legislating against abortion in the grounds that abortion is morally wrong. But morality is subjective and cannot be legislated.

Every attempt to legislate morality - fails. Examples: prohibition. Lead to speak easies, bathtub gin, civic and police corruption, and violent gangs of mobsters fighting over the smuggling trade.

Wash, rinse and repeat for drugs. 100,000 deaths per year and climbing. Open borders aren’t the problem.

Homosexuality. Prostitution, racially mixed marriages.

You cannot legislate morality. The laws will be flouted and they will cause chaos.

Abortion laws failed miserably the last time you did this. Thousands of women died from back alley abortions. My generation vowed “Never again”. Now hospitals are sending women home to bleed out.

You won’t get away with it again.

Does it not seem that the Republicans just don't to win elections. Maybe they enjoy the campaigning and mud slinging more than actually governing. Their stance on abortion sure seems to bear that out.

By a large majority, Americans do not support legislation restriction a woman's right to choose. Why haven't Republicans got the message? They continue to support the phony pro-life indicted Donald Trump who demonstrated his total disregard for women by appointing anti-abortion judges. Look at hard core conservative Kansas who failed to pass a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion.

Look at "Don't say gay" Ron DeSantis, widely loved by Republicans and viewed as a successor to Donald Trump. Last night he slinks back into Florida from a campaign trip and signs a bill into law that further restricts already restricted abortion access in Florida. And, he did it in the dark of night behind closed doors.

Well, thank goodness the Republicans learned nothing from their 2022 election failures and seem hell bent on losing bigly to Democrats in 2024.

President biden could do no better if he wanted to.
The whole discussion ends when men are allowed the same decision women have and we quit “forcing” men to become fathers.
You’re defending legislating against abortion in the grounds that abortion is morally wrong. But morality is subjective and cannot be legislated.

Killing an innocent child in cold blood is always wrong, and is pretty much the definition of exactly the sort of wrong that society and government exists to prohibit.

Our society is severely malfeasant inasmuch as it allows this savage and murderous practice to occur legally. We are willfully failing to protect the most innocent and defenseless among us, from the most evil and murderous.
You’re defending legislating against abortion in the grounds that abortion is morally wrong. But morality is subjective and cannot be legislated.

Every attempt to legislate morality - fails. Examples: prohibition. Lead to speak easies, bathtub gin, civic and police corruption, and violent gangs of mobsters fighting over the smuggling trade.
Personal vice in all cases, not violence against another human being.

Wash, rinse and repeat for drugs. 100,000 deaths per year and climbing. Open borders aren’t the problem.
Personal vice.

Arguably not even a personal vice, YMMV with religion.
Personal vice.

racially mixed marriages
No one will argue this is a personal vice.

You cannot legislate morality.
Whatever - this is banning violence, no mere matter of personal vice.

Thousands of women died from back alley abortions.
Hyperbolic, but I wish it wasn't - the more these vile pieces of shit die, the better.
Let's talk root cause.....It's pretty darn easy for a woman not to get pregnant. That's a "woman's right to choose" too.....How about choosing not to be a dumbass and get knocked-up?

Aside from keeping their legs closed birth control pills are generally free, condoms are widely available, shots and implanted devices abound. All have a pretty good efficiency rate and many are free for the 'poor" through planned parenthood or other outlets like their local health dept.

Is it that many women are just too fuckin' lazy to take precautions to prevent a pregnancy and instead use abortion as birth control?

I mean is it that they just having sex so many times a day that it just statistically happens that they get pregnant? :dunno:

Oh I know some will go on about "incest and rape" but do you think that even meets the 1% threshold?
What you have just said here is that women should not be able to enjoy recreational sex if they don't want to get pregnant.
Or, if she does want to have sex just for the fun and pleasure of it then ONLY the forms of birth control you list here should be available to her.
How draconian and controlling of you!
Men shouldn't have any controlling interest whatsoever in women's bodies or in their reproductive choices.
Abortion should be a decision between a woman, her partner (if the sperm donor is even involved after the ejaculation event), her doctor, and her god.
Everybody else should just butt the fuck out.
You have no idea how mostabortions [sic] are performed, do you, you fucking dumb piece of shit?

A murdered child is still just as dead, regardless of the method used to carry out that murder. And the one who did it is as much a murderer.

What difference does it make if the child was torn apart with surgical instruments, poisoned with drugs, or shot in the head with an AR-15? The end result is the same.
Where is the ignorance, exactly? Pregnant chick goes to the clinic. Doctor inserts forceps. The baby is dead. You can shroud the thing in women's rights and healthcare privacy all you want. But we all know what happens in those clinics. A growing human being - a living organism - is killed.
You're an incel, aren't you?
"Maybe they enjoy the campaigning and mud slinging more than actually governing." Dude, truer words were never spoke. It is as if they not only want Biden re-elected, but want to give back the House and lose more in the Senate as they do their best to prove, they have no intention of doing anything to even meet the country half way

Damn straight.

No way is any true republican going to say ANY killing of innocent unborn babies is ok.

The fact that the left went full term abortion crazy doesn't mean the right has to meet them "halfway." I would NEVER vote for a pro abortion Republican and neither would any democrat so why should republicans embrace the killing of the unborn to try to gain votes? They won't gain any and will lose many.

Where, exactly, is halfway between life and death anyway?
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You're an incel, aren't you?

Boy, Democrats sure do love killing kids.

Just trying to keep them safe from the wandering hands of their dear pedophile Biden.

Isn't it really funny that the same party that will use school shootings as political points trying to push gun control while trying to convince the masses that they care about kids is the same party that will fight to the death for a womans right to rip that same innocent child apart while in the womb? This would be the main reason that I refer to their outrage after a school shooting to be "faux outrage."

They should be happy after a school shooting. It was just a mass post birth abortion. That should give them orgasms.
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