The Republican Christian is an oxymoran use of words.

You are in great company.

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
Capitalism needs poor people. Corporations need poor people to exploit. It's a fact. And our country needs those poor people to breed. And you Republicans certainly don't want to even pay them the minimum

Not true. Flat out, not true.

You can be wealthy, and be a janitor.

Janitor secretly amassed an $8 million fortune, left most of it to library and hospital

What you said, is factually wrong.

The reason people are poor, is because they don't do what this janitor did. They don't save and invest.

The reason Warren Buffet is a billionaire today, is because when he was TEN... he was buying stock in companies, and investing money from his paper route.

You are wrong.
Oh, and you sound like a 2007 Republican. Welcome back. Trump said he was gonna make America great again. Now we know that time was 2007 when Republicans help to blue collar was to tell them to save more.

Welcome back! I was wondering how long it would take.
Andylusion is correct. You are the sum of YOUR choices, funny boy. You have no one to blame but YOURSELF. Stop crying and do something about it because ain't no one going to save your sorry ass. Like I said before... laughing leads to crying.
Tell that to the blue collar losers you lied to in order to win their votes.

I told them in a year trumps promises would disappear and this 2007 tough love advice would be all you have.

You wouldn't give them this advice before the election but 50 days after the assholes are back.

Don't tell me I'm a successful person. Tell the people who are doing worse in 4 years than they were under Obama.

And by the way u2 idiots. Trump needs those losers spending not saving money. I'm taking your advice. I'm saving. So good luck with your goal of 3℅ growth. U make no sense

I did far worse under Obama, than I did under Bush. For 2016, the last year of Obama, I only made $19K. If you are going to blame the president for the wages individuals make, then by your own standard Obama screwed me over.
No more subsidies for congressmen's HI and no more child care credits. No more bail out for banks or companies, no tax credits, no more tax exempt organizations like Churches or non profit charities, cost us taxpayers money, how is that. Quit all foreign aid, Israel included.

what an interesting idea-------what would be the outcome of such a
policy?. I am not familiar with "bail outs" for companies-----I am familiar
with federally insured banks-----it the federal insurance on bank accounts
something to which you object?
The no more child care credits could possibly put some parents back home with their small children where they should be. The poor and single parents in many cases will still need some sort of assistance but at least for some of them their children would have a parent there for them. Some of these mega child care facilities in the bigger cities truly suck. Many kids are put there in those facilities daily by parents whether healthy or sick when the parents are stuck in the "gotta have a job or your a piece of shit" grinder.

Let's let liberals destroy the family unit...then whine we need facilities for kids of single mothers. That will work great!

Sent from my iPhone using

Yet Republicans revoted this nice family man in, these are your anti abortion Reps, do what we say, not what we do, we also have a Republican here who is anti abortion even though his wife admitted to having an abortion in HS. You fake holier than thou people are such hypocrites. Trump and his black bible is another oxymoran, a cheater and charlatan for all his life.

Congressman Scott DesJarlais, the pro-life, all-family values Tennessee Republican who cheated on his wife and then pressured his mistress to have an abortion, voted this week in favor of a federal 2o-week abortion ban. DesJarlais’ spokesperson said the congressman has “always supported pro-life values”—except, of course, when they might negatively impact his life.

And this is why the liberal bible thumpers are always screaming hypocrisy. Its a weapon against those who would espouse decency. And it is a way of assuaging their own vileness. By voting to mainstream their perversions and base proclivities they feel it washes away their own evil. Sort of "if I can get everybody to do it then nobody can point a finger at me". Satanic.
I dont care who did what. I care that they dont impose their immorality on the country.
Kudos to this Scott Desjatlais if he hasn't fallen for the lie that advocating evil expunges his own.
Why in the world would "we" want to encourage anyone destroy families whether they be hypocrites or liberals either one?

The family stands in the way of the Homo Liberalis being created by the utopian left. It is seen as a resevoir of values inimical to liberalism, statism, socialism and any other ism you want to add.
The family robs loyalty from jealous social justice warriors. Hard for Hillary to claim women owe her loyalty if women actually owe their loyalty to their families. Maybe why she failed?
And it's destruction leads to the place liberals desire most...government dependence.
You are in great company.

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
Capitalism needs poor people. Corporations need poor people to exploit. It's a fact. And our country needs those poor people to breed. And you Republicans certainly don't want to even pay them the minimum

Not true. Flat out, not true.

You can be wealthy, and be a janitor.

Janitor secretly amassed an $8 million fortune, left most of it to library and hospital

What you said, is factually wrong.

The reason people are poor, is because they don't do what this janitor did. They don't save and invest.

The reason Warren Buffet is a billionaire today, is because when he was TEN... he was buying stock in companies, and investing money from his paper route.

You are wrong.
Oh, and you sound like a 2007 Republican. Welcome back. Trump said he was gonna make America great again. Now we know that time was 2007 when Republicans help to blue collar was to tell them to save more.

Welcome back! I was wondering how long it would take.

We never left. And 2007 was due to Clinton. Already covered that. It was Bill Clinton's push on sub-prime loans that caused the crash.

The only thing that Bush had to do with the 2007 crash, was the minimum wage hike. Which according to you, you want. Your policy crashed the economy. Why do you keep pushing it?
what an interesting idea-------what would be the outcome of such a
policy?. I am not familiar with "bail outs" for companies-----I am familiar
with federally insured banks-----it the federal insurance on bank accounts
something to which you object?
The no more child care credits could possibly put some parents back home with their small children where they should be. The poor and single parents in many cases will still need some sort of assistance but at least for some of them their children would have a parent there for them. Some of these mega child care facilities in the bigger cities truly suck. Many kids are put there in those facilities daily by parents whether healthy or sick when the parents are stuck in the "gotta have a job or your a piece of shit" grinder.

Let's let liberals destroy the family unit...then whine we need facilities for kids of single mothers. That will work great!

Sent from my iPhone using

Yet Republicans revoted this nice family man in, these are your anti abortion Reps, do what we say, not what we do, we also have a Republican here who is anti abortion even though his wife admitted to having an abortion in HS. You fake holier than thou people are such hypocrites. Trump and his black bible is another oxymoran, a cheater and charlatan for all his life.

Congressman Scott DesJarlais, the pro-life, all-family values Tennessee Republican who cheated on his wife and then pressured his mistress to have an abortion, voted this week in favor of a federal 2o-week abortion ban. DesJarlais’ spokesperson said the congressman has “always supported pro-life values”—except, of course, when they might negatively impact his life.

the "P" entity gets dummer and dummer A man's wife had an abortion in
High School------so according to "P" -----that man can not be permitted to be anti abortion -------trump has a bible that is an "oxymoran" <<<whatevah dat is.
ppsssssst....... 20 weeks of FIVE MONTHS!!!! the standard cut off time for abortion-----

How about this POS:
Congressman Scott DesJarlais, the pro-life, all-family values Tennessee Republican who cheated on his wife and then pressured his mistress to have an abortion, voted this week in favor of a federal 2o-week abortion ban. DesJarlais’ spokesperson said the congressman has “always supported pro-life values”—except, of course, when they might negatively impact his life.

They had choices , yet want to take choice away.
Every abortion except theirs are immoral.
Capitalism needs poor people. Corporations need poor people to exploit. It's a fact. And our country needs those poor people to breed. And you Republicans certainly don't want to even pay them the minimum

Not true. Flat out, not true.

You can be wealthy, and be a janitor.

Janitor secretly amassed an $8 million fortune, left most of it to library and hospital

What you said, is factually wrong.

The reason people are poor, is because they don't do what this janitor did. They don't save and invest.

The reason Warren Buffet is a billionaire today, is because when he was TEN... he was buying stock in companies, and investing money from his paper route.

You are wrong.
Oh, and you sound like a 2007 Republican. Welcome back. Trump said he was gonna make America great again. Now we know that time was 2007 when Republicans help to blue collar was to tell them to save more.

Welcome back! I was wondering how long it would take.

We never left. And 2007 was due to Clinton. Already covered that. It was Bill Clinton's push on sub-prime loans that caused the crash.

The only thing that Bush had to do with the 2007 crash, was the minimum wage hike. Which according to you, you want. Your policy crashed the economy. Why do you keep pushing it?
The no more child care credits could possibly put some parents back home with their small children where they should be. The poor and single parents in many cases will still need some sort of assistance but at least for some of them their children would have a parent there for them. Some of these mega child care facilities in the bigger cities truly suck. Many kids are put there in those facilities daily by parents whether healthy or sick when the parents are stuck in the "gotta have a job or your a piece of shit" grinder.

Let's let liberals destroy the family unit...then whine we need facilities for kids of single mothers. That will work great!

Sent from my iPhone using

Yet Republicans revoted this nice family man in, these are your anti abortion Reps, do what we say, not what we do, we also have a Republican here who is anti abortion even though his wife admitted to having an abortion in HS. You fake holier than thou people are such hypocrites. Trump and his black bible is another oxymoran, a cheater and charlatan for all his life.

Congressman Scott DesJarlais, the pro-life, all-family values Tennessee Republican who cheated on his wife and then pressured his mistress to have an abortion, voted this week in favor of a federal 2o-week abortion ban. DesJarlais’ spokesperson said the congressman has “always supported pro-life values”—except, of course, when they might negatively impact his life.

the "P" entity gets dummer and dummer A man's wife had an abortion in
High School------so according to "P" -----that man can not be permitted to be anti abortion -------trump has a bible that is an "oxymoran" <<<whatevah dat is.
ppsssssst....... 20 weeks of FIVE MONTHS!!!! the standard cut off time for abortion-----

How about this POS:
Congressman Scott DesJarlais, the pro-life, all-family values Tennessee Republican who cheated on his wife and then pressured his mistress to have an abortion, voted this week in favor of a federal 2o-week abortion ban. DesJarlais’ spokesperson said the congressman has “always supported pro-life values”—except, of course, when they might negatively impact his life.

They had choices , yet want to take choice away.
Every abortion except theirs are immoral.
Do you think you could do a D&E by dismemberment? You know, pull their limbs off one at a time. I bet you could.
You are in great company.

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
Capitalism needs poor people. Corporations need poor people to exploit. It's a fact. And our country needs those poor people to breed. And you Republicans certainly don't want to even pay them the minimum

Not true. Flat out, not true.

You can be wealthy, and be a janitor.

Janitor secretly amassed an $8 million fortune, left most of it to library and hospital

What you said, is factually wrong.

The reason people are poor, is because they don't do what this janitor did. They don't save and invest.

The reason Warren Buffet is a billionaire today, is because when he was TEN... he was buying stock in companies, and investing money from his paper route.

You are wrong.
Oh, and you sound like a 2007 Republican. Welcome back. Trump said he was gonna make America great again. Now we know that time was 2007 when Republicans help to blue collar was to tell them to save more.

Welcome back! I was wondering how long it would take.

We never left. And 2007 was due to Clinton. Already covered that. It was Bill Clinton's push on sub-prime loans that caused the crash.

The only thing that Bush had to do with the 2007 crash, was the minimum wage hike. Which according to you, you want. Your policy crashed the economy. Why do you keep pushing it?

That did not mean banks could give everyone a ARM and finance 125% of a home value with nothing down. It also didn't mean relators could inflate the costs of homes to help get themselves rich. Not only low income lost their shirt, I blame the relators and Bush for not watching what was happening. Trump is right back at it, sub prime mortgages are coming back, and repealing of Frank Dodd. Like all Republicans they lead us into a recession so the corps and the elites can get more of the middle income money.
This time buyer beware. Caviat emptor
Not true. Flat out, not true.

You can be wealthy, and be a janitor.

Janitor secretly amassed an $8 million fortune, left most of it to library and hospital

What you said, is factually wrong.

The reason people are poor, is because they don't do what this janitor did. They don't save and invest.

The reason Warren Buffet is a billionaire today, is because when he was TEN... he was buying stock in companies, and investing money from his paper route.

You are wrong.
Oh, and you sound like a 2007 Republican. Welcome back. Trump said he was gonna make America great again. Now we know that time was 2007 when Republicans help to blue collar was to tell them to save more.

Welcome back! I was wondering how long it would take.

We never left. And 2007 was due to Clinton. Already covered that. It was Bill Clinton's push on sub-prime loans that caused the crash.

The only thing that Bush had to do with the 2007 crash, was the minimum wage hike. Which according to you, you want. Your policy crashed the economy. Why do you keep pushing it?
Let's let liberals destroy the family unit...then whine we need facilities for kids of single mothers. That will work great!

Sent from my iPhone using

Yet Republicans revoted this nice family man in, these are your anti abortion Reps, do what we say, not what we do, we also have a Republican here who is anti abortion even though his wife admitted to having an abortion in HS. You fake holier than thou people are such hypocrites. Trump and his black bible is another oxymoran, a cheater and charlatan for all his life.

Congressman Scott DesJarlais, the pro-life, all-family values Tennessee Republican who cheated on his wife and then pressured his mistress to have an abortion, voted this week in favor of a federal 2o-week abortion ban. DesJarlais’ spokesperson said the congressman has “always supported pro-life values”—except, of course, when they might negatively impact his life.

the "P" entity gets dummer and dummer A man's wife had an abortion in
High School------so according to "P" -----that man can not be permitted to be anti abortion -------trump has a bible that is an "oxymoran" <<<whatevah dat is.
ppsssssst....... 20 weeks of FIVE MONTHS!!!! the standard cut off time for abortion-----

How about this POS:
Congressman Scott DesJarlais, the pro-life, all-family values Tennessee Republican who cheated on his wife and then pressured his mistress to have an abortion, voted this week in favor of a federal 2o-week abortion ban. DesJarlais’ spokesperson said the congressman has “always supported pro-life values”—except, of course, when they might negatively impact his life.

They had choices , yet want to take choice away.
Every abortion except theirs are immoral.
Do you think you could do a D&E by dismemberment? You know, pull their limbs off one at a time. I bet you could.
What's dne?
Oh, and you sound like a 2007 Republican. Welcome back. Trump said he was gonna make America great again. Now we know that time was 2007 when Republicans help to blue collar was to tell them to save more.

Welcome back! I was wondering how long it would take.

We never left. And 2007 was due to Clinton. Already covered that. It was Bill Clinton's push on sub-prime loans that caused the crash.

The only thing that Bush had to do with the 2007 crash, was the minimum wage hike. Which according to you, you want. Your policy crashed the economy. Why do you keep pushing it?
Yet Republicans revoted this nice family man in, these are your anti abortion Reps, do what we say, not what we do, we also have a Republican here who is anti abortion even though his wife admitted to having an abortion in HS. You fake holier than thou people are such hypocrites. Trump and his black bible is another oxymoran, a cheater and charlatan for all his life.

Congressman Scott DesJarlais, the pro-life, all-family values Tennessee Republican who cheated on his wife and then pressured his mistress to have an abortion, voted this week in favor of a federal 2o-week abortion ban. DesJarlais’ spokesperson said the congressman has “always supported pro-life values”—except, of course, when they might negatively impact his life.

the "P" entity gets dummer and dummer A man's wife had an abortion in
High School------so according to "P" -----that man can not be permitted to be anti abortion -------trump has a bible that is an "oxymoran" <<<whatevah dat is.
ppsssssst....... 20 weeks of FIVE MONTHS!!!! the standard cut off time for abortion-----

How about this POS:
Congressman Scott DesJarlais, the pro-life, all-family values Tennessee Republican who cheated on his wife and then pressured his mistress to have an abortion, voted this week in favor of a federal 2o-week abortion ban. DesJarlais’ spokesperson said the congressman has “always supported pro-life values”—except, of course, when they might negatively impact his life.

They had choices , yet want to take choice away.
Every abortion except theirs are immoral.
Do you think you could do a D&E by dismemberment? You know, pull their limbs off one at a time. I bet you could.
What's dne?
Ever hear of google?
Capitalism needs poor people. Corporations need poor people to exploit. It's a fact. And our country needs those poor people to breed. And you Republicans certainly don't want to even pay them the minimum

Not true. Flat out, not true.

You can be wealthy, and be a janitor.

Janitor secretly amassed an $8 million fortune, left most of it to library and hospital

What you said, is factually wrong.

The reason people are poor, is because they don't do what this janitor did. They don't save and invest.

The reason Warren Buffet is a billionaire today, is because when he was TEN... he was buying stock in companies, and investing money from his paper route.

You are wrong.
Oh, and you sound like a 2007 Republican. Welcome back. Trump said he was gonna make America great again. Now we know that time was 2007 when Republicans help to blue collar was to tell them to save more.

Welcome back! I was wondering how long it would take.

We never left. And 2007 was due to Clinton. Already covered that. It was Bill Clinton's push on sub-prime loans that caused the crash.

The only thing that Bush had to do with the 2007 crash, was the minimum wage hike. Which according to you, you want. Your policy crashed the economy. Why do you keep pushing it?

That did not mean banks could give everyone a ARM and finance 125% of a home value with nothing down. It also didn't mean relators could inflate the costs of homes to help get themselves rich. Not only low income lost their shirt, I blame the relators and Bush for not watching what was happening. Trump is right back at it, sub prime mortgages are coming back, and repealing of Frank Dodd. Like all Republicans they lead us into a recession so the corps and the elites can get more of the middle income money.
"Blame Bush" for not stopping what was put into place before he was there and blame him for the greed of others throughout. That's a whole lot a blame you believe you can lay on one man. Fact is the blame gets spread around to all of the greedy ones who manipulated and cooked the books to make the poor believe that they were doing them favors while they stuffed and lined their own pockets.
Happened at the end of his 8 long years. No one to blame but bush delay and hastert
The GOP opposes abortion due to votes is all because people like you do not think women should have a choice, your type doesn't' even want classes on "how babies are made in schools". What is worst than abortions is the spread of disease, and BC pill do not stop that.

Now I do not think HS kids should engage in sex at all, but they do apparently, so are you going to stop it, education is the key, but Devos is so in to Christian schools I doubt if there is sex ed at all in her schools. Now for a woman out of school who gets pg , that is do to ignorance or cheap rubbers. Here all your concerned about is not , how to avoid a sexually transmitted diseases but , but all you care about is make sure you have that baby, even though that woman may be pregnant with a VD or worst yet since PP's are going to be shut down, this woman is HIV positive and you just want to make sure that baby is born and carried for 40 weeks, so she can have an unhealthy baby due to ignorance and lack of health care.

Then you consider it murder , but refuse to file charges against her. I guess we can go back to back street abortions, is that what you want??

Only females should be allowed to vote on this as men do not seem to think they are responsible.

Women do have choices, but why should taking a life be one of those choices? As someone who works with special ed students, I cannot help but resent the appellation "unhealthy baby" as if these children, born unhealthy, are some kind of unwanted garbage. Some of the most loving students I have ever taught are "unhealthy" and, in my opinion, also some of the most worthy of the label, 'human being'.

Most aborted babies do not rise to the level of "unhealthy"; they only rise to the level of "inconvenient".
It's her body and life isn't that precious. If the junk in your balls is precious don't have an abortion
We never left. And 2007 was due to Clinton. Already covered that. It was Bill Clinton's push on sub-prime loans that caused the crash.

The only thing that Bush had to do with the 2007 crash, was the minimum wage hike. Which according to you, you want. Your policy crashed the economy. Why do you keep pushing it?
the "P" entity gets dummer and dummer A man's wife had an abortion in
High School------so according to "P" -----that man can not be permitted to be anti abortion -------trump has a bible that is an "oxymoran" <<<whatevah dat is.
ppsssssst....... 20 weeks of FIVE MONTHS!!!! the standard cut off time for abortion-----

How about this POS:
Congressman Scott DesJarlais, the pro-life, all-family values Tennessee Republican who cheated on his wife and then pressured his mistress to have an abortion, voted this week in favor of a federal 2o-week abortion ban. DesJarlais’ spokesperson said the congressman has “always supported pro-life values”—except, of course, when they might negatively impact his life.

They had choices , yet want to take choice away.
Every abortion except theirs are immoral.
Do you think you could do a D&E by dismemberment? You know, pull their limbs off one at a time. I bet you could.
What's dne?
Ever hear of google?
I learned it at the DIA, also when I went to DPS and ran into the dpd
How about this POS:
Congressman Scott DesJarlais, the pro-life, all-family values Tennessee Republican who cheated on his wife and then pressured his mistress to have an abortion, voted this week in favor of a federal 2o-week abortion ban. DesJarlais’ spokesperson said the congressman has “always supported pro-life values”—except, of course, when they might negatively impact his life.

They had choices , yet want to take choice away.
Every abortion except theirs are immoral.
Do you think you could do a D&E by dismemberment? You know, pull their limbs off one at a time. I bet you could.
What's dne?
Ever hear of google?
I learned it at the DIA, also when I went to DPS and ran into the dpd
Did you learn this?

Excerpts from NAF's direct examination of Dr. Timothy Johnson:

THE COURT: When you have done D&Es or when you have done abortions, do you tell the woman various options that are available to her?

THE WITNESS: Yes, sir.

THE COURT: And do you explain what is involved like in D&E, the dismemberment variation? Do you tell her that?

THE WITNESS: We would describe the procedure, yes.

THE COURT: So you tell her the arms and legs are pulled off. I mean, that's what I want to know, do you tell her?

THE WITNESS: We tell her the baby, the fetus is dismembered as part of the procedure, yes.

THE COURT: You are going to remove parts of her baby.

How about this POS:
Congressman Scott DesJarlais, the pro-life, all-family values Tennessee Republican who cheated on his wife and then pressured his mistress to have an abortion, voted this week in favor of a federal 2o-week abortion ban. DesJarlais’ spokesperson said the congressman has “always supported pro-life values”—except, of course, when they might negatively impact his life.

They had choices , yet want to take choice away.
Every abortion except theirs are immoral.
Do you think you could do a D&E by dismemberment? You know, pull their limbs off one at a time. I bet you could.
What's dne?
Ever hear of google?
I learned it at the DIA, also when I went to DPS and ran into the dpd
Did you learn this?

Excerpts from NAF's direct examination of Dr. Timothy Johnson

THE COURT: What did they utilize to crush the head?

THE WITNESS: An instrument, a large pair of forceps that have a round, serrated edge at the end of it, so that they were able to bring them together and crush the head between the ends of the instrument.

THE COURT: Like the cracker they use to crack a lobster shell, serrated edge?


THE COURT: Describe it for me.

THE WITNESS: It would be like the end of tongs that are combined that you use to pick up salad. So they would be articulated in the center and you could move one end, and there would be a branch at the center. The instruments are thick enough and heavy enough that you can actually grasp and crush with those instruments as if you were picking up salad or picking up anything with --

THE COURT: Except here you are crushing the head of a baby.

How about this POS:
Congressman Scott DesJarlais, the pro-life, all-family values Tennessee Republican who cheated on his wife and then pressured his mistress to have an abortion, voted this week in favor of a federal 2o-week abortion ban. DesJarlais’ spokesperson said the congressman has “always supported pro-life values”—except, of course, when they might negatively impact his life.

They had choices , yet want to take choice away.
Every abortion except theirs are immoral.
Do you think you could do a D&E by dismemberment? You know, pull their limbs off one at a time. I bet you could.
What's dne?
Ever hear of google?
I learned it at the DIA, also when I went to DPS and ran into the dpd
Did you learn this?

Excerpts from NAF's direct examination of Dr. Timothy Johnson

THE COURT: Did you ever participate with another doctor describing it to a woman considering such an abortion?

THE WITNESS: Yes. And the description would be, I would think, descriptive of what was going to be, what was going to happen; the description.

THE COURT: Including sucking the brain out of the skull?

THE WITNESS: I don't think we would use those terms. I think we would probably use a term like decompression of the skull or reducing the contents of the skull.

THE COURT: Make it nice and palatable so that they wouldn't understand what it's all about?

THE WITNESS: No. I think we want them to understand what it's all about but it's -- I think it's -- I guess I would say that whenever we describe medical procedures we try to do it in a way that's not offensive or gruesome or overly graphic for patients.

THE COURT: Can they fully comprehend unless you do? Not all of these mothers are Rhodes scholars or highly educated, are they?

THE WITNESS: No, that's true. But I'm also not exactly sure what using terminology like sucking the brains out would --

THE COURT: That's what happens, doesn't it?

THE WITNESS: Well, in some situations that might happen. There are different ways that an after-coming head could be dealt with but that is one way of describing it.

THE COURT: Isn't that what actually happens? You do use a suction device, right?

THE WITNESS: Well, there are physicians who do that procedure who use a suction device to evacuate the intercranial contents; yes.
It's her body and life isn't that precious. If the junk in your balls is precious don't have an abortion

Upon conception, there are two bodies involved. If life "isn't that precious" then why not 'ruin' the mother's by having the baby? After all, her life also falls into your category of not mattering. Adoption is a viable option if one does not want a child.
Jesus was an anti-establishment Jewish hippy (just like many modern Jewish hippies).
Whereas Jesus was completely respectful to the Romans, particularly their tax collectors and also Pontius Pilate, he was very anti Sanhedrin.
That plus his immense following in Galilee and Judaea is what got him crucified. The Sanhedrin was afraid they were going to lose their jobs.
Jesus loved the poor, was a communist centuries before the Communist Manifesto was written, was itinerant and homeless, practiced medicine without a license, was a wine maker, and loved making speeches at big rallies.
He did however also have a streak of violence in that he chased the temple money changers out two years in a row, overturning their tables and making them scramble for their gold.
So this is what we now call a complex personality.
you know nothing about Jesus------the nuns did not know either. he was
very typical for his time------a fairly educated person from Galilee----
ardent PHARISEE-----of the school of Hillel The money changers of the
Temple were pro roman-----the pharisees wanted them OUT to the point of hysteria. This fact is EXTENSIVELY documented (maybe not in latin). The socialism you call communism is inherent in jewish economic law. ----all kinds of laws about---passing stuff around and the RIGHTS of the poor to this or that percentage of the harvest------(agricultural economy)
It was just not consistent with Roman forms. Romans were there to get whatever wealth there was to
get----Pharisees were their enemies----including Jesus
"you know nothing about Jesus"

It's a fair statement to say we ALL know little about the real Jesus of Nazareth.
Those who wrote about him (many unknown authors) did so decades or centuries after he died.
Those who wrote about him may have had a political agenda, esp those who never met him.
It's fair to say Jesus is a centuries old myth.
Why should that myth matter today?
Same for Moses, Muhammad, and other folklore.
It's her body and life isn't that precious. If the junk in your balls is precious don't have an abortion

Upon conception, there are two bodies involved. If life "isn't that precious" then why not 'ruin' the mother's by having the baby? After all, her life also falls into your category of not mattering. Adoption is a viable option if one does not want a child.
Yes adoption is one option.
Not true. Flat out, not true.

You can be wealthy, and be a janitor.

Janitor secretly amassed an $8 million fortune, left most of it to library and hospital

What you said, is factually wrong.

The reason people are poor, is because they don't do what this janitor did. They don't save and invest.

The reason Warren Buffet is a billionaire today, is because when he was TEN... he was buying stock in companies, and investing money from his paper route.

You are wrong.
Oh, and you sound like a 2007 Republican. Welcome back. Trump said he was gonna make America great again. Now we know that time was 2007 when Republicans help to blue collar was to tell them to save more.

Welcome back! I was wondering how long it would take.

We never left. And 2007 was due to Clinton. Already covered that. It was Bill Clinton's push on sub-prime loans that caused the crash.

The only thing that Bush had to do with the 2007 crash, was the minimum wage hike. Which according to you, you want. Your policy crashed the economy. Why do you keep pushing it?
Let's let liberals destroy the family unit...then whine we need facilities for kids of single mothers. That will work great!

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Yet Republicans revoted this nice family man in, these are your anti abortion Reps, do what we say, not what we do, we also have a Republican here who is anti abortion even though his wife admitted to having an abortion in HS. You fake holier than thou people are such hypocrites. Trump and his black bible is another oxymoran, a cheater and charlatan for all his life.

Congressman Scott DesJarlais, the pro-life, all-family values Tennessee Republican who cheated on his wife and then pressured his mistress to have an abortion, voted this week in favor of a federal 2o-week abortion ban. DesJarlais’ spokesperson said the congressman has “always supported pro-life values”—except, of course, when they might negatively impact his life.

the "P" entity gets dummer and dummer A man's wife had an abortion in
High School------so according to "P" -----that man can not be permitted to be anti abortion -------trump has a bible that is an "oxymoran" <<<whatevah dat is.
ppsssssst....... 20 weeks of FIVE MONTHS!!!! the standard cut off time for abortion-----

How about this POS:
Congressman Scott DesJarlais, the pro-life, all-family values Tennessee Republican who cheated on his wife and then pressured his mistress to have an abortion, voted this week in favor of a federal 2o-week abortion ban. DesJarlais’ spokesperson said the congressman has “always supported pro-life values”—except, of course, when they might negatively impact his life.

They had choices , yet want to take choice away.
Every abortion except theirs are immoral.
Do you think you could do a D&E by dismemberment? You know, pull their limbs off one at a time. I bet you could.

did you mean to type D&C?
Every abortion except theirs are immoral.
Do you think you could do a D&E by dismemberment? You know, pull their limbs off one at a time. I bet you could.
What's dne?
Ever hear of google?
I learned it at the DIA, also when I went to DPS and ran into the dpd
Did you learn this?

Excerpts from NAF's direct examination of Dr. Timothy Johnson

THE COURT: Did you ever participate with another doctor describing it to a woman considering such an abortion?

THE WITNESS: Yes. And the description would be, I would think, descriptive of what was going to be, what was going to happen; the description.

THE COURT: Including sucking the brain out of the skull?

THE WITNESS: I don't think we would use those terms. I think we would probably use a term like decompression of the skull or reducing the contents of the skull.

THE COURT: Make it nice and palatable so that they wouldn't understand what it's all about?

THE WITNESS: No. I think we want them to understand what it's all about but it's -- I think it's -- I guess I would say that whenever we describe medical procedures we try to do it in a way that's not offensive or gruesome or overly graphic for patients.

THE COURT: Can they fully comprehend unless you do? Not all of these mothers are Rhodes scholars or highly educated, are they?

THE WITNESS: No, that's true. But I'm also not exactly sure what using terminology like sucking the brains out would --

THE COURT: That's what happens, doesn't it?

THE WITNESS: Well, in some situations that might happen. There are different ways that an after-coming head could be dealt with but that is one way of describing it.

THE COURT: Isn't that what actually happens? You do use a suction device, right?

THE WITNESS: Well, there are physicians who do that procedure who use a suction device to evacuate the intercranial contents; yes.
Why do you think bush and scalia and hastert and delay didn't ban abortion? I wonder how far trump Ryan and McConnell and gorcich will push this?

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