The reality of Trump’s economy


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Trump has lied over 10,000 times. Now to his credit, Trump is very good at the big lie. You know, the one Goebbels describes:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Trump does this all the time. His claims about the economy is a prime example.

Forget His Boasts; Growth Is Just Average and Well Behind Reagan, Clinton, Even Carter

Donald Trump keeps boasting about what a great economy he should get credited for creating. But his administration’s own reports don’t support his claims, which also don’t come close to what he promised voters.

His results so far have been, well, just average.

As if it were a stellar achievement, Trump boasted last week, the economy grew at an annual rate of 3.2% in the first three months of this year. Big deal. That’s precisely the average since 1947.

Candidate Trump boasted many times that he would boost economic growth. In October 2015, he said: “I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.”

So far, the best he has done is 4.2% in the second quarter of 2018.

Obama’s quarterly economic growth rate beat Trump’s best four times, George W. Bush five times, Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan 13 times each. One-term president Jimmy Carter beat Trump six times and one-termer George H. W. Bush did it five times.

Carter’s best, by the way, was 16.4% growth, four times Trump’s best so far.

Trump’s last budget is projected to run a deficit almost 1.5 times the size of Obama’s last budget deficit according to the Trump administration’s own data, known as Historical Table 1.3.

Trump’s average annual budget deficit over four years will be the worst of any president from Carter through George W. Bush.

The average Trump shortfall will be 4.6% of the economy.

Obama’s was about the same as Trump at 5% of the economy, mostly because of the Great Recession that he inherited. In his second term, Obama’s budget shortfall was less than 2.5% of the economy.

The cost to you of Trump’s borrow-and-spend approach? Instead of retiring the federal debt in eight years, as Trump told voters he could easily do because he was “the king of debt,” the federal debt is growing at the rate of $30 per day for a family of four. That’s almost $11,000 per year for that family.

Trump’s borrow-and-spend, however, has failed to stimulate faster jobs creation.

Under Trump, job growth is slower than under Obama. Trump’s average is 198,000 more jobs per month. That’s good, but far from great.

Obama, during his last six years and a month, averaged 204,000 more jobs each month.

Trump promised if elected the nation would add 25 million new jobs in 10 years. He’s on track to fall more than a million jobs short of that goal.

That goal was nothing to brag about, either. Before Trump started making campaign promises the projections of future job growth were about what Trump sold as a miracle waiting for him to make it happen.

The reality is that Trump’s economic performance, measured by his own administration, is merely average.

Why Trump Gets a 'C' on the Economy |
It can and will only result in financial collapse and ruin.

It's only a matter of time.
Idk it seems things are doing good. Im no economist, nor will i try to act like one.
I do love having more money in my pocket. More tax cuts please
Idk it seems things are doing good. Im no economist, nor will i try to act like one.
I do love having more money in my pocket. More tax cuts please

Thank Obama. Because those tax cuts did nothing for you.
I give Trump full credit for NOT screwing up the economy.

Good luck trying to convince the American people the Trump economy isn't a roaring success. You fools are losing it. :auiqs.jpg:

I won't have to. People outside of you 30 percent Trump butt sniffers already see it.
Trump supporters are
(1) too stupid to figure out that Trump is a MASSIVE liar that ha no ability to follow through in regard to his campaign pledges concerning the economy
(2) too stupid to figure out that Trump is a MASSIVE liar that ha no ability to follow through in regard to his campaign pledges concerning the economy
(3) too stupid to figure out that Trump is a MASSIVE liar that ha no ability to follow through in regard to his campaign pledges concerning the economy
(4) all of the above

Con man, snake oil salesman, charlatan, fake, fraud, etc., Trump is all of those.

Congrats on obtaining the 'tax cuts' for the top 0.01 % of wealthiest individuals & for the corporations; NOW AmeriKKKa knows what you really stand for as a Republican.

Congrats on blowing over $2 TRILLION & adding that to the debt, only to temporarily to increase the GDP by an average ~0.9%

Wow, Republicans really are the enemy of the AmeriKKKan people; and to think Trump said it is the press.
Meanwhile two key economic measures used for decades to judge economic optimism, one national one global show Trump achieving historic highs. Levels Obama could only dream of. Ouch that's gonna leave a mark libs :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Trump supporters are
(1) too stupid to figure out that Trump is a MASSIVE liar that ha no ability to follow through in regard to his campaign pledges concerning the economy
(2) too stupid to figure out that Trump is a MASSIVE liar that ha no ability to follow through in regard to his campaign pledges concerning the economy
(3) too stupid to figure out that Trump is a MASSIVE liar that ha no ability to follow through in regard to his campaign pledges concerning the economy
(4) all of the above

Con man, snake oil salesman, charlatan, fake, fraud, etc., Trump is all of those.

Congrats on obtaining the 'tax cuts' for the top 0.01 % of wealthiest individuals & for the corporations; NOW AmeriKKKa knows what you really stand for as a Republican.

Congrats on blowing over $2 TRILLION & adding that to the debt, only to temporarily to increase the GDP by an average ~0.9%

Wow, Republicans really are the enemy of the AmeriKKKan people; and to think Trump said it is the press.

Trump supporters...WHOOPED YOUR ASS and took back the White House :eusa_dance:Rubbing salt in that wound just never gets old :21:
Meanwhile two key economic measures used for decades to judge economic optimism, one national one global show Trump achieving historic highs. Levels Obama could only dream of. Ouch that's gonna leave a mark libs :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Not really. Your denials are expected.
Idk it seems things are doing good. Im no economist, nor will i try to act like one.
I do love having more money in my pocket. More tax cuts please

Thank Obama. Because those tax cuts did nothing for you.

Obama should not be the one getting the thanks either but alas you will claim he should be because he is half-white...

The fact is the Economy has more to do with States and their growth along with what Congress passes and the Senate passes and what the President signs, but again you will scream racism because I am not giving Obama credit and Trump should not get it either.

It is like the unemployment number myth and what is left out of the equation is the number of people that stopped looking.

I know how dare I ruin your " America is better because of Obama " thread but alas Obama, Trump, Bush oh hell every President is just part of the equation of how the economy is roaring or sinking but a lot more has to do with it than just one man...
Meanwhile two key economic measures used for decades to judge economic optimism, one national one global show Trump achieving historic highs. Levels Obama could only dream of. Ouch that's gonna leave a mark libs :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Not really. Your denials are expected.

Those studies were posted, Trump crushed Obama and nearly all previous presidents. Facts vs your horse shit.
Meanwhile two key economic measures used for decades to judge economic optimism, one national one global show Trump achieving historic highs. Levels Obama could only dream of. Ouch that's gonna leave a mark libs :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Not really. Your denials are expected.

Those studies were posted, Trump crushed Obama and nearly all previous presidents. Facts vs your horse shit.

Economic optimism is not economic fact. Understand?

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