May 10th 2017, Nadler demanded Comey be fired


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
"What Jim Comey did was so highly improper and wrong. From the very beginning in July, he was putting his thumb on the scales right then. And it's unforgivable for a police agency to opine, frankly, publicly about legal conduct," Nadler said in November. "The president ought to fire Comey immediately, and he ought to initiate an investigation."


Now fat fuck says Trump obstructed Justice by firing Comey.

Dimms are such hypocritical sacks of shit.

Nadler Confronted With Own Past Comments Demanding Comey's Firing
Yeah Demtards are all over the map....I'm actually embarrassed for them...
Yeah Demtards are all over the map....I'm actually embarrassed for them...

They just contradict themselves constantly.

So Nadler would say that he demanded Trump committ obstruction of justice? Maybe Nadler is an accessory and he should plead guilty.
Rep. Nadler Responds to Firing of FBI Director Comey



Come on Libs, defend Nadlet’s hypocrisy?

It’s tough, isn’t it?

I posted the quote. Nader said Trump should fire Comey, then when Comey is fried, Nadler says:

“Yes, I do,” replied Mr. Nadler. “It’s very clear that the President obstructed justice. It’s very clear—1,100 times he referred to the Mueller investigation as a witch hunt, he tried to—he fired—he tried to protect [Michael] Flynn from being investigated by the FBI. He fired [FBI director Jim] Comey in order to stop the Russian thing.”

You can’t make this shit up.

18 months ago Nadler says: “The president ought to fire Comey immediately, and he ought to initiate an investigation."

Then a few weeks ago he says:“He fired [FBI director Jim] Comey in order to stop the Russian thing.”

Looks like Fat Jerry was initially right, then got addled with anti-Trump fever.

James Comey assured the nation that the Steele dossier, contra the testimony of his subordinate Andrew McCabe (already facing criminal referrals) was not the chief evidence presented to a FISA court. That is likely untrue. And if it is not, Comey’s other evidence he presented is likely to be just as compromised.

Comey misled a FISA judge by not admitting
1) that his submitted dossier evidence was compiled by a contractor paid by Hillary Clinton;
2) that ex-British spy Christopher Steele’s work was unverified;
3) that Steele’s relationship with Comey’s FBI has already been severed due to Steele’s unprofessional behavior; and
4) that submitted news accounts of “collusion” were in circular fashion based on the dossier itself. Had Comey’s behavior ever become standard procedure in FISA applications, there could be no longer a FISA court.

Comey also misled about his meetings with President Trump, as memorialized in his now infamous memos. He briefed the president on the Steele dossier—without telling Trump that it had been paid for by Hillary Clinton.

Comey likely also lied in telling Trump he wanted to brief him on the dossier in worries that the press might otherwise report on it first. In fact, his meeting with Trump by design was the necessary imprimatur the press had been waiting for to leak information from the dossier, which shortly followed.

Comey likely misled the president into thinking both that he was not under investigation by the FBI and that the FBI hierarchy did not leak confidential information to the press. In fact, neither assertion was true; both his deputy Andrew McCabe and Comey himself were chronic leakers. Comey swore under oath that he had never authorized anyone in the FBI to leak to the press, while his deputy McCabe swore in contrast that Comey was well aware that his subordinates were talking freely with the press in order to leak information selectively.

When he was no longer a U.S. government employee, Comey illegally took personal possession of at least seven confidential memos of presidential conversations, written on FBI time and equipment and thus still government property. He leaked at least three memos that were likely classified, apparently to seed his narratives to the media and to prompt the appointment of a special prosecutor as payback for his own firing.

The Fright of James Comey

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