
Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Harvard, LAW PROFESSOR, exclaim the raid of Cohens office to acquire info about whatever is against his American Constitutional Rights!
2. Alan Dershowitz, comes out with statement read all about it, like I said what Mueller just did should get him jail time, there is no excuse.
3. READ IT HERE:Mueller-violated-Michael-Cohens-constitutional-rights-just-seizing-records-says-Dershowitz.html
4. Exert: Site would let me borrow a sample,....it could be deleted.

yes, this is very rare.....now any lawyer can be raided
and this for what???MAYBE--POSSIBLY campaign violations!--not murder!!
there is no way they can prove they paid her off for a campaign contribution
I didn’t realize Cohen was the first attorney to have his office raided.
Sorry bout that,

1. Harvard, LAW PROFESSOR, exclaim the raid of Cohens office to acquire info about whatever is against his American Constitutional Rights!
2. Alan Dershowitz, comes out with statement read all about it, like I said what Mueller just did should get him jail time, there is no excuse.
3. READ IT HERE:Mueller-violated-Michael-Cohens-constitutional-rights-just-seizing-records-says-Dershowitz.html
4. Exert: Site would let me borrow a sample,....it could be deleted.

Read up on
The Crime-Fraud Exception to the Attorney-Client Privilege

and Dershowitz involvement in child sex crimes.

Sorry bout that,

1. Harvard, LAW PROFESSOR, exclaim the raid of Cohens office to acquire info about whatever is against his American Constitutional Rights!
2. Alan Dershowitz, comes out with statement read all about it, like I said what Mueller just did should get him jail time, there is no excuse.
3. READ IT HERE:Mueller-violated-Michael-Cohens-constitutional-rights-just-seizing-records-says-Dershowitz.html
4. Exert: Site would let me borrow a sample,....it could be deleted.


Yeah, it's against the constitution for the US govt to gain a warrant to search for illegal activity.

You heard it here first guys.
Sorry bout that,

1. Harvard, LAW PROFESSOR, exclaim the raid of Cohens office to acquire info about whatever is against his American Constitutional Rights!
2. Alan Dershowitz, comes out with statement read all about it, like I said what Mueller just did should get him jail time, there is no excuse.
3. READ IT HERE:Mueller-violated-Michael-Cohens-constitutional-rights-just-seizing-records-says-Dershowitz.html
4. Exert: Site would let me borrow a sample,....it could be deleted.

When Trump said his lawyer did things behind his back, it opened the lawyer up for investigation.

Trump's lawyer said he took at a hundred and thirty thousand dollar loan from the bank. What did he tell them it was for? Paying off a porn star?

Trump's lawyer started a pretend business to pay the porn star. What did he report the new business did? Pay off porn stars.

Lying to a federal bank is a felony.

What is wrong with these right wingers? Why do they want to be in charge when they don't know anything? And the idiots that vote them into office are pitiful. Just pitiful.
Sorry bout that,

1. Mueller will be gone within a week, the shit just hit the fan and most don't know it.

Sorry bout that,

1. Harvard, LAW PROFESSOR, exclaim the raid of Cohens office to acquire info about whatever is against his American Constitutional Rights!
2. Alan Dershowitz, comes out with statement read all about it, like I said what Mueller just did should get him jail time, there is no excuse.
3. READ IT HERE:Mueller-violated-Michael-Cohens-constitutional-rights-just-seizing-records-says-Dershowitz.html
4. Exert: Site would let me borrow a sample,....it could be deleted.


Jonathan Turley is pissed as well.
Sorry bout that,

1. Harvard, LAW PROFESSOR, exclaim the raid of Cohens office to acquire info about whatever is against his American Constitutional Rights!
2. Alan Dershowitz, comes out with statement read all about it, like I said what Mueller just did should get him jail time, there is no excuse.
3. READ IT HERE:Mueller-violated-Michael-Cohens-constitutional-rights-just-seizing-records-says-Dershowitz.html
4. Exert: Site would let me borrow a sample,....it could be deleted.


Dershowitz is "interviewing" for the AG position. After his brilliant performance with O.J. Simpson, he is "perfect" for that job.........lol
Sorry bout that,

1. Harvard, LAW PROFESSOR, exclaim the raid of Cohens office to acquire info about whatever is against his American Constitutional Rights!
2. Alan Dershowitz, comes out with statement read all about it, like I said what Mueller just did should get him jail time, there is no excuse.
3. READ IT HERE:Mueller-violated-Michael-Cohens-constitutional-rights-just-seizing-records-says-Dershowitz.html
4. Exert: Site would let me borrow a sample,....it could be deleted.

Dershowitz may have been confusing this with recent Netandyahoo legal problems.
And we all know Dershowitz has never been wrong. You might want to take a peek at Morrison vs Olson

The SCOTUS found that the special counsel appointment AND the need for an objective check-and-balance entity to curtail the executive branch's possible abuses, was TOTALLY Constitutional.
Mueller will be gone within a week

LOL (this may help your cause.....try it)

Like I said a few days ago........

The Rosenstein team failed to consider the backlash.

LAWYERS in general should find this disturbing and I expect the backlash to grow and intensify.

This was a mistake and will probably ultimately result in the demise of the Special Council on this case.

Someone else stated that this was a "roll of the dice" that will either turn up completely damning evidence ......
or result in the end of Mueller and the investigation.

Maybe they will find evidence that the President silenced a porn star....but even that will not derail his Presidency just as Bill Clinton's lies did not remove him from office.
Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

1. Mueller works at the pleasure of the President, and the only pleasure left is,...you got it,.."YOU"RE FIRED"!!!
2. Hide and watch hope it TWITTER.

Like I said a few days ago........

The Rosenstein team failed to consider the backlash.

LAWYERS in general should find this disturbing and I expect the backlash to grow and increase.

This was a mistake and will probably ultimately result in the demise of the Special Council on this case.

Someone else stated that this was a "roll of the dice" that will either turn up completely damning evidence ......
or result in the end of Mueller and the investigation.
Why should a lawyer find it disturbing that if there's probable cause I helped a client commit a crime the cops could get a search warrant for my documents referencing work for that client? The rules of legal ethics are clear that lawyers must steer clear of clients breaking the law, and even quit working for them if it's impossible to avoid being involved in a crime.
Why should a lawyer find it disturbing that if there's probable cause I helped a client commit a crime the cops could get a search warrant for my documents referencing work for that client? The rules of legal ethics are clear that lawyers must steer clear of clients breaking the law, and even quit working for them if it's impossible to avoid being involved in a crime.

One of your primary problems is your lack of ability to see both sides.

You are so left indoctrinated that you are easily manipulated to believe everything one side does is evil and corrupt while the other completely innocent and righteous.

When the day comes (if it ever does), that you see that BOTH sides are FOS and serving a cause that does not benefit you, you will see things more clearly.

And your statement is laughable......ever heard of DEFENSE Lawyers? They WORK for criminals all the time. It's their job. There's even an entire branch for CRIMINAL DEFENSE

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