The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
In Fact, Mueller's Entire Team and many in The FBI and DOJ are beholden to Vladimir Putin and Russian Oligarchs.

It is a fact that Russia and Putin did not want President Trump to get elected, and actively campaigned against him and accepted millions of dollars from The DNC, Clinton and Obama to launch a Propaganda War against him.

It is a fact that Russia did not want to see Trump elected because he was considering at the time Mitt Romney for Secretary of State, and Russia having been given very favorable treatment by Clinton and Obama preferred Clinton over the very independent self funded Billionaire Real Estate Mogul.

It is also a fact that Christopher Steele worked closely with Ex Russian spy Skirpal to form part of the Fusion GPS Dossier. Skirpal and his daughter were nearly poisoned to death in the UK most likely because of what they knew about The DNC-Fusion GPS Dossier, and the role they played in it, and how it was financed by The DNC, Obama Administration and Clinton Campaign.

It is also a fact that everyone involved in using the Fusion GPS-DNC-Russian Dossier in The FISA COURT, filed FALSE AFFIDAVITS to do so, and everyone involved in the Fake Russia Collusion Mueller Investigation were Intimately involved in The Uranium One - Rosatom bribery scandal where Eric Holder, John McCain, Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama were bribed by Russian Oligarchs in the Nuclear Power Industry in to pushing to have The Uranium One Deal approved.

Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Yates, Holder, Rosenstein, Strozk, Ohr, Page and others all knew that Russia was giving Millions to everyone who would either keep their mouths shut, or help push the deal through.

Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, Yates and McCabe actively worked to silence a whistle blower who was an inside intelligence source within Rosatom who recorded Russian Oligarchs and Russian Officials in The Russian Nuclear Industry engaged in Giving and Accepting Bribes to push the Uranium One deal through. He had video and audio tapes which The Obama FBI and DOJ appointed officials concealed and swept it all under the rug to allow the Uranium One Deal go through without being questioned.

Obama administration knew about Russian bribery plot before uranium deal

Hannity: FBI Informant For Uranium One Has Evidence of Bribery, Kickback, Extortion, Money Laundering, Racketeering

Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Yates, Holder, Rosensteian and the rest all knew of this evidence, buried it, and kept their mouths shut. Someone should subpoena their financial records.

Clinton herself received $145 million from Russia. Obama received $64 Million for a book advance from a Russian owned publishing company. Both Holder and McCain received stocks and gifts from Russia.

McCain even acted as a courier to deliver Russian Propaganda right in to the hands of John Kerry who took it to his "friends" in the DOJ.

These people are moles, and traitors and agents of The Kremlin, and this above all else is why Mueller refuses to look at Clinton and Obama's complicity and willful acts to Collude with Russia to try to alter the outcome of our election and are still colluding with Russia today to try to over turn our election.

And lastly, Mueller is a dirty cop and a man who has NO INTEGRITY!

Ask Whitey Bulger how Mueller single handedly helped Bulger rise to the top of the Organized Crime Food Chain one murder at a time, until an honest FBI man who actually believed in his oath to serve We The People and Defend The Constitution started questioning Mueller's protection of Whitey Bulger.

While you have Mueller under oath, ask him about the Innocent Men he and his posse Railroaded and put in to jail, and about all the convictions that had to be overturned in Appellate Courts based on Mueller and his team's PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT and ask him about the $100s of Millions of Dollars the US Taxpayer had to pay out in restitution because of it.

Maybe if you have enough balls you should also ask him why Seth Rich was actually killed right outside Mueller's doorstep in one of the safest neighborhoods in The Swamp.

Now you know why they call him "Murdering Mueller"

What you need to know about Clinton and the Uranium One deal

Mueller protected Obama and Clinton, so he should be fired, Republican resolution claims

warner mueller dropped investigation uranium 1 bribery money

The Uranium One Treason: Why Robert Mueller Must Be Removed And His Partisan Hit Squad Dismantled
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A little more fuel for The Fire. A little snippage for your reading pleasure below.

And BTW Mods, this isn't a conspiracy since there are hard cold facts that can be debated about all of this stuff.

But I can't stop you from doing what you think is right if you want to move it, just asking you to consider a little leniency if you choose to do so.

The RussiaGate Witch-Hunt – The Deep State's 'Insurance Policy' - Original

There was a sinister plot to meddle in the 2016 election, after all. But it was not orchestrated from the Kremlin; it was an entirely homegrown affair conducted from the inner sanctums – the White House, DOJ, the Hoover Building and Langley – of the Imperial City.

Likewise, the perpetrators didn’t speak Russian or write in the Cyrillic script. In fact, they were lifetime beltway insiders occupying the highest positions of power in the US government.

Here are the names and rank of the principal conspirators: John Brennan, CIA director; Susan Rice, National Security Advisor; Samantha Power, UN Ambassador; James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence; James Comey, FBI director; Andrew McCabe, Deputy FBI director; Sally Yates, deputy Attorney General, Bruce Ohr, associate deputy AG; Peter Strzok, deputy assistant director of FBI counterintelligence; Lisa Page, FBI lawyer; and countless other lessor and greater poobahs of Washington power, including President Obama himself.

To a person, the participants in this illicit cabal shared the core trait that made Obama such a blight on the nation’s well-being. To wit, he never held an honest job outside the halls of government in his entire adult life; and as a careerist agent of the state and practitioner of its purported goods works, he exuded a sanctimonious disdain for everyday citizens who make their living along the capitalist highways and byways of America.

The above cast of election-meddlers, of course, comes from the same mold. If Wikipedia is roughly correct, just these 10 named perpetrators have punched in about 300 years of postgraduate employment – and 260 of those years (87%) were on government payrolls or government contractor jobs.

As to whether they shared Obama’s political class arrogance, Peter Strzok left nothing to the imagination in his now celebrated texts to his gal-pal, Lisa Page:

"Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart. I could SMELL the Trump support……I LOATHE congress….And F Trump."

You really didn’t need the ALL CAPS to get the gist.

In a word, the anti-Trump cabal is comprised of creatures of the state.

Full Article: The RussiaGate Witch-Hunt – The Deep State's 'Insurance Policy' - Original
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Your brain is overheating again Tree. Time to stick your head back into the refrigerator.
In Fact, Mueller's Entire Team and many in The FBI and DOJ are beholden to Vladimir Putin and Russian Oligarchs.

It is a fact that Russia and Putin did not want President Trump to get elected, and actively campaigned against him and accepted millions of dollars from The DNC, Clinton and Obama to launch a Propaganda War against him.

It is a fact that Russia did not want to see Trump elected because he was considering at the time Mitt Romney for Secretary of State, and Russia having been given very favorable treatment by Clinton and Obama preferred Clinton over the very independent self funded Billionaire Real Estate Mogul.

It is also a fact that Christopher Steele worked closely with Ex Russian spy Skirpal to form part of the Fusion GPS Dossier. Skirpal and his daughter were nearly poisoned to death in the UK most likely because of what they knew about The DNC-Fusion GPS Dossier, and the role they played in it, and how it was financed by The DNC, Obama Administration and Clinton Campaign.

It is also a fact that everyone involved in using the Fusion GPS-DNC-Russian Dossier in The FISA COURT, filed FALSE AFFIDAVITS to do so, and everyone involved in the Fake Russia Collusion Mueller Investigation were Intimately involved in The Uranium One - Rosatom bribery scandal where Eric Holder, John McCain, Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama were bribed by Russian Oligarchs in the Nuclear Power Industry in to pushing to have The Uranium One Deal approved.

Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Yates, Holder, Rosenstein, Strozk, Ohr, Page and others all knew that Russia was giving Millions to everyone who would either keep their mouths shut, or help push the deal through.

Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, Yates and McCabe worked to silence a whistle blower who was an inside intelligence source within Rosatom who recorded Russian Oligarchs and Russian Officials in The Nuclear industry engaged in Giving and Accepting Bribes to push the Uranium One deal through. He had video and audio tapes which The Obama FBI and DOJ appointed officials concealed and swept it all under the rug to allow the Uranium One Deal go through without being questioned.

Obama administration knew about Russian bribery plot before uranium deal

Hannity: FBI Informant For Uranium One Has Evidence of Bribery, Kickback, Extortion, Money Laundering, Racketeering

Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Yates, Holder, Rosensteian and the rest all knew of this evidence, buried it, and kept their mouths shut. Someone should subpoena their financial records.

Clinton herself received $145 million from Russia. Obama received $64 Million for a book advance from a Russian owned publishing company. Both Holder and McCain received stocks and gifts from Russia.

McCain even acted as a courier to deliver Russian Propaganda right in to the hands of John Kerry.

These people are moles, and traitors and agents of The Kremlin, and this above all else is why Mueller refuses to look at Clinton and Obama's complicity and willful acts to Collude with Russia to try to alter the outcome of our election and are still colluding with Russia today to try to over turn our election.

And lastly, Mueller is a dirty cop and a man who has intergrity. Ask Whitey Bulger how Mueller single handedly helped Whitey Bulger rise to the top of the Organized Crime Food Chain one murder at a time, until an honest FBI man started questioning Mueller's protection of Whitey Bulger. While you have Mueller under oath, ask him about the Innocent Men he and his posse Railroaded and put in jail, and about all the convictions that had to overturned based on prosecutorial misconduct and the $100s of Millions of Dollars the US Taxpayer had to pay out because of it. Maybe you should also ask him why Seth Rich was actually killed right outside Mueller's doorstep too while you are at it.

Now you know why they call him "Murdering Mueller"

What you need to know about Clinton and the Uranium One deal

Mueller protected Obama and Clinton, so he should be fired, Republican resolution claims

warner mueller dropped investigation uranium 1 bribery money

The Uranium One Treason: Why Robert Mueller Must Be Removed And His Partisan Hit Squad Dismantled

"And lastly, Mueller is a dirty cop and a man who has integrity."

This sentence cancels itself out.

BTW, if the FBI was so in Clinton's corner, why did Comey re-open her email investigation a couple weeks before the election. That is what probably swayed the election in favor of Trump.

Try studying real news sources for a change.
In Fact, Mueller's Entire Team and many in The FBI and DOJ are beholden to Vladimir Putin and Russian Oligarchs.

It is a fact that Russia and Putin did not want President Trump to get elected, and actively campaigned against him and accepted millions of dollars from The DNC, Clinton and Obama to launch a Propaganda War against him.

It is a fact that Russia did not want to see Trump elected because he was considering at the time Mitt Romney for Secretary of State, and Russia having been given very favorable treatment by Clinton and Obama preferred Clinton over the very independent self funded Billionaire Real Estate Mogul.

It is also a fact that Christopher Steele worked closely with Ex Russian spy Skirpal to form part of the Fusion GPS Dossier. Skirpal and his daughter were nearly poisoned to death in the UK most likely because of what they knew about The DNC-Fusion GPS Dossier, and the role they played in it, and how it was financed by The DNC, Obama Administration and Clinton Campaign.

It is also a fact that everyone involved in using the Fusion GPS-DNC-Russian Dossier in The FISA COURT, filed FALSE AFFIDAVITS to do so, and everyone involved in the Fake Russia Collusion Mueller Investigation were Intimately involved in The Uranium One - Rosatom bribery scandal where Eric Holder, John McCain, Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama were bribed by Russian Oligarchs in the Nuclear Power Industry in to pushing to have The Uranium One Deal approved.

Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Yates, Holder, Rosenstein, Strozk, Ohr, Page and others all knew that Russia was giving Millions to everyone who would either keep their mouths shut, or help push the deal through.

Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, Yates and McCabe worked to silence a whistle blower who was an inside intelligence source within Rosatom who recorded Russian Oligarchs and Russian Officials in The Nuclear industry engaged in Giving and Accepting Bribes to push the Uranium One deal through. He had video and audio tapes which The Obama FBI and DOJ appointed officials concealed and swept it all under the rug to allow the Uranium One Deal go through without being questioned.

Obama administration knew about Russian bribery plot before uranium deal

Hannity: FBI Informant For Uranium One Has Evidence of Bribery, Kickback, Extortion, Money Laundering, Racketeering

Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Yates, Holder, Rosensteian and the rest all knew of this evidence, buried it, and kept their mouths shut. Someone should subpoena their financial records.

Clinton herself received $145 million from Russia. Obama received $64 Million for a book advance from a Russian owned publishing company. Both Holder and McCain received stocks and gifts from Russia.

McCain even acted as a courier to deliver Russian Propaganda right in to the hands of John Kerry.

These people are moles, and traitors and agents of The Kremlin, and this above all else is why Mueller refuses to look at Clinton and Obama's complicity and willful acts to Collude with Russia to try to alter the outcome of our election and are still colluding with Russia today to try to over turn our election.

And lastly, Mueller is a dirty cop and a man who has NO INTEGRITY. Ask Whitey Bulger how Mueller single handedly helped Whitey Bulger rise to the top of the Organized Crime Food Chain one murder at a time, until an honest FBI man who actually believed in his oath to serve We The People and Defend The Constitution started questioning Mueller's protection of Whitey Bulger.

While you have Mueller under oath, ask him about the Innocent Men he and his posse Railroaded and put in to jail, and about all the convictions that had to be overturned in Appellate Courts based on Mueller and his team's PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT and ask him about the $100s of Millions of Dollars the US Taxpayer had to pay out in restitution because of it.

Maybe if you have enough balls you should also ask him why Seth Rich was actually killed right outside Mueller's doorstep in one of the safest neighborhoods in The Swamp.

Now you know why they call him "Murdering Mueller"

What you need to know about Clinton and the Uranium One deal

Mueller protected Obama and Clinton, so he should be fired, Republican resolution claims

warner mueller dropped investigation uranium 1 bribery money

The Uranium One Treason: Why Robert Mueller Must Be Removed And His Partisan Hit Squad Dismantled

Let me guess, he also fucked Stormy Daniels soon after his wife gave birth, and talked about grabbing pussy and going out with girls when they're 21.
A little more fuel for The Fire. A little snippage for your reading pleasure below.

And BTW Mods, this isn't a conspiracy since there are hard cold facts that can be debated about all of this stuff.

But I can't stop you from doing what you think is right if you want to move it, just asking you to consider a little leniency if you choose to do so.

The RussiaGate Witch-Hunt – The Deep State's 'Insurance Policy' - Original

There was a sinister plot to meddle in the 2016 election, after all. But it was not orchestrated from the Kremlin; it was an entirely homegrown affair conducted from the inner sanctums – the White House, DOJ, the Hoover Building and Langley – of the Imperial City.

Likewise, the perpetrators didn’t speak Russian or write in the Cyrillic script. In fact, they were lifetime beltway insiders occupying the highest positions of power in the US government.

Here are the names and rank of the principal conspirators: John Brennan, CIA director; Susan Rice, National Security Advisor; Samantha Power, UN Ambassador; James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence; James Comey, FBI director; Andrew McCabe, Deputy FBI director; Sally Yates, deputy Attorney General, Bruce Ohr, associate deputy AG; Peter Strzok, deputy assistant director of FBI counterintelligence; Lisa Page, FBI lawyer; and countless other lessor and greater poobahs of Washington power, including President Obama himself.

To a person, the participants in this illicit cabal shared the core trait that made Obama such a blight on the nation’s well-being. To wit, he never held an honest job outside the halls of government in his entire adult life; and as a careerist agent of the state and practitioner of its purported goods works, he exuded a sanctimonious disdain for everyday citizens who make their living along the capitalist highways and byways of America.

The above cast of election-meddlers, of course, comes from the same mold. If Wikipedia is roughly correct, just these 10 named perpetrators have punched in about 300 years of postgraduate employment – and 260 of those years (87%) were on government payrolls or government contractor jobs.

As to whether they shared Obama’s political class arrogance, Peter Strzok left nothing to the imagination in his now celebrated texts to his gal-pal, Lisa Page:

"Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart. I could SMELL the Trump support……I LOATHE congress….And F Trump."

You really didn’t need the ALL CAPS to get the gist.

In a word, the anti-Trump cabal is comprised of creatures of the state.

Full Article: The RussiaGate Witch-Hunt – The Deep State's 'Insurance Policy' - Original

Must be hell to always live in a constant state of fear.
Let me make this clear: People want to talk about The Clinton Investigation? Where did I mention that?
It's not even addressed in my original post, but that is just more fuel on the fire if you want to troll the thread, and flame it and take it off topic.

Neither is the Lynch - Clinton Tarmac meeting addressed. More corruption we can talk about when addressing the Deep State and 2 Tier Corrupt Justice System, but make your own thread for those side topics.

I'll address this ONE TIME ONLY!

Comey was FORCED to Investigate Clinton because of Whistle Blowers and The Public Knowledge that Clinton had committed Crimes.
Comey opened the Investigation, to close it and Exonerate her so she could continue on the campaign because by law she was disqulified from being a candidate, and we know Comey did this, because he wrote The Exoneration statement months before interviewing her, and additionally did not record or make notes of testimony and gave her entire posse of Political Criminals Immunity BEFORE they testified.

Lynch Ordered Comey to sweep this all under the rug and she took her orders from Obama to order Comey to downplay it, clean up the mess, and call it a "MATTER"

So, I have to ask, where is Immunity for anyone in The Trump Campaign?

Where are the Pre Dawn Raids, and Wire Taps on The Clinton Campaign?

Where are the thousands of leaks regarding investigations in to Hillary Clinton's numerous scandals and investigations?

Where is The GOP Funded Russian Propaganda Campaign used to Spy on Hillary Clinton?

Where are the Republican paid Russian and British spies used to create a Salacious Smear Book on Hillary Clinton that was Illegally used in a FISA Court to launch a Espionage Operation against her campaign reading her emails, listening to her phone calls, and leaking them to the press, and then raiding her personal attorney's home, office at gun point?

Now, back on topic. Address my OP, and the supporting articles and links or get the Hell out of my thread.

I am only reading some of your Troll Comments, because I chose to "Show Ignored Content".

Consider yourselves both blessed for my choice to temporarily read your insane stupefying comments and cursed for being on my IGNORE LIST PERMANENTLY.
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Some more Cannon Fodder for discussion: James Comey and Robert Mueller Knowingly Allowed the Uranium One Deal to go through while Concealing This Bribery Scandal.

DEEP STATE SWAMP: Comey, Mueller, Rosenstein, Are Linked to Clinton Uranium One Deal – MOST CORRUPT OFFICIALS EVER!

Prior to the Obama administration approving the very controversial deal in 2010 giving Russia 20% of America’s Uranium, the FBI had evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were involved in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering in order to benefit Vladimir Putin, says a report by The Hill.

Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show.

They also obtained an eyewitness account — backed by documents — indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow, sources told The Hill.

The racketeering scheme was conducted “with the consent of higher level officials” in Russia who “shared the proceeds” from the kickbacks, one agent declared in an affidavit years later.

The Department of Justice decided to continue investigating this for four years without Congress or the public knowing, according to The Hill’s reporting.

Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State at the same time the State Department and government agencies on the Committee on Foreign Investments UNANIMOUSLY approved the partial sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to the Russian nuclear company Rosatom, ultimately giving Russia 20% of U.S. Uranium.

In January 2013, Pravda celebrated the Russian atomic energy agency’s purchase of the company “Uranium One” in Canada.


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