The radicalization of the left

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Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
There was a time in this country when I could have easily worked with the left. The Kennedy-era progressives were pro-American, anti-communist, civilized people with a slightly different view on the role of government.

Today, the left is full-on socialist/communist/marxist fascists with an agenda for all things obscene and indecent (you wouldn't have found a single Kennedy-era progressive advocating for men to use women's facilities). And back in that era - killing a baby was ghastly. Now, the left celebrates it - going so far as to start a "#ShoutYourAbortion" hashtag on twitter for women to proudly share their stories of having an abortion.

Just look at what Planned Parenthood used to be before the left because so unhinged and radical...

In the 1950s, Planned Parenthood Called Abortion Killing
There was a time in this country when I could have easily worked with the left. The Kennedy-era progressives were pro-American, anti-communist, civilized people with a slightly different view on the role of government.

Today, the left is full-on socialist/communist/marxist fascists with an agenda for all things obscene and indecent (you wouldn't have found a single Kennedy-era progressive advocating for men to use women's facilities). And back in that era - killing a baby was ghastly. Now, the left celebrates it - going so far as to start a "#ShoutYourAbortion" hashtag on twitter for women to proudly share their stories of having an abortion.

Just look at what Planned Parenthood used to be before the left because so unhinged and radical...

In the 1950s, Planned Parenthood Called Abortion Killing

They have completely lost it indeed.

What could they come up with next? It's hard to even fathom how they could devolve more from their current state. Perhaps next they will declare that we need to ban dentistry - after all dentists make teeth straight and white. Ah, I better not give them any new ideas.
They have completely lost it indeed. What could they come up with next? It's hard to even fathom how they could devolve more from their current state.
I ask myself all the time. Their idea of "progress" is to devolve into Neanderthals. They ignore science/biology (proclaiming that X and Y chromosomes don't decide your gender, but rather that your state of mind does). They reject all decency - insisting on every repulsive form of sexuality, public indecency, and mingling of genders. Hell, even speech has been banned now. Anything more than a grunt means you've "offended" somebody.

This is a prime example right here. Just look at the motions and listen to the repulsive lyrics. They push everything and anything deviant in public. They aren't happy being free to do what they want to do behind closed doors. They want children exposed to it 24x7 (warning - this is so awful you'll wish you had never seen it):

They have completely lost it indeed. What could they come up with next? It's hard to even fathom how they could devolve more from their current state.
I ask myself all the time. Their idea of "progress" is to devolve into Neanderthals. They ignore science/biology (proclaiming that X and Y chromosomes don't decide your gender, but rather that your state of mind does). They reject all decency - insisting on every repulsive form of sexuality, public indecency, and mingling of genders. Hell, even speech has been banned now. Anything more than a grunt means you've "offended" somebody.

This is a prime example right here. Just look at the motions and listen to the repulsive lyrics. They push everything and anything deviant in public. They aren't happy being free to do what they want to do behind closed doors. They want children exposed to it 24x7 (warning - this is so awful you'll wish you had never seen it):

Indeed, these days they are not only crazy. They take PRIDE in being completely out of their minds.

A song talking about taking it up the ass as trans-gendered lesbian male? What a waste of creativity.

The right over the past decade has want from one that was reasonable and understanding of the need for infrastructure, science and education to one that wants to live completely in the stone age.

Want to talk about radicalization? asshole?

The right over the past decade has want from one that was reasonable and understanding of the need for infrastructure, science and education to one that wants to live completely in the stone age.

Want to talk about radicalization? asshole?
I have video and links proving the radicalization of your side if the aisle. You can't provide a single instance of a conservative claiming they want to "live in the stone age". You're being the typical whiny bitch because you're all worried about your gubmnt handouts.

The right over the past decade has want from one that was reasonable and understanding of the need for infrastructure, science and education to one that wants to live completely in the stone age.

Want to talk about radicalization? asshole?
Funny JFK talked about "do not ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"

Liberals have become a plague on our country...

The right over the past decade has want from one that was reasonable and understanding of the need for infrastructure, science and education to one that wants to live completely in the stone age.

Want to talk about radicalization? asshole?
I have video and links proving the radicalization of your side if the aisle. You can't provide a single instance of a conservative claiming they want to "live in the stone age". You're being the typical whiny bitch because you're all worried about your gubmnt handouts.
Matthew is a soap box hero, that doesn't know shit
There was a time in this country when I could have easily worked with the left. The Kennedy-era progressives were pro-American, anti-communist, civilized people with a slightly different view on the role of government.

Today, the left is full-on socialist/communist/marxist fascists with an agenda for all things obscene and indecent (you wouldn't have found a single Kennedy-era progressive advocating for men to use women's facilities). And back in that era - killing a baby was ghastly. Now, the left celebrates it - going so far as to start a "#ShoutYourAbortion" hashtag on twitter for women to proudly share their stories of having an abortion.

Just look at what Planned Parenthood used to be before the left because so unhinged and radical...

In the 1950s, Planned Parenthood Called Abortion Killing
This is what you get for not actually interacting with get an obscure viewpoint fed by your media.

The vast majority of Americans don't give two shits about politics unless it is a week before elections. Broadly painting half the nation as some radicals just speaks to how insular you are in your life. Go outside. Talk to people. At the end of the day it will make you a happier, healthier person.
The Right have always been traditionalists, church goers, gun toters, hard working, tax paying, military serving, and more or less "independent old fashioned Americans".

The Left has become intolerant, violent, drug using, communist-style but intellectually snobbish group thinking globalist whiners.

Wall Street moved too many jobs overseas, so that didn't help get kids into the work force to be de-programmed from their leftist college education
There has been no 'radicalization' of the Left. Trying to demonize half of America by the actions of a tiny minority is right out of the rightwing book of cheap political parlor tricks.
Political scientists have known for years that political polarization is largely a one-sided phenomenon: in recent decades the Republican Party has moved to the right much faster than Democrats have moved to the left. As Thomas Mann of the Brookings Institution has described it, "Republicans have become a radical insurgency—ideologically extreme, contemptuous of the inherited policy regime, scornful of compromise, unpersuaded by conventional understanding of facts, evidence, and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of their political opposition."

The data backing this claim up are pretty solid. The most widely-used measure of political polarization, a score of ideology based on voting developed by Kenneth Poole and Howard Rosenthal, has shown that the Republicans in the Senate and especially the House have drifted away from the center far more rapidly than Democrats. The chart below, taken from the most recent slice of their data released just last month, illustrate this pretty clearly:


This astonishing chart shows how moderate Republicans are an endangered species
There was a time in this country when I could have easily worked with the left. The Kennedy-era progressives were pro-American, anti-communist, civilized people with a slightly different view on the role of government.

The Kennedy era left was the left that, for example, protested the Vietnam war (Democrat LBJ's war) and were constantly attacked as un-American, pro-communist, and uncivilized.

You would have been in the forefront of that attack.
The reason so many RWnuts see the Left as 'radicalized' at this point is because to the core of the Right,

anyone to the left of someone like John McCain looks like a rabid liberal to these people.
There was a time in this country when I could have easily worked with the left. The Kennedy-era progressives were pro-American, anti-communist, civilized people with a slightly different view on the role of government.
Just remember that the people who have taken over the Left are not liberals, they're Regressive Leftists.

They may represent the Left, currently, because they are so loud and aggressive. But they are NOT liberals.
There was a time in this country when I could have easily worked with the left. The Kennedy-era progressives were pro-American, anti-communist, civilized people with a slightly different view on the role of government.
Just remember that the people who have taken over the Left are not liberals, they're Regressive Leftists.

They may represent the Left, currently, because they are so loud and aggressive. But they are NOT liberals.

The Bernie Sanders wing represents your so-called regressive left? Because they are in fact the dominant force on the left at this time.
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