The prophetic framework of IS


Dec 5, 2014
Brilliant article and explanation why most people in the West do not understand IS. It is born of Islam even if many Muslims disown it and it has a prophetic schema worked out that stands very much at odds with the "Left Behind" eschatology of the Christian world or more Mainstream Christian views of the end times. These guys will fight to the death and still remain hopeful. You do not beat organisations like this with Political Correctness and good intentioned but ultimately hollow religious dialogue. Obama is not the man for the job on this one even if the USA itself should not be too worried about being absorbed into the Caliphate.

What ISIS Really Wants - The Atlantic
good job Mind----but be not optimistic------even if they understand they will deny it.
Islam is islam -----IS is islam -----It is islam since the time of the rapist pig of Arabia

Big Bad Baghdaddy is the ROYAL SUCCESSOR to the pig-----the representative of
allah on earth------that is the creed ---islam

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