The Propaganda Campaign To Wreck Social Security Is Right On Track

Once it's deposited into my checking account, it's mine.:dance:
If you die the day before you are eligible to start collecting you get none of the money back you have been sending to the Govt. for decades.

Oh, except the few hundred dollar death benefit.
It's money from other workers. It just 'passes through' the SS administration on its way to recipients. And because I'm still working I not only collect SS but I pay into it as well, as well as paying taxes on it.
Sounds like a Ponzi scheme.
If you die the day before you are eligible to start collecting you get none of the money back you have been sending to the Govt. for decades.

Oh, except the few hundred dollar death benefit.
That aspect is baked into the system.
Fine with me...destroy SS.
It was a stupid idea and poorly executed to boot.

Just give all the money back to those who paid into it (if possible - probably too complicated).
And if some old fart was too pathetic to save up money for retirement?
Go on welfare.

Or do us all a favor and off yourself... our tax dollars do not have to be wasted, keeping your useless life going.
My out-of-pocket contribution is 6.2. Sans SS why would my employer pay anything for my retirement? Company retirement plans are going the way of the Dodo.
He does because it's the law

You don;t know much about money which is why you think SS is actually a good deal
If you work then save your money for retirement. We don't need the government forcing you to pay into some poorly run retirement fund that you may or may not ever get your money back.
That's right.
Remember company pensions.
Republican got rid of them too.
If you are a sorry worthless shithead then you need the government to wipe your ass for you. However, the rest of us can handle our own affairs.
Tell THAT to the people in Kentucky.
That's right.
Remember company pensions.
Republican got rid of them too.

Tell THAT to the people in Kentucky.
Take the 12.4% of your lifetime income that SS confiscates and invest in in a Roth IRA with a balanced portfolio and you will have more moeny at retirement than with any old style pension plan.
My out-of-pocket contribution is 6.2. Sans SS why would my employer pay anything for my retirement? Company retirement plans are going the way of the Dodo.
You pay 6.2% and your employer pays 6.2% to match yours....under the law, that is what goes in to social security for your total contribution.

In addition, employers used to put money aside for a company retirement pension plan for you....where you did not pay in to it, they picked up the full tab...

Now a days, pensions are on their way out , replaced by a 401k, where YOU pay in to it, and pay the most of it.....if you choose to even have one.....and pensions went away.

So this was a HUMONGOUS GIFT HORSE to big business....where they stopped paying for employee pensions and we ended up paying most of the tab by 401k deposits out of our salaries.

Companies did NOT raise our salaries because they stopped giving an employee a guaranteed retirement pension....they kept most of the money and gave it to CEOs in much much much higher salaries.

Employers would do the same thing if by law they no longer were forced to contribute 6.2% in to your Social Security.....

they would take the money and run, and would NOT add it to your salary, as other right wingers claim!!!!
Take the 12.4% of your lifetime income that SS confiscates and invest in in a Roth IRA with a balanced portfolio and you will have more moeny at retirement than with any old style pension plan.

August 7 2022
OMAHA, Neb. -- Warren Buffett's company reported a $43.76 billion loss in the second quarter as the paper value of its investments plummeted.

The bear market hasn't been too kind to the richest three people in the world-- Tesla's CEO Elon Musk, Amazon's Jeff Bezos, and LVMH's Bernard Arnault. Combined, the three men have lost about $115 billion in net worth year to date, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

So, what the stock market did to billionaire with, of course, reserves, what about the people that got wiped out?
That's right.
Remember company pensions.
Republican got rid of them too.

Tell THAT to the people in Kentucky.
After WW 2 we ruled the world in everything. Many parts of the rest of the world were in shambles. They rebuilt. Within a decade after the stresses start to show in competition. Foreign nations were building more modern manufacturing plants in major industrial processes. The steel industry went first. The auto industry was short circuited sometime after when the two-oil crisis hit. In between both of this our electronics in all ways was slowly losing out to foreign nations advances. Enugh to have their names transferred to foreign entities. As an act of compassion by people's views, Most Americans working for big ticket companies like GE, RCA, and many other corporate giants were paid pensions and a one-time large payment when the companies moved. People working in other large corporate companies like the clothing workers union and the same were not.
You pay 6.2% and your employer pays 6.2% to match yours....under the law, that is what goes in to social security for your total contribution.

In addition, employers used to put money aside for a company retirement pension plan for you....where you did not pay in to it, they picked up the full tab...

Now a days, pensions are on their way out , replaced by a 401k, where YOU pay in to it, and pay the most of it.....if you choose to even have one.....and pensions went away.

So this was a HUMONGOUS GIFT HORSE to big business....where they stopped paying for employee pensions and we ended up paying most of the tab by 401k deposits out of our salaries.

Companies did NOT raise our salaries because they stopped giving an employee a guaranteed retirement pension....they kept most of the money and gave it to CEOs in much much much higher salaries.

Employers would do the same thing if by law they no longer were forced to contribute 6.2% in to your Social Security.....

they would take the money and run, and would NOT add it to your salary, as other right wingers claim!!!!
What is not promoted is that the employer's contribution is really your money. This so it is not known by many that you are really paying 15 per cent including Medicare.
Retirement used to be a three legged stool.

1 -company retirement Pensions.

2 - your own retirement savings

3 -social security

With ALL THREE, you could live a comfortable retirement....

Three legged stool implies if just one of those legs goes missing, the stool topples.

And employers stopped giving us pensions....

Our three legged stool retirements were screwed!!! Employers got richer from your labor.... you got dicked.
What is not promoted is that the employer's contribution is really your money. This so it is not known by many that you are really paying 15 per cent including Medicare.
Supposedly our money....but it is NOT part of our salary or total compensation.....if they did not have to pay SS 6.2% in your name, they WOULD NOT add this 6.2% to your salary. They would take that money, and give it to themselves in higher CEO salaries and the wouldn't see a dime!!!
Supposedly our money....but it is NOT part of our salary or total compensation.....if they did not have to pay SS 6.2% in your name, they WOULD NOT add this 6.2% to your salary. They would take that money, and give it to themselves in higher CEO salaries and the wouldn't see a dime!!!
The salary that is earned has that 6.2 per cent in the total wage. You really are earning 6.2 per cent more.

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