
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
since it's greenhouse week in paris, and i'm glad they are going ahead with it, despite the attacks. the terrorists lose on that point.

apparently now the religion of climate change is diverging. i'm digging into it more and more. the assertions and modeling put forth by the global heat community. and though so much if it has been disproven, the liberals continue on as if it's real, without impunity.

al gore is the town crier (unprecedented alarm), but he is so wrong. (the arctic ice could be gone in seven years).

the science is contrived. the co2 thing is just plain silly. these are the facts, the glossing over of this for political gain is apparent and obvious. to label this a scientific consensus is a disservice to the American voter, insulting intellectually too.

obama: "the debate is settled, climate change is a fact"

well, at least i can see where you guys are getting this stuff.

what are we supposed to do in a few years ? i would like if a supporter of this to start with these two questions. how much CO2 is optimal. what optimal earth temperature would you have the world dial in.

carbon credits is just like "cash for clunkers" and my investment in solyndra.

be specific please, those of you defend this nonsense, i really want to know why the mainstream media is blackouting the subject. i see climate change being used as a political recruiting tool for democrat party elites. i'll know for sure when only democrats are issue carbon credits. this ties directly in to wealth redistribution, and the march toward global socialism.


lord monkton is also a birther, awesome. "climate justice" sounds a little scary....
passing this off as fact or settled science is dogmatic, and totalitarian. if money is involved, to me, crosses the red line of swindling the taxpayer. that's what gore is, blaming hurricanes on this, say we will be under water soon, he is a wealthy swindler.

incidentally the 1930's was by far the warmest decade, before al gore was born...


NASA GISS: Science Briefs: Whither U.S. Climate?
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Climate change is a hoax but the Bible is Literally true ...well Except for the part where it repeatedly mentions that one must Love the Poor...but other than that the Bible is literally True....
Climate change is a hoax but the Bible is Literally true ...well Except for the part where it repeatedly mentions that one must Love the Poor...but other than that the Bible is literally True....

We've had five ice ages. What happened in between?

I'll give you a few minutes. Hint. Big yellow thing in the sky was involved.
The physics of the greenhouse effect, the increase in human-generated atmospheric CO2, and the phenomenon of gradual atmospheric warming are PROVEN FACTS, and to deny them is to render oneself a fool.

The AGW Mob goes off the rails in its dramatic and flawed projections, and in its demands for global government action to "combat" AGW. Thoughtful persons (mainly on the political Right) should agree to focus on improving the efficiency of carbon-based energy production, exploring renewable energy sources, and developing engineering solutions to any problems that do occur as global temperatures gradually rise.

Point out that climate-related deaths have declined by 90% in the past 100 years, LARGELY THROUGH technology fuelled by carbon (heating, air conditioning, dams, etc). Point out that the third and developing Worlds are entitled to reliable electricity and transportation, and should not have their progress threatened by hysterical raving about the coming climate catastrophe, which is pure nonsense.

To deny climate change is, in a word, stupid.
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  • #6
dresses like johnny cash...

Surprise! Al Gore and his carbon credit huckstering partner David Blood, both principals at Generation Investment Management (GIM), warn in their October 30 Wall Street Journal op/ed feature of peril to fossil fuel investments due to “The Coming Carbon Asset Bubble”. They argue that such “unwise and increasingly wreck less” investment strategies pose three broad risks which will cause carbon assets to become “stranded” and lose economic value: through direct government carbon regulation; as a result of market-share losses to “already competitive” renewable technologies; and due to “sociopolitical pressures” causing carbon-intensive businesses to lose their “license to operate”.
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  • #7
The physics of the greenhouse effect, the increase in human-generated atmospheric CO2, and the phenomenon of gradual atmospheric warming are PROVEN FACTS, and to deny them is to render oneself a fool.

The AGW Mob goes off the rails in its dramatic and flawed projections, and in its demands for global government action to "combat" AGW. Thoughtful persons (mainly on the political Right) should agree to focus on improving the efficiency of carbon-based energy production, exploring renewable energy sources, and developing engineering solutions to any problems that do occur as global temperatures gradually rise.

Point out that climate-related deaths have declined by 90% in the past 100 years, LARGELY THROUGH technology fuelled by carbon (heating, air conditioning, dams, etc). Point out that the third and developing Worlds are entitled to reliable electricity and transportation, and should not have their progress threatened by hysterical raving about the coming climate catastrophe, which is pure nonsense.

To deny climate change is, in a word, stupid.
i liked it better when they called it pollution.
Obama is truly loony, he's calling the Climate summit an "Act of defiance"???????????? You think ISIS is concerned that Obama is going to focus laser like on Climate Change?

What a silly, deranged, maniac!


"Climate change summit is an act of defiance"
Climate change is a hoax but the Bible is Literally true ...well Except for the part where it repeatedly mentions that one must Love the Poor...but other than that the Bible is literally True....

Disingenuous does not adequately describe the pure BS of your post.

How much do Americans give to charity?
Charitable giving statistics have been published annually since 1955 in Giving USA: The Annual Report on Philanthropy, researched and written by the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University and published by Giving USA Foundation. These figures are based on estimated charitable deductions on tax returns filed for 2011.

Total charitable contributions by individuals, corporations, and foundations was an estimated $298.42 billion in 2011, up 4 percent in current dollars and 0.9 percent in inflation-adjusted dollars from a revised total of $286.91 billion in 2010, according to a report from the Giving USA Foundation and the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University.

See also our related Knowledge Base articles:

How much do Americans give to charity?
The physics of the greenhouse effect, the increase in human-generated atmospheric CO2, and the phenomenon of gradual atmospheric warming are PROVEN FACTS, and to deny them is to render oneself a fool.

The AGW Mob goes off the rails in its dramatic and flawed projections, and in its demands for global government action to "combat" AGW. Thoughtful persons (mainly on the political Right) should agree to focus on improving the efficiency of carbon-based energy production, exploring renewable energy sources, and developing engineering solutions to any problems that do occur as global temperatures gradually rise.

Point out that climate-related deaths have declined by 90% in the past 100 years, LARGELY THROUGH technology fuelled by carbon (heating, air conditioning, dams, etc). Point out that the third and developing Worlds are entitled to reliable electricity and transportation, and should not have their progress threatened by hysterical raving about the coming climate catastrophe, which is pure nonsense.

To deny climate change is, in a word, stupid.

I would like you to tell me then with these facts:
1) Carbon emissions reach 40 billion ton high
China, US, India push world carbon emissions up

2) Earth's trees number 'three trillion'
Earth's trees number 'three trillion' - BBC News

3) A tree can absorb as much as 48 pounds of carbon dioxide per year, and can sequester one ton of carbon dioxide by the time it reaches 40 years old. [1]
Tree Facts - American Forests

So multiply 3 trillion trees times 48 lbs of CO2 absorbed per tree,
divide by 2,000 lbs per ton
total equals 72 billion tons
emissions - 40 billion tons
what is the problem?
Obama is truly loony, he's calling the Climate summit an "Act of defiance"???????????? You think ISIS is concerned that Obama is going to focus laser like on Climate Change?

What a silly, deranged, maniac!


"Climate change summit is an act of defiance"

that is fitting as Obama sees himself as some CULT leader.

another one he reminds me of is, Jim Jones. from what I've seen of some of the Obots (the name for his cult followers) in this country. I believe he could offer them cyanide laced kool-aid and they would down it in a heartbeat because: it's for HIM, the ONE, the Messiah of all mankind.
sheesh it's been creepy to watch it and scary all rolled into one
Obama is truly loony, he's calling the Climate summit an "Act of defiance"???????????? You think ISIS is concerned that Obama is going to focus laser like on Climate Change?

What a silly, deranged, maniac!


"Climate change summit is an act of defiance"

Yup. So apropos. Two birds of a feather.
Obama is truly loony, he's calling the Climate summit an "Act of defiance"???????????? You think ISIS is concerned that Obama is going to focus laser like on Climate Change?

What a silly, deranged, maniac!


"Climate change summit is an act of defiance"
he got that "go all in" mentality from poker, but he has a hard time picking winning subjects.
Climate change is a hoax but the Bible is Literally true ...well Except for the part where it repeatedly mentions that one must Love the Poor...but other than that the Bible is literally True....

Disingenuous does not adequately describe the pure BS of your post.

How much do Americans give to charity?
Charitable giving statistics have been published annually since 1955 in Giving USA: The Annual Report on Philanthropy, researched and written by the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University and published by Giving USA Foundation. These figures are based on estimated charitable deductions on tax returns filed for 2011.

Total charitable contributions by individuals, corporations, and foundations was an estimated $298.42 billion in 2011, up 4 percent in current dollars and 0.9 percent in inflation-adjusted dollars from a revised total of $286.91 billion in 2010, according to a report from the Giving USA Foundation and the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University.

See also our related Knowledge Base articles:

How much do Americans give to charity?
they were just talking about this on the corporation for public broadcasting
The physics of the greenhouse effect, the increase in human-generated atmospheric CO2, and the phenomenon of gradual atmospheric warming are PROVEN FACTS, and to deny them is to render oneself a fool.

The AGW Mob goes off the rails in its dramatic and flawed projections, and in its demands for global government action to "combat" AGW. Thoughtful persons (mainly on the political Right) should agree to focus on improving the efficiency of carbon-based energy production, exploring renewable energy sources, and developing engineering solutions to any problems that do occur as global temperatures gradually rise.

Point out that climate-related deaths have declined by 90% in the past 100 years, LARGELY THROUGH technology fuelled by carbon (heating, air conditioning, dams, etc). Point out that the third and developing Worlds are entitled to reliable electricity and transportation, and should not have their progress threatened by hysterical raving about the coming climate catastrophe, which is pure nonsense.

To deny climate change is, in a word, stupid.

I would like you to tell me then with these facts:
1) Carbon emissions reach 40 billion ton high
China, US, India push world carbon emissions up

2) Earth's trees number 'three trillion'
Earth's trees number 'three trillion' - BBC News

3) A tree can absorb as much as 48 pounds of carbon dioxide per year, and can sequester one ton of carbon dioxide by the time it reaches 40 years old. [1]
Tree Facts - American Forests

So multiply 3 trillion trees times 48 lbs of CO2 absorbed per tree,
divide by 2,000 lbs per ton
total equals 72 billion tons
emissions - 40 billion tons
what is the problem?
what you are describing is global greening, a benefit from increased co2. it's like pruning a rose bush or cutting hair or shaving, it comes back thicker and stronger, especially, apparently when the temperature declines, as evidenced by the the drop in temp since late nineties.

increased co2 global greening - Google Search

the devoutests have pinned their argument to "it has been decided, no more talk about it"

to that i reply, good luck with that, this is still America baby !!

the global waramlists have been hoisted by their own petard, eclipsed by their own entropy. the global warming train is running out of everything.

it's the classic political runaway train.... & obama is the engineer.

Hoist with your own petard - meaning and origin.
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since it's greenhouse week in paris, and i'm glad they are going ahead with it, despite the attacks. the terrorists lose on that point.

apparently now the religion of climate change is diverging. i'm digging into it more and more. the assertions and modeling put forth by the global heat community. and though so much if it has been disproven, the liberals continue on as if it's real, without impunity.

al gore is the town crier (unprecedented alarm), but he is so wrong. (the arctic ice could be gone in seven years).

the science is contrived. the co2 thing is just plain silly. these are the facts, the glossing over of this for political gain is apparent and obvious. to label this a scientific consensus is a disservice to the American voter, insulting intellectually too.

obama: "the debate is settled, climate change is a fact"

well, at least i can see where you guys are getting this stuff.

what are we supposed to do in a few years ? i would like if a supporter of this to start with these two questions. how much CO2 is optimal. what optimal earth temperature would you have the world dial in.

carbon credits is just like "cash for clunkers" and my investment in solyndra.

be specific please, those of you defend this nonsense, i really want to know why the mainstream media is blackouting the subject. i see climate change being used as a political recruiting tool for democrat party elites. i'll know for sure when only democrats are issue carbon credits. this ties directly in to wealth redistribution, and the march toward global socialism.


lord monkton is also a birther, awesome. "climate justice" sounds a little scary....
passing this off as fact or settled science is dogmatic, and totalitarian. if money is involved, to me, crosses the red line of swindling the taxpayer. that's what gore is, blaming hurricanes on this, say we will be under water soon, he is a wealthy swindler.

incidentally the 1930's was by far the warmest decade, before al gore was born...


NASA GISS: Science Briefs: Whither U.S. Climate?

Global Warming


By Walter E. Williams

Climate change propaganda is simply a ruse for a socialist agenda. Consider the statements of some environmentalist leaders. Christiana Figueres, the U.N.’s chief climate change official, said that her unelected bureaucrats are undertaking “probably the most difficult task” they have ever given themselves, “which is to intentionally transform the (global) economic development model.” In 2010, German economist and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change official Ottmar Edenhofer said, “One must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.” The article in which that interview appeared summarized Edenhofer’s views this way: “Climate policy has almost nothing to do anymore with environmental protection. … The next world climate summit in Cancun is actually an economy summit during which the distribution of the world’s resources will be negotiated.”


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