The People Have Spoken...AGAIN!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
GOP Candidate Tim Pawlenty - who briefly ran for president in 2012 and had derided President Donald Trump as "unhinged" - was rejected by voters in his bid to become Minnesota's Governor again.

As mentioned, Donald Trump is now President and has delivered:
- The strongest economy IN DECADES
- The lowest unemployment rate IN DECADES
- The lowest unemployment rate for blacks and Latinos IN RECORDED HISTORY
- More Americans working than at any other time
- ONE of the best if not best Stock Markets in US History
- Manufacturing jobs returning to the US after Obama said they would NEVER come back
- More Jobs
- Higher paying jobs
- More Full Time Jobs
- Raises and Bonuses
- Fewer Americans on Welfare, Food Stamps, and Unemployment
- Fewer Americans dependent on the US government .. and on Democrats

Meanwhile, Tim joins Hillary in the 'Out-Of-work, Rejected Politicians' line at the unemployment Office.


Pawlenty, who called Trump 'unfit and unhinged,' derailed in comeback attempt in Minnesota; battle lines drawn in Connecticut
GOP Candidate Tim Pawlenty - who briefly ran for president in 2012 and had derided President Donald Trump as "unhinged" - was rejected by voters in his bid to become Minnesota's Governor again.

As mentioned, Donald Trump is now President and has delivered:
- The strongest economy IN DECADES
- The lowest unemployment rate IN DECADES
- The lowest unemployment rate for blacks and Latinos IN RECORDED HISTORY
- More Americans working than at any other time
- ONE of the best if not best Stock Markets in US History
- Manufacturing jobs returning to the US after Obama said they would NEVER come back
- More Jobs
- Higher paying jobs
- More Full Time Jobs
- Raises and Bonuses
- Fewer Americans on Welfare, Food Stamps, and Unemployment
- Fewer Americans dependent on the US government .. and on Democrats

Meanwhile, Tim joins Hillary in the 'Out-Of-work, Rejected Politicians' line at the unemployment Office.


Pawlenty, who called Trump 'unfit and unhinged,' derailed in comeback attempt in Minnesota; battle lines drawn in Connecticut
What did Trump do to get each of those things you listed?
Pawlenty's failure in this year's primary had nothing to do with his performance as governor from 2002-2010?

Tim Pawlenty also sports a net negative favorability rating at 39-50. A majority of voters (39-51) say they would not support Pawlenty for statewide office in the future.

He was and is, hugely unpopular in Minnesota. Pawlenty, thinking that voters had forgotten the mess he had left was an expensive mistake.
List the things Trump did to cause all those wonderful things you listed in the OP.
Marc, I am not playing the 'stupid game' with you, an over-used tactic by snowflakes on this board, asking for the same things over an over again. If you want to know, look around the board at all the links and information posted. If you want an economic lesson hire a tutor.
Marc, I am not playing the 'stupid game' with you, an over-used tactic by snowflakes on this board, asking for the same things over an over again. If you want to know, look around the board at all the links and information posted. If you want an economic lesson hire a tutor.
Thank you for proving my point, and failing to provide a list of things that Trump did to do all those wonderful things you listed.

The only one playing games here is you, by making lots of bogus claims, and not backing them up.

Have a good one.
GOP Candidate Tim Pawlenty - who briefly ran for president in 2012 and had derided President Donald Trump as "unhinged" - was rejected by voters in his bid to become Minnesota's Governor again.

As mentioned, Donald Trump is now President and has delivered:
- The strongest economy IN DECADES
- The lowest unemployment rate IN DECADES
- The lowest unemployment rate for blacks and Latinos IN RECORDED HISTORY
- More Americans working than at any other time
- ONE of the best if not best Stock Markets in US History
- Manufacturing jobs returning to the US after Obama said they would NEVER come back
- More Jobs
- Higher paying jobs
- More Full Time Jobs
- Raises and Bonuses
- Fewer Americans on Welfare, Food Stamps, and Unemployment
- Fewer Americans dependent on the US government .. and on Democrats

Meanwhile, Tim joins Hillary in the 'Out-Of-work, Rejected Politicians' line at the unemployment Office.


Pawlenty, who called Trump 'unfit and unhinged,' derailed in comeback attempt in Minnesota; battle lines drawn in Connecticut

You better be careful about giving Trump credit for the current economy. Because when things go bad, he will get the blame and people like you will look foolish defending his record.
Thank you for proving my point, and failing to provide a list of things that Trump did to do all those wonderful things you listed.
As I stated, I don't get paid on this board to educate stupid snowflakes who know nothing about economics or to spoon-feed children who want to play the 'stupid game'. The fact that yu would even ask when the answer has been posted so many times in so many threads and has been talked about so often proves 1) you ARE playing the 'stupid' game, 2) You are too lazy to put forth any effort to find the answer yourself, or 3) you really don't care what answer is given because you are only going to reject it and try to spin it. No matter which of the 3 it is, it is a waste of my time and embarrassing for you, now that you have been called out for it.

If you have to ask you really are stupid.

Obama tried to 'stimulate the economy' with a 'Jobs' bill that cost the American people $1 Trillion in a slowing economy, a bill that contained OVER 7,000 PIECES OF DNC-ONLY PORK. It was like Christmas Time in DC - every Democrats got their stockings filled with pork projects.

That money went for things like (No kidding - this is documented / reported) money to fund a study why a homosexual Argentinian man's sex life was better than an American heterosexual male's sex life. (Sounds like a Barney Frank pork project to me!) It also gave money to several Democratic politicians spouses' businesses that were in financial trouble.

In the end the CBO reported that the COST PER JOB CREATED / SAVED to the American people / tax payers was $747,000...and it failed to stimulate the economy, failed to keep unemployment under 8% as was a SHEARING OF THE TAX DOLLARS FOR DNC PORK!

Obama declared Manufacturing jobs were GONE - that they had left the US and that THEY WERE NOT COMING BACK, that this was the NEW NORM.

Yeah, a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER who had never owned / started up a business WOULD say that.

President Trump, for all of his 'faults' you snowflakes want to attack him for, is a smart, experienced businessman...smarter than Barry. How can I say that?

AGAIN, Trump has accomplished more in less than 2 years regarding the economy than Barry did in 8!

He eliminated a sea of beaurocratic red tape that was choking the sh!t out of businesses - Obama reportedly set a new record for imposing so much new rules, regs, and restrictions.

He cut taxes and negotiated / made it more lucrative for those manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back to return to the US.

Despite snowflakes saying the American worked would never see any benefit from those tax cuts, the total opposite has been true:

- Strongest economy in decades
- Lowest unemployment in decades
- Lowest unemployment for blacks and Asians in recorded history
- More Americans working than at any other time
- More jobs
- More full time jobs
- Higher pay, bonuses
- Fewer Americans on Welfare, unemployment, and food stamps

And I know you are going to reject this and try to spin the Democrats are desperately trying to do. Nancy Pelosi has been reduced to saying stupid shit like, 'Having so many Americans working is a bad thing', 'Having more jobs available than there are Americans to fill them is a bad thing', 'bonuses and raises are 'crumbs' not worth the people's time and effort'....


So, again, if you have to ask what has been done differently, what the difference is between the 2 administrations then I don't think anyone can help you. You can't fix 'stupid'...or rabid partisanship.

I don't think you are stupid, though...and as I said, I don't feel like playing the 'stupid game' with you.
GOP Candidate Tim Pawlenty - who briefly ran for president in 2012 and had derided President Donald Trump as "unhinged" - was rejected by voters in his bid to become Minnesota's Governor again.

As mentioned, Donald Trump is now President and has delivered:
- The strongest economy IN DECADES
- The lowest unemployment rate IN DECADES
- The lowest unemployment rate for blacks and Latinos IN RECORDED HISTORY
- More Americans working than at any other time
- ONE of the best if not best Stock Markets in US History
- Manufacturing jobs returning to the US after Obama said they would NEVER come back
- More Jobs
- Higher paying jobs
- More Full Time Jobs
- Raises and Bonuses
- Fewer Americans on Welfare, Food Stamps, and Unemployment
- Fewer Americans dependent on the US government .. and on Democrats

Meanwhile, Tim joins Hillary in the 'Out-Of-work, Rejected Politicians' line at the unemployment Office.


Pawlenty, who called Trump 'unfit and unhinged,' derailed in comeback attempt in Minnesota; battle lines drawn in Connecticut
More full time jobs? Raises and bonuses/jobs returning? Ha! And don't forget no infrastructure, no affordable healthcare, no ease of higher edu costs/no equitable immigration policy/no NK denuclearization/no resurgence of coal/trade wars heating up. And no wall paid for by Mexico. That's the short list!
As I stated, I don't get paid on this board to educate stupid snowflakes who know nothing about economics or to spoon-feed children who want to play the 'stupid game'. The fact that yu would even ask when the answer has been posted so many times in so many threads and has been talked about so often proves 1) you ARE playing the 'stupid' game, 2) You are too lazy to put forth any effort to find the answer yourself, or 3) you really don't care what answer is given because you are only going to reject it and try to spin it. No matter which of the 3 it is, it is a waste of my time and embarrassing for you, now that you have been called out for it.

If you have to ask you really are stupid.

Obama tried to 'stimulate the economy' with a 'Jobs' bill that cost the American people $1 Trillion in a slowing economy, a bill that contained OVER 7,000 PIECES OF DNC-ONLY PORK. It was like Christmas Time in DC - every Democrats got their stockings filled with pork projects.

That money went for things like (No kidding - this is documented / reported) money to fund a study why a homosexual Argentinian man's sex life was better than an American heterosexual male's sex life. (Sounds like a Barney Frank pork project to me!) It also gave money to several Democratic politicians spouses' businesses that were in financial trouble.

In the end the CBO reported that the COST PER JOB CREATED / SAVED to the American people / tax payers was $747,000...and it failed to stimulate the economy, failed to keep unemployment under 8% as was a SHEARING OF THE TAX DOLLARS FOR DNC PORK!

Obama declared Manufacturing jobs were GONE - that they had left the US and that THEY WERE NOT COMING BACK, that this was the NEW NORM.

Yeah, a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER who had never owned / started up a business WOULD say that.

President Trump, for all of his 'faults' you snowflakes want to attack him for, is a smart, experienced businessman...smarter than Barry. How can I say that?

AGAIN, Trump has accomplished more in less than 2 years regarding the economy than Barry did in 8!

He eliminated a sea of beaurocratic red tape that was choking the sh!t out of businesses - Obama reportedly set a new record for imposing so much new rules, regs, and restrictions.

He cut taxes and negotiated / made it more lucrative for those manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back to return to the US.

Despite snowflakes saying the American worked would never see any benefit from those tax cuts, the total opposite has been true:

- Strongest economy in decades
- Lowest unemployment in decades
- Lowest unemployment for blacks and Asians in recorded history
- More Americans working than at any other time
- More jobs
- More full time jobs
- Higher pay, bonuses
- Fewer Americans on Welfare, unemployment, and food stamps

And I know you are going to reject this and try to spin the Democrats are desperately trying to do. Nancy Pelosi has been reduced to saying stupid shit like, 'Having so many Americans working is a bad thing', 'Having more jobs available than there are Americans to fill them is a bad thing', 'bonuses and raises are 'crumbs' not worth the people's time and effort'....


So, again, if you have to ask what has been done differently, what the difference is between the 2 administrations then I don't think anyone can help you. You can't fix 'stupid'...or rabid partisanship.

I don't think you are stupid, though...and as I said, I don't feel like playing the 'stupid game' with you.
Still pretty generic crap, but I guess that's the best I can expect.

You've bought and drunk the Trump Kool-Aid hook, line and sinker, and that's that.

So I'm saying this to you today, I hope that WHEN, not IF, the economy tanks through all these wonderful things you are NOW claiming that Trump did, that you will be first in line to say it's his fault.

Time will tell.
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You better be careful about giving Trump credit for the current economy. Because when things go bad, he will get the blame and people like you will look foolish defending his record.
There is a reason why the economy is good right now. Partisanship prevents snowflakes - like Pelosi - from seeing it / admitting it. Trump's economy is working. He deserves the credit.

If things go south in the future there will also be a reason. Perhaps Trump will overplay his hand in the game of chicken with China and the economy will take a turn. Who knows. So far his approach has paid off.

Obama was so much of a chicken shit that he laid down and just took the other nations taking advantage of us. he did not even try to challenge the status quo. he declared to the American people, 'Your manufacturing jobs are GONE - they are NEVER coming back!'

Trump said, 'F* That - I am going to bring them home!' AND HE DID!

NATO was not paying its fair share for its own defense, and Obama just accepted those nations taking advantage of us. Trump said, 'F* That - Pay your damn fair share!' AND THEY DID!

Obama was too frightened the Iranians would walk away from the table from his UN-CONSTITUTIONAL 'Legacy' Treaty that he refused to demand that the return of US hostages be part of the agreement .Instead, he paid a heft ransom for them later.

Trump has said, 'F* That - Give us back our people' several times. AND THEY DID!

Again, he deserves credit, whether you hate him or not. And if it goes south in thee future and deserves the criticism, then so be it.

Take the damn partisanship and but-hurt out of the situation and be objective and honest, for God's sake!
GOP Candidate Tim Pawlenty - who briefly ran for president in 2012 and had derided President Donald Trump as "unhinged" - was rejected by voters in his bid to become Minnesota's Governor again.

As mentioned, Donald Trump is now President and has delivered:
- The strongest economy IN DECADES
- The lowest unemployment rate IN DECADES
- The lowest unemployment rate for blacks and Latinos IN RECORDED HISTORY
- More Americans working than at any other time
- ONE of the best if not best Stock Markets in US History
- Manufacturing jobs returning to the US after Obama said they would NEVER come back
- More Jobs
- Higher paying jobs
- More Full Time Jobs
- Raises and Bonuses
- Fewer Americans on Welfare, Food Stamps, and Unemployment
- Fewer Americans dependent on the US government .. and on Democrats

Meanwhile, Tim joins Hillary in the 'Out-Of-work, Rejected Politicians' line at the unemployment Office.


Pawlenty, who called Trump 'unfit and unhinged,' derailed in comeback attempt in Minnesota; battle lines drawn in Connecticut
What did Trump do to get each of those things you listed?

Tax cuts, America first, border control, fair trade and a business friendly administration. Not to hard to figure out if you're not a partisan hack.
Still pretty generic crap, but I guess that's the best I can expect.

Thank YOU for proving ME right.

You asked. I said no matter what I would provide you would reject it like some child, belittle it, and try to spin it. Thanks for proving that an actual discussion with you is a waste of time due to your pre-determined bias.

From your 'let's play the 'stupid game'' bullshit to your laziness in refusing to get your answers already posted all over this board to your finale of proving me right, you simply just aren't worth acknowledging / wasting time on.
So, there is a former governor running against a former state Rep, both of them have a history of losing elections but this time one of them had to win, and you claim this is some sort of statement?

Desperate much?
You better be careful about giving Trump credit for the current economy. Because when things go bad, he will get the blame and people like you will look foolish defending his record.
There is a reason why the economy is good right now. Partisanship prevents snowflakes - like Pelosi - from seeing it / admitting it. Trump's economy is working. He deserves the credit.

If things go south in the future there will also be a reason. Perhaps Trump will overplay his hand in the game of chicken with China and the economy will take a turn. Who knows. So far his approach has paid off.

Obama was so much of a chicken shit that he laid down and just took the other nations taking advantage of us. he did not even try to challenge the status quo. he declared to the American people, 'Your manufacturing jobs are GONE - they are NEVER coming back!'

Trump said, 'F* That - I am going to bring them home!' AND HE DID!

NATO was not paying its fair share for its own defense, and Obama just accepted those nations taking advantage of us. Trump said, 'F* That - Pay your damn fair share!' AND THEY DID!

Obama was too frightened the Iranians would walk away from the table from his UN-CONSTITUTIONAL 'Legacy' Treaty that he refused to demand that the return of US hostages be part of the agreement .Instead, he paid a heft ransom for them later.

Trump has said, 'F* That - Give us back our people' several times. AND THEY DID!

Again, he deserves credit, whether you hate him or not. And if it goes south in thee future and deserves the criticism, then so be it.

Take the damn partisanship and but-hurt out of the situation and be objective and honest, for God's sake!

According to your reasoning - which I reject- Bill Clinton was the best economic president. Partisans always want to credit or blame a president for the economy when the reality is economies have ups and downs, and a president has less to do with the economy than the natural cycles of the economy. But like I said, if and when the economy stumbles during Trumps presidency, the partisan Dems will blame him, while you and other partisan Reps will make excuses. I guarantee it.

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