The Only Thing Melting Is The Climate Cult Narrative


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Greenland snow mass gain greater than 1981-2010 average.

I was assured by my intellectual superiors the ice caps where to have disappeared 15 years ago.

Too late to fix climate change. All we can do now is spend the $$$ to clean up after every extreme event and bury the dead.
Why would we waste the money? More Americans care about urgent issues .. like illegal immigration, drug trafficking and sex trafficking and the current administration is doing little to nothing to address it.
Meanwhile, in reality, shipping across the arctic continues to increase as melting ice opens up new routes
There's talk about more cruise ships (and the ever present military) but this northwest passage talk may be premature:

Sep 7, 2021Today, an increasing number of ships transit the passage, including a large cruise ship that made the journey in 2016. But such voyages are subject to the variable conditions from year to year...
They've been caught lying and manipulating the data several times.... the only climate hysteria followers remaining are shut-ins and drooling retards. Their defense is "well, we lie for your own good" or the dan rather defense "ok, the evidence is manufactured but the story is true!"

Lesson: repeating a lie 50,000,000 times is not enough to make it true.

climate porn.jpg
Q. How much must we reduce CO2 to prevent the climate from ever changing again?

A. $78,000,000,000,000
Perhaps a better question is "Whose pockets will be filled with carbon use penalties and offsets"? Yeah, as always follow the money. Al Gore literally made himself a billionaire acting like a climate change Henny Penny.

Greenland snow mass gain greater than 1981-2010 average.

The reason why there is NO OCEAN RISE is because the TWO ICE AGES of today - Greenland and Antarctica - are both within 600 miles of a pole and hence


and that means NOT MELTING

97% of Earth ice is growing.

Oceans are actually dropping very VERY slowly...

Co2 does nothing.

Climate change is all about WHERE LAND IS...
As I said....Too late to fix climate change. All we can do now is spend the $$$ to clean up after every extreme event and bury the dead.

Any idea how to stop the tectonic plates from moving?

Because that's the only way to "tackle" climate change...

In the end burning hydrocarbons is the best alternative.

Nuclear has horrible long term waste issues

Solar and Wind are not competitive but useful in certain applications, should be allowed just not subsidized.

The electric car is a total disaster that should never have happened and would not have happened had W and O had a molecule of concern for truth and America, which neither ever did.

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