*****The Official Here Are the Right Wing Violent Threats Against School Boards Thread****


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Bring all the links you can find. I predict this thread will be hundreds of pages long before the morning.

Filled with story after story, video after video, of violence and violent threats at school board meetings around the country.

They are domestic terrorists. The evidence must be everywhere.

I can certainly link to plenty of BLM and ANTIFA violence.

The soccer moms at school board meeting videos must be so disturbing to the peace loving left.
I had one, but I lost it. It was a parent calling a school board member a 'poopie head'. But she managed to get out before the FBI tactical response team could get there.

Oh how shocking. Wee, poo, bum and public hair. They are fighting words.
Bring all the links you can find. I predict this thread will be hundreds of pages long before the morning.

Filled with story after story, video after video, of violence and violent threats at school board meetings around the country.

wow it’s been two hours…i expected this thread to be littered with links…
wow it’s been two hours…i expected this thread to be littered with links…

How about this: "Liberal school boards and their fascist critical race theory should be anally-ravaged by a horde of rabid badgers, then fed to feral hogs."

I'll be sure to post it on Youtube it when the FBI/DHS/DOE breaks down my door, shoots my dog, and hauls me off the jail
CRT is the tip of the iceberg.

Audit all public education, and find out where the money is really going.... to many many left wing sicko homosexuals who do nothing except molest kids....
I found video of these DOMESTIC TERRORISTS!

So the school board had enough and walked out? We will have this crap so long as members of the community have no power, no power to say what is in their education, no power to hold boards accountable, and no power to withhold payment into the broken system failing to serve them.
I'm really trying to help you out, Leftards.

Here is one of the "DOMESTIC TERRORISTS" outlined in the letter to Merrick Gestapoland from the National School Board.

He was trying to get some answers as to why the school was ignoring the rape of his daughter in the girls bathroom by a transgendered boy.

I believe this was the instance colfax_m cited in another thread.

I'm really trying to help you out, Leftards.

Here is one of the "DOMESTIC TERRORISTS" outlined in the letter to Merrick Gestapoland from the National School Board.

He was trying to get some answers as to why the school was ignoring the rape of his daughter in the girls bathroom by a transgendered boy.

I believe this was the instance colfax_m cited in another thread.

thanks that is one of the examples he used

apparently the school board being asked tough questions by a rape victim’s family is threatening and a terrorist threat according to the xiden cult
Should I take the complete and total failure of board lib's ability to bring a single example of violence as an admission this is a huge nothingburger and the FBI Stormtroopers can go home?
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Should I take the complete and total failure of board lib's inability to bring a single example of violence as an admission this is a huge nothingburger and the FBI Stormtroopers can go home?
the stormtroopers are their to suppress any oppression political speech…they won’t go home

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