The next time someone complains about Trump look at this chart! Compare GOP vs Dems!

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Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
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Let's see, Republican Bush crashed the economy and Republican Trump mishandled a pandemic and 1 million people died. But we're supposed to vote republican because of gas.
Let's see, Republican Bush crashed the economy and Republican Trump mishandled a pandemic and 1 million people died. But we're supposed to vote republican because of gas.
We live off of purchasing foreign made products. Every day we go to stores or order them from a delivery service. China in a few decades has become the 2nd most powerful nation in the world and is grasping for the brass ring. The caste system held people from that region to a certain level for centuries. They were gifted capitalism from us as "most favored nation" for production and have a dictatorial communist run political system with an endless number of people to work.
Let's see, Republican Bush crashed the economy and Republican Trump mishandled a pandemic and 1 million people died. But we're supposed to vote republican because of gas.
More have died from the Fauci flu under Tater, Vermin.

And Bush was warning us about the housing crash for years, but Dimtards like Bawney Fwank ignored him.
It's no secret that anti-fossil fuel policies of the left increase gas prices, hurting the poorer the most. They are always shooting themselves in the foot. Speaking of guns, every time democrats get in power and talk about gun control legislation, sales of guns soar. When Republicans are in office, the sale of guns plummet. Another example of the dems shooting themselves in the foot. Everything they do works the exact opposite of what they stand for.
If you want to live like a republican, you’d better vote like a democrat.

And if you want to live like a Democrat, you’d better vote like a Republican?

You got one thing right, Democrats do tend to have a worse standard of living. Maybe it would behoove Democrats to try to copy them instead of the other way around.
If you want to live like a republican, you’d better vote like a democrat.
Voting for Dems have caused a record number of Americans to become worse off....this is what voting Dem gets you...

Only 14% of US voters say Joe Biden has made them better off​

A poll found that almost 70 per cent of voters thought Biden’s economic policies had either hurt the US economy or had no impact, including 33 per cent who said they believed the president’s policies had “hurt the economy a lot”.
And if you want to live like a Democrat, you’d better vote like a Republican?

You got one thing right, Democrats do tend to have a worse standard of living. Maybe it would behoove Democrats to try to copy them instead of the other way around.
Seriously twisted logic there.

What the liberals try to do is level the playing field by pushing relief to the underprivileged and lower income communities. What usually follows is what you see now...the wealthy (usually republicans) doing very well because the consumers are consuming more than they should.

If Democrats should do anything is teach responsible money management to their constituencies so you can build wealth instead of chasing the “nice to haves”
Seriously twisted logic there.

What the liberals try to do is level the playing field by pushing relief to the underprivileged and lower income communities. What usually follows is what you see now...the wealthy (usually republicans) doing very well because the consumers are consuming more than they should.

If Democrats should do anything is teach responsible money management to their constituencies so you can build wealth instead of chasing the “nice to haves”

Not twisted logic at all and it begs the question; How did these Republicans get rich in the first place? Did they all inherit it? Did they start off as "smart" Democrats and then gravitate towards being "dumb" Republicans? Truly intelligent people become more conservative as they age. In this country, wisdom is gained though experience and wealth is gained through both.

I have been a Republican all my life, even straight out of college with little income. I never envied those that made more money than me. I didn't spend more than I had. I worked hard and spend many late nights working. I had a roommate because I couldn't afford a decent apartment. I saved, got raises, bought my first home, continued to practice sound money management and good work ethic and, viola, I am magically(not really) one of those Republicans that you speak of. The problems with most Democrats is they rarely do as I did. They expect things for free. They feel as though they are entitled to things. If they aren't as successful as others, it has to be somebody else's fault, never their own. This is what they have been taught and this is what the Democratic Party preaches. Some grow out of much of the nonsensical rubbish they are taught with age, but many don't, and those remain liberal Democrats.

Liberals don't level the playing field at all. They simply take from those who work and give to those that don't want to work. Their bleeding hearts supersede any sense of intelligence or wisdom they may have, which leads to bad decisions on a personal level and bad policy at the governmental level. The is a reason that the Republican Party is known as the party of the rich, but most got rich exactly because they had a conservative mindset, as opposed to a liberal mindset that is so prevalent among high school and college aged kids. Not many people, anywhere in the world, would argue that that group is a bastion of wisdom, and yet, many adults in this country are seemingly proud that they align with, by all accounts, the least knowledgeable and least wise group of people on the planet.
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