The Netherlands has recalled 600,000 coronavirus face masks it imported from China after discovering they were faulty


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Good on the Dutch for making this decision. You don't compromise he health of your front line workers just to feel warm and fuzzy Like most stuff manufactured in China, it's junk. This junk could cost your nations more lives however.

Thanks but no thanks.

The Netherlands has recalled 600,000 coronavirus face masks it imported from China after discovering they were faulty

The Dutch government has recalled over half a million face masks it imported from China after discovering that they were faulty.

The Netherlands said on Saturday that it had asked its hospitals to return around 600,000 face masks which health professionals are using to treat patients of the coronavirus.

"The mouth masks that are not satisfactory have been retrieved," Holland's Ministry of Health told Dutch broadcaster NOS.

The NOS reported that the faulty masks fail to meet safety requirements because they did not fit on the faces of doctors and nurses and were failing to prevent particles of the COVID-19 virus passing through.

One hospital worker quoted by the NOS said: "When they were delivered to our hospital, I immediately rejected those masks... If those masks do not close properly, the virus particles can simply pass. We do not use them.
When the friendly, docile Dutch government tells you take your masks back which they (and every nation) desperately need, that's equivalent to "here, take this shyte and shove up your..."
Good on the Dutch we keep telliinng the US MORONS India makes their mask by sitting on the floor dragging the mask across the floor oh but that's a gawd dam conspiracy to the idiots who live on another planet.. Nothing to see here folks..



  • 1585836759208.png
    9.5 KB · Views: 76
To these a holes who laughed at thunk for saying we are not on lock down u r either total fkn morons with Retard syndrome or you are in such denila you are still an idiot.
This is in India. Likely same conditions in China.

I was sooooooo looking for that yesterday to show these dumbasses who defend for these fks. LOL


  • 1585837155843.png
    155.5 KB · Views: 76
Good on the Dutch for making this decision. You don't compromise he health of your front line workers just to feel warm and fuzzy Like most stuff manufactured in China, it's junk. This junk could cost your nations more lives however.

Thanks but no thanks.

The Netherlands has recalled 600,000 coronavirus face masks it imported from China after discovering they were faulty

The Dutch government has recalled over half a million face masks it imported from China after discovering that they were faulty.

The Netherlands said on Saturday that it had asked its hospitals to return around 600,000 face masks which health professionals are using to treat patients of the coronavirus.

"The mouth masks that are not satisfactory have been retrieved," Holland's Ministry of Health told Dutch broadcaster NOS.

The NOS reported that the faulty masks fail to meet safety requirements because they did not fit on the faces of doctors and nurses and were failing to prevent particles of the COVID-19 virus passing through.

One hospital worker quoted by the NOS said: "When they were delivered to our hospital, I immediately rejected those masks... If those masks do not close properly, the virus particles can simply pass. We do not use them.
If nations all across this world do not distance themselves from China and bring back jobs from China amidst all this pandemic chaos, there is no GOD. Time and time again, this one nation of billions have held nations at risk from the diseases they house, only to have these same nations depend on them for not only the truth but for the very things they need to tell me how in the hell does that make sense???? All this to save CORPORATIONS A FEW DOLLARS IN LABOR!!

Its time to let China GO and bring all our jobs back to our own countries and the hell with labor and high cost...hell the shit is high already
here have some blankets. The measles come at no extra charge....
That is a myth, BTW.

The Fed did do that they wanted thier land and they took it.
They have technology to do such things back thenn included.
It is not that hard to plant a viruses-----

The documents provided here are among Amherst's letters and other papers microfilmed as part of the British Manuscript Project, 1941-1945, undertaken by the United States Library of Congress during World War II. The project was designed to preserve British historical documents from possible war damage. There are almost three hundred reels of microfilm on Amherst alone.

The microfilm is difficult to read, and paper copies even harder. Nonetheless, the images obtained by scanning the copies are sufficiently clear for online viewing. The images are of key excerpts from the letters. An index is provided to show by document number the location of these images in the microfilm set. Ascii text of the excerpts is also provided.

The documents
These are the pivotal letters:
Colonel Henry Bouquet to General Amherst, dated 13 July 1763, [262k] suggests in a postscript the distribution of blankets to "inocculate the Indians";

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