The Myth of McCarthyism

On the 141st birthday of President Abraham Lincoln, on February 12, 1950, Senator McCarthy passionately said:

'The reason why we find ourselves in a position of impotency is not because our only powerful, potential enemy has sent men to invade our shores, but rather because of the traitorous actions of those who have been treated so well by this nation…. This is glaringly true in the State Department. There the bright young men who are born with silver spoons in their mouths are the ones who have been worst…. In my opinion the State Department, which is one of the most important government departments, is thoroughly infested with communists.'

J.Egard Hoover worked very closely with Joe McCarthy and supplied him with most of the information McCarthy used to expose the massive scale of Soviet espionage in America.

Hoover got much or most of his informtion from the Venona Intercepts and at that time that operation was Top Secret and neither Hoover nor McCarthy could reveal the source of their information.

McCarthy and Hoover were up against the political establishment in Washington which used it's power to destroy McCarthy.

To this day the Senator is still attacked and demonized although the Venona Project is now known to the public and it reveals that McCarthy was right.

Venona project - Wikipedia

McCarthy's Legacy Still Misportrayed by Media After Venona Disclosure

Most-hated senator was right - WND

Exclusive Interview ( - Journalist and author M. Stanton Evans argues in his new book, "Blacklisted By History," that declassified files from the United States and the Soviet Union prove that Sen. Joe McCarthy was right about the communist threat and that liberals have ignored the evidence and distorted history.

Documents Show Joe McCarthy Was Right, Author Says

M. Stanton Evans has written a Human Events column, “When Conservatives Parrot Liberal Lies about Joe McCarthy,” about how various conservative media personalities and politicians, including former Tennessee Republican Senator Fred Thompson, writers at, National Review’s Rich Lowry and columnists/TV commentators Charles Krauthammer and George Will, have all used the term “McCarthyism” to refer to the antics of Harry Reid and others on the left. Evans writes that these conservatives “know nothing at all about McCarthy except what the liberals deign to tell them.

The McCarthyism fallacy: By successfully demonizing conservatism, the Left controls all debate – World Tribune: Window on the Real World

It's Time to See Joe McCarthy For the Hero He Was
Most people objected to McCarthy anti-communist work not because of his claims of communist activity in America but rather his methods of investigation. He rarely offered anything approaching proof of subversion or treason. Typically, what he offered as proof was the admission of a person attending a communist meeting, a person associating with a know communist, hearsay evidence at party or a private conversation, or a newspaper article that names a person a communist.

When McCarthy named over 200 state department people as communist he immediate got Hoover's attention. For a time Hoover did work with McCarthy but if became clear to Hoover that McCarthy was grandstanding. Hoover made his position clear. "Don't label anyone as a Communist unless you have the facts," he wrote in Newsweek. "Don't confuse liberals and progressives with Communists. Don't be a party to a violation of the civil rights of anyone. When this is done, you are playing right into the hands of the Communists."
Hoover dismayed by McCarthy's methods / As serious an anti-communist as FBI director was, he felt name-calling senator damaged the cause
What you are not getting is that McCarthy was privy to the evidence collected by the venona project.....but at that time the venona project was Top Secret because the government did not want the Russians to know what we were doing.

Thus McCarthy's and Hoovers hands were tied as they had the hard evidence of who, what where and when.....yet, they could not reveal their source.

The NSA's top-secret program called Venona which intercepted messages between Moscow and its American agents proves McCarthy and Hoover were correct.

'The recent publication of a batch of Venona transcripts gives evidence that the Roosevelt and Truman administrations were rife with communist spies and political operatives who reported, directly or indirectly, to the Soviet government, much as their anti-communist opponents charged. The Age of McCarthyism, it turns out, was not the simple witch hunt of the innocent by the malevolent as two generations of high school and college students have been taught.

The sum and substance of this growing body of material is that: Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, executed in June 1953 for atomic espionage, were guilty; Alger Hiss, a darling of the establishment was guilty; and that dozens of lesser known persons such as Victor Perlo, Judith Coplon and Harry Gold, whose innocence of the accusations made against them had been a tenet of leftist faith for decades, were traitors or, at the least, the ideological vassals of a foreign power.

Even moderate politicians who insisted upon the fact -- and argued that these people might have influenced U.S. foreign policy -- were scorned. Sen. Robert Taft of Ohio said, "The greatest Kremlin asset in our history has been the pro-communist group in the State Department who surrendered to every demand of Russia at Yalta and Potsdam, and promoted at every opportunity the communist cause in China until today communism threatens to take over all of Asia." Secretary of State Dean Acheson, a pillar of the establishment, concluded that Taft had joined "the primitives."

The part played by Klaus Fuchs, a high-level physicist, who had worked at Los Alamos, has been known for many years, as has the treason of the Rosenbergs. Nevertheless, for as long as the subject was a hotly-disputed controversy, it was the practice in leftist circles to scoff at the rustic notion that the "secret" of the bomb could be stolen at all. Now we know, thanks to the latest Venona transcripts, that a Harvard-trained physicist named Theodore Alvin Hall was passing secrets about the instrument which changed world politics in the last half of the 20th century.

The disaster brought on by the end of the American atomic monopoly was not lost on the more perspicacious thinkers of the time. In 1947 Bertrand Russell, the British scientist, philosopher and pacifist leader, saw the monopoly as the world's only opportunity for preventing the Soviets from working their will on much of the globe. Noting the nature of "Asiatic communism" (which American liberals were often unable to see in its fullest dimensions), he argued for forcing Moscow into a humane capitulation, even if it took a military ultimatum to do it. But, as the right eye of American politics was blind to fascism in the 1930s, the left eye could not comprehend the nature of communism -- then or later.

And where was Harry Truman? His hagiographers today present him as the plucky, courageous, little guy who stood up to world communism and led America into a new age of cosmopolitan internationalism. It is a description that millions of his adult contemporaries would have found unrecognizable. In fact, the public conduct of the Truman administration became the affirmation of people who said Truman was soft on communism. When Winston Churchill delivered his famous "Iron Curtain" speech at Fulton, Mo. in March 1946, Truman immediately disavowed the former British prime minister. Astonishing as it may seem to those who get their history from movies and TV, the American president invited Joseph Stalin to come to Fulton and give a speech presenting his side of the story. Truman actually offered to send the battleship Missouri to fetch the Soviet tyrant.

Truman also called the investigation of Alger Hiss "a red herring," encouraging the suspicion that the government was not really addressing the communist threat.

Millions of Americans of Polish, Hungarian, Estonian, Czech, German, Lithuanian, Latvian and Ukrainian extraction saw nations to which they had the closest emotional ties come under Soviet thrall, sometimes by actual arrangement with the American government or in the face of a murmured pro forma opposition by Washington.

Starting in Wisconsin, whence McCarthy hailed, the political fire storm he ignited burned brightest where these emigre populations were most concentrated. In the eyes of celebrity liberalism, those up in arms about the government's acceptance of communist ambition were the unappetizing people of the dull world of the lower middle class. They were the piano-legged babushkas of American politics, stolid Slavs and such, thick of finger and numb of mind.

In the ongoing kulturkampf dividing the society, the elites of Hollywood, Cambridge and liberal think-tankery had little sympathy for bow-legged men with their American Legion caps and their fat wives, their yapping about Yalta and the Katyn Forest. Catholic and kitsch, looking out of their picture windows at their flocks of pink plastic flamingos, the lower middles and their foreign policy anguish were too infra dig to be taken seriously.

Once a year these people would hold huge Captive Nation Day rallies in cities across the country, which Democratic politicians of taste and sensibility avoided. The only Democrats in evidence at these rallies of unstylish anti-communists were often dismissed by their social superiors as smarmy, corrupt, machine pols. Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belsen, all the Nazi concentration camps were dismantled, but the Gulag grew and left-liberals like California congresswoman Helen Gahagan Douglas and the editors at the New Republic magazine seemed not to care. Working class anti-communist voters did not fail to notice the disdain with which some of the liberal intelligentsia regarded them. The early 1950s, not coincidentally, marked the beginning of the great outmigration of the blue-collar workers from the Democratic Party.

When McCarthy and his congressional allies began to demand testimony from alleged communists about the infiltration that was real but undocumented (the Venona program then being the most sensitive of state secrets), liberals denounced them for "star chamber" tactics''.
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What you are not getting is that McCarthy was privy to the evidence collected by the venona project.....but at that time the venona project was Top Secret because the government did not want the Russians to know what we were doing.

Thus McCarthy's and Hoovers hands were tied as they had the hard evidence of who, what where and when.....yet, they could not reveal their source.

The NSA's top-secret program called Venona which intercepted messages between Moscow and its American agents proves McCarthy and Hoover were correct.

'The recent publication of a batch of Venona transcripts gives evidence that the Roosevelt and Truman administrations were rife with communist spies and political operatives who reported, directly or indirectly, to the Soviet government, much as their anti-communist opponents charged. The Age of McCarthyism, it turns out, was not the simple witch hunt of the innocent by the malevolent as two generations of high school and college students have been taught.

The sum and substance of this growing body of material is that: Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, executed in June 1953 for atomic espionage, were guilty; Alger Hiss, a darling of the establishment was guilty; and that dozens of lesser known persons such as Victor Perlo, Judith Coplon and Harry Gold, whose innocence of the accusations made against them had been a tenet of leftist faith for decades, were traitors or, at the least, the ideological vassals of a foreign power.

Even moderate politicians who insisted upon the fact -- and argued that these people might have influenced U.S. foreign policy -- were scorned. Sen. Robert Taft of Ohio said, "The greatest Kremlin asset in our history has been the pro-communist group in the State Department who surrendered to every demand of Russia at Yalta and Potsdam, and promoted at every opportunity the communist cause in China until today communism threatens to take over all of Asia." Secretary of State Dean Acheson, a pillar of the establishment, concluded that Taft had joined "the primitives."

The part played by Klaus Fuchs, a high-level physicist, who had worked at Los Alamos, has been known for many years, as has the treason of the Rosenbergs. Nevertheless, for as long as the subject was a hotly-disputed controversy, it was the practice in leftist circles to scoff at the rustic notion that the "secret" of the bomb could be stolen at all. Now we know, thanks to the latest Venona transcripts, that a Harvard-trained physicist named Theodore Alvin Hall was passing secrets about the instrument which changed world politics in the last half of the 20th century.

The disaster brought on by the end of the American atomic monopoly was not lost on the more perspicacious thinkers of the time. In 1947 Bertrand Russell, the British scientist, philosopher and pacifist leader, saw the monopoly as the world's only opportunity for preventing the Soviets from working their will on much of the globe. Noting the nature of "Asiatic communism" (which American liberals were often unable to see in its fullest dimensions), he argued for forcing Moscow into a humane capitulation, even if it took a military ultimatum to do it. But, as the right eye of American politics was blind to fascism in the 1930s, the left eye could not comprehend the nature of communism -- then or later.

And where was Harry Truman? His hagiographers today present him as the plucky, courageous, little guy who stood up to world communism and led America into a new age of cosmopolitan internationalism. It is a description that millions of his adult contemporaries would have found unrecognizable. In fact, the public conduct of the Truman administration became the affirmation of people who said Truman was soft on communism. When Winston Churchill delivered his famous "Iron Curtain" speech at Fulton, Mo. in March 1946, Truman immediately disavowed the former British prime minister. Astonishing as it may seem to those who get their history from movies and TV, the American president invited Joseph Stalin to come to Fulton and give a speech presenting his side of the story. Truman actually offered to send the battleship Missouri to fetch the Soviet tyrant.

Truman also called the investigation of Alger Hiss "a red herring," encouraging the suspicion that the government was not really addressing the communist threat.

Millions of Americans of Polish, Hungarian, Estonian, Czech, German, Lithuanian, Latvian and Ukrainian extraction saw nations to which they had the closest emotional ties come under Soviet thrall, sometimes by actual arrangement with the American government or in the face of a murmured pro forma opposition by Washington.

Starting in Wisconsin, whence McCarthy hailed, the political fire storm he ignited burned brightest where these emigre populations were most concentrated. In the eyes of celebrity liberalism, those up in arms about the government's acceptance of communist ambition were the unappetizing people of the dull world of the lower middle class. They were the piano-legged babushkas of American politics, stolid Slavs and such, thick of finger and numb of mind.

In the ongoing kulturkampf dividing the society, the elites of Hollywood, Cambridge and liberal think-tankery had little sympathy for bow-legged men with their American Legion caps and their fat wives, their yapping about Yalta and the Katyn Forest. Catholic and kitsch, looking out of their picture windows at their flocks of pink plastic flamingos, the lower middles and their foreign policy anguish were too infra dig to be taken seriously.

Once a year these people would hold huge Captive Nation Day rallies in cities across the country, which Democratic politicians of taste and sensibility avoided. The only Democrats in evidence at these rallies of unstylish anti-communists were often dismissed by their social superiors as smarmy, corrupt, machine pols. Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belsen, all the Nazi concentration camps were dismantled, but the Gulag grew and left-liberals like California congresswoman Helen Gahagan Douglas and the editors at the New Republic magazine seemed not to care. Working class anti-communist voters did not fail to notice the disdain with which some of the liberal intelligentsia regarded them. The early 1950s, not coincidentally, marked the beginning of the great outmigration of the blue-collar workers from the Democratic Party.

When McCarthy and his congressional allies began to demand testimony from alleged communists about the infiltration that was real but undocumented (the Venona program then being the most sensitive of state secrets), liberals denounced them for "star chamber" tactics''.

You missed the fact that the Venona Program had a solid list of names on it. The FBI spent a lot of time and resources in compiling those names. And not everyone on that list were guilty either. But McCarthy went way beyond that. He went after everyone that ever publicly disagreed with him and that had nothing to do with the Venonal Program. He had those people so afraid they were turning each other in and most of it was fabricated. Finally, Eisenhower had enough when McCarthy and his goons went after his Military Generals who had openly disagreed with McCarthy over various subjects. They actually convicted very few because there were very few that were actually USSR Agents on the payroll to begin with. That part of justice was done. But the rest was just a travesty.
What you are not getting is that McCarthy was privy to the evidence collected by the venona project.....but at that time the venona project was Top Secret because the government did not want the Russians to know what we were doing.

Thus McCarthy's and Hoovers hands were tied as they had the hard evidence of who, what where and when.....yet, they could not reveal their source.

The NSA's top-secret program called Venona which intercepted messages between Moscow and its American agents proves McCarthy and Hoover were correct.

'The recent publication of a batch of Venona transcripts gives evidence that the Roosevelt and Truman administrations were rife with communist spies and political operatives who reported, directly or indirectly, to the Soviet government, much as their anti-communist opponents charged. The Age of McCarthyism, it turns out, was not the simple witch hunt of the innocent by the malevolent as two generations of high school and college students have been taught.

The sum and substance of this growing body of material is that: Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, executed in June 1953 for atomic espionage, were guilty; Alger Hiss, a darling of the establishment was guilty; and that dozens of lesser known persons such as Victor Perlo, Judith Coplon and Harry Gold, whose innocence of the accusations made against them had been a tenet of leftist faith for decades, were traitors or, at the least, the ideological vassals of a foreign power.

Even moderate politicians who insisted upon the fact -- and argued that these people might have influenced U.S. foreign policy -- were scorned. Sen. Robert Taft of Ohio said, "The greatest Kremlin asset in our history has been the pro-communist group in the State Department who surrendered to every demand of Russia at Yalta and Potsdam, and promoted at every opportunity the communist cause in China until today communism threatens to take over all of Asia." Secretary of State Dean Acheson, a pillar of the establishment, concluded that Taft had joined "the primitives."

The part played by Klaus Fuchs, a high-level physicist, who had worked at Los Alamos, has been known for many years, as has the treason of the Rosenbergs. Nevertheless, for as long as the subject was a hotly-disputed controversy, it was the practice in leftist circles to scoff at the rustic notion that the "secret" of the bomb could be stolen at all. Now we know, thanks to the latest Venona transcripts, that a Harvard-trained physicist named Theodore Alvin Hall was passing secrets about the instrument which changed world politics in the last half of the 20th century.

The disaster brought on by the end of the American atomic monopoly was not lost on the more perspicacious thinkers of the time. In 1947 Bertrand Russell, the British scientist, philosopher and pacifist leader, saw the monopoly as the world's only opportunity for preventing the Soviets from working their will on much of the globe. Noting the nature of "Asiatic communism" (which American liberals were often unable to see in its fullest dimensions), he argued for forcing Moscow into a humane capitulation, even if it took a military ultimatum to do it. But, as the right eye of American politics was blind to fascism in the 1930s, the left eye could not comprehend the nature of communism -- then or later.

And where was Harry Truman? His hagiographers today present him as the plucky, courageous, little guy who stood up to world communism and led America into a new age of cosmopolitan internationalism. It is a description that millions of his adult contemporaries would have found unrecognizable. In fact, the public conduct of the Truman administration became the affirmation of people who said Truman was soft on communism. When Winston Churchill delivered his famous "Iron Curtain" speech at Fulton, Mo. in March 1946, Truman immediately disavowed the former British prime minister. Astonishing as it may seem to those who get their history from movies and TV, the American president invited Joseph Stalin to come to Fulton and give a speech presenting his side of the story. Truman actually offered to send the battleship Missouri to fetch the Soviet tyrant.

Truman also called the investigation of Alger Hiss "a red herring," encouraging the suspicion that the government was not really addressing the communist threat.

Millions of Americans of Polish, Hungarian, Estonian, Czech, German, Lithuanian, Latvian and Ukrainian extraction saw nations to which they had the closest emotional ties come under Soviet thrall, sometimes by actual arrangement with the American government or in the face of a murmured pro forma opposition by Washington.

Starting in Wisconsin, whence McCarthy hailed, the political fire storm he ignited burned brightest where these emigre populations were most concentrated. In the eyes of celebrity liberalism, those up in arms about the government's acceptance of communist ambition were the unappetizing people of the dull world of the lower middle class. They were the piano-legged babushkas of American politics, stolid Slavs and such, thick of finger and numb of mind.

In the ongoing kulturkampf dividing the society, the elites of Hollywood, Cambridge and liberal think-tankery had little sympathy for bow-legged men with their American Legion caps and their fat wives, their yapping about Yalta and the Katyn Forest. Catholic and kitsch, looking out of their picture windows at their flocks of pink plastic flamingos, the lower middles and their foreign policy anguish were too infra dig to be taken seriously.

Once a year these people would hold huge Captive Nation Day rallies in cities across the country, which Democratic politicians of taste and sensibility avoided. The only Democrats in evidence at these rallies of unstylish anti-communists were often dismissed by their social superiors as smarmy, corrupt, machine pols. Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belsen, all the Nazi concentration camps were dismantled, but the Gulag grew and left-liberals like California congresswoman Helen Gahagan Douglas and the editors at the New Republic magazine seemed not to care. Working class anti-communist voters did not fail to notice the disdain with which some of the liberal intelligentsia regarded them. The early 1950s, not coincidentally, marked the beginning of the great outmigration of the blue-collar workers from the Democratic Party.

When McCarthy and his congressional allies began to demand testimony from alleged communists about the infiltration that was real but undocumented (the Venona program then being the most sensitive of state secrets), liberals denounced them for "star chamber" tactics''.

You missed the fact that the Venona Program had a solid list of names on it. The FBI spent a lot of time and resources in compiling those names. And not everyone on that list were guilty either. But McCarthy went way beyond that. He went after everyone that ever publicly disagreed with him and that had nothing to do with the Venonal Program. He had those people so afraid they were turning each other in and most of it was fabricated. Finally, Eisenhower had enough when McCarthy and his goons went after his Military Generals who had openly disagreed with McCarthy over various subjects. They actually convicted very few because there were very few that were actually USSR Agents on the payroll to begin with. That part of justice was done. But the rest was just a travesty.

You have made some false and fallacious allegations regarding Senator McCarthy without any proof or of course we all know you like a useful idiot are just parroting the liberal left wing narrative put forth by those who wanted to put a stop to the investigation of communists in our government.

We also know the mainstream media gave much help to those who wanted to stop the investigtion of communist influence in our government as well they wanted to put a stop to flushing out soviet agents that had infiltrated our government.

In the early 1950s, a senator from the state of Wisconsin named Joseph McCarthy took it upon himself to expose the truth about communist infiltration of the United States government. Over a four-year period, Sen. McCarthy relentlessly sought to uncover the truth about why men and women who had been investigated and identified as security risks were allowed to continue in the employ of various bodies and agencies of the federal government, even after their possible connections to international communism had been revealed to their superiors.

Given how pervasive Cold War tensions were at that time, one would expect that Sen. McCarthy’s campaign to discover the truth about communist influence in the U.S. government would have drawn praise and appreciation from all quarters. But such was not the case. On the contrary, right from the beginning, McCarthy was vigorously attacked by the mainstream press who called him crazy, ignorant, boorish, crude, venal, rambling, bullying, opportunistic, obnoxious, dishonest, stupid, obscene, rude, unpleasant, ugly, asinine, ruthless, fascist, and contemptible—and the more attention McCarthy gained, the more vicious his critics in the Fourth Estate became. The American people took his charges seriously and supported his determined attempts to get at the truth, but the media and his political opponents—whose ranks included establishment Republicans as well as Democrats—never let up on McCarthy, and they were not satisfied until they had publicly disgraced him and hounded him into an early grave. In the decades that have passed since Joe McCarthy’s shooting star briefly blazed across the political horizon, the sullying of his reputation has continued unabated, and in the contemporary public imagination McCarthy’s name has come to be synonymous with abuse of power and the persecution of the innocent.

Joseph McCarthy has become arguably the most reviled figure in American history. But the profoundly negative interpretation of his life and his work that has been entered into the official historical record is based on distortions, misconceptions, and misinterpretations that have completely obscured the truth. In fact, the network of communist spies, subversives, and sources of information inside the U.S. government that McCarthy tried so hard to expose really did exist, and its activities were far more extensive and potentially dangerous to the security of the United States than McCarthy’s critics both then and now have ever been willing to admit. The image of Joseph McCarthy that is being passed down from generation to generation is a caricature that bears only a slight resemblance to the real man, and the creation of this caricature provides us with a classic example of how the myth-making machine of academia and the mainstream media continually obscures the truth about important people, events, and episodes in our history.

In May 1957, after the death of Sen. Joe McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover told former State Department official Harris Houston, widely known among intelligence agents as the leading expert on Communist infiltration of the federal government, that it would be another 50 years before the American people appreciated what Joe McCarthy had done for them.

In his new book "Blacklisted by History, The Untold Story of Senator Joseph McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies," M. Stanton Evans provides a meticulously documented examination of Joe's attempts to alert the American people to the extent of Communist infiltration of the federal government and other American institutions.

Case by case, Evans reveals the unimpeachable evidence that all of the so-called victims of McCarthy's crusade against Communist subversion — every single one of them — really were Communists and agents of a hostile foreign power: the Soviet Union. Evan's long decades of dogged research should at last put at rest the vicious slanders that plagued Joe McCarthy in his Senate career and followed him into the grave.

‘McCarthyism’ Reconsidered: The Real Truth About Joseph McCarthy And His Tireless Campaign Against International Communism - Off The Grid News

AIM Report: Looney Clooney Smears Senator McCarthy - January A

McCarthy Vindicated at Last

The Fourth Estate: Definition and Origins of the Term
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What you are not getting is that McCarthy was privy to the evidence collected by the venona project.....but at that time the venona project was Top Secret because the government did not want the Russians to know what we were doing.

Thus McCarthy's and Hoovers hands were tied as they had the hard evidence of who, what where and when.....yet, they could not reveal their source.

The NSA's top-secret program called Venona which intercepted messages between Moscow and its American agents proves McCarthy and Hoover were correct.

'The recent publication of a batch of Venona transcripts gives evidence that the Roosevelt and Truman administrations were rife with communist spies and political operatives who reported, directly or indirectly, to the Soviet government, much as their anti-communist opponents charged. The Age of McCarthyism, it turns out, was not the simple witch hunt of the innocent by the malevolent as two generations of high school and college students have been taught.

The sum and substance of this growing body of material is that: Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, executed in June 1953 for atomic espionage, were guilty; Alger Hiss, a darling of the establishment was guilty; and that dozens of lesser known persons such as Victor Perlo, Judith Coplon and Harry Gold, whose innocence of the accusations made against them had been a tenet of leftist faith for decades, were traitors or, at the least, the ideological vassals of a foreign power.

Even moderate politicians who insisted upon the fact -- and argued that these people might have influenced U.S. foreign policy -- were scorned. Sen. Robert Taft of Ohio said, "The greatest Kremlin asset in our history has been the pro-communist group in the State Department who surrendered to every demand of Russia at Yalta and Potsdam, and promoted at every opportunity the communist cause in China until today communism threatens to take over all of Asia." Secretary of State Dean Acheson, a pillar of the establishment, concluded that Taft had joined "the primitives."

The part played by Klaus Fuchs, a high-level physicist, who had worked at Los Alamos, has been known for many years, as has the treason of the Rosenbergs. Nevertheless, for as long as the subject was a hotly-disputed controversy, it was the practice in leftist circles to scoff at the rustic notion that the "secret" of the bomb could be stolen at all. Now we know, thanks to the latest Venona transcripts, that a Harvard-trained physicist named Theodore Alvin Hall was passing secrets about the instrument which changed world politics in the last half of the 20th century.

The disaster brought on by the end of the American atomic monopoly was not lost on the more perspicacious thinkers of the time. In 1947 Bertrand Russell, the British scientist, philosopher and pacifist leader, saw the monopoly as the world's only opportunity for preventing the Soviets from working their will on much of the globe. Noting the nature of "Asiatic communism" (which American liberals were often unable to see in its fullest dimensions), he argued for forcing Moscow into a humane capitulation, even if it took a military ultimatum to do it. But, as the right eye of American politics was blind to fascism in the 1930s, the left eye could not comprehend the nature of communism -- then or later.

And where was Harry Truman? His hagiographers today present him as the plucky, courageous, little guy who stood up to world communism and led America into a new age of cosmopolitan internationalism. It is a description that millions of his adult contemporaries would have found unrecognizable. In fact, the public conduct of the Truman administration became the affirmation of people who said Truman was soft on communism. When Winston Churchill delivered his famous "Iron Curtain" speech at Fulton, Mo. in March 1946, Truman immediately disavowed the former British prime minister. Astonishing as it may seem to those who get their history from movies and TV, the American president invited Joseph Stalin to come to Fulton and give a speech presenting his side of the story. Truman actually offered to send the battleship Missouri to fetch the Soviet tyrant.

Truman also called the investigation of Alger Hiss "a red herring," encouraging the suspicion that the government was not really addressing the communist threat.

Millions of Americans of Polish, Hungarian, Estonian, Czech, German, Lithuanian, Latvian and Ukrainian extraction saw nations to which they had the closest emotional ties come under Soviet thrall, sometimes by actual arrangement with the American government or in the face of a murmured pro forma opposition by Washington.

Starting in Wisconsin, whence McCarthy hailed, the political fire storm he ignited burned brightest where these emigre populations were most concentrated. In the eyes of celebrity liberalism, those up in arms about the government's acceptance of communist ambition were the unappetizing people of the dull world of the lower middle class. They were the piano-legged babushkas of American politics, stolid Slavs and such, thick of finger and numb of mind.

In the ongoing kulturkampf dividing the society, the elites of Hollywood, Cambridge and liberal think-tankery had little sympathy for bow-legged men with their American Legion caps and their fat wives, their yapping about Yalta and the Katyn Forest. Catholic and kitsch, looking out of their picture windows at their flocks of pink plastic flamingos, the lower middles and their foreign policy anguish were too infra dig to be taken seriously.

Once a year these people would hold huge Captive Nation Day rallies in cities across the country, which Democratic politicians of taste and sensibility avoided. The only Democrats in evidence at these rallies of unstylish anti-communists were often dismissed by their social superiors as smarmy, corrupt, machine pols. Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belsen, all the Nazi concentration camps were dismantled, but the Gulag grew and left-liberals like California congresswoman Helen Gahagan Douglas and the editors at the New Republic magazine seemed not to care. Working class anti-communist voters did not fail to notice the disdain with which some of the liberal intelligentsia regarded them. The early 1950s, not coincidentally, marked the beginning of the great outmigration of the blue-collar workers from the Democratic Party.

When McCarthy and his congressional allies began to demand testimony from alleged communists about the infiltration that was real but undocumented (the Venona program then being the most sensitive of state secrets), liberals denounced them for "star chamber" tactics''.

You missed the fact that the Venona Program had a solid list of names on it. The FBI spent a lot of time and resources in compiling those names. And not everyone on that list were guilty either. But McCarthy went way beyond that. He went after everyone that ever publicly disagreed with him and that had nothing to do with the Venonal Program. He had those people so afraid they were turning each other in and most of it was fabricated. Finally, Eisenhower had enough when McCarthy and his goons went after his Military Generals who had openly disagreed with McCarthy over various subjects. They actually convicted very few because there were very few that were actually USSR Agents on the payroll to begin with. That part of justice was done. But the rest was just a travesty.

You have made some false and fallacious allegations regarding Senator McCarthy without any proof or of course we all know you like a useful idiot are just parroting the liberal left wing narrative put forth by those who wanted to put a stop to the investigation of communists in our government.

We also know the mainstream media gave much help to those who wanted to stop the investigtion of communist influence in our government as well they wanted to put a stop to flushing out soviet agents that had infiltrated our government.

In the early 1950s, a senator from the state of Wisconsin named Joseph McCarthy took it upon himself to expose the truth about communist infiltration of the United States government. Over a four-year period, Sen. McCarthy relentlessly sought to uncover the truth about why men and women who had been investigated and identified as security risks were allowed to continue in the employ of various bodies and agencies of the federal government, even after their possible connections to international communism had been revealed to their superiors.

Given how pervasive Cold War tensions were at that time, one would expect that Sen. McCarthy’s campaign to discover the truth about communist influence in the U.S. government would have drawn praise and appreciation from all quarters. But such was not the case. On the contrary, right from the beginning, McCarthy was vigorously attacked by the mainstream press who called him crazy, ignorant, boorish, crude, venal, rambling, bullying, opportunistic, obnoxious, dishonest, stupid, obscene, rude, unpleasant, ugly, asinine, ruthless, fascist, and contemptible—and the more attention McCarthy gained, the more vicious his critics in the Fourth Estate became. The American people took his charges seriously and supported his determined attempts to get at the truth, but the media and his political opponents—whose ranks included establishment Republicans as well as Democrats—never let up on McCarthy, and they were not satisfied until they had publicly disgraced him and hounded him into an early grave. In the decades that have passed since Joe McCarthy’s shooting star briefly blazed across the political horizon, the sullying of his reputation has continued unabated, and in the contemporary public imagination McCarthy’s name has come to be synonymous with abuse of power and the persecution of the innocent.

Joseph McCarthy has become arguably the most reviled figure in American history. But the profoundly negative interpretation of his life and his work that has been entered into the official historical record is based on distortions, misconceptions, and misinterpretations that have completely obscured the truth. In fact, the network of communist spies, subversives, and sources of information inside the U.S. government that McCarthy tried so hard to expose really did exist, and its activities were far more extensive and potentially dangerous to the security of the United States than McCarthy’s critics both then and now have ever been willing to admit. The image of Joseph McCarthy that is being passed down from generation to generation is a caricature that bears only a slight resemblance to the real man, and the creation of this caricature provides us with a classic example of how the myth-making machine of academia and the mainstream media continually obscures the truth about important people, events, and episodes in our history.

In May 1957, after the death of Sen. Joe McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover told former State Department official Harris Houston, widely known among intelligence agents as the leading expert on Communist infiltration of the federal government, that it would be another 50 years before the American people appreciated what Joe McCarthy had done for them.

In his new book "Blacklisted by History, The Untold Story of Senator Joseph McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies," M. Stanton Evans provides a meticulously documented examination of Joe's attempts to alert the American people to the extent of Communist infiltration of the federal government and other American institutions.

Case by case, Evans reveals the unimpeachable evidence that all of the so-called victims of McCarthy's crusade against Communist subversion — every single one of them — really were Communists and agents of a hostile foreign power: the Soviet Union. Evan's long decades of dogged research should at last put at rest the vicious slanders that plagued Joe McCarthy in his Senate career and followed him into the grave.

‘McCarthyism’ Reconsidered: The Real Truth About Joseph McCarthy And His Tireless Campaign Against International Communism - Off The Grid News

AIM Report: Looney Clooney Smears Senator McCarthy - January A

McCarthy Vindicated at Last

The Fourth Estate: Definition and Origins of the Term

All of your cites come from ultrarightwing conspiracy sites.

Here are a few that are NOT from fringe conspiracy sites

How about
Joseph McCarthy

How about the Smithsonian
The Senator Who Stood Up to Joseph McCarthy When No One Else Would

How about from and the original censure that was ended his career.
The Censure Case of Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin (1954)

Have enough? Not to worry, history will end up treating the 3rd Red Scare no different. At some point, we are going to have to start cleaning up the people in power that are driving it. We have already started.

"Don't confuse liberals and progressives with Communists. Don't be a party to a violation of the civil rights of anyone. When this is done, you are playing right into the hands of the Communists."

applies here as well...

the fact is, the USA's black op's have 'networked' itself throughout Asia, S.America, and the M.E. for a century would have been exposed along with Joe's findings was a huge factor in it's discrediting

Not to worry, history will end up treating the 3rd Red Scare no different. At some point, we are going to have to start cleaning up the people in power that are driving it

the MIC can't survive w/out foisting a boogyman into the public realm

What you are not getting is that McCarthy was privy to the evidence collected by the venona project.....but at that time the venona project was Top Secret because the government did not want the Russians to know what we were doing.

Thus McCarthy's and Hoovers hands were tied as they had the hard evidence of who, what where and when.....yet, they could not reveal their source.

The NSA's top-secret program called Venona which intercepted messages between Moscow and its American agents proves McCarthy and Hoover were correct.

'The recent publication of a batch of Venona transcripts gives evidence that the Roosevelt and Truman administrations were rife with communist spies and political operatives who reported, directly or indirectly, to the Soviet government, much as their anti-communist opponents charged. The Age of McCarthyism, it turns out, was not the simple witch hunt of the innocent by the malevolent as two generations of high school and college students have been taught.

The sum and substance of this growing body of material is that: Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, executed in June 1953 for atomic espionage, were guilty; Alger Hiss, a darling of the establishment was guilty; and that dozens of lesser known persons such as Victor Perlo, Judith Coplon and Harry Gold, whose innocence of the accusations made against them had been a tenet of leftist faith for decades, were traitors or, at the least, the ideological vassals of a foreign power.

Even moderate politicians who insisted upon the fact -- and argued that these people might have influenced U.S. foreign policy -- were scorned. Sen. Robert Taft of Ohio said, "The greatest Kremlin asset in our history has been the pro-communist group in the State Department who surrendered to every demand of Russia at Yalta and Potsdam, and promoted at every opportunity the communist cause in China until today communism threatens to take over all of Asia." Secretary of State Dean Acheson, a pillar of the establishment, concluded that Taft had joined "the primitives."

The part played by Klaus Fuchs, a high-level physicist, who had worked at Los Alamos, has been known for many years, as has the treason of the Rosenbergs. Nevertheless, for as long as the subject was a hotly-disputed controversy, it was the practice in leftist circles to scoff at the rustic notion that the "secret" of the bomb could be stolen at all. Now we know, thanks to the latest Venona transcripts, that a Harvard-trained physicist named Theodore Alvin Hall was passing secrets about the instrument which changed world politics in the last half of the 20th century.

The disaster brought on by the end of the American atomic monopoly was not lost on the more perspicacious thinkers of the time. In 1947 Bertrand Russell, the British scientist, philosopher and pacifist leader, saw the monopoly as the world's only opportunity for preventing the Soviets from working their will on much of the globe. Noting the nature of "Asiatic communism" (which American liberals were often unable to see in its fullest dimensions), he argued for forcing Moscow into a humane capitulation, even if it took a military ultimatum to do it. But, as the right eye of American politics was blind to fascism in the 1930s, the left eye could not comprehend the nature of communism -- then or later.

And where was Harry Truman? His hagiographers today present him as the plucky, courageous, little guy who stood up to world communism and led America into a new age of cosmopolitan internationalism. It is a description that millions of his adult contemporaries would have found unrecognizable. In fact, the public conduct of the Truman administration became the affirmation of people who said Truman was soft on communism. When Winston Churchill delivered his famous "Iron Curtain" speech at Fulton, Mo. in March 1946, Truman immediately disavowed the former British prime minister. Astonishing as it may seem to those who get their history from movies and TV, the American president invited Joseph Stalin to come to Fulton and give a speech presenting his side of the story. Truman actually offered to send the battleship Missouri to fetch the Soviet tyrant.

Truman also called the investigation of Alger Hiss "a red herring," encouraging the suspicion that the government was not really addressing the communist threat.

Millions of Americans of Polish, Hungarian, Estonian, Czech, German, Lithuanian, Latvian and Ukrainian extraction saw nations to which they had the closest emotional ties come under Soviet thrall, sometimes by actual arrangement with the American government or in the face of a murmured pro forma opposition by Washington.

Starting in Wisconsin, whence McCarthy hailed, the political fire storm he ignited burned brightest where these emigre populations were most concentrated. In the eyes of celebrity liberalism, those up in arms about the government's acceptance of communist ambition were the unappetizing people of the dull world of the lower middle class. They were the piano-legged babushkas of American politics, stolid Slavs and such, thick of finger and numb of mind.

In the ongoing kulturkampf dividing the society, the elites of Hollywood, Cambridge and liberal think-tankery had little sympathy for bow-legged men with their American Legion caps and their fat wives, their yapping about Yalta and the Katyn Forest. Catholic and kitsch, looking out of their picture windows at their flocks of pink plastic flamingos, the lower middles and their foreign policy anguish were too infra dig to be taken seriously.

Once a year these people would hold huge Captive Nation Day rallies in cities across the country, which Democratic politicians of taste and sensibility avoided. The only Democrats in evidence at these rallies of unstylish anti-communists were often dismissed by their social superiors as smarmy, corrupt, machine pols. Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belsen, all the Nazi concentration camps were dismantled, but the Gulag grew and left-liberals like California congresswoman Helen Gahagan Douglas and the editors at the New Republic magazine seemed not to care. Working class anti-communist voters did not fail to notice the disdain with which some of the liberal intelligentsia regarded them. The early 1950s, not coincidentally, marked the beginning of the great outmigration of the blue-collar workers from the Democratic Party.

When McCarthy and his congressional allies began to demand testimony from alleged communists about the infiltration that was real but undocumented (the Venona program then being the most sensitive of state secrets), liberals denounced them for "star chamber" tactics''.

You missed the fact that the Venona Program had a solid list of names on it. The FBI spent a lot of time and resources in compiling those names. And not everyone on that list were guilty either. But McCarthy went way beyond that. He went after everyone that ever publicly disagreed with him and that had nothing to do with the Venonal Program. He had those people so afraid they were turning each other in and most of it was fabricated. Finally, Eisenhower had enough when McCarthy and his goons went after his Military Generals who had openly disagreed with McCarthy over various subjects. They actually convicted very few because there were very few that were actually USSR Agents on the payroll to begin with. That part of justice was done. But the rest was just a travesty.

You have made some false and fallacious allegations regarding Senator McCarthy without any proof or of course we all know you like a useful idiot are just parroting the liberal left wing narrative put forth by those who wanted to put a stop to the investigation of communists in our government.

We also know the mainstream media gave much help to those who wanted to stop the investigtion of communist influence in our government as well they wanted to put a stop to flushing out soviet agents that had infiltrated our government.

In the early 1950s, a senator from the state of Wisconsin named Joseph McCarthy took it upon himself to expose the truth about communist infiltration of the United States government. Over a four-year period, Sen. McCarthy relentlessly sought to uncover the truth about why men and women who had been investigated and identified as security risks were allowed to continue in the employ of various bodies and agencies of the federal government, even after their possible connections to international communism had been revealed to their superiors.

Given how pervasive Cold War tensions were at that time, one would expect that Sen. McCarthy’s campaign to discover the truth about communist influence in the U.S. government would have drawn praise and appreciation from all quarters. But such was not the case. On the contrary, right from the beginning, McCarthy was vigorously attacked by the mainstream press who called him crazy, ignorant, boorish, crude, venal, rambling, bullying, opportunistic, obnoxious, dishonest, stupid, obscene, rude, unpleasant, ugly, asinine, ruthless, fascist, and contemptible—and the more attention McCarthy gained, the more vicious his critics in the Fourth Estate became. The American people took his charges seriously and supported his determined attempts to get at the truth, but the media and his political opponents—whose ranks included establishment Republicans as well as Democrats—never let up on McCarthy, and they were not satisfied until they had publicly disgraced him and hounded him into an early grave. In the decades that have passed since Joe McCarthy’s shooting star briefly blazed across the political horizon, the sullying of his reputation has continued unabated, and in the contemporary public imagination McCarthy’s name has come to be synonymous with abuse of power and the persecution of the innocent.

Joseph McCarthy has become arguably the most reviled figure in American history. But the profoundly negative interpretation of his life and his work that has been entered into the official historical record is based on distortions, misconceptions, and misinterpretations that have completely obscured the truth. In fact, the network of communist spies, subversives, and sources of information inside the U.S. government that McCarthy tried so hard to expose really did exist, and its activities were far more extensive and potentially dangerous to the security of the United States than McCarthy’s critics both then and now have ever been willing to admit. The image of Joseph McCarthy that is being passed down from generation to generation is a caricature that bears only a slight resemblance to the real man, and the creation of this caricature provides us with a classic example of how the myth-making machine of academia and the mainstream media continually obscures the truth about important people, events, and episodes in our history.

In May 1957, after the death of Sen. Joe McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover told former State Department official Harris Houston, widely known among intelligence agents as the leading expert on Communist infiltration of the federal government, that it would be another 50 years before the American people appreciated what Joe McCarthy had done for them.

In his new book "Blacklisted by History, The Untold Story of Senator Joseph McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies," M. Stanton Evans provides a meticulously documented examination of Joe's attempts to alert the American people to the extent of Communist infiltration of the federal government and other American institutions.

Case by case, Evans reveals the unimpeachable evidence that all of the so-called victims of McCarthy's crusade against Communist subversion — every single one of them — really were Communists and agents of a hostile foreign power: the Soviet Union. Evan's long decades of dogged research should at last put at rest the vicious slanders that plagued Joe McCarthy in his Senate career and followed him into the grave.

‘McCarthyism’ Reconsidered: The Real Truth About Joseph McCarthy And His Tireless Campaign Against International Communism - Off The Grid News

AIM Report: Looney Clooney Smears Senator McCarthy - January A

McCarthy Vindicated at Last

The Fourth Estate: Definition and Origins of the Term

All of your cites come from ultrarightwing conspiracy sites.

Here are a few that are NOT from fringe conspiracy sites

How about
Joseph McCarthy

How about the Smithsonian
The Senator Who Stood Up to Joseph McCarthy When No One Else Would

How about from and the original censure that was ended his career.
The Censure Case of Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin (1954)

Have enough? Not to worry, history will end up treating the 3rd Red Scare no different. At some point, we are going to have to start cleaning up the people in power that are driving it. We have already started.

Everyone knows the msm, leftwingers, democrats, and moderate republican elitists all hated McCarthy nothing new or revealing in your desperate attempt to refute the truth about Joe MdCarthy.
What you are not getting is that McCarthy was privy to the evidence collected by the venona project.....but at that time the venona project was Top Secret because the government did not want the Russians to know what we were doing.

Thus McCarthy's and Hoovers hands were tied as they had the hard evidence of who, what where and when.....yet, they could not reveal their source.

The NSA's top-secret program called Venona which intercepted messages between Moscow and its American agents proves McCarthy and Hoover were correct.

'The recent publication of a batch of Venona transcripts gives evidence that the Roosevelt and Truman administrations were rife with communist spies and political operatives who reported, directly or indirectly, to the Soviet government, much as their anti-communist opponents charged. The Age of McCarthyism, it turns out, was not the simple witch hunt of the innocent by the malevolent as two generations of high school and college students have been taught.

The sum and substance of this growing body of material is that: Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, executed in June 1953 for atomic espionage, were guilty; Alger Hiss, a darling of the establishment was guilty; and that dozens of lesser known persons such as Victor Perlo, Judith Coplon and Harry Gold, whose innocence of the accusations made against them had been a tenet of leftist faith for decades, were traitors or, at the least, the ideological vassals of a foreign power.

Even moderate politicians who insisted upon the fact -- and argued that these people might have influenced U.S. foreign policy -- were scorned. Sen. Robert Taft of Ohio said, "The greatest Kremlin asset in our history has been the pro-communist group in the State Department who surrendered to every demand of Russia at Yalta and Potsdam, and promoted at every opportunity the communist cause in China until today communism threatens to take over all of Asia." Secretary of State Dean Acheson, a pillar of the establishment, concluded that Taft had joined "the primitives."

The part played by Klaus Fuchs, a high-level physicist, who had worked at Los Alamos, has been known for many years, as has the treason of the Rosenbergs. Nevertheless, for as long as the subject was a hotly-disputed controversy, it was the practice in leftist circles to scoff at the rustic notion that the "secret" of the bomb could be stolen at all. Now we know, thanks to the latest Venona transcripts, that a Harvard-trained physicist named Theodore Alvin Hall was passing secrets about the instrument which changed world politics in the last half of the 20th century.

The disaster brought on by the end of the American atomic monopoly was not lost on the more perspicacious thinkers of the time. In 1947 Bertrand Russell, the British scientist, philosopher and pacifist leader, saw the monopoly as the world's only opportunity for preventing the Soviets from working their will on much of the globe. Noting the nature of "Asiatic communism" (which American liberals were often unable to see in its fullest dimensions), he argued for forcing Moscow into a humane capitulation, even if it took a military ultimatum to do it. But, as the right eye of American politics was blind to fascism in the 1930s, the left eye could not comprehend the nature of communism -- then or later.

And where was Harry Truman? His hagiographers today present him as the plucky, courageous, little guy who stood up to world communism and led America into a new age of cosmopolitan internationalism. It is a description that millions of his adult contemporaries would have found unrecognizable. In fact, the public conduct of the Truman administration became the affirmation of people who said Truman was soft on communism. When Winston Churchill delivered his famous "Iron Curtain" speech at Fulton, Mo. in March 1946, Truman immediately disavowed the former British prime minister. Astonishing as it may seem to those who get their history from movies and TV, the American president invited Joseph Stalin to come to Fulton and give a speech presenting his side of the story. Truman actually offered to send the battleship Missouri to fetch the Soviet tyrant.

Truman also called the investigation of Alger Hiss "a red herring," encouraging the suspicion that the government was not really addressing the communist threat.

Millions of Americans of Polish, Hungarian, Estonian, Czech, German, Lithuanian, Latvian and Ukrainian extraction saw nations to which they had the closest emotional ties come under Soviet thrall, sometimes by actual arrangement with the American government or in the face of a murmured pro forma opposition by Washington.

Starting in Wisconsin, whence McCarthy hailed, the political fire storm he ignited burned brightest where these emigre populations were most concentrated. In the eyes of celebrity liberalism, those up in arms about the government's acceptance of communist ambition were the unappetizing people of the dull world of the lower middle class. They were the piano-legged babushkas of American politics, stolid Slavs and such, thick of finger and numb of mind.

In the ongoing kulturkampf dividing the society, the elites of Hollywood, Cambridge and liberal think-tankery had little sympathy for bow-legged men with their American Legion caps and their fat wives, their yapping about Yalta and the Katyn Forest. Catholic and kitsch, looking out of their picture windows at their flocks of pink plastic flamingos, the lower middles and their foreign policy anguish were too infra dig to be taken seriously.

Once a year these people would hold huge Captive Nation Day rallies in cities across the country, which Democratic politicians of taste and sensibility avoided. The only Democrats in evidence at these rallies of unstylish anti-communists were often dismissed by their social superiors as smarmy, corrupt, machine pols. Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belsen, all the Nazi concentration camps were dismantled, but the Gulag grew and left-liberals like California congresswoman Helen Gahagan Douglas and the editors at the New Republic magazine seemed not to care. Working class anti-communist voters did not fail to notice the disdain with which some of the liberal intelligentsia regarded them. The early 1950s, not coincidentally, marked the beginning of the great outmigration of the blue-collar workers from the Democratic Party.

When McCarthy and his congressional allies began to demand testimony from alleged communists about the infiltration that was real but undocumented (the Venona program then being the most sensitive of state secrets), liberals denounced them for "star chamber" tactics''.

You missed the fact that the Venona Program had a solid list of names on it. The FBI spent a lot of time and resources in compiling those names. And not everyone on that list were guilty either. But McCarthy went way beyond that. He went after everyone that ever publicly disagreed with him and that had nothing to do with the Venonal Program. He had those people so afraid they were turning each other in and most of it was fabricated. Finally, Eisenhower had enough when McCarthy and his goons went after his Military Generals who had openly disagreed with McCarthy over various subjects. They actually convicted very few because there were very few that were actually USSR Agents on the payroll to begin with. That part of justice was done. But the rest was just a travesty.

You have made some false and fallacious allegations regarding Senator McCarthy without any proof or of course we all know you like a useful idiot are just parroting the liberal left wing narrative put forth by those who wanted to put a stop to the investigation of communists in our government.

We also know the mainstream media gave much help to those who wanted to stop the investigtion of communist influence in our government as well they wanted to put a stop to flushing out soviet agents that had infiltrated our government.

In the early 1950s, a senator from the state of Wisconsin named Joseph McCarthy took it upon himself to expose the truth about communist infiltration of the United States government. Over a four-year period, Sen. McCarthy relentlessly sought to uncover the truth about why men and women who had been investigated and identified as security risks were allowed to continue in the employ of various bodies and agencies of the federal government, even after their possible connections to international communism had been revealed to their superiors.

Given how pervasive Cold War tensions were at that time, one would expect that Sen. McCarthy’s campaign to discover the truth about communist influence in the U.S. government would have drawn praise and appreciation from all quarters. But such was not the case. On the contrary, right from the beginning, McCarthy was vigorously attacked by the mainstream press who called him crazy, ignorant, boorish, crude, venal, rambling, bullying, opportunistic, obnoxious, dishonest, stupid, obscene, rude, unpleasant, ugly, asinine, ruthless, fascist, and contemptible—and the more attention McCarthy gained, the more vicious his critics in the Fourth Estate became. The American people took his charges seriously and supported his determined attempts to get at the truth, but the media and his political opponents—whose ranks included establishment Republicans as well as Democrats—never let up on McCarthy, and they were not satisfied until they had publicly disgraced him and hounded him into an early grave. In the decades that have passed since Joe McCarthy’s shooting star briefly blazed across the political horizon, the sullying of his reputation has continued unabated, and in the contemporary public imagination McCarthy’s name has come to be synonymous with abuse of power and the persecution of the innocent.

Joseph McCarthy has become arguably the most reviled figure in American history. But the profoundly negative interpretation of his life and his work that has been entered into the official historical record is based on distortions, misconceptions, and misinterpretations that have completely obscured the truth. In fact, the network of communist spies, subversives, and sources of information inside the U.S. government that McCarthy tried so hard to expose really did exist, and its activities were far more extensive and potentially dangerous to the security of the United States than McCarthy’s critics both then and now have ever been willing to admit. The image of Joseph McCarthy that is being passed down from generation to generation is a caricature that bears only a slight resemblance to the real man, and the creation of this caricature provides us with a classic example of how the myth-making machine of academia and the mainstream media continually obscures the truth about important people, events, and episodes in our history.

In May 1957, after the death of Sen. Joe McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover told former State Department official Harris Houston, widely known among intelligence agents as the leading expert on Communist infiltration of the federal government, that it would be another 50 years before the American people appreciated what Joe McCarthy had done for them.

In his new book "Blacklisted by History, The Untold Story of Senator Joseph McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies," M. Stanton Evans provides a meticulously documented examination of Joe's attempts to alert the American people to the extent of Communist infiltration of the federal government and other American institutions.

Case by case, Evans reveals the unimpeachable evidence that all of the so-called victims of McCarthy's crusade against Communist subversion — every single one of them — really were Communists and agents of a hostile foreign power: the Soviet Union. Evan's long decades of dogged research should at last put at rest the vicious slanders that plagued Joe McCarthy in his Senate career and followed him into the grave.

‘McCarthyism’ Reconsidered: The Real Truth About Joseph McCarthy And His Tireless Campaign Against International Communism - Off The Grid News

AIM Report: Looney Clooney Smears Senator McCarthy - January A

McCarthy Vindicated at Last

The Fourth Estate: Definition and Origins of the Term

All of your cites come from ultrarightwing conspiracy sites.

Here are a few that are NOT from fringe conspiracy sites

How about
Joseph McCarthy

How about the Smithsonian
The Senator Who Stood Up to Joseph McCarthy When No One Else Would

How about from and the original censure that was ended his career.
The Censure Case of Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin (1954)

Have enough? Not to worry, history will end up treating the 3rd Red Scare no different. At some point, we are going to have to start cleaning up the people in power that are driving it. We have already started.

Everyone knows the msm, leftwingers, democrats, and moderate republican elitists all hated McCarthy nothing new or revealing in your desperate attempt to refute the truth about Joe MdCarthy.

You didn't even bother to read my cites did you. Notice, no question mark. Mine came for historical sites. Yours came from conspiracy sites. Or from the great Conspirators of Hannity, Rump and Rush. I believe that most will believe the Historical information over the Conspiracy.

Do me a favor, let's not take the conspiracy any further or this thread will end up in the Conspiracy section of USMB.
Regarding the ongoing and unrelenting big-lie attack on Joe McCarthy from the left, a man who was simply doing the job he was elected to do, namely to guard our Constitution and our way of life against a conspiracy to undermine it,

"Liberals denounced McCarthy because they were afraid of getting caught, so they fought back like animals. ... McCarthy was not tilting at windmills. Soviet spies in the government were not a figment of right-wing imaginations. He was tilting at an authentic Communist conspiracy that had been laughed off by the Democratic Party."

It should be noted that it is certainly a protected right in this country for an individual to be a Communist. It is also a right for an individual to be a Nazi, or a Klansmen. Contrary to leftist agitprop, Joe McCarthy recognized this right, he expressed that recognition on many occasions, and he was quite careful to play by the rules in his investigation of government subversion.

Joe McCarthy, contrary to leftist lies, was involved in investigating the phenomenon of secret Communists operating within the federal government, nothing more and nothing less.

During his brief tenure in the U.S.Senate, Joe McCarthy confronted and uncovered the bizarre phenomenon of certain government officials, in some cases very highly placed and highly regarded government officials, as engaging in a concealment of their Communist involvement.

An analogous situation to the one that Joe McCarthy confronted would be if an al-Qaeda operative were working in the State Department or another sensitive agency of government today and keeping his affiliation secret.

Joe McCarthy demonstrated the fact that Communists had no more of a right to work in our government than would Nazis or Klansmen. The American people, conversely, have a right to know the political orientation of government officials who might be in a position to adversely influence the future of the country.

The liberal response to Joe McCarthy’s revelations, then and now, was to submit him and his reputation to a public auto-da-fe, one that continues to stand as an example of what the left will do to someone who dares to defy its agenda.

Coulter states: “While consistently rooting against America, liberals have used a fictional event forged of their own hysteria – 'McCarthyism' – to prevent Americans from ever asking the simple question: Do liberals love their country?”

Congratulations to Ann –may she have much success with this endeavor for the sake of all of us.

At a frightful sacrifice, even of his own well-being and life, Joe McCarthy was nevertheless successful in fulfilling the public obligation he shouldered. His work was not in vain. In spite of a campaign of vilification, hate and lies, Joe McCarthy successfully alerted the American public at large to the danger Communism posed.

Joe McCarthy’s career parallels that of Winston Churchill in that Churchill likewise tried to warn the British people about the impending danger of Nazism in the 1930s. Churchill was vilified before World War II but, like Joe McCarthy, Churchill understood his times and the nature of evil.

Human history can often hinge on the conscience and action of a single brave individual. We should remember with gratitude that the left failed in its attempt to silence Joe McCarthy as most Americans woke up in time to the Communists' treachery.

Joe McCarthy Vindicated, Again
Regarding the ongoing and unrelenting big-lie attack on Joe McCarthy from the left, a man who was simply doing the job he was elected to do, namely to guard our Constitution and our way of life against a conspiracy to undermine it,

"Liberals denounced McCarthy because they were afraid of getting caught, so they fought back like animals. ... McCarthy was not tilting at windmills. Soviet spies in the government were not a figment of right-wing imaginations. He was tilting at an authentic Communist conspiracy that had been laughed off by the Democratic Party."

It should be noted that it is certainly a protected right in this country for an individual to be a Communist. It is also a right for an individual to be a Nazi, or a Klansmen. Contrary to leftist agitprop, Joe McCarthy recognized this right, he expressed that recognition on many occasions, and he was quite careful to play by the rules in his investigation of government subversion.

Joe McCarthy, contrary to leftist lies, was involved in investigating the phenomenon of secret Communists operating within the federal government, nothing more and nothing less.

During his brief tenure in the U.S.Senate, Joe McCarthy confronted and uncovered the bizarre phenomenon of certain government officials, in some cases very highly placed and highly regarded government officials, as engaging in a concealment of their Communist involvement.

An analogous situation to the one that Joe McCarthy confronted would be if an al-Qaeda operative were working in the State Department or another sensitive agency of government today and keeping his affiliation secret.

Joe McCarthy demonstrated the fact that Communists had no more of a right to work in our government than would Nazis or Klansmen. The American people, conversely, have a right to know the political orientation of government officials who might be in a position to adversely influence the future of the country.

The liberal response to Joe McCarthy’s revelations, then and now, was to submit him and his reputation to a public auto-da-fe, one that continues to stand as an example of what the left will do to someone who dares to defy its agenda.

Coulter states: “While consistently rooting against America, liberals have used a fictional event forged of their own hysteria – 'McCarthyism' – to prevent Americans from ever asking the simple question: Do liberals love their country?”

Congratulations to Ann –may she have much success with this endeavor for the sake of all of us.

At a frightful sacrifice, even of his own well-being and life, Joe McCarthy was nevertheless successful in fulfilling the public obligation he shouldered. His work was not in vain. In spite of a campaign of vilification, hate and lies, Joe McCarthy successfully alerted the American public at large to the danger Communism posed.

Joe McCarthy’s career parallels that of Winston Churchill in that Churchill likewise tried to warn the British people about the impending danger of Nazism in the 1930s. Churchill was vilified before World War II but, like Joe McCarthy, Churchill understood his times and the nature of evil.

Human history can often hinge on the conscience and action of a single brave individual. We should remember with gratitude that the left failed in its attempt to silence Joe McCarthy as most Americans woke up in time to the Communists' treachery.

Joe McCarthy Vindicated, Again

Time to go all Eisenhower on you and thin the gene pool, there Joe. Have a nice day.

Hollywood Party: How Communism Seduced the American Film Industry in the 1930s and 1940s

Communist writers, actors, and directors, wealthy beyond the dreams of most Americans, posture as proletarian wage slaves as they try to influence the content of movies. From the days of the Popular Front through the Nazi-Soviet Pact and beyond World War II, they remain faithful to a regime whose brutality rivaled(exceeded) that of Hitler's Nazis.
What you are not getting is that McCarthy was privy to the evidence collected by the venona project.....but at that time the venona project was Top Secret because the government did not want the Russians to know what we were doing.

Thus McCarthy's and Hoovers hands were tied as they had the hard evidence of who, what where and when.....yet, they could not reveal their source.

The NSA's top-secret program called Venona which intercepted messages between Moscow and its American agents proves McCarthy and Hoover were correct.

'The recent publication of a batch of Venona transcripts gives evidence that the Roosevelt and Truman administrations were rife with communist spies and political operatives who reported, directly or indirectly, to the Soviet government, much as their anti-communist opponents charged. The Age of McCarthyism, it turns out, was not the simple witch hunt of the innocent by the malevolent as two generations of high school and college students have been taught.

The sum and substance of this growing body of material is that: Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, executed in June 1953 for atomic espionage, were guilty; Alger Hiss, a darling of the establishment was guilty; and that dozens of lesser known persons such as Victor Perlo, Judith Coplon and Harry Gold, whose innocence of the accusations made against them had been a tenet of leftist faith for decades, were traitors or, at the least, the ideological vassals of a foreign power.

Even moderate politicians who insisted upon the fact -- and argued that these people might have influenced U.S. foreign policy -- were scorned. Sen. Robert Taft of Ohio said, "The greatest Kremlin asset in our history has been the pro-communist group in the State Department who surrendered to every demand of Russia at Yalta and Potsdam, and promoted at every opportunity the communist cause in China until today communism threatens to take over all of Asia." Secretary of State Dean Acheson, a pillar of the establishment, concluded that Taft had joined "the primitives."

The part played by Klaus Fuchs, a high-level physicist, who had worked at Los Alamos, has been known for many years, as has the treason of the Rosenbergs. Nevertheless, for as long as the subject was a hotly-disputed controversy, it was the practice in leftist circles to scoff at the rustic notion that the "secret" of the bomb could be stolen at all. Now we know, thanks to the latest Venona transcripts, that a Harvard-trained physicist named Theodore Alvin Hall was passing secrets about the instrument which changed world politics in the last half of the 20th century.

The disaster brought on by the end of the American atomic monopoly was not lost on the more perspicacious thinkers of the time. In 1947 Bertrand Russell, the British scientist, philosopher and pacifist leader, saw the monopoly as the world's only opportunity for preventing the Soviets from working their will on much of the globe. Noting the nature of "Asiatic communism" (which American liberals were often unable to see in its fullest dimensions), he argued for forcing Moscow into a humane capitulation, even if it took a military ultimatum to do it. But, as the right eye of American politics was blind to fascism in the 1930s, the left eye could not comprehend the nature of communism -- then or later.

And where was Harry Truman? His hagiographers today present him as the plucky, courageous, little guy who stood up to world communism and led America into a new age of cosmopolitan internationalism. It is a description that millions of his adult contemporaries would have found unrecognizable. In fact, the public conduct of the Truman administration became the affirmation of people who said Truman was soft on communism. When Winston Churchill delivered his famous "Iron Curtain" speech at Fulton, Mo. in March 1946, Truman immediately disavowed the former British prime minister. Astonishing as it may seem to those who get their history from movies and TV, the American president invited Joseph Stalin to come to Fulton and give a speech presenting his side of the story. Truman actually offered to send the battleship Missouri to fetch the Soviet tyrant.

Truman also called the investigation of Alger Hiss "a red herring," encouraging the suspicion that the government was not really addressing the communist threat.

Millions of Americans of Polish, Hungarian, Estonian, Czech, German, Lithuanian, Latvian and Ukrainian extraction saw nations to which they had the closest emotional ties come under Soviet thrall, sometimes by actual arrangement with the American government or in the face of a murmured pro forma opposition by Washington.

Starting in Wisconsin, whence McCarthy hailed, the political fire storm he ignited burned brightest where these emigre populations were most concentrated. In the eyes of celebrity liberalism, those up in arms about the government's acceptance of communist ambition were the unappetizing people of the dull world of the lower middle class. They were the piano-legged babushkas of American politics, stolid Slavs and such, thick of finger and numb of mind.

In the ongoing kulturkampf dividing the society, the elites of Hollywood, Cambridge and liberal think-tankery had little sympathy for bow-legged men with their American Legion caps and their fat wives, their yapping about Yalta and the Katyn Forest. Catholic and kitsch, looking out of their picture windows at their flocks of pink plastic flamingos, the lower middles and their foreign policy anguish were too infra dig to be taken seriously.

Once a year these people would hold huge Captive Nation Day rallies in cities across the country, which Democratic politicians of taste and sensibility avoided. The only Democrats in evidence at these rallies of unstylish anti-communists were often dismissed by their social superiors as smarmy, corrupt, machine pols. Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belsen, all the Nazi concentration camps were dismantled, but the Gulag grew and left-liberals like California congresswoman Helen Gahagan Douglas and the editors at the New Republic magazine seemed not to care. Working class anti-communist voters did not fail to notice the disdain with which some of the liberal intelligentsia regarded them. The early 1950s, not coincidentally, marked the beginning of the great outmigration of the blue-collar workers from the Democratic Party.

When McCarthy and his congressional allies began to demand testimony from alleged communists about the infiltration that was real but undocumented (the Venona program then being the most sensitive of state secrets), liberals denounced them for "star chamber" tactics''.

You missed the fact that the Venona Program had a solid list of names on it. The FBI spent a lot of time and resources in compiling those names. And not everyone on that list were guilty either. But McCarthy went way beyond that. He went after everyone that ever publicly disagreed with him and that had nothing to do with the Venonal Program. He had those people so afraid they were turning each other in and most of it was fabricated. Finally, Eisenhower had enough when McCarthy and his goons went after his Military Generals who had openly disagreed with McCarthy over various subjects. They actually convicted very few because there were very few that were actually USSR Agents on the payroll to begin with. That part of justice was done. But the rest was just a travesty.

You have made some false and fallacious allegations regarding Senator McCarthy without any proof or of course we all know you like a useful idiot are just parroting the liberal left wing narrative put forth by those who wanted to put a stop to the investigation of communists in our government.

We also know the mainstream media gave much help to those who wanted to stop the investigtion of communist influence in our government as well they wanted to put a stop to flushing out soviet agents that had infiltrated our government.

In the early 1950s, a senator from the state of Wisconsin named Joseph McCarthy took it upon himself to expose the truth about communist infiltration of the United States government. Over a four-year period, Sen. McCarthy relentlessly sought to uncover the truth about why men and women who had been investigated and identified as security risks were allowed to continue in the employ of various bodies and agencies of the federal government, even after their possible connections to international communism had been revealed to their superiors.

Given how pervasive Cold War tensions were at that time, one would expect that Sen. McCarthy’s campaign to discover the truth about communist influence in the U.S. government would have drawn praise and appreciation from all quarters. But such was not the case. On the contrary, right from the beginning, McCarthy was vigorously attacked by the mainstream press who called him crazy, ignorant, boorish, crude, venal, rambling, bullying, opportunistic, obnoxious, dishonest, stupid, obscene, rude, unpleasant, ugly, asinine, ruthless, fascist, and contemptible—and the more attention McCarthy gained, the more vicious his critics in the Fourth Estate became. The American people took his charges seriously and supported his determined attempts to get at the truth, but the media and his political opponents—whose ranks included establishment Republicans as well as Democrats—never let up on McCarthy, and they were not satisfied until they had publicly disgraced him and hounded him into an early grave. In the decades that have passed since Joe McCarthy’s shooting star briefly blazed across the political horizon, the sullying of his reputation has continued unabated, and in the contemporary public imagination McCarthy’s name has come to be synonymous with abuse of power and the persecution of the innocent.

Joseph McCarthy has become arguably the most reviled figure in American history. But the profoundly negative interpretation of his life and his work that has been entered into the official historical record is based on distortions, misconceptions, and misinterpretations that have completely obscured the truth. In fact, the network of communist spies, subversives, and sources of information inside the U.S. government that McCarthy tried so hard to expose really did exist, and its activities were far more extensive and potentially dangerous to the security of the United States than McCarthy’s critics both then and now have ever been willing to admit. The image of Joseph McCarthy that is being passed down from generation to generation is a caricature that bears only a slight resemblance to the real man, and the creation of this caricature provides us with a classic example of how the myth-making machine of academia and the mainstream media continually obscures the truth about important people, events, and episodes in our history.

In May 1957, after the death of Sen. Joe McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover told former State Department official Harris Houston, widely known among intelligence agents as the leading expert on Communist infiltration of the federal government, that it would be another 50 years before the American people appreciated what Joe McCarthy had done for them.

In his new book "Blacklisted by History, The Untold Story of Senator Joseph McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies," M. Stanton Evans provides a meticulously documented examination of Joe's attempts to alert the American people to the extent of Communist infiltration of the federal government and other American institutions.

Case by case, Evans reveals the unimpeachable evidence that all of the so-called victims of McCarthy's crusade against Communist subversion — every single one of them — really were Communists and agents of a hostile foreign power: the Soviet Union. Evan's long decades of dogged research should at last put at rest the vicious slanders that plagued Joe McCarthy in his Senate career and followed him into the grave.

‘McCarthyism’ Reconsidered: The Real Truth About Joseph McCarthy And His Tireless Campaign Against International Communism - Off The Grid News

AIM Report: Looney Clooney Smears Senator McCarthy - January A

McCarthy Vindicated at Last

The Fourth Estate: Definition and Origins of the Term

All of your cites come from ultrarightwing conspiracy sites.

Here are a few that are NOT from fringe conspiracy sites

How about
Joseph McCarthy

How about the Smithsonian
The Senator Who Stood Up to Joseph McCarthy When No One Else Would

How about from and the original censure that was ended his career.
The Censure Case of Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin (1954)

Have enough? Not to worry, history will end up treating the 3rd Red Scare no different. At some point, we are going to have to start cleaning up the people in power that are driving it. We have already started.

Liberal Dictionary:
ultrarightwing conspiracy site - any source that has the facts rather than leftwing propaganda.

You cites disprove nothing. McCarthy was right about everything he said. Alger Hiss was a KGP spy, as were the Rosenbergs.
Regarding the ongoing and unrelenting big-lie attack on Joe McCarthy from the left, a man who was simply doing the job he was elected to do, namely to guard our Constitution and our way of life against a conspiracy to undermine it,

"Liberals denounced McCarthy because they were afraid of getting caught, so they fought back like animals. ... McCarthy was not tilting at windmills. Soviet spies in the government were not a figment of right-wing imaginations. He was tilting at an authentic Communist conspiracy that had been laughed off by the Democratic Party."

It should be noted that it is certainly a protected right in this country for an individual to be a Communist. It is also a right for an individual to be a Nazi, or a Klansmen. Contrary to leftist agitprop, Joe McCarthy recognized this right, he expressed that recognition on many occasions, and he was quite careful to play by the rules in his investigation of government subversion.

Joe McCarthy, contrary to leftist lies, was involved in investigating the phenomenon of secret Communists operating within the federal government, nothing more and nothing less.

During his brief tenure in the U.S.Senate, Joe McCarthy confronted and uncovered the bizarre phenomenon of certain government officials, in some cases very highly placed and highly regarded government officials, as engaging in a concealment of their Communist involvement.

An analogous situation to the one that Joe McCarthy confronted would be if an al-Qaeda operative were working in the State Department or another sensitive agency of government today and keeping his affiliation secret.

Joe McCarthy demonstrated the fact that Communists had no more of a right to work in our government than would Nazis or Klansmen. The American people, conversely, have a right to know the political orientation of government officials who might be in a position to adversely influence the future of the country.

The liberal response to Joe McCarthy’s revelations, then and now, was to submit him and his reputation to a public auto-da-fe, one that continues to stand as an example of what the left will do to someone who dares to defy its agenda.

Coulter states: “While consistently rooting against America, liberals have used a fictional event forged of their own hysteria – 'McCarthyism' – to prevent Americans from ever asking the simple question: Do liberals love their country?”

Congratulations to Ann –may she have much success with this endeavor for the sake of all of us.

At a frightful sacrifice, even of his own well-being and life, Joe McCarthy was nevertheless successful in fulfilling the public obligation he shouldered. His work was not in vain. In spite of a campaign of vilification, hate and lies, Joe McCarthy successfully alerted the American public at large to the danger Communism posed.

Joe McCarthy’s career parallels that of Winston Churchill in that Churchill likewise tried to warn the British people about the impending danger of Nazism in the 1930s. Churchill was vilified before World War II but, like Joe McCarthy, Churchill understood his times and the nature of evil.

Human history can often hinge on the conscience and action of a single brave individual. We should remember with gratitude that the left failed in its attempt to silence Joe McCarthy as most Americans woke up in time to the Communists' treachery.

Joe McCarthy Vindicated, Again

Time to go all Eisenhower on you and thin the gene pool, there Joe. Have a nice day.
He trashed your ass, moron.
What you are not getting is that McCarthy was privy to the evidence collected by the venona project.....but at that time the venona project was Top Secret because the government did not want the Russians to know what we were doing.

Thus McCarthy's and Hoovers hands were tied as they had the hard evidence of who, what where and when.....yet, they could not reveal their source.

The NSA's top-secret program called Venona which intercepted messages between Moscow and its American agents proves McCarthy and Hoover were correct.

'The recent publication of a batch of Venona transcripts gives evidence that the Roosevelt and Truman administrations were rife with communist spies and political operatives who reported, directly or indirectly, to the Soviet government, much as their anti-communist opponents charged. The Age of McCarthyism, it turns out, was not the simple witch hunt of the innocent by the malevolent as two generations of high school and college students have been taught.

The sum and substance of this growing body of material is that: Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, executed in June 1953 for atomic espionage, were guilty; Alger Hiss, a darling of the establishment was guilty; and that dozens of lesser known persons such as Victor Perlo, Judith Coplon and Harry Gold, whose innocence of the accusations made against them had been a tenet of leftist faith for decades, were traitors or, at the least, the ideological vassals of a foreign power.

Even moderate politicians who insisted upon the fact -- and argued that these people might have influenced U.S. foreign policy -- were scorned. Sen. Robert Taft of Ohio said, "The greatest Kremlin asset in our history has been the pro-communist group in the State Department who surrendered to every demand of Russia at Yalta and Potsdam, and promoted at every opportunity the communist cause in China until today communism threatens to take over all of Asia." Secretary of State Dean Acheson, a pillar of the establishment, concluded that Taft had joined "the primitives."

The part played by Klaus Fuchs, a high-level physicist, who had worked at Los Alamos, has been known for many years, as has the treason of the Rosenbergs. Nevertheless, for as long as the subject was a hotly-disputed controversy, it was the practice in leftist circles to scoff at the rustic notion that the "secret" of the bomb could be stolen at all. Now we know, thanks to the latest Venona transcripts, that a Harvard-trained physicist named Theodore Alvin Hall was passing secrets about the instrument which changed world politics in the last half of the 20th century.

The disaster brought on by the end of the American atomic monopoly was not lost on the more perspicacious thinkers of the time. In 1947 Bertrand Russell, the British scientist, philosopher and pacifist leader, saw the monopoly as the world's only opportunity for preventing the Soviets from working their will on much of the globe. Noting the nature of "Asiatic communism" (which American liberals were often unable to see in its fullest dimensions), he argued for forcing Moscow into a humane capitulation, even if it took a military ultimatum to do it. But, as the right eye of American politics was blind to fascism in the 1930s, the left eye could not comprehend the nature of communism -- then or later.

And where was Harry Truman? His hagiographers today present him as the plucky, courageous, little guy who stood up to world communism and led America into a new age of cosmopolitan internationalism. It is a description that millions of his adult contemporaries would have found unrecognizable. In fact, the public conduct of the Truman administration became the affirmation of people who said Truman was soft on communism. When Winston Churchill delivered his famous "Iron Curtain" speech at Fulton, Mo. in March 1946, Truman immediately disavowed the former British prime minister. Astonishing as it may seem to those who get their history from movies and TV, the American president invited Joseph Stalin to come to Fulton and give a speech presenting his side of the story. Truman actually offered to send the battleship Missouri to fetch the Soviet tyrant.

Truman also called the investigation of Alger Hiss "a red herring," encouraging the suspicion that the government was not really addressing the communist threat.

Millions of Americans of Polish, Hungarian, Estonian, Czech, German, Lithuanian, Latvian and Ukrainian extraction saw nations to which they had the closest emotional ties come under Soviet thrall, sometimes by actual arrangement with the American government or in the face of a murmured pro forma opposition by Washington.

Starting in Wisconsin, whence McCarthy hailed, the political fire storm he ignited burned brightest where these emigre populations were most concentrated. In the eyes of celebrity liberalism, those up in arms about the government's acceptance of communist ambition were the unappetizing people of the dull world of the lower middle class. They were the piano-legged babushkas of American politics, stolid Slavs and such, thick of finger and numb of mind.

In the ongoing kulturkampf dividing the society, the elites of Hollywood, Cambridge and liberal think-tankery had little sympathy for bow-legged men with their American Legion caps and their fat wives, their yapping about Yalta and the Katyn Forest. Catholic and kitsch, looking out of their picture windows at their flocks of pink plastic flamingos, the lower middles and their foreign policy anguish were too infra dig to be taken seriously.

Once a year these people would hold huge Captive Nation Day rallies in cities across the country, which Democratic politicians of taste and sensibility avoided. The only Democrats in evidence at these rallies of unstylish anti-communists were often dismissed by their social superiors as smarmy, corrupt, machine pols. Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belsen, all the Nazi concentration camps were dismantled, but the Gulag grew and left-liberals like California congresswoman Helen Gahagan Douglas and the editors at the New Republic magazine seemed not to care. Working class anti-communist voters did not fail to notice the disdain with which some of the liberal intelligentsia regarded them. The early 1950s, not coincidentally, marked the beginning of the great outmigration of the blue-collar workers from the Democratic Party.

When McCarthy and his congressional allies began to demand testimony from alleged communists about the infiltration that was real but undocumented (the Venona program then being the most sensitive of state secrets), liberals denounced them for "star chamber" tactics''.

You missed the fact that the Venona Program had a solid list of names on it. The FBI spent a lot of time and resources in compiling those names. And not everyone on that list were guilty either. But McCarthy went way beyond that. He went after everyone that ever publicly disagreed with him and that had nothing to do with the Venonal Program. He had those people so afraid they were turning each other in and most of it was fabricated. Finally, Eisenhower had enough when McCarthy and his goons went after his Military Generals who had openly disagreed with McCarthy over various subjects. They actually convicted very few because there were very few that were actually USSR Agents on the payroll to begin with. That part of justice was done. But the rest was just a travesty.

You have made some false and fallacious allegations regarding Senator McCarthy without any proof or of course we all know you like a useful idiot are just parroting the liberal left wing narrative put forth by those who wanted to put a stop to the investigation of communists in our government.

We also know the mainstream media gave much help to those who wanted to stop the investigtion of communist influence in our government as well they wanted to put a stop to flushing out soviet agents that had infiltrated our government.

In the early 1950s, a senator from the state of Wisconsin named Joseph McCarthy took it upon himself to expose the truth about communist infiltration of the United States government. Over a four-year period, Sen. McCarthy relentlessly sought to uncover the truth about why men and women who had been investigated and identified as security risks were allowed to continue in the employ of various bodies and agencies of the federal government, even after their possible connections to international communism had been revealed to their superiors.

Given how pervasive Cold War tensions were at that time, one would expect that Sen. McCarthy’s campaign to discover the truth about communist influence in the U.S. government would have drawn praise and appreciation from all quarters. But such was not the case. On the contrary, right from the beginning, McCarthy was vigorously attacked by the mainstream press who called him crazy, ignorant, boorish, crude, venal, rambling, bullying, opportunistic, obnoxious, dishonest, stupid, obscene, rude, unpleasant, ugly, asinine, ruthless, fascist, and contemptible—and the more attention McCarthy gained, the more vicious his critics in the Fourth Estate became. The American people took his charges seriously and supported his determined attempts to get at the truth, but the media and his political opponents—whose ranks included establishment Republicans as well as Democrats—never let up on McCarthy, and they were not satisfied until they had publicly disgraced him and hounded him into an early grave. In the decades that have passed since Joe McCarthy’s shooting star briefly blazed across the political horizon, the sullying of his reputation has continued unabated, and in the contemporary public imagination McCarthy’s name has come to be synonymous with abuse of power and the persecution of the innocent.

Joseph McCarthy has become arguably the most reviled figure in American history. But the profoundly negative interpretation of his life and his work that has been entered into the official historical record is based on distortions, misconceptions, and misinterpretations that have completely obscured the truth. In fact, the network of communist spies, subversives, and sources of information inside the U.S. government that McCarthy tried so hard to expose really did exist, and its activities were far more extensive and potentially dangerous to the security of the United States than McCarthy’s critics both then and now have ever been willing to admit. The image of Joseph McCarthy that is being passed down from generation to generation is a caricature that bears only a slight resemblance to the real man, and the creation of this caricature provides us with a classic example of how the myth-making machine of academia and the mainstream media continually obscures the truth about important people, events, and episodes in our history.

In May 1957, after the death of Sen. Joe McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover told former State Department official Harris Houston, widely known among intelligence agents as the leading expert on Communist infiltration of the federal government, that it would be another 50 years before the American people appreciated what Joe McCarthy had done for them.

In his new book "Blacklisted by History, The Untold Story of Senator Joseph McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies," M. Stanton Evans provides a meticulously documented examination of Joe's attempts to alert the American people to the extent of Communist infiltration of the federal government and other American institutions.

Case by case, Evans reveals the unimpeachable evidence that all of the so-called victims of McCarthy's crusade against Communist subversion — every single one of them — really were Communists and agents of a hostile foreign power: the Soviet Union. Evan's long decades of dogged research should at last put at rest the vicious slanders that plagued Joe McCarthy in his Senate career and followed him into the grave.

‘McCarthyism’ Reconsidered: The Real Truth About Joseph McCarthy And His Tireless Campaign Against International Communism - Off The Grid News

AIM Report: Looney Clooney Smears Senator McCarthy - January A

McCarthy Vindicated at Last

The Fourth Estate: Definition and Origins of the Term

All of your cites come from ultrarightwing conspiracy sites.

Here are a few that are NOT from fringe conspiracy sites

How about
Joseph McCarthy

How about the Smithsonian
The Senator Who Stood Up to Joseph McCarthy When No One Else Would

How about from and the original censure that was ended his career.
The Censure Case of Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin (1954)

Have enough? Not to worry, history will end up treating the 3rd Red Scare no different. At some point, we are going to have to start cleaning up the people in power that are driving it. We have already started.

Liberal Dictionary:
ultrarightwing conspiracy site - any source that has the facts rather than leftwing propaganda.

You cites disprove nothing. McCarthy was right about everything he said. Alger Hiss was a KGP spy, as were the Rosenbergs.

There were 27 odd names on that list that were correct. But there were over 100,000 that he wanted to call in front of the Senate and try them as Communists. Anyone that remotely disagreed with him got put on the "List". And that included US Military Top Leaders which is where Eisenhower drew the line and ordered an investigation into McCarthy's dealings. After viewing the investigation, McCarthy's own party (who was the major party in the senate) voted to have him censured. He was right 27 times (give or take) but wrong the other more than 100,000 times. Had it not been stopped, the hearings would have run well into the 1970s.
Regarding the ongoing and unrelenting big-lie attack on Joe McCarthy from the left, a man who was simply doing the job he was elected to do, namely to guard our Constitution and our way of life against a conspiracy to undermine it,

"Liberals denounced McCarthy because they were afraid of getting caught, so they fought back like animals. ... McCarthy was not tilting at windmills. Soviet spies in the government were not a figment of right-wing imaginations. He was tilting at an authentic Communist conspiracy that had been laughed off by the Democratic Party."

It should be noted that it is certainly a protected right in this country for an individual to be a Communist. It is also a right for an individual to be a Nazi, or a Klansmen. Contrary to leftist agitprop, Joe McCarthy recognized this right, he expressed that recognition on many occasions, and he was quite careful to play by the rules in his investigation of government subversion.

Joe McCarthy, contrary to leftist lies, was involved in investigating the phenomenon of secret Communists operating within the federal government, nothing more and nothing less.

During his brief tenure in the U.S.Senate, Joe McCarthy confronted and uncovered the bizarre phenomenon of certain government officials, in some cases very highly placed and highly regarded government officials, as engaging in a concealment of their Communist involvement.

An analogous situation to the one that Joe McCarthy confronted would be if an al-Qaeda operative were working in the State Department or another sensitive agency of government today and keeping his affiliation secret.

Joe McCarthy demonstrated the fact that Communists had no more of a right to work in our government than would Nazis or Klansmen. The American people, conversely, have a right to know the political orientation of government officials who might be in a position to adversely influence the future of the country.

The liberal response to Joe McCarthy’s revelations, then and now, was to submit him and his reputation to a public auto-da-fe, one that continues to stand as an example of what the left will do to someone who dares to defy its agenda.

Coulter states: “While consistently rooting against America, liberals have used a fictional event forged of their own hysteria – 'McCarthyism' – to prevent Americans from ever asking the simple question: Do liberals love their country?”

Congratulations to Ann –may she have much success with this endeavor for the sake of all of us.

At a frightful sacrifice, even of his own well-being and life, Joe McCarthy was nevertheless successful in fulfilling the public obligation he shouldered. His work was not in vain. In spite of a campaign of vilification, hate and lies, Joe McCarthy successfully alerted the American public at large to the danger Communism posed.

Joe McCarthy’s career parallels that of Winston Churchill in that Churchill likewise tried to warn the British people about the impending danger of Nazism in the 1930s. Churchill was vilified before World War II but, like Joe McCarthy, Churchill understood his times and the nature of evil.

Human history can often hinge on the conscience and action of a single brave individual. We should remember with gratitude that the left failed in its attempt to silence Joe McCarthy as most Americans woke up in time to the Communists' treachery.

Joe McCarthy Vindicated, Again

Time to go all Eisenhower on you and thin the gene pool, there Joe. Have a nice day.
He trashed your ass, moron.

Time to take out the trash and clean up the gene pool. Have a nice day.
What you are not getting is that McCarthy was privy to the evidence collected by the venona project.....but at that time the venona project was Top Secret because the government did not want the Russians to know what we were doing.

Thus McCarthy's and Hoovers hands were tied as they had the hard evidence of who, what where and when.....yet, they could not reveal their source.

The NSA's top-secret program called Venona which intercepted messages between Moscow and its American agents proves McCarthy and Hoover were correct.

'The recent publication of a batch of Venona transcripts gives evidence that the Roosevelt and Truman administrations were rife with communist spies and political operatives who reported, directly or indirectly, to the Soviet government, much as their anti-communist opponents charged. The Age of McCarthyism, it turns out, was not the simple witch hunt of the innocent by the malevolent as two generations of high school and college students have been taught.

The sum and substance of this growing body of material is that: Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, executed in June 1953 for atomic espionage, were guilty; Alger Hiss, a darling of the establishment was guilty; and that dozens of lesser known persons such as Victor Perlo, Judith Coplon and Harry Gold, whose innocence of the accusations made against them had been a tenet of leftist faith for decades, were traitors or, at the least, the ideological vassals of a foreign power.

Even moderate politicians who insisted upon the fact -- and argued that these people might have influenced U.S. foreign policy -- were scorned. Sen. Robert Taft of Ohio said, "The greatest Kremlin asset in our history has been the pro-communist group in the State Department who surrendered to every demand of Russia at Yalta and Potsdam, and promoted at every opportunity the communist cause in China until today communism threatens to take over all of Asia." Secretary of State Dean Acheson, a pillar of the establishment, concluded that Taft had joined "the primitives."

The part played by Klaus Fuchs, a high-level physicist, who had worked at Los Alamos, has been known for many years, as has the treason of the Rosenbergs. Nevertheless, for as long as the subject was a hotly-disputed controversy, it was the practice in leftist circles to scoff at the rustic notion that the "secret" of the bomb could be stolen at all. Now we know, thanks to the latest Venona transcripts, that a Harvard-trained physicist named Theodore Alvin Hall was passing secrets about the instrument which changed world politics in the last half of the 20th century.

The disaster brought on by the end of the American atomic monopoly was not lost on the more perspicacious thinkers of the time. In 1947 Bertrand Russell, the British scientist, philosopher and pacifist leader, saw the monopoly as the world's only opportunity for preventing the Soviets from working their will on much of the globe. Noting the nature of "Asiatic communism" (which American liberals were often unable to see in its fullest dimensions), he argued for forcing Moscow into a humane capitulation, even if it took a military ultimatum to do it. But, as the right eye of American politics was blind to fascism in the 1930s, the left eye could not comprehend the nature of communism -- then or later.

And where was Harry Truman? His hagiographers today present him as the plucky, courageous, little guy who stood up to world communism and led America into a new age of cosmopolitan internationalism. It is a description that millions of his adult contemporaries would have found unrecognizable. In fact, the public conduct of the Truman administration became the affirmation of people who said Truman was soft on communism. When Winston Churchill delivered his famous "Iron Curtain" speech at Fulton, Mo. in March 1946, Truman immediately disavowed the former British prime minister. Astonishing as it may seem to those who get their history from movies and TV, the American president invited Joseph Stalin to come to Fulton and give a speech presenting his side of the story. Truman actually offered to send the battleship Missouri to fetch the Soviet tyrant.

Truman also called the investigation of Alger Hiss "a red herring," encouraging the suspicion that the government was not really addressing the communist threat.

Millions of Americans of Polish, Hungarian, Estonian, Czech, German, Lithuanian, Latvian and Ukrainian extraction saw nations to which they had the closest emotional ties come under Soviet thrall, sometimes by actual arrangement with the American government or in the face of a murmured pro forma opposition by Washington.

Starting in Wisconsin, whence McCarthy hailed, the political fire storm he ignited burned brightest where these emigre populations were most concentrated. In the eyes of celebrity liberalism, those up in arms about the government's acceptance of communist ambition were the unappetizing people of the dull world of the lower middle class. They were the piano-legged babushkas of American politics, stolid Slavs and such, thick of finger and numb of mind.

In the ongoing kulturkampf dividing the society, the elites of Hollywood, Cambridge and liberal think-tankery had little sympathy for bow-legged men with their American Legion caps and their fat wives, their yapping about Yalta and the Katyn Forest. Catholic and kitsch, looking out of their picture windows at their flocks of pink plastic flamingos, the lower middles and their foreign policy anguish were too infra dig to be taken seriously.

Once a year these people would hold huge Captive Nation Day rallies in cities across the country, which Democratic politicians of taste and sensibility avoided. The only Democrats in evidence at these rallies of unstylish anti-communists were often dismissed by their social superiors as smarmy, corrupt, machine pols. Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belsen, all the Nazi concentration camps were dismantled, but the Gulag grew and left-liberals like California congresswoman Helen Gahagan Douglas and the editors at the New Republic magazine seemed not to care. Working class anti-communist voters did not fail to notice the disdain with which some of the liberal intelligentsia regarded them. The early 1950s, not coincidentally, marked the beginning of the great outmigration of the blue-collar workers from the Democratic Party.

When McCarthy and his congressional allies began to demand testimony from alleged communists about the infiltration that was real but undocumented (the Venona program then being the most sensitive of state secrets), liberals denounced them for "star chamber" tactics''.

You missed the fact that the Venona Program had a solid list of names on it. The FBI spent a lot of time and resources in compiling those names. And not everyone on that list were guilty either. But McCarthy went way beyond that. He went after everyone that ever publicly disagreed with him and that had nothing to do with the Venonal Program. He had those people so afraid they were turning each other in and most of it was fabricated. Finally, Eisenhower had enough when McCarthy and his goons went after his Military Generals who had openly disagreed with McCarthy over various subjects. They actually convicted very few because there were very few that were actually USSR Agents on the payroll to begin with. That part of justice was done. But the rest was just a travesty.

You have made some false and fallacious allegations regarding Senator McCarthy without any proof or of course we all know you like a useful idiot are just parroting the liberal left wing narrative put forth by those who wanted to put a stop to the investigation of communists in our government.

We also know the mainstream media gave much help to those who wanted to stop the investigtion of communist influence in our government as well they wanted to put a stop to flushing out soviet agents that had infiltrated our government.

In the early 1950s, a senator from the state of Wisconsin named Joseph McCarthy took it upon himself to expose the truth about communist infiltration of the United States government. Over a four-year period, Sen. McCarthy relentlessly sought to uncover the truth about why men and women who had been investigated and identified as security risks were allowed to continue in the employ of various bodies and agencies of the federal government, even after their possible connections to international communism had been revealed to their superiors.

Given how pervasive Cold War tensions were at that time, one would expect that Sen. McCarthy’s campaign to discover the truth about communist influence in the U.S. government would have drawn praise and appreciation from all quarters. But such was not the case. On the contrary, right from the beginning, McCarthy was vigorously attacked by the mainstream press who called him crazy, ignorant, boorish, crude, venal, rambling, bullying, opportunistic, obnoxious, dishonest, stupid, obscene, rude, unpleasant, ugly, asinine, ruthless, fascist, and contemptible—and the more attention McCarthy gained, the more vicious his critics in the Fourth Estate became. The American people took his charges seriously and supported his determined attempts to get at the truth, but the media and his political opponents—whose ranks included establishment Republicans as well as Democrats—never let up on McCarthy, and they were not satisfied until they had publicly disgraced him and hounded him into an early grave. In the decades that have passed since Joe McCarthy’s shooting star briefly blazed across the political horizon, the sullying of his reputation has continued unabated, and in the contemporary public imagination McCarthy’s name has come to be synonymous with abuse of power and the persecution of the innocent.

Joseph McCarthy has become arguably the most reviled figure in American history. But the profoundly negative interpretation of his life and his work that has been entered into the official historical record is based on distortions, misconceptions, and misinterpretations that have completely obscured the truth. In fact, the network of communist spies, subversives, and sources of information inside the U.S. government that McCarthy tried so hard to expose really did exist, and its activities were far more extensive and potentially dangerous to the security of the United States than McCarthy’s critics both then and now have ever been willing to admit. The image of Joseph McCarthy that is being passed down from generation to generation is a caricature that bears only a slight resemblance to the real man, and the creation of this caricature provides us with a classic example of how the myth-making machine of academia and the mainstream media continually obscures the truth about important people, events, and episodes in our history.

In May 1957, after the death of Sen. Joe McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover told former State Department official Harris Houston, widely known among intelligence agents as the leading expert on Communist infiltration of the federal government, that it would be another 50 years before the American people appreciated what Joe McCarthy had done for them.

In his new book "Blacklisted by History, The Untold Story of Senator Joseph McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies," M. Stanton Evans provides a meticulously documented examination of Joe's attempts to alert the American people to the extent of Communist infiltration of the federal government and other American institutions.

Case by case, Evans reveals the unimpeachable evidence that all of the so-called victims of McCarthy's crusade against Communist subversion — every single one of them — really were Communists and agents of a hostile foreign power: the Soviet Union. Evan's long decades of dogged research should at last put at rest the vicious slanders that plagued Joe McCarthy in his Senate career and followed him into the grave.

‘McCarthyism’ Reconsidered: The Real Truth About Joseph McCarthy And His Tireless Campaign Against International Communism - Off The Grid News

AIM Report: Looney Clooney Smears Senator McCarthy - January A

McCarthy Vindicated at Last

The Fourth Estate: Definition and Origins of the Term

All of your cites come from ultrarightwing conspiracy sites.

Here are a few that are NOT from fringe conspiracy sites

How about
Joseph McCarthy

How about the Smithsonian
The Senator Who Stood Up to Joseph McCarthy When No One Else Would

How about from and the original censure that was ended his career.
The Censure Case of Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin (1954)

Have enough? Not to worry, history will end up treating the 3rd Red Scare no different. At some point, we are going to have to start cleaning up the people in power that are driving it. We have already started.

Liberal Dictionary:
ultrarightwing conspiracy site - any source that has the facts rather than leftwing propaganda.

You cites disprove nothing. McCarthy was right about everything he said. Alger Hiss was a KGP spy, as were the Rosenbergs.

There were 27 odd names on that list that were correct. But there were over 100,000 that he wanted to call in front of the Senate and try them as Communists. Anyone that remotely disagreed with him got put on the "List". And that included US Military Top Leaders which is where Eisenhower drew the line and ordered an investigation into McCarthy's dealings. After viewing the investigation, McCarthy's own party (who was the major party in the senate) voted to have him censured. He was right 27 times (give or take) but wrong the other more than 100,000 times. Had it not been stopped, the hearings would have run well into the 1970s.

Total fucking bullshit. There was no list of 100,000. They had solid evidence that the people who were called in front of his committee were communists. It's obvious that you approve of communist spies infesting our government - you and every other useful idiot in this country.
Regarding the ongoing and unrelenting big-lie attack on Joe McCarthy from the left, a man who was simply doing the job he was elected to do, namely to guard our Constitution and our way of life against a conspiracy to undermine it,

"Liberals denounced McCarthy because they were afraid of getting caught, so they fought back like animals. ... McCarthy was not tilting at windmills. Soviet spies in the government were not a figment of right-wing imaginations. He was tilting at an authentic Communist conspiracy that had been laughed off by the Democratic Party."

It should be noted that it is certainly a protected right in this country for an individual to be a Communist. It is also a right for an individual to be a Nazi, or a Klansmen. Contrary to leftist agitprop, Joe McCarthy recognized this right, he expressed that recognition on many occasions, and he was quite careful to play by the rules in his investigation of government subversion.

Joe McCarthy, contrary to leftist lies, was involved in investigating the phenomenon of secret Communists operating within the federal government, nothing more and nothing less.

During his brief tenure in the U.S.Senate, Joe McCarthy confronted and uncovered the bizarre phenomenon of certain government officials, in some cases very highly placed and highly regarded government officials, as engaging in a concealment of their Communist involvement.

An analogous situation to the one that Joe McCarthy confronted would be if an al-Qaeda operative were working in the State Department or another sensitive agency of government today and keeping his affiliation secret.

Joe McCarthy demonstrated the fact that Communists had no more of a right to work in our government than would Nazis or Klansmen. The American people, conversely, have a right to know the political orientation of government officials who might be in a position to adversely influence the future of the country.

The liberal response to Joe McCarthy’s revelations, then and now, was to submit him and his reputation to a public auto-da-fe, one that continues to stand as an example of what the left will do to someone who dares to defy its agenda.

Coulter states: “While consistently rooting against America, liberals have used a fictional event forged of their own hysteria – 'McCarthyism' – to prevent Americans from ever asking the simple question: Do liberals love their country?”

Congratulations to Ann –may she have much success with this endeavor for the sake of all of us.

At a frightful sacrifice, even of his own well-being and life, Joe McCarthy was nevertheless successful in fulfilling the public obligation he shouldered. His work was not in vain. In spite of a campaign of vilification, hate and lies, Joe McCarthy successfully alerted the American public at large to the danger Communism posed.

Joe McCarthy’s career parallels that of Winston Churchill in that Churchill likewise tried to warn the British people about the impending danger of Nazism in the 1930s. Churchill was vilified before World War II but, like Joe McCarthy, Churchill understood his times and the nature of evil.

Human history can often hinge on the conscience and action of a single brave individual. We should remember with gratitude that the left failed in its attempt to silence Joe McCarthy as most Americans woke up in time to the Communists' treachery.

Joe McCarthy Vindicated, Again

Time to go all Eisenhower on you and thin the gene pool, there Joe. Have a nice day.
He trashed your ass, moron.

Time to take out the trash and clean up the gene pool. Have a nice day.

Does that mean you're going to kill yourself?
What you are not getting is that McCarthy was privy to the evidence collected by the venona project.....but at that time the venona project was Top Secret because the government did not want the Russians to know what we were doing.

Thus McCarthy's and Hoovers hands were tied as they had the hard evidence of who, what where and when.....yet, they could not reveal their source.

The NSA's top-secret program called Venona which intercepted messages between Moscow and its American agents proves McCarthy and Hoover were correct.

'The recent publication of a batch of Venona transcripts gives evidence that the Roosevelt and Truman administrations were rife with communist spies and political operatives who reported, directly or indirectly, to the Soviet government, much as their anti-communist opponents charged. The Age of McCarthyism, it turns out, was not the simple witch hunt of the innocent by the malevolent as two generations of high school and college students have been taught.

The sum and substance of this growing body of material is that: Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, executed in June 1953 for atomic espionage, were guilty; Alger Hiss, a darling of the establishment was guilty; and that dozens of lesser known persons such as Victor Perlo, Judith Coplon and Harry Gold, whose innocence of the accusations made against them had been a tenet of leftist faith for decades, were traitors or, at the least, the ideological vassals of a foreign power.

Even moderate politicians who insisted upon the fact -- and argued that these people might have influenced U.S. foreign policy -- were scorned. Sen. Robert Taft of Ohio said, "The greatest Kremlin asset in our history has been the pro-communist group in the State Department who surrendered to every demand of Russia at Yalta and Potsdam, and promoted at every opportunity the communist cause in China until today communism threatens to take over all of Asia." Secretary of State Dean Acheson, a pillar of the establishment, concluded that Taft had joined "the primitives."

The part played by Klaus Fuchs, a high-level physicist, who had worked at Los Alamos, has been known for many years, as has the treason of the Rosenbergs. Nevertheless, for as long as the subject was a hotly-disputed controversy, it was the practice in leftist circles to scoff at the rustic notion that the "secret" of the bomb could be stolen at all. Now we know, thanks to the latest Venona transcripts, that a Harvard-trained physicist named Theodore Alvin Hall was passing secrets about the instrument which changed world politics in the last half of the 20th century.

The disaster brought on by the end of the American atomic monopoly was not lost on the more perspicacious thinkers of the time. In 1947 Bertrand Russell, the British scientist, philosopher and pacifist leader, saw the monopoly as the world's only opportunity for preventing the Soviets from working their will on much of the globe. Noting the nature of "Asiatic communism" (which American liberals were often unable to see in its fullest dimensions), he argued for forcing Moscow into a humane capitulation, even if it took a military ultimatum to do it. But, as the right eye of American politics was blind to fascism in the 1930s, the left eye could not comprehend the nature of communism -- then or later.

And where was Harry Truman? His hagiographers today present him as the plucky, courageous, little guy who stood up to world communism and led America into a new age of cosmopolitan internationalism. It is a description that millions of his adult contemporaries would have found unrecognizable. In fact, the public conduct of the Truman administration became the affirmation of people who said Truman was soft on communism. When Winston Churchill delivered his famous "Iron Curtain" speech at Fulton, Mo. in March 1946, Truman immediately disavowed the former British prime minister. Astonishing as it may seem to those who get their history from movies and TV, the American president invited Joseph Stalin to come to Fulton and give a speech presenting his side of the story. Truman actually offered to send the battleship Missouri to fetch the Soviet tyrant.

Truman also called the investigation of Alger Hiss "a red herring," encouraging the suspicion that the government was not really addressing the communist threat.

Millions of Americans of Polish, Hungarian, Estonian, Czech, German, Lithuanian, Latvian and Ukrainian extraction saw nations to which they had the closest emotional ties come under Soviet thrall, sometimes by actual arrangement with the American government or in the face of a murmured pro forma opposition by Washington.

Starting in Wisconsin, whence McCarthy hailed, the political fire storm he ignited burned brightest where these emigre populations were most concentrated. In the eyes of celebrity liberalism, those up in arms about the government's acceptance of communist ambition were the unappetizing people of the dull world of the lower middle class. They were the piano-legged babushkas of American politics, stolid Slavs and such, thick of finger and numb of mind.

In the ongoing kulturkampf dividing the society, the elites of Hollywood, Cambridge and liberal think-tankery had little sympathy for bow-legged men with their American Legion caps and their fat wives, their yapping about Yalta and the Katyn Forest. Catholic and kitsch, looking out of their picture windows at their flocks of pink plastic flamingos, the lower middles and their foreign policy anguish were too infra dig to be taken seriously.

Once a year these people would hold huge Captive Nation Day rallies in cities across the country, which Democratic politicians of taste and sensibility avoided. The only Democrats in evidence at these rallies of unstylish anti-communists were often dismissed by their social superiors as smarmy, corrupt, machine pols. Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belsen, all the Nazi concentration camps were dismantled, but the Gulag grew and left-liberals like California congresswoman Helen Gahagan Douglas and the editors at the New Republic magazine seemed not to care. Working class anti-communist voters did not fail to notice the disdain with which some of the liberal intelligentsia regarded them. The early 1950s, not coincidentally, marked the beginning of the great outmigration of the blue-collar workers from the Democratic Party.

When McCarthy and his congressional allies began to demand testimony from alleged communists about the infiltration that was real but undocumented (the Venona program then being the most sensitive of state secrets), liberals denounced them for "star chamber" tactics''.

You missed the fact that the Venona Program had a solid list of names on it. The FBI spent a lot of time and resources in compiling those names. And not everyone on that list were guilty either. But McCarthy went way beyond that. He went after everyone that ever publicly disagreed with him and that had nothing to do with the Venonal Program. He had those people so afraid they were turning each other in and most of it was fabricated. Finally, Eisenhower had enough when McCarthy and his goons went after his Military Generals who had openly disagreed with McCarthy over various subjects. They actually convicted very few because there were very few that were actually USSR Agents on the payroll to begin with. That part of justice was done. But the rest was just a travesty.

You have made some false and fallacious allegations regarding Senator McCarthy without any proof or of course we all know you like a useful idiot are just parroting the liberal left wing narrative put forth by those who wanted to put a stop to the investigation of communists in our government.

We also know the mainstream media gave much help to those who wanted to stop the investigtion of communist influence in our government as well they wanted to put a stop to flushing out soviet agents that had infiltrated our government.

In the early 1950s, a senator from the state of Wisconsin named Joseph McCarthy took it upon himself to expose the truth about communist infiltration of the United States government. Over a four-year period, Sen. McCarthy relentlessly sought to uncover the truth about why men and women who had been investigated and identified as security risks were allowed to continue in the employ of various bodies and agencies of the federal government, even after their possible connections to international communism had been revealed to their superiors.

Given how pervasive Cold War tensions were at that time, one would expect that Sen. McCarthy’s campaign to discover the truth about communist influence in the U.S. government would have drawn praise and appreciation from all quarters. But such was not the case. On the contrary, right from the beginning, McCarthy was vigorously attacked by the mainstream press who called him crazy, ignorant, boorish, crude, venal, rambling, bullying, opportunistic, obnoxious, dishonest, stupid, obscene, rude, unpleasant, ugly, asinine, ruthless, fascist, and contemptible—and the more attention McCarthy gained, the more vicious his critics in the Fourth Estate became. The American people took his charges seriously and supported his determined attempts to get at the truth, but the media and his political opponents—whose ranks included establishment Republicans as well as Democrats—never let up on McCarthy, and they were not satisfied until they had publicly disgraced him and hounded him into an early grave. In the decades that have passed since Joe McCarthy’s shooting star briefly blazed across the political horizon, the sullying of his reputation has continued unabated, and in the contemporary public imagination McCarthy’s name has come to be synonymous with abuse of power and the persecution of the innocent.

Joseph McCarthy has become arguably the most reviled figure in American history. But the profoundly negative interpretation of his life and his work that has been entered into the official historical record is based on distortions, misconceptions, and misinterpretations that have completely obscured the truth. In fact, the network of communist spies, subversives, and sources of information inside the U.S. government that McCarthy tried so hard to expose really did exist, and its activities were far more extensive and potentially dangerous to the security of the United States than McCarthy’s critics both then and now have ever been willing to admit. The image of Joseph McCarthy that is being passed down from generation to generation is a caricature that bears only a slight resemblance to the real man, and the creation of this caricature provides us with a classic example of how the myth-making machine of academia and the mainstream media continually obscures the truth about important people, events, and episodes in our history.

In May 1957, after the death of Sen. Joe McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover told former State Department official Harris Houston, widely known among intelligence agents as the leading expert on Communist infiltration of the federal government, that it would be another 50 years before the American people appreciated what Joe McCarthy had done for them.

In his new book "Blacklisted by History, The Untold Story of Senator Joseph McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies," M. Stanton Evans provides a meticulously documented examination of Joe's attempts to alert the American people to the extent of Communist infiltration of the federal government and other American institutions.

Case by case, Evans reveals the unimpeachable evidence that all of the so-called victims of McCarthy's crusade against Communist subversion — every single one of them — really were Communists and agents of a hostile foreign power: the Soviet Union. Evan's long decades of dogged research should at last put at rest the vicious slanders that plagued Joe McCarthy in his Senate career and followed him into the grave.

‘McCarthyism’ Reconsidered: The Real Truth About Joseph McCarthy And His Tireless Campaign Against International Communism - Off The Grid News

AIM Report: Looney Clooney Smears Senator McCarthy - January A

McCarthy Vindicated at Last

The Fourth Estate: Definition and Origins of the Term

All of your cites come from ultrarightwing conspiracy sites.

Here are a few that are NOT from fringe conspiracy sites

How about
Joseph McCarthy

How about the Smithsonian
The Senator Who Stood Up to Joseph McCarthy When No One Else Would

How about from and the original censure that was ended his career.
The Censure Case of Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin (1954)

Have enough? Not to worry, history will end up treating the 3rd Red Scare no different. At some point, we are going to have to start cleaning up the people in power that are driving it. We have already started.

Liberal Dictionary:
ultrarightwing conspiracy site - any source that has the facts rather than leftwing propaganda.

You cites disprove nothing. McCarthy was right about everything he said. Alger Hiss was a KGP spy, as were the Rosenbergs.

There were 27 odd names on that list that were correct. But there were over 100,000 that he wanted to call in front of the Senate and try them as Communists. Anyone that remotely disagreed with him got put on the "List". And that included US Military Top Leaders which is where Eisenhower drew the line and ordered an investigation into McCarthy's dealings. After viewing the investigation, McCarthy's own party (who was the major party in the senate) voted to have him censured. He was right 27 times (give or take) but wrong the other more than 100,000 times. Had it not been stopped, the hearings would have run well into the 1970s.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa absolutely ridiculous claim.....what's your source for that propaganda boyo....let me guess...Pravda?
McCarthy, whatever his subsequent reputation, was effective in causing a great deal of collateral damage among the enemies of freedom. It is an analogy drawn, appropriately, from the Book of Judges. At last in Evans’ book we may have a valid judgement of McCarthy’s work, and of blood which cries out from the ground, not just for vindication but for succession and continuation.

The Vindication of Joe McCarthy - LewRockwell
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