The Multi Quote Abuse


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Can something be done about that crap? Doing it to address a few folks is fine, but the way it is being used now is just flat out obnoxious.
Can something be done about that crap? Doing it to address a few folks is fine, but the way it is being used now is just flat out obnoxious.

I wondered if this might become some kind of exploit used for abuse. Already noticing 'Disagree' coming in floods setting off false-positive Alerts.
I know there's a feature that eliminates all the quotes, except the one you're responding to. I've never had to do that in another forum, but here I've had to do it manually every time I respond to someone and it gets old.
I know for a fact that if a quote tower gets too big—too long, too intricate—it could crash the server.

Just throwin' that out there.

Delta4Embassy said:
I wondered if this might become some kind of exploit used for abuse. Already noticing 'Disagree' coming in floods setting off false-positive Alerts.

Stop writing threads about forcing children to watch their parents having sex, and watch that change, weirdo.
It sucks. I just now turned off all my alerts due to having towers of quotes and non stop scrolling just to get to the end of it.
And it especially sucks that people are doing it for fun and to irritate other readers.
I liked this new format, especially the alert function but now I won't use it at all. And, any thread that has the Monster Quote Towers..I will back out of from now on.
It sucks. I just now turned off all my alerts due to having towers of quotes and non stop scrolling just to get to the end of it.
And it especially sucks that people are doing it for fun and to irritate other readers.
I liked this new format, especially the alert function but now I won't use it at all. And, any thread that has the Monster Quote Towers..I will back out of from now on.

Just break off the quotes into individual boxes, like:

a mean gang of smiling yet snarky sharts said:
Hello, it's us: the sharts. We are here to bring you candy.

someone who doesn't want to meet a shart said:
But why, shart? No one sent for you.

a gallon of generic bleach said:
I don't think I'm alone when I say that I'm gettin' tired of runnin' into you here, shart.

a mean gang of smiling yet snarky sharts said:
You got it all wrong, bleach: we sharts are the ones doing the runnin'. We go where the fiber is high. And you will never stop us. Ever. :badgrin:

Problem solved.

(Well, tell the gallon of bleach that, but ...) :thup:
Those who are all full of themselves will quote themselves...which will make a HUGE mess and totally disrupt any topic going on. Case in point...Gismo. He's back as LordGismo, quoting himself. And there is no strike across his first name so that function is not working unless he is UNbanned. But then, if he is,...he is using TWO names now.
Logging in this morning I was stunned to have 87 Alerts waiting for me. The flattery rapidly faded realizing most of them were gonna be (and were) multiquotes. But I might have a work-around,

To ensure your multiquoted reply gets attention from who you're quoting do it along with an Agree/Disagree. Bright green Agree icon or red X stands out among the clutter, and adds a kind of 'this is a real reply' designation. Extra step I know, but better than false positives.
The nested quotes SUCKS. Scroll scroll scroll scroll...just to get to the end of it all. If anything makes people bail, it will be that feature. The abuse of it is rampant.
The nested quotes SUCKS. Scroll scroll scroll scroll...just to get to the end of it all. If anything makes people bail, it will be that feature. The abuse of it is rampant.

It's not technically "abuse" since there's no poster action taken; it's negligence. Posters need to strip out the irrelevant fluff, or else be cursed with a post no one wants to navigate.

However it is becoming clear that the unwashed won't bother to do that, so I'm still suggesting the site keep the nesting but limit it. I think the previous vBulletin board had three levels (?) which was sometimes not enough. I might suggest slightly a higher limit, like five. Seven is not bad. But our tests where we went to 20 and more are clearly unreadable.

As for mentions, though I've never paid any attention to them I can see where repeating them in quotes can be problematic for those who do. Could said mentions be automatically disabled when they appear in a quote, as opposed to in a post?
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I have always edited them down by deleting the non-pertinent posts, manually.

It's a waste of bandwidth and kind of confusing. If you edit the multi-post down it will draw more attention to what you are trying to respond to.

Problem solved.
(Well, tell the gallon of bleach that, but ...) :thup:

People need to edit the quotes. Its an add-on so its either/or. There is no allowing a certain number before it stops.

I prefer the way it handles quotes natively (only one quote) keeps the conversation moving forward and makes people actually read.

Nested quotes are pointless and only benefit those who are too lazy to read and keep up with a thread.
People need to edit the quotes. Its an add-on so its either/or. There is no allowing a certain number before it stops.

I prefer the way it handles quotes natively (only one quote) keeps the conversation moving forward and makes people actually read.

Nested quotes are pointless and only benefit those who are too lazy to read and keep up with a thread.

As I've explained by suggesting people disable the scripts. Doing that on mine, when I Reply it only quotes the last 1 post even if there are multi-quotes. With the usmb script ON though it'll reply with the whole string of quotes.

Btw, "A Lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of a sheep." That may be, but a lion with no sheep dies of hunger. :)
People need to edit the quotes. Its an add-on so its either/or. There is no allowing a certain number before it stops.

I prefer the way it handles quotes natively (only one quote) keeps the conversation moving forward and makes people actually read.

Nested quotes are pointless and only benefit those who are too lazy to read and keep up with a thread.

Sure can't agree there. There are countless times I and I'm sure others read a post where if the context is not given, makes no sense or worse, implies something it doesn't mean. It's a lot easier to read it right in front of one's eyes than to go wading back, maybe several pages, by which time you've lost the mental momentum. Which is crucial. That's my impression as a reader anyway.

I infer that there's no way to set a nest limit then, that's good info. Posters will just have to self-edit. To my eyes over the last few days, after some frivolous experiments to see what would happen, that self-editing has improved. Let's give it time.
People need to edit the quotes. Its an add-on so its either/or. There is no allowing a certain number before it stops.

I prefer the way it handles quotes natively (only one quote) keeps the conversation moving forward and makes people actually read.

Nested quotes are pointless and only benefit those who are too lazy to read and keep up with a thread.

Having experienced that 'only one quote' function at another site, it isn't a matter of laziness. It is pure practicality to be able to keep some kind of context. Yes, you can hit the little button to see what the person is responding to, but then there is no way to automatically return to the post you want to address, and in a fast moving thread that can require a lot of scrolling and searching through several pages. So, in a spirited discussion, keeping the context is very time consuming which not only interrupts the flow, but makes it too frustrating to even participate sometimes.

The nested quotes are great for most members but if the number of nests cannot be limited as they were before, we do need to push a protocol asking members to clean them up and take off the top layers as needed. Some folks don't care about being socially helpful, but I think enough of us can teach ourselves to automatically do that so the issue isn't that much of a problem.

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