The Mormon Church and the Lost Tribes of Israel


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
The Mormon Church and the Lost Tribes of Israel

For many years, the Mormon Church has claimed that Native Americans were the descendants of one of the lost tribes of Israel that migrated to the Americas around 600 B.C. In addition, according to Mormon doctrine, this tribe divided into two groups, the Nephites, who were whites, and the Lamanites, who became black as a punishment for worshiping idols.

NOT. Black race from Cush and White cursed race of Canaan.

However, DNA tests have contradicted the teachings of the Mormon Church. In an article written by William Lobdell and published in the Los Angeles Times on February 16, 2006, Lobdell said that the Mormon Church has disregarded DNA evidence as irrelevant.
…..DNA evidence showing that the ancestors of American natives came from Asia, not the Middle East.

My Grandson's class tested DNA and his was 89.6% Asia and rest European.

For Mormons, the lack of discernible Hebrew blood in Native Americans is no minor collision between faith and science. It burrows into the historical foundations of the Book of Mormon, a 175-year-old transcription that the church regards as literal and without error.:lol::eusa_liar:

Dr. Claude Mariottini - Professor of Old Testament: The Mormon Church and the Lost Tribes of Israel

Changes to Latter-day Scripture: LDS Leaders Have Made Thousands of Changes to Mormon Scriptures — Why?

By Joel B. Groat

"LDS leaders have added and deleted words and tampered with previously published revelations by writing in new material and falsely attributing it to an earlier date."

But they have not change Alma 3;-7, (1 Nephi 12:23) a dark and loathsome and a filthy people, full of idleness and all manner of abominations [/B has not been removed from the Mormon bible. Does that mean it still stands?

Changes to LDS scriptures: Over 4,000 in Book of Mormon, D&C and PGP

Joseph obviously was schizophrenic.or walking it the woods chewing on mushrooms he found.
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There's so much wrong with the Mormon Church that I don't know where to start.

Well actually I do. Joseph Smith was a Free Mason. That really explains a lot.
But they have not change Alma 3;-7, (1 Nephi 12:23) a dark and loathsome and a filthy people, full of idleness and all manner of abominations

If the Mormons want us to believe their information is from God, they're going to have to come up with something that not everyone already knows.
Let it go lefties. Mormons are good people and you are starting to look like drooling bigots.

I agree that most Mormons I have met are decent people - that does not make the religion racist to the core, and based on some very, very strange ideas.

Jesus visited the US on his way to heaven?


Tea must be avoided as a stimulant?

Give me a break.
So you think an all powerful God couldn't have his Son visit his covenant people throughout the world?

Not sure what lil was trying to get out. It's rather difficult say that certain DNA isn't present somewhere when you don't have the original DNA to compare it.

And I'd hate to point out the obvious, but the Middle East is in Asia...
So you think an all powerful God couldn't have his Son visit his covenant people throughout the world?

The issue isn't could/couldn't, it's did/didn't.

Not sure what lil was trying to get out. It's rather difficult say that certain DNA isn't present somewhere when you don't have the original DNA to compare it.

Issac was the brother of of Ishmael, the father of the Arab peoples.

And I'd hate to point out the obvious, but the Middle East is in Asia...

American Indians have DNA showing Oriental ancestry, not Arab ancestry.
Really, kiddies, what IS the point of dogging somebody else's religion?

Because YOU think its silly?

Who the fuck cares?

I might agree with your complaints 100% but you complaining about the other religion is even sillier than their silly beliefs, in my opinion.
Let it go lefties. Mormons are good people and you are starting to look like drooling bigots.

No doubt that Mormons are good people, but they belong to a cult and follow a lie. Do you know what they teach and how many time their teaching has been revised? and now many times the christian bible has been revised? Never. God word is the same today as it was thousands of years ago. Written over a span of 1600 years, by 40 authors in 3 continents and all writtens concide with each other? Joseph only use the gold plates he found and only he could translate and only the Old Testament. Because the NT do no condone the 34 wives he had. and it was allowed in the OT.
It is the oblication of every christian to expose false religion and there no no truth in the Book of Mormons that conincide with the bible. Read the Mormon Reader and it sound like a badly written fairy tale. It's an absolute joke. The color black is not a curse. The color white is.
Really, kiddies, what IS the point of dogging somebody else's religion?

Because YOU think its silly?

Who the fuck cares?

I might agree with your complaints 100% but you complaining about the other religion is even sillier than their silly beliefs, in my opinion.

There is only one true religion and it is the obligation of every follower of Christ's teachings to expose false teachings. The call to expose false teachers is found throughout the Scriptures. Deuteronomy 13 makes it clear that the responsibility of exposing false teachers belongs to all God’s people. Jesus in Matthew 23:23-33 uses very strong language to warn the people of the falsehood of the Pharisees and Scribes. He called them hypocrites, whitewashed sepulchres, serpents and a brood of vipers. Warnings about false teachers appear throughout the Epistles of Paul, Peter, James, Jude and John.
Christian mean Christ like and Christ said follow me and not Joseph Smith. and the bible said do not add or take away from the word of God and there is nothing NEW under the sun and the gosple of Joseph Smith is a NEW gospel.
It is my duty as a christian to expose false teachings not in the bible.:eusa_whistle:

If you don't give a fuck, you should because your very salvation depends on it.
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Let it go lefties. Mormons are good people and you are starting to look like drooling bigots.

No doubt that Mormons are good people, but they belong to a cult and follow a lie. Do you know what they teach and how many time their teaching has been revised? and now many times the christian bible has been revised? Never. God word is the same today as it was thousands of years ago. Written over a span of 1600 years, by 40 authors in 3 continents and all writtens concide with each other? Joseph only use the gold plates he found and only he could translate and only the Old Testament. Because the NT do no condone the 34 wives he had. and it was allowed in the OT.
It is the oblication of every christian to expose false religion and there no no truth in the Book of Mormons that conincide with the bible. Read the Mormon Reader and it sound like a badly written fairy tale. It's an absolute joke. The color black is not a curse. The color white is.

Why Are There Different Versions Of The Bible???

When people hear there are over 50 different versions of the Bible in English alone
Let it go lefties. Mormons are good people and you are starting to look like drooling bigots.

No doubt that Mormons are good people, but they belong to a cult and follow a lie. Do you know what they teach and how many time their teaching has been revised? and now many times the christian bible has been revised? Never. God word is the same today as it was thousands of years ago. Written over a span of 1600 years, by 40 authors in 3 continents and all writtens concide with each other? Joseph only use the gold plates he found and only he could translate and only the Old Testament. Because the NT do no condone the 34 wives he had. and it was allowed in the OT.
It is the oblication of every christian to expose false religion and there no no truth in the Book of Mormons that conincide with the bible. Read the Mormon Reader and it sound like a badly written fairy tale. It's an absolute joke. The color black is not a curse. The color white is.

A lot, actually.
now many times the christian bible has been revised? Never.

A lot, actually.

Okay, you've proven that your skull is full of shit. Do you want a prize?

If you can show that there has been any change from the original manuscripts to a modern Greek/Hebrew copy, that change will be removed. There Bible has never been revised.

Compare to the Book of Mormon or the Koran, where there are known changes, and no willingness to remove those changes.

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