The left continues to deny basic science

Data is usually adjusted. The unemployment rate is adjusted to take out seasonal changes. Some data is adjusted for inflation.

Temperature data taken over urban areas is adjusted.

The urban temp data should be adjusted DOWN, but isn't in those "warmest months" bullshit.

Economic data gets adjusted because it is a SAMPLE of the data, not the complete set. Temp data is the complete set, at least for that point in time. The only reason to "adjust" temp data is because the actual data does not support a given hypothesis that some left wing liar is bilking the taxpayer for...


is not science. It is FUDGE...

Fuck’n hilarious that you fell for that shit.
  1. Why does she need a “graduate assistant”? Too lazy to do the work herself?
  2. Why did she work on the grant with 3 other people but not work on the research with them?
  3. It’s more than just the money. It’s the luxury of earning a living without ever having to produce any results. Guess what happens if she takes a job with one of those oil companies she keeps talking about? She has to produce serious results on time, every time, or her ass is shown the door. At the university basement? She can submit “papers” whenever she want - and they don’t even have to be accurate.

That is total bullshit. Schools provide pressure for research.

Publish or perisdh. I
those the media claims are "experts..."

I am claiming that the most relevant scientists are the experts, and virtually all of them are saying that AGW is happening to some extent. There is not a conspiracy. That's what they actually believe. How would the most educated and qualified people on Earth have missed all of the things you think are in plain sight that contradict AGW? Maybe they're not actually missing anything and you are just an ignorant twat that understands approximately dick compared to them.
What you ignore is that all these so-called "experts" have a vested interest in the public believing the hoax. Their motives have been corrupted. The government put them on its payroll and thereby bought them off.

They've been caught fudging the numbers numerous times.
Another bullshit post.

Data is usually adjusted. The unemployment rate is adjusted to take out seasonal changes. Some data is adjusted for inflation.

Temperature data taken over urban areas is adjusted.

What's the science just above "basic science"? Now if Patriot can give us that, America will be on it's way?
And where did you get your phd in science from again?
Like global warming?

I don't know about P@triot, but the esteemed Dr. Ivar Giaever got his Ph.D in physics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York before winning the f-ing Nobel Prize in physics, and subsequently declaring man-made climate change to be a pseudo-scientific hoax that has taken on the characteristics of "a new religion."

He's 90 and got the noble prize in 1960. Of course he is going to side with the conservatives that know better , their denial is fake.
And where did you get your phd in science from again?
Like global warming?

I don't know about P@triot, but the esteemed Dr. Ivar Giaever got his Ph.D in physics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York before winning the f-ing Nobel Prize in physics, and subsequently declaring man-made climate change to be a pseudo-scientific hoax that has taken on the characteristics of "a new religion."

He's 90 and got the noble prize in 1960. Of course he is going to side with the conservatives that know better , their denial is fake.
So your objection to his criticism is that he is old?
Nothing here but politics no science at all.
Right? That's what the left-wing ideology does. Destroys science and replaces it with politics. Sad.

Yep. "Prime Example: "My Body, My Choice".

In fact, DNA science proves that the babe in the womb is a unique individual person, not just part of my body. But short slogan's work better for the ignorant and uninformed, sort of like "Change".
Data is usually adjusted. The unemployment rate is adjusted to take out seasonal changes. Some data is adjusted for inflation.

Temperature data taken over urban areas is adjusted.

The urban temp data should be adjusted DOWN, but isn't in those "warmest months" bullshit.

Economic data gets adjusted because it is a SAMPLE of the data, not the complete set. Temp data is the complete set, at least for that point in time. The only reason to "adjust" temp data is because the actual data does not support a given hypothesis that some left wing liar is bilking the taxpayer for...


is not science. It is FUDGE...
Urban temps are adjusted because they tend to be warmer because of the rooftops & concrete.

Just like employment data is seasonally adjusted.

You assfucks are so stupid that you pretend to know science when you don't know shit.
In fact, DNA science proves that the babe in the womb is a unique individual person, not just part of my body.

Nah, that's just some stupid shit that your cult told you to say, and you don't have the intelligence to understand it was stupid shit. Your cult deliberately preys on the stupid, so it's not really your fault. You're not intellectually capable of resisting the propaganda onslaught.

As for P@triot, he's recently been telling me that humans can't cause forest fires, since things that happened naturally in the past can't be caused by humans now. A few guppies short of an aquarium, that one is.
So your objection to his criticism is that he is old?

No, our objection is that his loopy claims are debunked by the hard data. And some of them are just dishonest. But then, he is a paid Heartland shill, so that's expected. He's paid well to make such crap up.

Remember, follow the money. All the corrupting money goes to the denier side, so all of the sleaze and corruption is on the denier side.

In stark contrast, the honest scientists refuse the denier bribes. The could double their salaries if they agreed to lie, but they don't. They effectively take a pay cut to tell the truth, which gives them even more credibility

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