The law MUST be applied EQUALLY

He was pregnant. It was as much his baby as hers. So your position doesn't hold up. The law must be applies equally. If it is ok for a woman to have an abortion - then by law that same right must be extended to a man as well.

What do you not get about it's her body and not his?

And even if it should be the case where a man ccould force a woman to have an abortion, it's a legal issue and not a private one. You address your legislatures to have a law created for that ability. Then the court decides on the appropriate acton needed to settle the dispute.

And not that it would ever happen, but if it did, the footage of such cases of a woman being dragged to have her baby killed would really gain a lot of support from the American public:

Um....abortions are currently legal. So this is as stupid as saying "when you suggest an officially licensed driver gets behind the wheel of an automobile - you are suggesting that people take the law into their own hands".

Yes, abortions are legal for a woman to get, but it's not legal for a man to give her an abortion against her will. Sex is legal as well, but guess what? You can't force a woman to have sex against her will either. That's called rape and you end up in prison for about 20 years.
Date rape drugs are illegal. Abortions are completely legal. Why do you keep coming up with absurd analogies that don't apply? You can point to something illegal as "proof" of doing something that is legal as being "wrong" in your mind.

Yes, date rape drugs are illegal and the pill isn't, but they both involve the same sinister act of tricking somebody to take it against their will. That's the illegal part.
What do you not get about it's her body and not his?

What do you not get about the fact that it is not her body? She was not aborted. She was not murdered. She was not poisoned. She was not harmed in any capacity. The legally approved, FDA approved, doctor approved method for abortions was implemented.

No matter how many times you attempt your false narrative, it won't change the truth.
Um....abortions are currently legal. So this is as stupid as saying "when you suggest an officially licensed driver gets behind the wheel of an automobile - you are suggesting that people take the law into their own hands".

Yes, abortions are legal for a woman to get, but it's not legal for a man to give her an abortion against her will. Sex is legal as well, but guess what? You can't force a woman to have sex against her will either. That's called rape and you end up in prison for about 20 years.
Except that we don't have laws that say it is ok for a woman to rape a man, do we? The law is applied equally. Our system of justice, and the U.S. Constitution itself, requires that the law be applied equally. So if the Supreme Court tomorrow ruled in Rowed vs. Waded that it is ok for a woman to rape a man, than instantly it would be ok for a man to rape a woman. That's just how our legal system works, junior. You can't say it's ok for a black woman to have an abortion and not a white woman. And you can't say it's ok for a man to have a job and not a woman. And you can't say it's ok for a woman to have an abortion and not a man. The law must be applied equally.

You're analogy is nonsensical since we don't have laws allowing women to rape men. Rape is illegal for everyone. If you want to make abortion illegal for everyone (which I think is the only logical thing to do), then you can hold this man responsible for a crime. Otherwise, you're not applying the law equally and that is illegal in this country.
Date rape drugs are illegal. Abortions are completely legal. Why do you keep coming up with absurd analogies that don't apply? You can point to something illegal as "proof" of doing something that is legal as being "wrong" in your mind.

Yes, date rape drugs are illegal and the pill isn't, but they both involve the same sinister act of tricking somebody to take it against their will. That's the illegal part.
Except that there is nothing "sinister" about the law being applied equally. If a woman can have an abortion without the consent of a man, then it is absolutely required by law that a man can have an abortion without the consent of a woman. And that's what this gentlemen did here.

And his subsequent arrest and conviction is proof that the entire liberal narrative on abortions is a massive lie. On one hand they are adamant that an unborn fetus is not a person. But if a man has an abortion, they claim that a baby was murdered. Wait....what?!? How can something that isn't a person be murdered?!? :cuckoo:
When men have uterus-es and can get pregnant, then come back and talk to me....
Ask and ye shall receive Care4all. Here is your side of the aisle insisting that a man can have a uterus and give birth. As usual - progressivism contradicting itself...
  • Of course, this news comes only days after Brown University announced it will be putting tampons in the men’s room because, according to the Ivy League school, “not all the people who menstruate are women.”
  • And that news came to us a couple of days after Time published an article titled, “My Brother’s Pregnancy,” which tells the inspiring story of a woman who “became a man” and then decided that “he” still wanted to have a baby.
  • They now treat biological facts with utter contempt and hatred, deriding anyone who so much as acknowledges them. It’s only a matter of time before anatomy textbooks are being burned in bonfires and those caught reading them are forced to publicly renounce their heretical belief in the female uterus.
  • And I suspect that even as liberals are barbecuing science books and dancing around the flames chanting LGBT slogans, they’ll still accuse conservatives of being the “anti-science” ones. “Stop hating science! OK, the fire’s ready. Pass me that science book.”
Liberals, You Can’t Pretend to Be ‘Pro-Science’ While You Claim That Men Can Have Babies
When men have uterus-es and can get pregnant, then come back and talk to me....
Ask and ye shall receive Care4all. Here is your side of the aisle insisting that a man can have a uterus and give birth. As usual - progressivism contradicting itself...
  • Of course, this news comes only days after Brown University announced it will be putting tampons in the men’s room because, according to the Ivy League school, “not all the people who menstruate are women.”
  • And that news came to us a couple of days after Time published an article titled, “My Brother’s Pregnancy,” which tells the inspiring story of a woman who “became a man” and then decided that “he” still wanted to have a baby.
  • They now treat biological facts with utter contempt and hatred, deriding anyone who so much as acknowledges them. It’s only a matter of time before anatomy textbooks are being burned in bonfires and those caught reading them are forced to publicly renounce their heretical belief in the female uterus.
  • And I suspect that even as liberals are barbecuing science books and dancing around the flames chanting LGBT slogans, they’ll still accuse conservatives of being the “anti-science” ones. “Stop hating science! OK, the fire’s ready. Pass me that science book.”
Liberals, You Can’t Pretend to Be ‘Pro-Science’ While You Claim That Men Can Have Babies
They are painting a target on tranny's backs.

If a woman is menstruating then she isn't getting testosterone shots ffs.
You ain't forced to have unprotected sex wh the chick . If you do and she gets preggy, that's your fault .

And the law is equal . Parents are responsible for the kids they have even if they didn't want them .
I really don't think that is the same thing because she wanted to have the kid. Abortion, as it stands, says the mother has the sole choice in the matter. Anyone else who forces her to have an abortion is killing the fetus. The irony is that if she does it herself then it is considered legal.
Liberals refuse to apply the law equally or apply their beliefs consistently. They only apply it when it is advantageous to them and reject it when it isn't advantageous to them. Here is another perfect example...

Remee Lee was elated when she became pregnant, but those feelings quickly turned into a nightmare that won't let go of her. Her boyfriend wasn't happy about the pregnancy, but it was Lee's dream to have a child. Until her boyfriend, John Andrew Welden, took that dream away. This week, Welden, 28, pleaded guilty to killing their unborn baby. How? He tricked Lee into taking an abortion pill, causing her to miscarry.

Man tricks pregnant girlfriend into taking abortion pill -

If it is ok and legal for a woman to have an abortion that it is absolutely ok and legal for a man to have an abortion. Anything less than that is an injustice. The law applies to all citizens equally. There is no way that a man can be charged with a crime for doing the exact same thing that any woman is legally permitted to do.

This fails as a false comparison fallacy, exhibiting a comprehensive ignorance of the law.

You’re confusing civil law and substantive due process concerning privacy rights with that of criminal law and procedural due process.

The right to privacy safeguards the protected liberty of a woman to decide whether to have a child nor not, free from unwarranted interference from the state – a decision the woman makes of her own accord, effecting only the woman.

The man committed a crime because he acted without the woman’s consent – a criminal act that was committed against the woman as an individual, where neither the state nor another person has the right to compel a woman to give birth against her will, or end a woman’s pregnancy against her will.

Your thread premise fails as a consequence of your ignorance and stupidity, as in fact liberals do apply the law equally and apply their beliefs consistently – because unlike most on the right, liberals understand the law.

And don’t give us that ignorant, rightwing rot about how the embryo/fetus is ‘adversely effected’ when a woman elects to terminate her pregnancy – an embryo/fetus is not a ‘person,’ as a settled and accepted fact of law beyond dispute it is entitled to no Constitutional protections.

That was a lot of blabber just to essentially say "nuh uhn!" That's all you've said.
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You ain't forced to have unprotected sex wh the chick . If you do and she gets preggy, that's your fault .

And the law is equal . Parents are responsible for the kids they have even if they didn't want them .

But it's not her fault? That's how fucking stupid and hypocritical left wingers are.

Parents are equally responsible but they don't have an equal choice of whether the have them. The woman has the choice and the man has none, yet he's financially responsible.

That's leftwing hypocrisy in a nutshell.
Liberals refuse to apply the law equally or apply their beliefs consistently. They only apply it when it is advantageous to them and reject it when it isn't advantageous to them. Here is another perfect example...

Remee Lee was elated when she became pregnant, but those feelings quickly turned into a nightmare that won't let go of her. Her boyfriend wasn't happy about the pregnancy, but it was Lee's dream to have a child. Until her boyfriend, John Andrew Welden, took that dream away. This week, Welden, 28, pleaded guilty to killing their unborn baby. How? He tricked Lee into taking an abortion pill, causing her to miscarry.

Man tricks pregnant girlfriend into taking abortion pill -

If it is ok and legal for a woman to have an abortion that it is absolutely ok and legal for a man to have an abortion. Anything less than that is an injustice. The law applies to all citizens equally. There is no way that a man can be charged with a crime for doing the exact same thing that any woman is legally permitted to do.

You can't drug other people for any reason. Would you say it's okay if somebody did that to your daughter?

True, but that doesn't justify a murder charge. If you gave someone a Xanax without their knowledge, what would the charge be?
You ain't forced to have unprotected sex wh the chick . If you do and she gets preggy, that's your fault .

And the law is equal . Parents are responsible for the kids they have even if they didn't want them .
To quote your illiterate, uneducated ass.... "she ain't forced to have unprotected sex with the dude. If she does and she gets pretty, that's her fault".

See how stupid you sound now? It takes two people to get pregnant and the law must be applied equally to all people.
I really don't think that is the same thing because she wanted to have the kid. Abortion, as it stands, says the mother has the sole choice in the matter. Anyone else who forces her to have an abortion is killing the fetus. The irony is that if she does it herself then it is considered legal.
Bingo! And everything about that is 100% unconstitutional and illegal. You cannot give the mother full choice over a baby when the father is just as much the parent. And if you make it ok for a woman to have an abortion against the wishes of the man, then you must make it ok for the father to have an abortion against the wishes of the mother. The law has to be applied equally.
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You ain't forced to have unprotected sex wh the chick . If you do and she gets preggy, that's your fault .

And the law is equal . Parents are responsible for the kids they have even if they didn't want them .

But it's not her fault? That's how fucking stupid and hypocritical left wingers are.

Parents are equally responsible but they don't have an equal choice of whether the have them. The woman has the choice and the man has none, yet he's financially responsible.

That's leftwing hypocrisy in a nutshell.
I'm not sure this one is as much left-wing hypocrisy as it is astounding left-wing stupidity. Old Timmy here doesn't even understand that the woman is equally responsible. He thinks that the man gets her magically pregnant and as such, absolves her of all responsibility. I knew that he dropped out of school before government. I had no idea he had dropped out before sex ed.
You ain't forced to have unprotected sex wh the chick . If you do and she gets preggy, that's your fault .

And the law is equal . Parents are responsible for the kids they have even if they didn't want them .

But it's not her fault? That's how fucking stupid and hypocritical left wingers are.

Parents are equally responsible but they don't have an equal choice of whether the have them. The woman has the choice and the man has none, yet he's financially responsible.

That's leftwing hypocrisy in a nutshell.
I'm not sure this one is as much left-wing hypocrisy as it is astounding left-wing stupidity. Old Timmy here doesn't even understand that the woman is equally responsible. He thinks that the man gets her magically pregnant and as such, absolves her of all responsibility. I knew that he dropped out of school before government. I had no idea he had dropped out before sex ed.
Both are long after you dropped out.

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